My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1823: Great progress

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


So the careful thinking of the Japanese, this became alive again.

Looking at the popularity of the weapons bought by other people in the Southern Dynasties, do you think they can not be tempted?

Don't tell me, there are so many weapons in the Southern Dynasties, and they really opened up the market overseas.

For example, self-propelled guns and even tanks can now be exported even with aircraft.

Do you think some people are sour?

It is said that about ten years ago, for a period of time, Japan was trying its best to promote the normalization of the country.

The reason why it takes so much effort to become a normal country is to change the domestic security laws.

Turn the Self-Defense Force into a normal national defense force, and then you can justify buying weapons.

You have to talk about airplanes, tanks, and so on. Japan can't make them artificially.

But if you want to talk about light weapons, they definitely have one hand.

In particular, they have a very good technical level in the field of finishing, so their light weapons are definitely of good quality.

Even for a while, the military of Kangaroo Country tested the Japanese pistols and submarines.

Feel the experience, it's a great one, even the two sides have entered the negotiation stage, and the contract is almost finalized.

It's a pity that in the end, their eldest brother, who was naturally superior, got the plan into trouble.

But with a few colors, Japan's force that promoted the normalization of the country disappeared.

Then the pistol was returned, and the order for the submarine was snatched by France.

You say that the Japanese are sad!

Knowing the profitable business at this time, and knowing that I can make money, I just can't eat it!

And their big brother, if something goes wrong, he needs to help.

Just talk about imported beef and rice, which annoys the Japanese.

I can’t finish eating all of your own products, you still have to let me import yours...

Hey, even if it is to keep the waist straight in the future business negotiations with Big Brother, at this time we have to hold some things in our own hands!

For example, this time the chip matter, you see...

So there is this cooperation in the lithography machine. As for what we are changing for, Xiao Feng doesn't know.

However, after the delegation of the Southern Dynasties came, Xiao Feng pondered.

I decided to disclose this news to the Southern Kingdom and see their reaction.

Sure enough, the Southern Dynasties delegation heard that the Japanese were going to join forces in the rabbit country to work on a lithography machine. They couldn't sit still now.

You know they can have the world's second-generation chip processing company!

If, if the Japanese really made a major breakthrough with the rabbit, then their superiority in chip processing, wouldn’t it be...

Just think of this!

Got it! Simply, let's build a few factories on Rabbit's side too!

Just like this 14-nanometer process or something!

Didn’t you Japanese take advantage of the 28-nanometer process technology?

Okay, then I will take the 14-nanometer process technology...

Even Xiao Feng didn't expect that the effect of these two peaches killing three men would be so good.

Don't look at the 14-nanometer process technology, it seems not good, but if this technology can really make money.

That can definitely improve our catch-up speed in the field of lithography machines by ten years!

Although the mainstream of our development in the future is carbon nanotube technology, the problem is carbon nanotube chips. In fact, in some places, lithography machines are still needed.

For example, when etching on carbon-based wafers, a lithography machine is still needed.

At present, we have some 28-nanometer lithography machines in our hands, which are just enough for our own use.

But the problem is that we cannot produce these lithography machines ourselves.

So in terms of the production capacity of carbon nanotube chips, we will not be able to make it for a while.

Because the freedom of the lithography machine has not been realized yet.

Although we are also working **** the process technology of this 28-nanometer lithography machine, it is estimated that it will not be able to be solved in ten or eight years.

Especially when Spark Technology does not intend to intervene.

With the entry of the Japanese, if we can get their 28-nanometer lithography machine technology, then we can break through this shackle.

Of course, the Japanese are not fools, they are willing to take out the 28-nanometer lithography machine.

That's because the dry lithography machine they have mastered will be the limit when it develops to the 22-nanometer process.

So the potential of this kind of lithography machine has reached its extreme, so they don't mind to exchange it.

To be able to exchange some specific chips from the rabbit side, it still makes a lot of sense to them.

In addition, spend some money to establish a company with the Optical Machinery Institute in Chuncheng.

The joint research and development of the lithography machine, regardless of whether it can make a breakthrough, but if there is no grass, there is a rake, if there is really a breakthrough in the future!

And the reason why they are cooperating with Rabbit at this time, in fact, they also know that this is to throw money in, in fact, it is to make incense.

Get the relationship right first, so that in the future, Big Brother will only think of you when it's good.

Otherwise, you will only hold the Buddha's feet temporarily, who is so special about you!

When the rabbit really realizes the freedom of production on the carbon nanotube chip, it will definitely be exported by then!

But you just said the current international situation, can they go out for export by themselves?

So why not provoke that person?

So what if you want to find an agent?

Even if they don't need to find an agent, if we can become the first batch of customers to get the carbon nanotube chips, it will be a success!

Formally in this consideration, Japanese talents have come up with some technologies in the extremely sensitive semiconductor field, and started cooperation with rabbits.

In Xiao Feng's view, this is still not enough.

He also knew that the Japanese 28-nanometer lithography machine could only quench his thirst.

After all, the mainstream lithography machine in the future will have to be immersion lithography machine technology.

Otherwise, the Japanese will not be stuck on the 22-nanometer manufacturing process for more than ten years and have nothing to do with it.

So at this time he put his idea on the heads of the people of the Southern Dynasties.

You must know that in the field of lithography machines, although the Southern Kingdom cannot produce it by itself, they have many lithography machines in their hands.

And over the years, I have been doing chip foundry all the way down.

The lithography machine they have accumulated in their hands has been in the same room for several generations.

Below the 28-nanometer process, there is the 20-nanometer process, then the 14-nanometer process, and then the 10-nanometer process.

Next, there are 7 nanometers and 5 nanometers, and now Sansang is already developing 3 nanometer processes and technologies.

The ultimate manufacturing process for silicon-based chips should be 1 nanometer.

After hearing that the Japanese planned to transfer 28-nanometer technology to rabbits.

Sansang simply gritted his teeth, I will bring the 14-nanometer process technology to the rabbit side!

And this time these guys are also very ghostly.

They are not saying that they want to transfer the technology to Rabbit, but that I want to invest and build a factory on your side.

A 14-nanometer chip factory...

As for how much you can learn by then, hey, it depends on your own abilities.

Although this news was only released quietly, it immediately caused a sensation when it was released.

This is incredible!

The technology of the 14-nanometer process!

For the domestic chip manufacturing industry that has been struggling to catch up with the international leading level, this news is definitely no less than a booster.

We must know that although we are clamoring to catch up, it has been so many years.

But in fact, how long will it take to catch up to the world's first-class level? We who really do this have no idea.

Our current energy production lithography machine can only achieve a 90-nanometer process, so that Jiang Jiang can meet the needs of the domestic military industry.

Now I have launched the 28-nanometer project in a hurry.

But if you want to break through the shackles of 28 nanometers, everyone who really knows how to do it knows that it is basically impossible within ten years.

And ten years later, how much can others do?

I am afraid that 1nm chips are already in mass production.

And our 28nm process is at least seven to eight levels behind the world's top chip products!

And as the Japanese are willing to transfer 28-nanometer technology, this is equivalent to narrowing the gap between us and the international one hundred years to fifty years.

If the Southern Kingdom really implements a new 14-nanometer studio, it will be able to narrow the gap between us and the world's top chips to 20 years.

Although we have carbon nanotube chips, you can't replace all the chips with this kind of chips!

In consideration of cost performance, this is definitely not a cost-effective business practice!

After all, silicon-based chips have existed for so many years, and the technology in many fields has been very mature. The most important thing is that the supporting industries are very mature.

You can't ask all supporting industries to follow you just because your carbon nanotube chips are more advanced!

Unless you are already strong enough to be able to force them to turn, if you don't turn, you will be eliminated.

But now our carbon nanotube technology has just started, and it hasn't been so powerful yet.

Although everyone knows that carbon nanotube chips are the future, at least for now, everyone is not so willing to rebuild an ecology around such chips!

After all, there are still many political factors to consider.

For example, what if Eagle Sauce is not willing or even agrees to promote this kind of chip globally...

Therefore, for a long period of time in the future, silicon-based chips still have great prospects in many fields.

And if the Southern Kingdom can really move the 14-nanometer lithography machine to our side, then we really don't have to worry about the problem of neck stuck.

After all, 14-nanometer chips are actually enough.

And the reason why later also developed 10 nanometer, 7 nanometer, and 5 nanometer, even 3 nanometer process.

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