My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1817: One hundred and eighty degree turn

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


To say that this behavior is indeed something.

But you have to look at it from another angle, this is indeed what they are better than us.

Take a look at the car companies that we have joint ventures with foreign countries. How many of them have learned other people's technologies?

How many dared to tear up joint venture contracts with foreign auto companies?

On the contrary, it is to compete for a certain high-end brand, and it is impossible to deal with each other, and then one party uses various insidious methods to pry the corners one after another.

That scene was really ugly...

What is the foreign war layman, the civil war layman, this is it!

It is an attitude towards foreigners, and another attitude towards one's own people.

Often loved ones hate, enemies...

So although many behaviors of the people of the Southern Dynasties are disgusting, if you look at them from the perspective of the people of the Southern Dynasties, this is nothing. Anyway, if you are good to yourself, that's enough.

As for the reputation and morality, hehe, there is an egg!

Do you think that beautiful countries are moral and righteous? Do they value reputation?

A bottle of washing powder can cause a war, but what about in the end?

The whole world has to sing praises to them!

On the one hand, people have U.S. dollars in their left hand and guns in their right, and they have the right to speak.

It is enough to make some movies about the heroes of the Eagle Kingdom saving the world every day to engage in cultural output.

In a few years, people will forget the sordidness they used to be.

In fact, only by attaching importance to the feelings of the people in this country can we strengthen the cohesion of the nation. As for other...

Back to the topic, it is said that some years ago, the cars of the Southern Dynasties were actually sold quite well in China.

The price is cheap, and the skin is durable, and it is very popular among domestic consumers.

Moreover, the two major automobile brands in the Southern Dynasties have indeed learned a lot of real skills from Mitsubishi.

Not only learned the concept of Japanese man-made cars, but also absorbed and integrated their own things.

The real rise of the Southern Dynasties Auto, if you say, around 2000, they invited the chief designer of Audi of Germany to start.

The fluid mechanics sculpture shape starting from the eighth generation Sonata created the most glorious generation of modern and Kia.

At that time, relying on their beautiful appearance, reliable mechanical properties, and low prices, they began to sweep the world.

And it has established a firm foothold in Europe and the United States, even in Europe, the cars of the Southern Dynasties are better than those of Japan.

In the first ten years of the 21st century, the two major automobile brands of the Southern Dynasties also set off a whirlwind in the country.

With the addition of the Sansang mobile phones at that time, these three products can be said to be the best-selling Southern Korean products in China.

Even in the most glorious time, the modern cars of the Southern Dynasties once set a proud record in our country with annual sales of over one million vehicles.

If we keep going like this, the cars of Southern Dynasties can definitely rely on our market and develop into the third largest giant that can wrestle with Toyota and Volkswagen.

It's a pity that things suddenly went into a reversal after a certain event that year.

The two countries have suddenly entered a stage of cold politics and cold economy. Coupled with the secret economic confrontation methods of the Southern Dynasties, it has also aroused the increasing dissatisfaction of domestic ‘consumers’.

As a result, the sales of the two major automobile brands in the Southern Dynasties took a sharp turn for the worse.

Coupled with the rapid rise of domestically-produced cars in those years, it quickly swallowed up a large number of South Korean auto brands' market share.

In just five years, the sales of the two major automobile brands in the Southern Dynasties dropped from the highest peak of 1.4 million vehicles per year to the current 400,000 vehicles per year.

Of course, there is another reason for the sharp decline in automobile sales in the Southern Dynasties.

That is the arrogant attitude of the two major auto companies in the Southern Dynasties.

Just like Sansang, the dog of the year.

It is said that in the era when Sansang was still the leader of smart phones in China, although there were other brands of mobile phones in China, it was still very difficult to grab the power.

And although something broke out that led to a decline in the popularity of Southern Korea’s products in the country, in fact, in the mobile phone sector, Southern Korea’s products still have a very advantage.

It is a pity that it is because of their arrogant attitude that it became the fuse for them to quickly slip off the altar.

At that time, Sansang launched a generation of mobile phone, but no one expected this phone to become a bomb.

Lithium battery explosions have occurred all over the world, which is clearly caused by their own craftsmanship.

So they quickly admitted their mistakes in other parts of the world and replaced the batteries for consumers for free.

But on our side, we never admit that they are wrong, just don't admit that there is a problem with their mobile phone.

And after our TV stations have frequently exposed their mobile phones, they still refused to admit the problem of burns caused by explosions.

It is precisely because of such an arrogant attitude that really angered our consumers.

So it took less than three years to get this brand out of our market.

And this time, San Sang also came with the delegation, but this time his posture was much lower.

Obviously, I want to take this opportunity to return to the domestic market.

It's a pity that the attitude toward them is not lukewarm. In the past few days, this little dog has made no little money from us.

As for the two automobile manufacturing companies, it is also a case.

After the incident happened that year, they have been lukewarm to our market.

The speed of model upgrades is very slow, and it also has a distinctly different attitude.

When launching new models in other countries, they all use the best engines and transmissions.

However, the new cars launched on our side use junk engines and junk dual-clutch transmissions from a few years ago.

This is clearly treating domestic consumers as guinea pigs.

To be honest, Xiao Feng was really cruel at that time. Certain domestic consumers were stubborn.

Every day there is a face to laugh at people from the Southern Dynasties, but in fact, if we have the backbone of a family.

Those companies in the Southern Dynasties are probably starving to death on our side.

And those Korean-pop cultures that are neither men nor women have long been out of our market and can't harm our young people.

In recent years, what Xiao Feng hates most is those young people poisoned by the Hallyu culture.

Now watching various so-called talent shows and various boring and embarrassing variety shows on TV every day, Xiao Feng feels his brain hurt.

There are also those actors who don't think about how to do their job well, but instead work with the team every day.

Relying on this person to make money for gold is really disgusting.

However, thinking about the current severe employment situation in China, Xiao Feng could only bear it.

After all, he is no longer a young man with a hot mind, although a lot of things in the Southern Dynasties are really not good.

But you must also see that at least millions of people in China are attached to this industrial chain.

It doesn't matter whether you buy cosmetics from the Southern Dynasties, or whether you are manufacturing vehicles or electronic components from the Southern Dynasties.

These factories and industrial chains, at the very least, support hundreds of thousands of H country families.

Thinking of this, even if Xiao Feng didn't like Southern Dynasties, he would endure it.

And this time the two major automobile companies of the Southern Dynasties also came with the delegation.

In the past few years, their life in Country H has also been difficult.

If you say that they are not uncomfortable, it must be false.

You must know that ten years ago, they still made a lot of money in H country, and even made a lot of ambitious plans, such as the annual sales volume in H country more than three million.

It must rely on the H country market to become a car company that can compete with Toyota and Volkswagen.

In the end, because of an accident, I was smashed into the sand, and watched that those H national car companies that were not as good as them before are now madly swallowing their market. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Even more frightening is that the world is now promoting electric vehicles, and the most active markets are in Eagle Country and Rabbit Country.

Everyone knows that if this trend fails to catch up, it will be destined to fall behind in the future.

Car companies in the Southern Dynasty have also designed many electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles. What makes people feel embarrassed is that their new energy vehicles can only be sold in the Southern Dynasty.

Outside, it's not easy to work at all, and no one recognizes it.

Because there are Teslas in beautiful countries, they can't compete, while in other regions, European car companies have their own electric cars and hybrid cars.

Outside of Europe, they can't compete with Japan.

So they couldn't help but miss the good time when they were lying in the rabbit country and making money.

If their brand still had the influence at that time, wouldn't their hybrid and electric vehicles be sold?

They naturally also know that in fact, that kind of new energy vehicles need to be sold more before they can collect more data, accumulate more experience, and make improvements.

But now, on this track, Chinese cars have sprung up, leaving them far behind.

If you say that they are not afraid, it is naturally impossible.

So they are very anxious.

This time, the Southern Dynasties State was able to send such a large-scale delegation. In fact, they did a lot of effort.

Because they also understand that only if the relationship between the two countries is normalized as soon as possible, will they have a chance in the future.

So these two companies performed very well this time, and even exhibited their new cars at the Shuangqing Auto Show just recently.

And because of poor sales, the factories in the Kyoto area that had been closed are also planning to reopen.

As soon as the delegation arrived in China, they announced that they would increase investment in China starting this year.

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