I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


People have already made breakthroughs in their own technology, if at this time they are still holding an arrogant attitude.

Then in the future, when someone stands up, he is destined to be the first to be beaten to the ground.

So the strategy must be adjusted at this time...

So at this time, the 180-degree U-turn of the Southern Dynasties is natural.

It turned out that Sansang had many factories in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai areas, which specialized in producing various spare parts for their mobile phones and computers.

However, in recent years, they have continuously shut down factories and moved these factories to Southeast Asia.

Especially South Vietnam, it has become the biggest winner.

And considering the relationship between South Vietnam and us, if the South Dynasty did this, if we didn't mean to disgust us at all, it would be impossible.

However, after coming this time, the business delegation of the Southern Dynasties expressed their views.

Recently, they are considering moving back to the factories that they had moved away before, and they are starting to recruit people again.

Only this time, our attitude towards them is different from before.

In the past, we welcomed such foreign investment with all hands.

But twenty or thirty years have passed, and we can see these people clearly.

One by one, on the surface, we are here to invest and build factories, but they are all the lowest-level foundry companies. We no longer look up to such companies.

Earn the hardest money, the profit is extremely low, and the pollution problem left to us in the end is enough for us to deal with for many years to be honest.

To put it bluntly, earning that little money is not enough to see a doctor in the future.

So for such a labor-intensive factory, we don't like it this time.

When the people of the Southern Dynasties left, not only the factories were closed, but even the factories were sold.

But this time they were thinking about coming back, but they discovered that our attitude has suddenly changed.

If you want to talk about the Japanese, we may still welcome it.

That's because the Japanese do have a lot of technology and equipment that we desperately need.

And now that the Japanese are willing to share, we naturally welcome them back.

If we want to build a factory, then we can naturally tilt it in terms of land and taxation.

But the little things in the hands of the Southern Dynasties are nothing more than that.

And when you leaned on the memory and the monitor to catch our necks?

Now it won’t take long for us to build our own memory. Even the Japanese side said that we will consider manufacturing more vacuum coating machines for us in the future.

So soon you won’t even be stuck with the screen.

We want to see, what else do you people of Southern Dynasties have?

As for what you said to reopen the car factory, hehe, we welcome it too.

But sorry, there is no land or tax incentives.

Back when you ate our meal, you smashed our pot when you turned around. We still haven't said something clearly.

If it takes a long time, let's see who can't afford it.

The industrial revolution of the year did provide some opportunities for many small first-mover countries.

But with the development of time, history is destined to return to its roots.

Whether a country can become a big country or not is not shaped by what you call advanced technology.

In terms of the current pattern of world development, there will only be three superpowers in the future.

One is Yingjiang, one is Teddy Bear, and the other is us!

Now that we have the strength and determination, sooner or later we will return to where we were.

As for you guys..., just figure it out!

Before the delegation from the Southern Dynasties came here, they thought they would receive the same warm reception as before.

Unexpectedly, after this time, the reception they received was neither warm nor salty nor salty.

In this way, they feel a bad feeling in their hearts.

Because they also know that compared with Japan, they are far worse.

Although they also have some unique technologies in electronic technology, in the real upstream industry chain, there is still a big gap between them and Japan.

Moreover, they have recently sent people to collect a lot of information in the country of rabbits. Among them, the Japanese came to work closely with the people of the country of rabbits.

Among them, there are many mechanical projects that make them jealous.

For example, various machine tools, Yamazaki Mazak, and Fanuc's civilian machine tools.

Now Japan seems to have completely released restrictions on the rabbit country. If it used to be in the field of civilian machine tools, the Japanese actually did a lot of small actions.

When signing a contract with Tuguo enterprises, it is often agreed that machine tools exported to Tuguo can only be used for processing certain workpieces.

Moreover, it cannot be easily moved, and the production and processing procedures need to be set by Japanese people. If changes are to be made, Japanese engineers must be notified to make changes.

And in the future, all repairs and maintenance will be done by Japanese people.

If the rabbit country enterprise violates the contract during this period, the Japanese will be able to remotely lock the machine tool and even take it back.

Anyway, there are many restrictions, just for fear that the rabbit will use these machine tools to produce weapons and equipment.

Even they are not at ease, they will specifically hit the positioning gyroscopes for these machine tools, and then the motors installed are also slow-speed motors, and the cutting speed is not up to the standard for producing military products.

Anyway, various restrictions have gone, so Japanese machine tools can only sell in the civilian field.

If we really want to produce heavy equipment, we usually import machine tools from Europe.

Mainly based on Swiss Mikron, of course, the price is quite beautiful, basically twice or more than Japanese machine tools.

Although I have also received a lot of restrictions, at least I don't have to suffer so much anger.

But this time the Japanese opened up all those restrictions.

Although the contract is still so signed, no positioning gyroscope is installed anymore, the motor has been replaced with a high-speed motor, and even the price of the tool has dropped.

As for the maintenance, others will directly throw you a maintenance manual, and you can take care of it yourself.

The attitude of the Japanese to let themselves go, surprised the people of Southern Dynasties.

How could this be?

You know, before, they were most afraid of a breakthrough in this finishing in the country of Rabbit!

After setting an example in Japan, they quickly received a large order from a certain automobile manufacturer in the country.

There are more than 50 machine tools involved, and the order price is naturally over 100 million.

The southern dynasty people who looked at this order were hot for a while!

But next is the part that makes them headaches.

No one thought that the other group that placed orders for FANUC was actually the May 1 Heavy Industry of Tuguo, as well as heavy machinery and equipment manufacturers like XCMG.

We must know that it is still very good to follow the development of Tuguo's heavy industry machinery in recent years.

But in fact, the core components of the products of these heavy industry companies are basically imported.

For example, the high-power diesel engine used in the car, as well as the hydraulic equipment, various pumps, valves, and devices that provide power to the robotic arm, in fact, the core components are all imported.

There are two problems involved here. One is ultra-high-strength steel, which we are not good at, and the other is that we can’t do the machining accuracy.

Therefore, although various domestic engineering projects have been one after another in recent years, the most common construction machinery such as excavators and hooks on the construction site are still Komatsu of Japan and Doosan of Southern Dynasties.

Our heavy industry equipment generally can only be used as a hand-in-hand.

For example, concrete mixer trucks have little technical content and can be used well. If you want to use real equipment, then whoever buys the equipment produced by the heavy industry will know who will buy it.

Every day I am not repairing the car, or on the way to repair the car!

In recent years, we have made breakthroughs in the issue of ultra-high-strength steel.

But the diesel engine used in this kind of car, UU Reading www. uukānshu. com and hydraulic pumps, but we still can't make them.

This involves machining accuracy and sealing issues.

And this time if the Japanese can really provide these heavy industry companies with reliable machine tools, then the hydraulic problem will be solved.

For example, the most difficult-to-machine hydraulic cylinder, which we have not been able to finish in the past.

This leads to frequent problems with our hydraulic pumps. Either the cylinder bursts, or the sealant sleeve cannot withstand the pressure and is torn, resulting in damage to the equipment.

But this time with those Japanese machine tools, the machining accuracy has been solved, and we can get rid of the shackles and improve product stability to a higher level than before.

Maybe it won’t be possible for a while, a mechanical device like Komatsu’s.

But if it meets Doosan's standards, there is definitely no problem.

This means that the Southern Kingdom will suffer another major loss.

You must know that their Doosan excavators were very popular in the domestic low-end market.

Although the performance is not as good as Komatsu, but the price is cheaper, and the performance is more stable than our domestic products!

But after this time, it is estimated that within a few years, they will have little chance in our country.

And the people of the Southern Dynasties also collected another piece of news that made them feel uneasy.

That is, the Japanese secretly invested in a factory in Spring City.

And the main purpose of this factory is to produce lithography machines!


The dead thief is bald. It's really an accident. These grandsons have to steal the tower if they find the right opportunity!

Thinking about the era when the Japanese ruled the electronic technology circle, the people of the Southern Dynasties couldn't help but shudder.

If the Japanese are to regain the pinnacle of technology, do we still have a chance to compete with them?

I said that these grandchildren are not so easy to subdue soft people!

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