My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

: 1767 We stress the spirit of contract most

   has opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers can help collect it, and recommend a few!


conquered by you like this……

   Drink the poison you have hidden...

  You are poisonous, you are poisonous, you are poisonous, poisonous...

   This incident caused an uproar among some of Yingjiang’s friends.

   originally said that they would play together, but an accident happened that day.

   It was at noon at the beginning. Several warships sent by the foot basin to participate in the military exercise.

   suddenly said that their warship was malfunctioning.

   In order to avoid major accidents, it is necessary to return to the home port for repairs.

   Then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who said it was a footbath that same day actually planned to talk to them about the military expenses to be turned in next year and the continued use of Yokosuka Naval Port...

   Originally, these issues were discussed year after year and ridiculed year after year, but in the end they could only hold the nose and endure it.

   But I am bringing it up this time today, which is a bit interesting.

   It is necessary to know that the officials in charge of the foreign affairs department are very stupid. After reviewing many rules and regulations, the most feared thing is that the foreigners are angry.

   AIA’s surprise is the thing that makes them the most fearful, but recently they have not known what happened, the bones of these guys suddenly hardened.

   The explanation given by them said that their domestic economic growth is weak and they have not had much money in recent years.

   So I want to reduce a part of this fee, which... really makes it difficult for Big Brother.

   There is also the Southern Kingdom, especially, these guys are even more exaggerated.

  As soon as the front foot of the foot basin walked away, the guys on the back foot said that they were not coming.

   It is said that a few days ago, a large group of Yingjiang soldiers did not abide by the rules and ran to the beach to have a party.

   When the epidemic was serious, they actually did this, completely undermining the local epidemic prevention regulations, which made them feel very shameless.

   At this time, a serious epidemic was used as an excuse to retreat. At this time, Big Brother felt that he was not giving face.

   As for the navy commander of Yingjiang, it is said that he was called back by the headquarters that night.

   went by cargo plane overnight, and didn’t even get a ticket for the station...

   I heard that there was a hearing after returning.

   It is said that during the hearing, a group of lawmakers repeatedly asked whether the situation detected by the plane was true.

   If it is true, are we capable of handling their new aircraft?

   and how did their new plane come?

   In addition, can we resist it? If we can’t carry it, should we build a new plane...

   The reaction this time can be said to be absolutely swift, and even within a few days there was news from Eagle Sauce that the F22 would be retired.

   This is really irritating. You must know that since the birth of the F22, it is known as the most advanced fourth-generation machine.

   So far, although the F22 has many problems, the problem is that there is no other fighter that can compete with this real fourth-generation aircraft.

   That's it, they are like retiring this aircraft. This Nima is simply unmanned!

  Of course, many beautiful national media said that this incident was a shame, but it was actually their effective method.

  What kind of shame, but just want to publicize the threat, and then ask for military expenses.

   They are very proficient with this method!

   If you want to be really ashamed, can they be ashamed when they get confused by a bear?

   The most embarrassing thing was that Teddy Bear penetrated their air defense circle and watched their exercise at close range.

   But this time, they are ashamed!

  The plane not only watched from close range, but even passed from above the flight mother.

   That's a real shame.

   And this time, they just misjudged because of intelligence.

   is just a few big words from the amount.

   Before, they patted their chests and said to the boys, don’t be afraid, the rabbit’s airplane won’t work, it’s just a paper rabbit.

  Everything is under our control. Their plane took off from Heilongjiang, and we can see it on the radar in the South Pacific.

   because their signals are too obvious.

   But it's okay now. People's planes have been driven under their noses for training, but they didn't notice it.

  What a broken radar? Eagle sauce threw the table on the spot!

   I used to blow around with my little brothers, saying that they can’t do it, but in the end, I am a clown!

   Didn’t you even start a conference without seeing others?

  The spokespersons of the other people have said, welcome allies to come and watch...

   This Nima...

   Isn't this sprinkling salt on the wound!

   Please be more serious when you lie, OK...

   Shouldn't you talk about how to make breakthroughs with your aircraft technology?

   How did you get the composite material that could not be solved, and where did the silk laying machine get it?

   Besides, why did your Hangfa suddenly work? How much Weige did you eat for your engine?

   When I think of the past of those rabbits in those years, Yingjiang suddenly feels distressed.

  Think about all these years, I think that others are not good, but they are actually good!

   Is it possible that the rabbit has been letting me all these years?

   When thinking about this, Ying Jiang suddenly felt a little guilty...

  Think about what their pilots said when they came back to report. They wanted to catch up and have a look, but they only saw the chrysanthemums drifting away.

   This makes eagle sauce as disgusting as eating a fly!

   In the past, only others followed their buttocks to eat cigarettes. How could you think that now they are actually following other people’s chrysanthemums?

   This is the more I want and feel uncomfortable...

  Think about how I used to show my muscles in front of others every day. At this time, they couldn't help but rejoice, but fortunately, they restrained and didn't really do anything.

   Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable!

   If you don’t believe me, don’t they also block at the door of Mao Xiong’s house every day?

   Look at him doing bodybuilding every day in front of people's door, but it really annoys Mao Xiong. Mao Xiong really came out carrying a brick.

   They threw a girl right away, running faster than anyone else.

   Actually they know better than anyone else, their tactic is to dart on your shoes, not harmful, but disgusting.

   And a few days after this incident happened, I originally said that I also wanted to come here for a ride with the newly-built Air Mother of the Great Yin Empire.

   suddenly announced that it had stopped in Spain, saying that it was a ‘fault’ with Hang Ma.

   The other is the flying mother fleet of Gaul Chicken, and I originally planned to come here to play a circle.

   When I saw this posture, I suddenly changed my course and said I'm sorry, there was a storm in the ocean over there, so we won't go.

   Then he ran to the Mediterranean to rule the king.

   I didn't expect the Gaul chicken to suffer again this time.

   Their aviation fleet has already reached the door of a certain country in the Middle East, and it was originally intended to show off.

   But this is the pigeon that had prepared everything, but put the eagle sauce on the spot, so I have to give eagle sauce an explanation!

   Well, let's go around the end of the Mediterranean Sea and show someone some color, which is also an explanation for Eagle Sauce.

   But they have forgotten that the naval port of who's family is now the home port of Teddy Bear in the Mediterranean Fleet.

   Although Teddy Bear did not deploy any super-powerful fleet here, he kept a few small warships here.

   As a result, they weren't used to them at all, and they saw the Gaul Chicken warship coming to show off.

   The people directly grew the boat with a small speed, and rushed directly into the middle of the Gallic chicken fleet, and aimed their guns at the Gallic Air Mother.

   The Gauls almost didn't vomit three feet high in a mouthful of old blood...

   Nima, do you want to be so amazing?

   Don't we want face?

   Your special mothers are not authentic, right?

   When you were in trouble, who tightened your belt and lent you the money?

   But it's okay for you. After a revolution in China, Te Niang was unable to repay the debt...

  In other words, the Gaul chicken is really full of resentment towards the bear.

   When the Great Yin Empire was still known as the sun never set.

   Gaul Chicken is actually the second strongest country in the world. Although its strength is not as strong as the Great Yin Empire, it is not much weaker than the Great Yin Empire when it comes to strength.

  The family base is still very solid.

   After the sudden founding of Germany, France got a lot of mouths, so it hit the Germans.

   In order to fight against Germany, they spent a lot of money to win Teddy Bears back then, and they often lend Teddy Bears.

   is definitely asking money for money, and technology for technology.

  Who can think of it, afterwards, Mao Xiong had a serious illness on his own, and then it all depended on Zhang!

   That time, but the Gallic chicken was badly injured, even though it still keeps thinking about it.

   And Mao Xiong is actually full of resentment towards Gaul Chicken.

   In order to make a good deal with the European Union, I saw that you were the leader, so I placed an order for you and ordered several warships.

   But how good are you guys? The warships have been built, but the accounts are wrong.

   I received the money, but the boat didn't give it to me. It was a lot of harm to the bear.

  This account, they have always remembered...

   No one thought that the rabbit's several new planes would cause such a series of chemical reactions in one training session.

   Even in several countries as far away as Europe, some old sesame seeds and rotten grains were found out.

   And the biggest headache here is not only the Gaul chicken, and the eagle sauce.

   There is another country that has a headache. They are completely sitting on the wax.

   That's the little one of that family, it can be said that it is the vanguard of that.

   But now they are stupid, Big Brother seems to be unable to cover it!

   Nei, what should we do?

   That night, they went home in a desperate manner, and then they couldn't get out behind closed doors.

   Even the Congress started a meeting early in the morning the next day, to adjust the policy of that or something.

   For example, they used to restrict capital in certain places ~ ~ they were very strict.

  People want to invest in their ranches, mines, etc. They are the most rigorous reviewers.

   Anyway, money is okay, but I want to invest in those projects, hehe, I'm sorry.

  A single review will be able to verify the old days, and they even set up a foreign investment committee.

   It does not examine other countries, but examines the capital from this country.

   As a result, the review committee was dissolved in the afternoon.

   Then many projects that were stuck in the past were approved on the same day.

   There is also a previous lease of the port contract, which was originally intended to be torn up.

   As a result, there were all such news in their newspapers that night.

what? Tear up the contract? Nothing!

   We are the descendants of Europeans. We are most concerned about the spirit of contract. How can we tear up the contract?

   That is impossible, not before, and never again!

   We welcome the investment of Naha with open arms.

   There is also the recent ore powder, we think the price increase is a bit too much.

  In order to combat the hype of international hot money on iron ore, we absolutely initiated an anti-monopoly investigation on two domestic iron mining giants...

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