My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1822: Then anyone can do it, so can I!

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


Speaking of the civilian field, the Japanese chips are really good.

For example, the chips currently used in automobiles and various industrial robots, the Japanese can indeed achieve the top level in the industry.

But if you really want to talk about the military level, Japan is quite hip in this regard.

The earliest Mind 2 fighter plane was supposed to crush the Rabbit Kingdom.

At that time, the main fighter of the Rabbit Kingdom was still the J8, and people's Mind 2 had begun to imitate the F16 of Yingjiang.

The result was here, the Japanese were pitted by the eagle sauce.

Originally, they thought that their own car engines could be built, and this fighter aircraft should not be a problem.

It turned out that it was not the case at all until it was really made.

In other words, the Airfare used on their Mind 2 was originally developed by the F-110 of the F16 in the reverse direction.

But when the F16 was imported, Yingjiang knew that this little brother would not be so honest, and he definitely wanted to reverse the development of their engine.

So Yingjiang naturally made a lot of tricks on the engine. ,

For example, in terms of assembly, many parts have to be installed in an environment of minus 160.

But where would the Japanese know?

There are a lot of screws, all of which are head screws.

To put it bluntly, after **** it, you can't disassemble it at all. Once it is disassembled, it is simply scrapped.

You want to measure the size, hehe, you don't even have the chance to measure it.

So just a reverse dismantling, it almost didn't cry the Japanese.

And there are a lot of materials in it, so I won’t tell the Japanese how to smelt them.

Anyway, the Japanese worked hard to get the F-100 in reverse.

It is true that the first generation of F16, the engine used is still called F-100, and it was gradually upgraded to F-110 in the following thirty years.

It took the Japanese 20 years to develop the mechanical structure and material properties of this aircraft in reverse.

Only then did I figure out, oh, Te Niang, it turns out that most of the materials used in this flight are nickel-cobalt alloys!

And this assembly process, how did it turn out to be?

It turned out that after the aircraft entered the jet era, the design of the aviation engine was far from the propeller engine they initially mastered.

Even if the technology is as powerful as Germany, if you want to create a modern aviation system, you can't rush to complete it independently.

Why France looks so weak now, completely surpassed by Germany in the industrial field, but it is still the number one power in Europe!

It is because in the military field, people have their own unique technology.

Although it is not comparable to the United States and Russia, it can still be compared to the rabbits. It is definitely a proper second echelon.

As for Japan, hehe, although I finally figured out the layout and materials of the F-110, but when it was really done, I got caught up again.

Because they discovered that they were actually stuck in the military control chip.

It turns out that Te Niang's military chips and civilian chips have completely different requirements.

For example, for industrial control chips, most of the civilian ones have requirements for speed, which require fast speed and low energy consumption.

But for military use, it doesn’t matter how much energy you consume or how fast you are. What people demand is safety and stability.

And you can't be too picky about the working environment. You can work at minus fifty degrees, and you must operate normally at minus fifty degrees.

Even the chips used in the aviation development, considering the harshness of the working environment, have a wider range of temperature requirements than this.

And this is not good for the Japanese.

Because Yingjiang has installed a black box in the industrial control chip of the F16 Aviation Development.

You can't crack it at all.

Back then, the Japanese exploded several F16 engines in order to remove the chips, and the scientific researchers were killed a lot.

So later, you look at the Japanese Mind 2, even though they went to the sky, they still fell a lot.

Although the various data boasted are very beautiful, what uses a lot of stealth materials, what is light weight and fast.

In the end, it could only be the thunder and the rain, and I obediently used the F16 of Eagle Sauce.

Because the plane fell a lot, and their self-developed aeroengine, in terms of thrust, it is not even as good as the WS-10 used on our J10...

And later, the Japanese put in a lot of space satellites. In fact, the core chips in it are still provided by Eagle Sauce.

Once it leaves the support of Yingjiang, it can be said that Japan's national defense level immediately drops by more than half.

That is to say, after two years of tossing, the Japanese who had a high spirits of the year were finished.

They can see it through. Eagle sauce will never allow it. They have their own independent defense technology.

For example, they claim to be the best Type 10 tank. The guns used for this thing are all bought from Germany.

So even though their Self-Defense Forces seem to be very powerful, but if they are really out of the support of Yingjiang, their other little neighbor to the north can rub them on the ground.

Look at the recent years, internationally, it has gone from a 4-belt machine to a 5-belt machine. It is so noisy.

If we leave it to the past, the arrogant Japanese must have jumped out and made a set of their own.

However, this time they were silent.

Because of what! ?

Because they have seen it through, they said that the aviation development of the military aircraft and civilian technology are completely different things.

At this point, even the rabbits they look down on are better than them.

Not to mention anything else, the vector nozzle engine necessary for the 5-belt machine is currently available in only three countries in the world.

One is Eagle sauce, one is Teddy Bear, and the other is Rabbit.

From this point on, it can be seen that the rabbit's defense technology has gradually separated from the second group, began to throw away half of the French body, and gradually moved closer to the first group.

Especially according to the legend, some time ago, when the rabbit's flight mother was training in the South China Sea area.

Their F31, a Porsche aircraft that was ridiculed by plagiarism in the past, has actually completed many vertical takeoffs and landings on board.

This Nima, Baosteel have copied into Porsche.

Now Japan, there is no way to laugh at other people's rabbits.

You don't care about the performance of their engine, how much worse the performance is compared to the F135-PW-100 used in the F35.

At the very least, people really have a practical vector spout for navigation!

Just such a technology, I don’t know how many countries are jealous!

So this time, the Japanese quietly bowed their heads.

Of course, they still can't save face and say to the rabbit, can you show us your technology.

But at the very least, there are still some careful thoughts that want to switch back to some technology.

If you can come up with something of your own in the military field, you can get rid of the control of Eagle Sauce.

It also allows them to gain more or less right to speak in the dialogue with Yingjiang.

To be honest, you can say that after all these years, family after family have said that they have made five generations of machines. You said that the proud Japanese are not impatient, so how could it be possible.

Take India, for example, saying that it has produced a fifth-generation machine.

Although the Japanese know it, that is a joke.

But no matter what, people are always doing it.

What really irritated Japan was a few days ago when the Southern Dynasties suddenly announced that they had developed a fifth-generation machine, which made Japan a little unbearable.

To say that there are always some guys in the world with a very strange heart.

That's good for rabbits, so can I!

Why can you make something that a rabbit can make, I can't make it out!

The most typical representatives here are the Southern Dynasties and Japan, and the other is Asan!

However, in recent years, Japan has not been so obvious in this respect because of being educated many times.

Knowing that there is no hope for aviation, they have devoted more of their minds to the naval field, such as submarines, and they have increased their investment.

But if you are not sad, then how is it possible.

Three aspects, they have never paid attention to it.

But the Southern Kingdom? Special, UU reading www.uukanshu. Why is com!

As far as their plane is concerned, it can be said that it is a fifth-generation plane...

Thinking of this, the Japanese really spit.

It's better to take the F22 and change it directly, forget it, and then say that this is your fifth-generation machine KFX!

Isn't this much better than your fifth-generation machine?

The shape is copied from the F22, but the results have not been copied yet, and the two air intakes are not well designed.

Because of the composite material of the air inlet, you can't handle it by yourself, so the stealth performance is naturally not mentioned.

More importantly, the fifth-generation aircraft should emphasize stealth, but your special mother designed all missiles as external mounts.

Don’t you know that this thing affects invisibility?

Once the stealth performance is gone, you are still a five-generation machine? It's not even a fourth-generation machine. Hey!

The J20 is still a stealth bomb bay, but what about you?

Furthermore, the aircraft used is the F-119-PW series used by the castrated version of the F22.

So, isn’t this just a reduced version of F22...

But what makes Japan so popular is that this plane that is so **** is that some people are really willing to buy it...

For example, a certain country in Southeast Asia really paid a lot of money for real money.

It’s even said recently that even Ah San is interested in trying to keep up the heat, this Nima...

By the time they read these news, the Japanese had completely understood it.

From the beginning to the end, the southern dynasty of the sentimental family never thought about developing a fourth-generation or fifth-generation machine.

People just want to create a castrated version of the three-and-a-half-generation fighter, and then fool those poor countries to sell it.


After all, poor countries also have the need to install B... Uh... No, it is for national defense!

They can't afford real fourth-generation machines and fifth-generation machines.

But for three and a half generations of this kind of demonic transformation, they can still afford it!

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