My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1792: Ideological controversy

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


Many people may not understand, what is the concept that is so serious?

In the final analysis, it is the personal design that the established European manufacturers set up for themselves in the early years, and it is difficult to get rid of it at this time!

In fact, the origin of modern cars was indeed invented first in Germany.

But the real promotion of cars as a means of transportation is eagle sauce.

Starting with the Model T created by Ford in the last century, cars, as ordinary means of transportation, began to truly enter thousands of households.

In Germany at that time, diesel cars and trucks were mainly developed in the automotive field.

In Germany or Europe before World War II, only wealthy families could afford and use cars.

At that time, many ordinary families in the US could actually afford cars.

The real modern car started and prospered, it should have started after World War II.

After World War II, Germany and France began to put a lot of energy on the development of family cars.

But at that time, it was the United States that was far ahead in the automotive field.

Americans have begun to use the automatic Cadillac, while Europeans can only import American Ford.

At that time, in order to allow European consumers to buy European cars.

These European car companies have to create a gimmick, so there is a saying that driving is fun.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it means differentiated competition. Put a label on yourself. If you can't make an automatic transmission, you can describe the manual transmission as driving pleasure.

At that time, American cars were already popular with AT transmissions and 8-cylinder engines.

The European cars are still dominated by the German Volkswagen Beetle and French Renault small cars.

Compared with the American car, it is really small and shabby.

The American cars at that time were the perfect models of high-end luxury cars in Europe.

Even the earliest racing cars in Europe started off with a high-horsepower engine imitating the Ford Mustang.

As for the German BBA, they were all imported luxury cars such as Cadillac from the United States, and then began to imitate them.

However, proud Europeans will definitely not admit it publicly, and then in order to brainwash their own consumers, they especially emphasize the **** sayings of the unity of people and cars and driving pleasure.

The real opportunity for the rise of European cars is the Middle East oil crisis in the 1970s.

Because of the several Middle East wars, oil prices have soared, and the fuel consumption of large-displacement American cars is too high.

This has led to most of the markets they go to, and even the domestic market has been invaded by Japanese cars.

Not to mention Europe, and the manual transmission was slightly more fuel-efficient than the automatic transmission at that time, so the so-called driving pleasure of Europeans became more popular for a while.

And their so-called car culture and brainwashing of cars have even spread to the country.

Even around the year 2000, there were still a large number of people in China. I would like to drive a manual transmission car.

I like the fun of combining people and vehicles when shifting gears.

In fact, the special manual transmission has a **** fun, the reason why the manual transmission is turned on, isn’t it because everyone is poor?

If you really buy a manual transmission can bring you the so-called driving pleasure, then why so far, the manual transmission has almost been eliminated.

Except for some low-end models with 350,000 to 50,000, even those with more than 50,000, have rarely seen manual transmission.

Even in Europe, which boasts about driving pleasure every day, it is rare to see manual transmission models.

Why is this again?

Because no matter how you emphasize the fun of driving, you can’t change it. The car is just the ultimate fact of transportation!

So since it is a tool, when people use a tool, they tend to be more convenient in nature.

In other words, the simpler and easier the tool is, the more people will like it.

So this is the main reason why automatic transmission will eliminate manual transmission.

And in the change back to the concept of electric vehicle design.

Unlike the old traditional fuel car companies, such as Tesla and the new powers of the Internet to build cars.

From the moment they entered the game, they directly returned to their origins, and directly regarded the car as a means of transportation, or just a carrier.

So although they will also learn the tuning of the chassis in order to make the car feel high-end.

But it will never be based on the so-called driving pleasure to design a car.

On the contrary, in order to highlight their own characteristics, they will instead emphasize that the car is just a means of transportation when designing.

Since it is a means of transportation, it is necessary to emphasize the comfort and convenience of the car.

Thus was the birth of autonomous driving technology, because autonomous driving can free the hands of the driver and provide greater convenience to the drivers and passengers.

It can greatly save the driver's time and help them save energy and energy.

But this is precisely the point that European car companies resist most.

Because they established their name at the beginning, the reason why they can stand in the automobile industry and make their own reputation and characteristics is that they can stand firm by constantly emphasizing the joy of driving.

So even now, European cars are the spokespersons of performance and driving pleasure.

But now you let them abandon their original human settings and also engage in autonomous driving.

The driver doesn’t need to touch the steering wheel anymore, so there is still some fun of driving?

This is equivalent to letting them perform a self-castration and tearing off their labels.

This is unacceptable by European car companies anyway.

So we can see that even the current BMW has launched an electric car of the I series.

But in the advertisement, it still emphasizes the fun of driving shit.

This shows that they are already philosophical, and they have gone crazy.

In addition, we can look at the performance of their I series.

Just say an entry-level I3, 0-100 acceleration, 7.2 seconds, cruising range can reach an ‘amazing’ 160 kilometers.

Just such a few models, they actually have to sell for 300,000...

Nima, let alone BYD for such data, that is, any Internet car company in China can kill it in seconds, and even rub it on the ground.

To be honest, even the works of those black workshops that make old man music in China, adding two large batteries can kill him in seconds.

Although they also have I4, I8, and other models with better data.

However, these models can basically be parallel with the car data of domestic Internet car companies in terms of data, but their prices are several times that of our electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles.

In this way, we can see the embarrassment of these traditional car companies in terms of transformation.

Not only them, Mercedes-Benz is also facing the same problem.

Once switched to electric vehicles and hybrid models, their technical advantages no longer exist.

But they still want to emphasize their so-called luxurious tone, which is a bit embarrassing, but it is themselves that is discredited.

Since their luxurious attributes no longer exist, they still want to collect IQ tax on the car label as before, which is a bit unreasonable.

Because people who buy such a car don’t care whether you are luxurious or not. Consumers only care about whether you are convenient or not.

And in this way, the century-old personality they built will collapse.

Can't buy at a high price, how does this fit the tonality of Mercedes-Benz?

As for Audi, hehe, he is still making money on traditional fuel vehicles.

Let them transform into new energy? Well, wait a few years!

But in this respect, there is still a certain degree of strength, and only the other two Japanese car companies are competing with domestic car companies.

One is Honda, and the other is Nissan.

Now the Japanese Big Three, Toyota has basically given up treatment.

They want to stick to the main position of their hydrogen energy vehicles. In the field of electric and hybrid vehicles, they do not plan to spend money.

Honda has been deeply involved in the field of hybrid vehicles for several In recent years, they have made a lot of money by relying on the licensing of new energy vehicles in many cities in China.

Especially for their CR-V hybrid models, the sales volume of their purchases has soared.

However, it is precisely because the money is so easy to make that they are somewhat inadequate in terms of subsequent technical investment.

It may also be that domestic new energy vehicles have not been put in the eyes before.

Until the last one or two years, the entry of new domestic Internet car-making forces did not alarm them.

Because of pride and arrogance, they look down on these car companies.

Even in their opinion, the only thing that can threaten their status is BYD.

Nissan, another Japanese car company, actually has its own unique skills in the field of hybrid vehicles.

And their technology is actually very similar to Honda's I-MMD.

Even five years ago, in Japan, it was an extended-range electric car called NOTE from Nissan that pulled the Toyota Prius from the top position of hybrid vehicles.

However, Nissan also made a mistake, that is, it has not increased its investment in the research and development of hybrid models for many years.

It wasn't until recent years that they saw the domestic new energy market gradually become hot, and they planned to bring this old E-POWER technology to the country this year.

In fact, the essence of this technology is similar to Honda's I-MMD, and its performance is almost the same.

However, if they only want to rely on this set of technology to wipe oil in the domestic market, they are destined to have no good fruits in the future.

The reason is simple. The DM-I technology of BYD has come out, and now it is just insufficient production capacity.

One is that they do not have the burden of European cars, and the other is that they have more or less hybrid technologies...

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