My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1821: Open the skylight and speak bright words

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


Speaking of the Institute of Optics and Mechanics in Spring City, since the 1980s, it has begun to transform into the aerospace field.

It can be said that every major technological breakthrough in the field of domestic aviation remote sensing has their shadow behind it.

Many of the cameras we use on spacecraft are self-produced.

Not to mention the lenses used on the space capsule, the lenses used on the Beidou satellites are all self-produced.

Although it can't achieve the accuracy of the GPS of a beautiful country, the error can be within five meters, which is quite remarkable.

And behind this has always been the silent contribution of the optical machine.

It is also because their main research directions are related to the aerospace and defense fields, so their exposure in the civil field has not been high.

But the Japanese found this scientific research institute accurately and offered to cooperate.

This makes our relevant departments still quite suspicious, after all, although Optical Machinery has been doing lithography machines before.

What's more, the main focus is on the light source and lens, as well as the photosensitive field, but in terms of level, it is not necessarily much ahead of the Japanese.

So at the beginning, we never thought about working with them.

Unexpectedly, this time the sincerity of the Japanese is actually very great.

As soon as they came up, they said that they were willing to provide their CMOS technology, and we are responsible for providing the light source, and even their optical system, they are willing to take it out.

They even hinted on multiple occasions that if we are willing, they are willing to directly transfer 28-nanometer lithography technology to us free of charge.

To be honest, when we hear this, if we are not tempted, it must be false.

But whether this is another poisonous bait, it made us hesitate for a long time.

After all, we have eaten too many Japanese losses before.

So when the Japanese actually offered such good conditions, we had to think hard.

You have to talk about the lithography machine. Although we have broken through the 28-nanometer carbon nanotube chip manufacturing process, the silicon-based chip, at present, we still cannot give up.

What's more, many of the world's mainstream machinery and equipment fields are still using silicon-based chips.

Even if our new carbon nanotube chips have technological advantages, they will not be popularized in ten or eight years.

If you want to completely replace silicon-based chips, at least there will be a process of at least fifty years.

On the one hand, it is subject to capacity, and on the other hand, it is the issue of acceptance.

Just say this carbon nanotube chip. Everyone knows that this stuff is good, but the problem is that we made this thing.

Not to mention eagle sauce, it is not so smooth for other semiconductor users all over the world to accept it.

After all, one is that silicon-based semiconductor technology has not yet reached its limit, and the other is that this thing has a very high cost performance.

It has been used in other countries for decades, and if you say so coldly that people will pay it back, they will naturally have concerns.

Although we all know that your stuff is good, but the price is also expensive!

Wouldn't it cost money to replace it? What's more, these silicon-based semiconductors can still be used, and they are still well used!

It's really not time to update!

Moreover, it is necessary to promote such a brand-new chip, and in conjunction with all programming languages, to overthrow the entire system developed by the beautiful country.

This is not so easy, it is really easy to cause disputes, after all, many people still have to rely on the original system to eat!

If we act too hastily, it is likely to have a counterproductive effect, because it will destroy the jobs of others.

Therefore, when there are no mature conditions, we can't rashly promote the use of this chip in a large area.

The road has to be taken step by step, not impatient.

Therefore, the current domestic attitude towards semiconductor technology is relatively mild.

Secretly, it is naturally to support the development of carbon nanotube chip technology, but naturally, it does not reject silicon-based technology.

For example, the current global cars use 28-nanometer process chips, and we can’t make this one yet.

At present, the world's automotive chips are in short supply, mainly because Japan is affected by the epidemic.

And now the Japanese say that they are willing to transfer the 28-nanometer technology for free. Do you think everyone is tempted?

After all, this is a problem that affects millions of people eating!

If we want to have such a technology, it will immediately bring millions of jobs.

SMIC, our magic capital, has been conquering and advancing on 28 nanometer technology.

On the other side of Tejima, it has also announced that it will invest and build a factory in Jinling and put into production 28-nanometer technology.

But these have not been implemented after all, but the technology provided by the Japanese is readily available.

Moreover, although Japan's Nikon and Canon can only produce old-fashioned dry lithography machines, their lithography machines are at least in the 28-nanometer process, which is no problem.

It can even achieve the 22-nanometer process, but for the 14-nanometer process and below, there is currently nothing that can be done.

Now they are willing to put out technology, put out capital, and cooperate with us, wanting to develop more advanced lithography machines.

This is interesting.

Although their attitude is still concealed, in fact, this is not just a test, our carbon nanotube chip production technology!

Hehe, it's a pity that they found the wrong person. What they don't know is the production of carbon nanotube chips. It really wasn't made by Chuncheng Optical Machinery.

It is the product of Spark Technology in Bincheng!

Even the production line is produced by Xinghuo Technology.

At present, one of the most important tasks of Spark Technology is to conquer the 28-nanometer lithography machine.

Because the current production process of carbon nanotube chips is based on stacking, a large number of gene induction technologies are used in it.

But among them, there are still some steps, which require the use of a lithography machine.

The 28-nanometer lithography machine used by Spark Technology is derived from many fields.

Many of them are 28-nanometer lithography machines purchased from Asmarck through international agents.

We must know that the 90-nanometer lithography machine that we can produce in our country at present is also thinking about the 28-nanometer lithography machine.

But in fact, at 28 nanometers, Asme is not particularly restrictive to us.

The attitude on Asmer's side has always been ambiguous and concealed.

Because they also know that the 28-nanometer process technology is four or even five generations behind the current state-of-the-art process technology.

It's meaningless to cover up, and it doesn't matter if you sell it to us.

But no matter what, the 28-nanometer is a lithography machine, after all, we bought it from Asmar.

I can't produce it by myself, so the country is still a little worried.

Now it’s okay to say, in case any day...

So I still have to guard against it!

Xinghuo Technology's attitude towards lithography machines is actually dispensable, because their focus is not on lithography machines.

In fact, for those cloning experts, if they really want to lay down their minds, they can make breakthroughs in a few years.

But the problem is really unnecessary. If you really do it, then it seems that you are too versatile.

At that time, not only will the world boss want to **** you, many people in China will also look at you upset.

Coupled with the fact that the mainstream chips in the future are carbon nanotube chips, the overall situation has been determined, and they have put more thought into the stacked production of carbon nanotube chips.

So for the lithography machine, the attention is not high.

Now the Japanese come to the door and say that they are willing to take the initiative to provide 28-nanometer optical technology.

Taking into account that in the next five years, carbon nanotube chips will not have much breakthroughs, so the 28-nanometer process lithography machine has really become a temporary need for Spark Technology.

After all, if you just rely on the two domestic companies, UU reading www. wants to break through the 28-nanometer process technology within five years, but it is still somewhat elusive.

It is not presumptuous, just to say that they currently master the technology of the 90-nanometer process.

The yield and stability are in a terrible state.

That is to say, certain domestic companies that do not consider the cost will adopt their equipment.

They are currently anxious to launch the 28-nanometer lithography machine project, in fact, in response to demand.

But if we really want to say that we can actually conquer, it may not be possible within ten or eight years.

After all, there is really no shortcut to scientific research.

And if we can get Nikon’s 28-nanometer process technology, even if it is only dry lithography, for us, it can be regarded as an act of giving charcoal in the snow.

The above is naturally also a variety of analysis on the cooperation requirements of the Japanese.

Finally, it is concluded that the Japanese must have a demand for our carbon nanotube chips.

Then the team in charge of the negotiation naturally made a trial in this regard.

As expected, when we mentioned this chip, the Japanese were immediately overjoyed.

Yelling again and again, good job!

Finally, the point was reached. Before that, everyone had cried and hinted at each other for a long time, and now it is finally possible to open the skylight to speak brightly.

In fact, when it comes to chips, the Japanese are really bitter!

As a semiconductor powerhouse, the Japanese chip has indeed achieved the ultimate in the civilian field.

And in the industrial field, they can also make good products.

But if you say that they are upgraded to military use, then they can only be at the level of younger brother and younger brother.

What a way, several major arms dealers in the world are still counting on this stuff to make money, how can they tolerate them spreading their paws in this field...

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