I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


In fact, since the beginning of five years, the Southern Kingdom has taken the lead in gradually shifting factories from our side.

Anyway, due to high labor costs and increased costs, they gradually moved their factories to Southeast Asia.

This is mainly because we feel the pressure of our domestic enterprises to learn and catch up.

I feel that I have the technology of pressing the bottom of the box in my hand, and I am putting it here, but I am afraid that it will all be taken away by us.

Therefore, a large number of factories have been transferred to Southeast Asia, among which South Vietnam has accepted the most.

In the early years, it was exposed internationally that Sansang, Hynix, and Micron and other companies jointly increased the price of DRAM.

These guys have made a lot of money by relying on the monopoly of memory sticks and memory particles.

In recent years, the Southern Dynasties are also one of the few countries in the world that trades with us, but maintains a surplus.

It can even be said that the Southern Dynasties have taken off in the past 30 years, and we have provided them with impetus.

But they are indeed not friendly in some aspects.

If it was before, we really can't do anything with them.

Because many of their products really have no substitutes.

For example, their DRAM, hard drives, and LCD screens.

The other is the welding robot of their LNG ship. We are also weak in this area.

As well as some Invar steel parts used on LNG ships, many of us also need to import from them.

In these areas, our technology is indeed very weak and cannot be separated from their supply.

But now the situation has begun to gradually reverse.

The first is that we are finishing this area. Because there are Xinghuo technology machine tools to improve our craftsmanship, we have gradually caught up with the finishing aspect.

The second is the carbon nanotube chip announced by H Company some time ago. DRAM, which the Southern Kingdom has always been proud of, also feels a bit unreliable.

If one day H Company really announces a breakthrough in hard disk and DRAM, that is when their DRAM products are eliminated.

However, considering that the relationship between the two countries has not been salty or indifferent in the past few years, the Southern Kingdom has never been able to wipe away face and visit the country of Rabbit.

But this time Japan actually set an example and sent such a large business delegation.

Even in the content of the later public negotiations, what surprised the people of Southern Dynasties even more.

The Japanese actually took the original automatic transmission technology, which had been under the bottom of the box, to the country of rabbits to produce it.

Even Lexus, which has not been made in China for 10,000 years, has recently reported that it is going to build a joint venture factory in Tuguo.

The other is the machine tool that the Japanese have always guarded against rabbits. Recently, I heard that FANUC will increase capital to build a factory in the country of rabbits.

Also take the most advanced technology, this...

If it weren't for knowing how the Japanese were, the people of the Southern Dynasties would really wonder if the sun was coming out of the West.

The series of Japanese masterpieces also made the people of Southern Dynasties suddenly realize that the rabbit must have made major breakthroughs in many fields.

So the Japanese are here to make arrangements in advance.

Before thinking about it, Toyota actually said that it would cooperate with BYD, and even focus on being a labeling factory in the future. This...

A series of actions of the Japanese made the Southern Kingdom feel unsure.

Because based on their knowledge of the Japanese, these guys are the best at making use of the information gap.

Seeing the Japanese behave like this, this should confirm their guess.

That is, the people of H country have really made a major breakthrough in the previously restricted core technology field.

Think about the planes that the Rabbit Country trained in the south a few days ago.

I heard that the aircraft has made a major breakthrough in aviation development, and its performance is not comparable to the F-119 used in the F22.

They even received some news. It is said that Yingjiang actually plans to abandon the F22 and plans to directly mass-produce the F35 in the future.

I don't even have much confidence in the F35. It is said that Eagle Sauce has been holding big moves in the past two days.

Anyway, it is in the Air Force, in the plane of the aircraft, as the founding country of the aircraft, how can it be unwilling to be compared.


People in Southern Dynasties naturally feel unhappy as they think about it.

Because of their information collector stationed in the rabbit country, within a few days there was a news that made them stare.

Canon actually said that a certain amount of vacuum evaporation machine production capacity will be squeezed out next year and left to JDF of Tuguo!


You must know that in the past, Sansang and LG of the Southern Kingdom were definitely two unshakable giants in the LCD market.

Because they bet on the success of the LED display strategy in the early years, they successfully KOed their old rival Sharp and became the dominant player in the LCD field.

Later, the OLED and AMOLED technologies that appeared in this industry were led by these two companies.

It can be said that they are the two dominant giants leading the advancement of LCD screens.

The reason why they have been able to maintain such a strong in this field is also inseparable from Canon's support.

After all, the vacuum evaporation machine produced by Canon is in this field, which is equivalent to the hard currency as sought-after as the lithography machine produced by Asim.

More than a dozen units are produced every year, each with a price of hundreds of millions of dollars.

And the annual output is almost all rounded up by Sansang and LG.

Even local Japanese companies have no chance to buy and use such equipment.


In the first two years, the Japanese deliberately made a bad one and let JDF miss one. This allowed the company to make a major technological breakthrough.

Now this company occupies the low-end market in the LCD field.

But in the middle and high-end market, that company can be said to have no chance at all.

But now the Japanese actually say that they want to squeeze out production capacity for this company. This is clearly for Sansan and LG!

The two companies immediately felt full of malice.

Originally, after the Tuguo made major technological breakthroughs in many key areas, there were not many areas in which the Southern Kingdom was able to maintain its lead.

If you lose the market for LCD monitors, then the Southern Kingdom will really be over.

The original Southern Dynasties’ cars were still possible, but in the face of the coming era of electric vehicles, the Southern Dynasties actually didn’t have much preparation.

Originally, they also have considerable technical advantages in the field of power batteries.

But in the past two years, some companies in the country of Rabbit didn’t know what was going on, as if they had taken an aphrodisiac.

One by one, the battery technology is advancing by leaps and bounds. Today, one said that they will produce a blade battery, and the other one will say that they will produce a magazine battery tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow, the other said that he had created a sodium battery, anyway, breakthroughs in special technologies are endless.

Both Sansang and LG are very awkward, so how can they be done? Who makes the chasing soldiers in the country of Rabbit be too ferocious?

So after thinking about it, especially after seeing the Japanese business delegation returning with a full load, the Southern Dynasties also immediately sent its own delegation.

It is also a large business team, and the purpose of this visit to Rabbit Country is also very simple.

On the one hand, it is necessary to find out the reality of the technology of the rabbit country, on the other hand, if after understanding the reality of others, it is necessary to start cooperation again.

After all, people in Japan can put their attitude so low, what can't we do?

Moreover, it can be said that the situation in the world is changing very strangely. You are like their big brother.

A few days ago, I was still blazing, and in the country, I started printing a lot of money with the banknote printing machine.

As usual, as long as they turn on the printing press, they will be able to get out of the crisis very quickly.

But no one thought that the tricks they used to this time would not work.

The money printing machine has only been on for two months. As a result, their domestic public data showed that their CPI has reached 5% in the first two days.

Set a new high in 13 years. What does this show?

This shows that their previous method of using the money printing machine to harvest the world is actually not working this time.

This time, they are the first to suffer, because their domestic inflation has begun.

The reason for this is that this time, some countries did not start the money printing machine synchronously with Yingjiang's pace, and did not follow the water supply.

Even when Yingjiang was printing money, this guy's currency actually went up.

At this time, the main reason for the failure of the Eagle Sauce inflation export.

And this also made the Southern Dynasty see the weakness of Big Brother, the Big Brother who had tried everything in the past, this time it seems a bit unable to withstand it!

No wonder the Japanese jumped out the first time!

So why are we still hesitating, come on...

So a few days later, the delegation of the Southern Dynasties also came.

What follows is good news for all those in the electronics industry.

That is the memory and hard disk, suddenly began to cut prices across the board.

Originally every year when the peak demand season came, the factories of Sansang or Hynix in the Southern Dynasty would always have problems of one kind or another.

Either today’s earthquake, or tomorrow’s employees’ strike, or power outages and floods.

Anyway, if there is a problem, the price of these products will increase.

But this time, several companies in the Southern Dynasties actually performed a reverse operation and started to cut prices.

Even before the delegation of the Southern Dynasties set off, their giant companies announced one after another.

They want to increase capital and expand production in Rabbit Country~www.readwn.com~ The factories that were originally closed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Eastern Guangdong will be reopened this time, and they will also increase their recruitment.

Of course, the reason people say is because the rabbit country’s economy has grown rapidly in recent years, and the demand for consumer electronic products has soared, which led to their main demand for expansion.

In addition, the international epidemic is fierce, and many areas are under-employed, which is the main reason why they put production back to the country of rabbits.

And this time they are also not hiding it, and plan to use their latest generation technology in Rabbit Country.

For DRAM, they plan to take over the 128-layer stacking technology at the bottom of the press box.

You must know that the most high-end DRAM in the past was only produced in domestic factories.

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