I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


Many people may feel unbelievable.

Many people will even say, how is this possible?

You know these car companies, they are well-known veterans of traditional car companies, how can they be inferior to those bullying Internet car companies?

That's right, if you talk about making traditional fuel vehicles, these Internet car companies, even if you give them 20 years, they can't catch up with these traditional car companies.

But if you talk about building a hybrid car, or an electric car, then this is another track entirely.

If you want to build such a car, let’s say nothing else, the first very important issue is the setting of the electronic control software.

Many people may not understand, is the electronic control system really so important?

Yes, it is really important. This electronic control system can be said to be the brain of an electric car or a hybrid car.

If it is a hybrid vehicle, the current mainstream trend is an extended-range electric vehicle.

For extended-range electric vehicles, your system must have the following capabilities.

For example, when how much electric energy is left, your engine needs to start and intervene, and then whether the engine is connected in series or in parallel.

How to use the engine can save fuel and maximize the power.

Is it to charge the car battery, or directly supply power to the drive motor, or both.

Even while supplying power, how does the engine intervene and how to match the drive motor to provide power to the car.

When the car is at what speed, turn on the air conditioner and how to output the battery.

In winter, when the car is heated, it should be heated by the engine or by the electric motor.

After waiting for a series of questions, there are always thousands of different scenarios.

And these problems are all controlled and solved by the on-board computer ECU.

At this time, the importance of your system design is reflected.

Is your system designed well, smooth or not, automatic switching among various application scenarios, whether it is smart and smooth, whether it will freeze, and so on.

All these have to test the technical foundation of software programming engineers.

And this is the main reason why Japanese car companies will be the first to fall in this regard.

As we all know, after entering the era of intelligence, Japanese companies have fallen behind in software.

Although they still have a certain strength in industrial software, they have been left behind in intelligent software, especially the recently emerging artificial intelligence AI.

As for the traditional old car companies in Europe, they are no better than Japanese car companies.

They did not pay much attention to large-scale social network media before, so there were not many well-known Internet companies born.

As for the later artificial intelligence AI, they also don't have many well-known companies.

There are not too many talents in reserve, so this has caused the current situation.

When they were about to build electric cars, they suddenly discovered that they did not have enough talents in the field of software engineers.

Especially when building such highly intelligent software.

The first thing you need is a programming engineer, preferably a programming engineer with large-scale social media work experience.

Because such an engineer can quickly capture the pain points of consumers, and then solve the problems based on the pain points of consumers.

As for the engineers of automobile intelligent control program, the nature of their work is actually the same.

They must first capture the driver’s pain points, and then redesign and solve the problem based on the driver’s feedback.

For these established European car companies, they don't have such Internet thinking.

In the era of traditional fuel vehicles, their design philosophy is just that.

What kind of car I design, you consumers buy what kind of car, and then you adjust your own driving habits to adapt to Laozi's car.

Do you want Lao Tzu to make adjustments for you?

Haha, it's not impossible, but you have to wait for the mid-term change in three to five years.

Or wait until we have a brand new replacement model.

This is exactly the main problem faced by European veteran car companies when designing electric vehicles and hybrid new energy vehicles.

They are not flexible at all, and even somewhat conservative and stubborn.

So their electronic control system can only be described as unsatisfactory.

In the past, BMW had a certain 5-series hybrid model, and that car can be said to have pitted the owners of the car to death.

A large group of silly forks who buy cars for the brand think that BMW's hybrid cars can't be more reliable than those new Internet car-making forces in China.

As a result, after buying it for a year, there were a lot of problems.

The on-board computer freezes and crashes frequently, and even when the car is driving, the screen suddenly goes black.

There is also a spontaneous combustion due to uneven charging during charging...

Then, just after the one-year warranty period, the battery is directly broken, and then it will cost hundreds of thousands to replace a battery and assembly.

You know that the whole car was bought for only more than three hundred thousand...

In the end, many car owners can only drive this car as a fuel car. As a result, carrying a few hundred kilograms of batteries and motors on their backs, the fuel consumption is naturally quite touching.

After that time, many car owners are no longer superstitious about BBA and Volkswagen.

As for the first batch of owners of the 5 Series, they were divided into two batches.

If you have money, you can directly deal with the car at a low price, and then change to a future or mileage to enjoy the Internet high-end electric car.

As for those who don’t have money, they can only bite the bullet and pay for the vanity of the love of the year...

It is precisely because of the participation of these car owners that the three major new Internet car-making forces in China have more than four thousand transactions every month.

It is precisely because there are lessons from the past of which BMW models, so that domestic consumers have a deeper understanding of these foreign brands in the field of new energy.

Indeed, these European and American car companies may indeed have their technical advantages in terms of traditional fuel vehicles.

But once they switch to a hybrid or electric new energy track, they shouldn't worry about it.

And it doesn't matter whether it's a special mother's BMW or a Mercedes-Benz, you say this group of conscience.

The launch of an electric car, no matter what aspect of its performance, is no higher than that of domestic new energy vehicles.

You can even say that an important factor of electric vehicles, in terms of cruising range, they can't do BYD or the three new Internet car-making forces.

But they actually have a face, dare to buy their own car for 400,000 to start, and 1 million for the top.

Who do you say gave them the courage?

You know that in the electric car track, everyone starts from the same starting point.

They are thinking about what kind of luxury cars they used to hold, but no one will give them face at all.

Just say that BBA cars, in the field of traditional fuel vehicles, why their cars can easily sell for 700,800,000, more than 1 million?

That's because their high-end cars are equipped with six-cylinder or even eight-cylinder engines.

And such high-horsepower engines and their high-end transmissions are indeed something that our domestic car companies can't make.

So their cars are expensive, which is understandable.

But it's the age of electric vehicles. Everyone installs the same drive motor, and even they use brushed motors.

And we have used brushless motors a long time ago, and their battery capacity is not as good as ours, and the charging speed is still not as good as ours.

In addition, the cruising range is also not as good as ours. You said that their cars still dare to sell so expensive. Isn't this a court death?

Which consumer is willing to pay for them?

Not to mention selling four to five million, one million, but buying tens of thousands of more expensive than domestic new energy vehicles, everyone is unwilling to pay for them.

After all, in the era of electric cars, they still want to sell them several times more expensive based on the car's label and collect the IQ tax.

That's impossible!

No matter how vain domestic consumers are, no one wants to be stupid enough to pay for such **** products!

The previous BMW's hybrid model ~www.readwn.com~ has actually smashed the face of BBA.

So for these traditional car companies, the current period of time is precisely the best time they can enjoy in the afterglow of the day.

Once a domestic car, or Tesla, can make a major breakthrough in terms of cruising range and charging.

Those waiting for these traditional car companies will surely be defeated by the impact.

Of course, maybe they can rely on the solid family base they have accumulated before, forcibly transforming, and also changing the track to enter the field of electric energy vehicles.

In the beginning, they were able to keep up with the mainstream echelon.

But as time gets longer and longer, they are destined to be eliminated.

Many people may think this is a bit exaggerated.

But this is the fact.

Until now, Tesla will not say anything.

Just talk about the new domestic forces that build cars on the Internet.

In terms of the future and ideals, there is Xiaopeng. Several of them have established their own technical barriers in the field of electric vehicles or extended-range electric vehicles.

And in our country, there are the best battery companies, with the integration capabilities of these car companies.

How come you latecomers are so easy to catch up?

Back then, how did you group of European car companies catch our necks?

Don't worry, we will definitely get stuck back then.

Just say that now Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Volkswagen have all begun to develop new energy electric vehicles.

But for one thing, their electronic control system hasn't figured out yet. Secondly, you can go to Europe.

Is there a decent lithium battery manufacturer?

Moreover, when European cars enter electric vehicles, there is still a most critical conception dispute, and if this is not changed, it will also be destined to lead to their failure.

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