I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!

There was a little brother over there who was softened first, and then other countries followed suit.

After all, the appearance of the rabbit's new aircraft shocked the audience, which broke many curses.

In the past, everyone acted together with Big Brother, but for many people, it was not their intention.

However, you can't twist your thighs with your arms!

Just say that those movies made in Hollywood are the heroes of Eagle Sauce saving the earth every day.

What is the headquarters of the Avengers, Du Te Niang is located on the site of Rice.

And in those Yingjiang movies, it is even more brainwashing for the big guys every day, making everyone think that Yingjiang is invincible, and it has become the norm.

Especially in the past few decades, Eagle Sauce has fought several wars, and all of them have won in the form of crushing.

This makes everyone even more afraid to disobey the meaning of Eagle Sauce easily, especially those younger brothers who are used to following Eagle Sauce.

Of course, if you want to say that they are willing to follow along, that's certainly not the case.

You are like a footbasin, in fact, you always have some careful thoughts of your own.

In the last century, the economic strength of the foot basin, but once had to catch up with Yingjiang.

At that time, the foot basin was really brilliant. In the field of electronic semiconductors, they have even formed a momentum of catching up with Yingjiang.

You just talk about computers, the memory r is from Toshiba and Panasonic n.

The hard drives are manufactured by Toshiba and Panasonic, not to mention the chips, Canon, and Nikon.

Even lithography machines can be built by themselves.

Needless to say about other machine tools, automobiles, and so on. The foot basin is in the field of consumer electronics. It can be said that it once swept the world at that time.

The veteran industries of Eagle Sauce can be said to have been smashed by the foot basin.

At that time, if it continued to develop at that momentum, it would really be a matter of time before the foot basin surpassed the eagle sauce.

But who would have thought that Yingjiang was forced to look impatient, and immediately lifted the table.

United with Germany, the British Empire and other European and American powers, forced Japan to sign a plaza agreement.

This time, the foot basin was vomiting and diarrhea.

So based on this, if you say that Japan will be convinced by Yingjiang, it is definitely impossible.

Which one of France, Germany, Sweden did not do the smuggling of machine tools to the former Soviet Union? Why do we punish us?

And for other countries, just turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye?

What's more, after Yingjiang changed hands, he supported a southern kingdom next to Japan that made them disgusting?

And in recent decades, Eagle Soy has given Japan what it takes.

Today we are going to increase the military expenditure of the US troops stationed in Japan. Tomorrow we will let you buy their aircraft and warships. The day after tomorrow, we will say that our beef is exported. Have you given some?

Anyway, every day is to come to the free card oil, you have to say that Japan really has no grievances, how can it be?

But what about grievances?

Who makes Yingjiang the world's leader!

No. 1 in the world for so many years is no joke.

In addition to financial hegemony, the most daunting thing is the military hegemony and technological hegemony of others.

So even though the footbass was dissatisfied at that time, he could only swallow his anger, after all, people had to bow their heads under the eaves!

Even last year, the Yokosuka Naval Port caused a shocking explosion due to the improper operation of Eagle Sauce.

Even the port of Tokyo Bay was severely affected, and the foot basin could only whimper helplessly, and then endured it.

But Shinobu Shinobu, people can prepare a small book secretly.

Everyone remembers it, huh, now you are all happy.

But in the future, if you eat ours, you all have to spit it out to me

This is their urine.

And now, it finally makes the foot basin feel hopeful.

Although there were grievances in the past, why did you still want to follow Eagle Sauce with all your heart?

They dare not resist!

But now, especially in the past two years, the neighbors next to them have suddenly recovered.

There is even a momentum of rapid rise.

In the past few decades, this country can be said to have been focusing on development and accumulation of vitality.

But in the last two years, this country seems to have experienced a blowout!

First, a major breakthrough was made in the field of biopharmaceuticals, and then a great **** who relied on biological organ replication technology to open up a new world in the medical field emerged.

Then this year, this special mother didn't know what medicine she took, and she had another major breakthrough in the military field.

Just say that the plane they built a few days ago broke the Yingjiang technical blockade silently.

Their plane is said to have dumped 22 face-spitting stars

Although it was only a rumor, and everyone had no chance to see it in person, after all, someone took a video of their aircraft training.

This Nima is unprecedented!

What's even more unprecedented is that Ying Jiang did not respond in the first place, did not make a statement, but secretly retreated.

What does this show?

As long as you are not stupid, you will understand. It should be a dumb loss.

At this time, the foot basin feels that if you don't do something, it's really silly.

So after two or three days, they sent a huge business delegation to Rabbit Country.

Unlike the past, the delegation they sent this time is extremely large.

There are more than 700 people, and almost all of the members of the delegation are made up of pro-rabbit factions.

In the past few years, these people were very low-key in the footbass, because they did not dare to speak, and if they did, they would be stoned at home.

But now it's different, they are finally exasperated.

The first thing after coming here is to revisit the deeds of friendly nation building that year.

Then it looked forward to the future. In the end, it was the Japanese who first proposed to join hands and develop together.

There was even a rumbling that after a while, after they go back, they will re-adjust their direction.

For example, textbooks and shrines, etc., will not be visited again in the future.

It is even possible to apologize for the mistakes made in the past, and even compensations are easy to discuss.

Of course these are all subtexts, and the only purpose that allows them to do this is one.

That's Brother Rabbit, you have to grow up according to everyone's expectations, but don't be half-hearted.

Of course, they just showed their mouths, and didn't say it directly.

And the other side's statement like this can be said to have surprised us here too, this group of guys has changed their sex!

But when I think about it, I understand it, the main thing is that it’s cunning enough.

Start betting on both sides early, and then become a swing pie

But this is good, at least when we implement certain plans in the future, there will be a lot less resistance.

Haha, but do you think those lumps between us can be passed by just a few good words?

Then it will depend on your performance!

It can be said that the international development this time has surprised us at the summit.

It was originally just a tentative tactical maneuver, who would have thought it would cause such an uproar in the international arena.

This is equivalent to piercing the illusion of invincibility that Eagle Sauce has promoted for so many years!

And it's still in the area they are best at, which we didn't expect.

It seems that what the ancients said is really right!

Fight with one punch to avoid a hundred punches!

In the past few years, people have always flaunted their might, but this time our action is a violent counterattack, and the international community has also seen our strength.

This is the advantage of a hard fist!

On the other hand, it seems that the world is suffering for a long time!

Although everyone was dissatisfied with some people for a long time, because of their big fists, they could only hold back their words before.

But now that someone who can be the size of a fist popped up, other people's minds became energized.

It seems that nothing will be better in the future. Increase investment in national defense. This benefit is still great.

As for the opinions of the upper level, Xiao Feng and Xinghuo Technology don't know much about it.

It's just that in the recent period, a lot of news has appeared on major domestic news websites, and everyone who saw it was surprised.

That is the business delegation from Japan this time. After visiting the country, they are very satisfied with the domestic business environment.

And has reached cooperation intentions with many places in China.

It is planned to continue to increase investment in the rabbit country in the next five years.

For example, in several key cities that have already cooperated, they plan to continue to increase capital and build factories.

It even plans to open up the technology that was previously unwilling to get to the country of Rabbit. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

For example, Toyota's high-end brand, Lexus, which never came to Tuguo to invest and build a factory before was killed.

Recently, I plan to come to Rabbit Country to invest and build a factory. Although I used to go to India for a round, but recently.

Toyota also clearly feels that their position in the country of rabbits has been severely challenged.

In the past, they could rely on marketing and ignore such challenges.

But now, if they are so arrogant, they are likely to be finished in a few years.

There are also some factories that have planned to retreat to Southeast Asia before, but they do not plan to move this time.

Not only does it not move, but even plans to continue to increase capital and expand.

For example, they originally planned to move to the Canon and Nikon factories in Southeast Asia.

I didn't move this time, and those who settled in Sioux City will continue to keep them.

Even this year they plan to open two lens grinding factories in Spring City.

I plan to expand cooperation with the Institute of Optics and Mechanical Engineering in Spring City, and even have a lively discussion with the Institute of Optics and Mechanics on the production of lithography machines.

After the discussion was completed, 10 billion was directly invested in Spring City and invested in building a factory.

It's so happy, it's beyond everyone's expectations.

You must know that in the past, the Japanese were very cunning, and they were always the ones who did not see rabbits and scatter eagles.

Moreover, when it comes to investing and building factories in China, that is also the owner who only takes advantage and does not suffer, but now their attitude has changed.

No one knows why.

But Xiao Feng still knows the whole story

I also have to admire the business sense of these Japanese people, it really is not ordinary sensitive!

And I have to say that these Japanese devils are really smart enough, and the reaction is really fast.

It seems that they only did enough homework before coming to our site this time.

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