My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2130: New Era Energy Company

   Brothers, I’ve opened a new book again: Restarting Life: I can call myself ten years ago. Brothers help to collect and recommend a few!


   Moreover, the seabed nearby is a cornucopia. There are more than cobalt and nickel ore nearby. As long as the nearby sea sand is slightly screened, it is the finest rare earth ore.

   This generation is not an exaggeration to say that Jane is full of treasures.

   So to find such a deposit, it can really be said to be a fortune.

   And this generation, located in the depths of the South Indian Ocean, can be said to be far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, and also far away from several major continents.

  It is relatively safe to mine here.

  Because this is not the Pacific Ocean, all countries have very few maritime powers. To say that the only one who often wanders in this area is Ah San.

   They can always claim that the Indian Ocean is theirs, but in fact no one takes them seriously.

   After all, in the Middle East, there is a fleet of Eagle Sauce.

   They don’t nod, what Asan said, hehe, everyone understands.

   As for the South Indian Ocean generation, because there is really no strategic value, even Eagle Sauce is reluctant to come here to wander around.

   It's cheaper for the celebrity chef group, they can actually mine here.

  In just over a month, hundreds of thousands of tons of nickel ore were bought and returned with cobalt ore fines.

   Of course, this was also because the celebrity chef group sent two more mining ships.

   Three boats, mining here day and night, can we have such a harvest.

   And as long as the mineral powder is shipped back, it will immediately encounter a berserk.

   The threshold of their new era energy group headquarters set up in the magic city is about to be stepped on by major domestic manufacturers.

  No way, who made them the largest supplier of nickel and cobalt ore in China now!

   You must know that in the past, our domestic enterprises wanted to sell some cobalt concentrate, which was a laborious effort.

   Going to Kangaroo Country and begging grandpa to tell grandma to see their faces.

   As for the mineral powder, it is naturally in the hands of the two giants in Kangaroo Country.

   One is Rio Tinto and the other is BHP Billiton. We don’t deal with them once or twice.

   Those guys are real grandsons, they will raise prices for you at every turn.

   But who has a lot of mineral resources? In terms of pricing power, we have no advantage at all.

   And just talk about iron ore. After so many years, we have not been able to get the pricing power.

   Not to mention the cobalt ore, and there are more nickel ore in Indonesia, but it is also not easy to talk about over there.

   Because of the lack of these two resources, we have not launched a large number of ternary lithium projects.

   But since the emergence of this new era energy group, the project that had been stuck suddenly suddenly went through.

   Xiao Feng didn't expect this, and the country would help.

   Originally, he wanted to set the price of these mineral powders lower with the idea of ​​giving back to the country.

   What made him even more unexpected was that this idea just came out and was extinguished.

   It was still the person above who pointed him, and the reason why he was not allowed to lower the price too low.

   The reason is very simple, because some domestic companies have no bottom line.

   If the price of your cobalt concentrate is set too low, they will stop smelting when they see that it is profitable.

   directly and secretly resell the mineral powder to you abroad, and even dare to buy and sell the business in the future.

   Although Xiao Feng also knows, we have such **** in China before.

   But he didn't expect that these guys would be so bold.

   Then someone gave him an example of iron ore.

   For example, our country is lack of iron ore, and we are also the largest iron ore importer.

   But some iron factories will play some routines of buying low and selling high.

   Relying on his strong capital, when the price of iron ore goes down, he hoards a large amount of iron ore.

   When the international price rises, it sells at a high price.

   And not only the domestic enterprises, the most damning thing is that they also export large amounts of crude iron ingots.

   We need to know that when the international iron ore price rises, our domestic iron ore is limited.

  Many domestic steel plants are waiting to be fed, but at this time they not only do not sell this iron ore powder to their domestic counterparts.

   Instead, they turned around and sold them to foreign companies, such as iron factories in Japan and South Korea, because their prices were so much higher than ours in China.

   This kind of act of being a mother with milk is really...

  Many people may say that in business, don’t talk about positions.

   But whenever he heard this, Xiao Feng wanted to ask his mother.

   Why go to the U.S. and Japan to see what it means to not talk about your position.

   Apart from anything else, it’s just that the U.S. government purchases all computers used by Dell and Apple. Do you think they purchase Lenovo?

   And, do you know how much fuel the American trucks cost? Don’t they know Volvo and Mann’s big trucks, are they more fuel-efficient?

   But people just don’t use it, just use your own.

  You are looking at Japanese and Korean companies, and the corporate office supplies of Southern Korea, 100% use their own products.

  Use three sangs for mobile phones, but use three sangs for computers.

   Japanese companies use Sony for computers and mobile phones as much as possible to purchase domestic products.

   See if they don’t talk about their positions?

   So some people just pretend to be confused, and deliberately promote some **** ideas.

   These people are not stupid, but they are really bad.

   Because of the above reminder, Xiao Feng gave up the idea of ​​breaking the price of these mineral powders.

   But it is adjusted down appropriately, which is so much lower than that of Indonesia and the price of kangaroo domestic products.

   And it's not a large number of shipments, just supply on demand.

   Anyway, if these goods are thrown on the market, it will cause confusion.

   After all, taking cobalt mines as an example, the world's annual output is only tens of thousands of tons.

   You mentioned the big contract signed by Rio Tinto in the Southern Kingdom and the Kangaroo Kingdom.

   spent billions of dollars, it also locked the cobalt output of other companies in the next six years.

   What is Rio Tinto’s output in the next six years?

  According to their estimates, it is 7,000 tons. The cobalt concentrate is divided into...

   And in the last month, they have produced more than 100,000 tons of cobalt concentrate under the waters of the South Indian Ocean...

   So after understanding the market conditions and the supply status of other mining companies.

  The New Era Energy Company adjusted its strategy, and their pricing is so much lower than those of the Kangaroo Country and Indonesia's mining companies.

   Anyway, domestic companies can afford it, without having to import with foreign countries, so that there is no loss of foreign exchange, and no need to get stuck.

   And those foreign mining giants, because of the lack of Long Guo's bid, they have no confidence to raise the price.

   After all, Longguo is the biggest demand side, and the biggest customers are not coming. No matter how they play double reeds, no one will take the order.

   can only lower the price quietly, and if they lower the price, we only need to lower the price quietly.

   Anyway, the price must be lowered slowly.

   And with such a lesson, I believe these guys will not dare to increase prices indiscriminately in the future.

   Because as long as they increase the price, we just don’t take the order.

  The key is that if we have so many mineral powders in the future, we will have the bargaining chip with them.

   We have negotiated with the Kangaroo country many times before, but they rely on their own monopoly on the supply of ore.

   That is really full of nostrils, and the price can be set very casually.

   And the kangaroo country’s economic prosperity for so many years, it is no exaggeration to say that it was sucked out of our blood.

   See if you are making our money, you still do well with us.

   But what happened afterwards, everyone knew exactly what happened.

   It's not that we didn't think about what we want them to be, but people have no choice but to control coal and iron ore. We really can't get around them.

   This does not count natural gas, lithium ore, and cobalt ore.

  Although we can import beef, oranges, barley, wine and other agricultural products from other places.

   But the problem is that these mineral resources, we really can't get around.

   There has been a matter of importing coal to South Vietnam before transferring it.

   Everyone knows what is going on, but it is also very ugly in the international arena, and there is no face in it.

   But now, since the establishment of the New Era Energy Company, this has given us finally the bargaining chip to check and balance them.

   From now on, you can increase whatever you want, as long as we are not satisfied, then you can play by yourself!

   Regardless of how you adjust the price anyway, we will be OK if we don’t buy it.

   You don’t even think that we won’t be able to play without you.

   Hey, in fact, without you, we can not only play the same way, but also play better.

  We will be upset by that time. We have not only opened up supplying to our own domestic are also going to sell to the international market, and we directly smashed your plates.

   See who can't stand it then...

   Ships of various mineral powders were transported to the country, and an emergency material reserve team was directly established on it.

   In major port cities such as Magic City, Qingcheng, Bincheng, and Jinmen, I found many large warehouses.

   Then the country came forward and purchased a large amount of nickel ore powder and cobalt concentrate powder.

   Because the above also knows that this kind of mineral powder is expensive and can even be classified as a strategic reserve material.

   Therefore, the country has stepped forward to reserve part of it. In the future, when international prices fluctuate sharply.

   We can sell some of these mineral powders to curb domestic price inflation.

   to ensure that domestic enterprises can operate normally at that time, of course for this part of national procurement.

  The prices offered by New Era Energy Company are very low, which is a little bit higher than the cost.

   After all, from the establishment of this company, Xiao Feng regarded it as a supplement to the national strategy.

   The money from the resources is very easy to make, but he has not thought about it. He wants to make the country's money...


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