My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2131: House seemingly endless rain

Lapjet stood at the bow of the ship, holding a telescope anxiously searching the sea in front of him.

   To tell the truth, on the sea in this area, they have been turning around for almost a month, and there is no sign of finding the target ship.

  The mining ships of the Dragon Kingdom seem to have disappeared out of thin air, or they have never been here.

   This makes Lapjet very anxious, because he has received deposits from others.

   Colonel Singh’s deposit is not so easy to get, one million dollars, plus two gunboats eliminated by the military, and a lot of weapons and ammunition.

   If you can't do things to the satisfaction of Colonel Singer this time, he will be in trouble looking back.

   In fact, he is an old pirate, but the problem is that he can't stay on the water for the rest of his life.

   And he has family members. He has three wives and nine children, four of whom are in school.

  Some are in Mumbai and some are in Delhi.

  If this time things are not done to Colonel Singer's satisfaction, then his family members may suffer.

   Thinking of these, he also had a headache.

   But the problem is that in the past month or so, he has tried various methods and released a lot of tricks.

   was to be able to find the fleet of the Dragon Kingdom, but he still couldn't have the answer he wanted.

   This is really annoying.

   These days, the oil alone has consumed dozens of tons.

   The ship also ran for thousands of nautical miles, and as this went on, he was really afraid that he hadn't found Long Guoren yet.

   His own ship was scrapped first, and he couldn't stand the fuel consumption!

   Fortunately, recently, he was still on the waterway and robbed a few ships, which can be regarded as making up for some losses.

   But this also caused dissatisfaction on Singer's side. He had already called him over there, asking him to focus on business and not to engage in other things.

   To be honest, after hearing this, he secretly greeted the eight generations of Singh’s ancestors several times.

   special, don’t you just rely on yourself to have a good uncle?

   Don’t you just rely on being a high caste? He was a student of the same naval academy as Singh.

   But just because he is a Sudra and he is a Kshatriya, he ascended at the last critical moment.

   And he could only retire with hatred, and finally fell into the underworld business.

   special, if the two switch positions, it might be better who is better than the other.

   But these things, he can only spray when he is depressed, and he dare not easily show it to outsiders.

   Although India now claims to abolish the caste system, he actually knows how serious the caste class difference is in the country.

   Now his only idea is to make more money, and then send his children to the Eagle Country or the U.S.

   Let them develop over there and never come back.

   But if you want to continue to mess around in the future, you must first complete today's task beautifully.

   At this moment, his guard on the ship came over with a satellite phone.

   "Sir, Colonel Singh’s call."

   The guard scribbled in a lame Asan English. Lapjet listened and sighed.

  Why can't Asan develop? On the surface, this is a country, but in fact, it is divided into many regions.

   And many regions have different languages, and there is no uniform writing.

   This is why they have to adopt English as their main official language.

   Just listen to this guy's poor English, and this guy must be from the poor Southern State.

   "Hello, Brother Singh."

  Lapjet took the phone and made a haha. Singh on the other end of the phone frowned when he heard this guy calling his brother.

   It seems like calling this guy a brother is an insult to myself.

   But he just hesitated for a few seconds, after all, it was not the time to argue about this trivial matter.

   "Have you not found them yet?"

   "Man, I have run out of three boats recently, and I have spent hundreds of thousands on gas."

   "But the fleet of the Dragon Kingdom seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and after the storm, they didn't mean to come back."

   "I don't even know where they are now, how do you let me start?"

  Lapjet picked up the phone and left Singh upset. Singh heard that his eyebrows were almost twisted together.

   He also knew that this guy didn't lie, but the problem was that they couldn't help Lapjet much in this matter.

   Recently, their navy, in the name of training.

   went south to the sea for a long time, but the problem is that they didn’t go too far, and something went wrong with their fleet.

   The submarine rented from Mao Xiong first exploded. This incident caused an international sensation.

   At the beginning, many people thought that their submarine was attacked by others.

   After investigation, it turned out that the torpedo was not tightly fastened when their crew was operating.

   Of course, although the investigation became clear soon, they did not dare to disclose it to the public.

   But you have to know that there are always a lot of big mouths in the army. This group of guys are so unpredictable, it is estimated that they have revealed the news.

   As a result, Asan’s navy has once again become an international laughingstock.

   Known as the most deterrent submarine force, UU reading can make such a joke, you can imagine their level.

   And things are far more than that simple. When something like this happened, the acting is no longer necessary.

   But in order to earn this breath, the above had to insist.

   As a result, I didn’t expect you to encounter a sea storm when you continued.

   Their so-called self-built aviation mother, because the ship's shipboard is too high, the problem of extremely poor resistance to wind and waves is exposed.

   At the beginning, they invited the French to design this flight mother, but the French were obviously not at ease.

   Originally, the French people's own aviation mothers were not so good, but this time they obviously regarded their aviation mothers as the work of their own designers.

   As a result, because their aviation mother did not have steam catapult equipment, they designed a ski-jump deck.

   The problem is, I don’t know if the French designer is too young or deliberately designed this deck too high.

   The result is that the ship's resistance to waves is extremely poor. Originally, Singh wanted to use the opportunity of the fleet to go south to help Lapjet with some searches.

  Unexpectedly, after only a few hundred nautical miles away, the fleet encountered a severe tropical storm.

   The result was that Hang Ma was blown up and down, and almost didn't fall into the sea.

   After that, their aviation mother immediately returned to Hong Kong, and never dared to go forward again.

  Because of the airplane on board, more than a dozen planes were broken. This time their loss was huge.

   So Singh can’t help Lapjet to find Dragon Kingdom’s fleet. This time it’s really a leak in the night...

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