My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1769: I'll lie down for respect

   has opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers can help collect it, and recommend a few!


   To say that this port of Dalu, in fact, did not exist before, not even a small village.

   And the reason why Rabbit Country wants to invest in Papua New Guinea recently is because of its geographical location.

   Overlooking the entire South Pacific, you can enjoy fishing in the seas nearby.

   However, Papua New Guinea was originally economically underdeveloped and had a small population, and most of the population was mainly agricultural production.

  I don’t pay much attention to fisheries, let alone developed.

   So I am really hungry while guarding the cornucopia.

   Our country is just the opposite. Although the coastline is relatively long, there is a serious shortage of fish resources.

  Especially in recent years, with the increasing domestic consumption level, the people are paying more and more attention to healthy eating.

   The demand for seafood has also greatly increased. Prior to this, the state issued policies to subsidize major fishing companies for offshore fishing.

   But it’s not easy to do that, we entered the marine civilization too late, and many good locations in the world that are conducive to fishing have been occupied by others.

   Even in some countries, even if you can't finish it or eat it, they won't easily agree to come over and fish.

   Outside some African countries, other places, we are really not easy to find places.

   It’s the fact that Papua New Guinea has made good relations with us, and it has provided us with a good ocean-going cross-country fulcrum.

   This Dalu Port is at the southern end of Papua New Guinea, more than two hundred kilometers south, which is now the mainland of Kangaroo Country.

   This naturally makes the kangaroos feel uncomfortable.

   I want to say that they were in Papua New Guinea and they were still superior.

   After all, this country has just become independent, and it hasn't even been civilized.

   There are no laws, courts, or even decent management institutions in many places.

   So sometimes they have to help with the jurisdiction, sending military police and circuit courts to help deal with things.

   But who would have thought that their status has plummeted in recent years.

   Especially in recent years, Rabbit has invested heavily in infrastructure in Papua New Guinea.

   helped this country, built cities, built roads, and embarked on many big projects.

  Moreover, many businessmen have also begun to go deep into the local area and start a lot of investment.

   After all, there are always shameless pens that smash food, these shameless pens, he is not very good at letting him do business.

   But when talking about making trouble and pulling the hind legs, this gang of **** is one of the two, especially when the handstand is a bit privileged, it is even more...

   licking the ditch every day is the best, but doing business is not shit.

   So in the past few years, our investment in Papua New Guinea was not very smooth.

   But in recent years, the relationship has finally been cleared up, so the investment has been continuously increased.

   The Dalu Port has an advantageous geographical location and the nearby fishery resources are also extremely rich.

   And it’s still stuck in the place where ocean currents meet. The cold water currents from Antarctica and the warm ocean currents near the equator meet each other on the seabed nearby.

   And every time they meet, the cold water will lift the dust on the bottom of the sea and bring it to the surface.

   In this way, a very rich nutrient enrichment layer is formed, so that seawater is very suitable for feeding various aquatic organisms.

   Not to mention fish and shrimps, just say the bastard, there are tens of millions of kinds here, especially the ones that eat inside and outside.

  Of course, the fishing port is not in vain. Rabbit helped PNG also built a lot of new stadiums.

   Another road was built today, and the hospital will be built tomorrow. Anyway, this kind of news is the news of the country of Shu.

   just say it from their mouths, naturally it is yin and yang weird, full of sourness.

   Anyway, as long as the rabbit invests in PNG, they are angry and sour.

   After all, the persecution delusions of these guys are all in the same line.

   And recently the rabbits invested in the construction of a fishing port in Daru, but they squeaked their nests at once.


   Because this Dalu Port is too close to the Rat Land.

   This geographical location is indeed very sensitive, it holds the Torres Strait and is only 200 kilometers away from the rat land.

   This Nima...

  Of course, our investment company also explained the investment.

   "Hehe, don't think too much about the relevant parties, in fact, this is all our company's private behavior."

   "And = the main purpose of our investment in the construction of Dalu Port is to fish."

   "As for whether you believe it or not, we don't care, we all believe it anyway..."

   answered so many times, but the choking old man was speechless for a long time when he smashed the evil pens who liked eating most.

   There is no way, who is the monster from the East Asian monster room?

  You are looking at our traditional big buddies, you are kind of like big brothers!

   Forget it, let's not say more, it is our own loss to say more.

   If you continue to stubbornly at this time, it will be stupid.

   So the wise man naturally knows what to do.

Hey there! Stop making trouble, what about the good investment you said before?

   Come on, didn’t you have a fancy to some of my ranch?

   It’s good to discuss, please come, I will get it for you.

   You said Argentina, and Mongolia is cheaper than ours?

   What, you are still in a neighboring country to the west, and you rented land and set up a ranch?

Hey there! Don't tell me, how can their land have good conditions like ours?

   Uh, yes, people are all prairie, but we are too!

what? Is it not as dry as ours? Better transportation conditions than ours?

   Don’t worry, I’ll dig a lake for you, and then build a special-track railway that goes straight to the pier. Can’t it work?

what? Do you dislike our workers who love to make troubles, are lazy, and are not willing to work?

   How about... Do you think it is okay? This time we agree that you can have a certain percentage of workers from the mainland. Do you think it is okay?

   This is really our last bottom line. If you bring too many people in, it is not easy for us to explain...

   What, do you want to invest in other companies?

   eh, this is a good discussion, I know, don’t worry, we have many exploration rights in the Pilbara area that haven’t been sold yet.

   As long as the price is right there, you can buy whatever you want, we will go green all the way...

   Anyway, it only took more than ten days. These guys who see the wind and make the rudder cannot lie down, and they can’t be lowered even if they put their posture down.

   What a solution, after all, no one will have trouble with money.

  Before, for some reason, they lost too much market.

   But what did you get?

   First, people don’t want lobsters, people don’t buy red wine, and people buy oranges.

   Then there were beef, coke, wood, and oats. They were all Nissan’s business, but they were all gone.

  The agricultural voters in the country are already very dissatisfied.

   But what makes people even more irritating is that instead of buying theirs, they turned around and bought eagle sauce.

   This caused an undercurrent in their country, and there were people who said anything.

  Many domestic media have scolded the world. The main reason is that there is no reason to bite your hand?

   It's alright now, they don't play with them anymore, instead they buy things with their lead brother.

   Brother, what do you mean?

   You said you let me be a pioneer, but you think of me as a naive one?

   Before, you talked about the loss inside the wall and the repair outside the wall.

   But now it's good, the price is raised to almost four times the previous.

   But now people prohibit the import of iron ore, especially ours.

   The ships that used to transport iron ore powder were all on the way, but halfway through, they called them back.

   In fact, people are not lacking in iron, and their own infrastructure is sufficient.

If    is really lacking, it will be enough to survive on its own without exporting crude iron.

   What's more, people can also import large amounts of scrap iron from the world.

   In the past, people thought that scrap iron was not easy to handle and the cost was high.

   But now you have raised the price of iron ore so high, which is several times higher than the price of recycled scrap iron. As long as someone with a normal mind wants our iron ore?

   So, big man, it's not that the little brother is not authentic.

   is really a head iron, it has already smashed me to the head, so I take a step back, goodbye to you...

   Besides, you are not authentic, big brother!

   I said before that this rabbit is not good, and that is not good either.

   Anyway, we all believed what you said.

   But now people have dumped us out of sight.

   How do you still make me believe you?

   So forget it!

   As long as I lie down fast, the rabbit's bricks won't be able to photograph me.

   Dear friends, what do you like, I’ll lie down for respect first...

   After all, no one is stupid. The most important thing is that if someone builds Dalu Port to fish, we can't do fisheries in the South Pacific!

   I used to say that in the South Pacific, a large area is covered by the high seas, and the territories, because of the longest land coastline, have the most control over the surrounding waters.

   So naturally it is also the largest fishing country, but for the vast ocean, such a sea is still too big for them.

   Therefore, the fishing companies that used to belong to the territories cannot catch the rain every year.

   Except for a small part for self-consumption, a large amount is used for export.

   Who are the main exporters of their exports, that is, the three countries of East Asia.

   After all, other countries in the world are not short of fish.

  For example, their most famous big For locals, you can get it for dozens of dollars.

   But when you get it in Northeast Asia, you can buy it for several thousand yuan.

   The profit here can be imagined.

   This business used to be exclusive to them, but now people bypass them directly and come to this sea area to fish.

  This makes them unbearable, because it will seriously affect their business.

   People used to spend money to buy it, but now they build their own port, but they don’t buy it anymore. You say how they can stand it.

  Moreover, there is one more competitor in the nearby waters. In the past, fish could not be caught or eaten.

   This is good, this opponent is the most in demand.

   What if they want to fish?

   But although you are worried, there is nothing you can do!

   After all, they rented Port Dalu, and Papua New Guinea also has the right to fish in the waters in this area. They transferred it to other countries, and the rat land can only be stared.

   was originally regarded as an ocean in the back garden of his home, but now suddenly there is a competitor.

   And people are fishing on the high seas, you can't control it, you can only stare at it, you say you are heartbroken?


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