My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2132: Sit back and wait for the rabbit

  Lapjet couldn't find Dragon Kingdom's fleet, so he couldn't start operations.

   This wasted time for Singer, and Singer was also a headache because he had to face the pressure from his uncle.

   At this time, his uncle is also facing pressure from London.

   After all, they used to take millions of doses of vaccine for nothing. At this time, if they don't take the matter to them, they won't be able to explain to them later.

   What made him even more embarrassed was that the guy his nephew found had robbed a few ships in the Indian Ocean before.

   And those ships are precisely the cargo ships of the Taikoo Group of the Great Yin Empire.

   Isn't this a slap in the face? The thing was not done, and the ship was robbed in return...

   If this spreads out, it is estimated that the Duke of Hamilton may send someone from London to kill himself.

   Of course, facing the inquiry from the Duke of Hamilton, he can only say that he is not very clear about this matter.

   But he will let his nephew find out this matter and see if it is the **** who dares to break ground on Tai Sui.

   Be sure to let the other party know how good they are.

   could say that, but in my heart, I was thinking that I must find a chance to clarify this matter with his nephew.

   Let Lapjet do things more beautifully. After the cargoes of those ships are emptied, everyone will be wiped off, and they must not be released.

   As for the ship, I can’t ask for it anymore, just dismantle it and sell it.

   Although it's a pity, it's better than letting someone find it back.

   After all, if the Englishman is serious, it will be very troublesome.

  Although they have left Asan, they still have an extraordinary influence in this country.

   And their Singh family is not without rivals, if the Duke of Hamilton finds out the clues.

   Then their Singh family may be in trouble.

   Although it cannot be said that it was uprooted by others, the bleeding is definitely indispensable.

   But the most important thing right now is to take care of the business first and find out the Dragon Kingdom fleet.

   So he talked to the Duke of Hamilton about their current difficulties.

   The ‘contractor’ they commissioned almost broke their legs, and they couldn’t find Longguo’s fleet.

  The Dragon Kingdom fleet has gone since that storm, and the most important thing is that they never came back.

  This makes their team puzzled. Could it be that they won’t be here in the future?

   Their navy could provide some support, but no one expected that they would have encountered two major changes once they went out.

   Now that the navy has returned to Hong Kong, many warships are under repair.

   I can't count on them for a while, and they won't leave Hong Kong anymore.

   And he also commissioned friends from the Ministry of National Defense, and even secretly used some satellites to conduct sweeping investigations in the waters in that area.

   As a result, Dragon Kingdom’s fleet was not found, so the question now is how to find them.

   Then you have to entrust the Duke of Hamilton. You have a lot of energy. You can use more resources to find them out.

   After hearing Singer's words, the Duke of Hamilton just wanted to scold his mother.

  Nima’s, it’s me who entrusted you with the money, OK, now you can’t even find the righteous master.

   But he can only curse in his stomach, because he also knows Ah San's urinary sex.

  Besides, they really can't be blamed for this. Who made this group of Longguo people too cunning.

   may be a green environmental protection organization that was sent to the past.

   scared them, or they were afraid of the pressure of international public opinion, so they withdrew?

  No, this doesn't suit their style of doing things. After all, with such a large copper mine resource, I can't bear to give up like that.

   Recently, they have united several companies and convened several scientific research teams and fleets.

   The team is currently being assembled. Once the assembly is complete, they will immediately set off and head straight to the sea.

   Anyway, we must not let the Longguo family dig out all the mines.

   But the problem now is that they not only want to monopolize the mineral resources, but also drive the Longguo people away.

   But you can't even find anyone, what are you going to rush?

   Singh now asks him to find someone, but he is not a fairy either.

  Although their mineral giants do have a lot of energy, they are not the top consortium in Europe and the United States.

   The top ones are Wall Street, and those military-industrial complexes in the United States.

  They are just side branches, and even in the energy system, they are not as good as those oil chaebols.

  Although they can also mobilize satellites, the number they can call is also very limited.

   Anyway, at least the satellites of the US Ministry of National Defense, they can't move.

   And you think you can find a fleet of ships so easily by calling satellites?

   is a military satellite, so I don’t dare to boast such a Haikou!

   We all know that the current missile technology is very good, the accuracy of launching and hitting the target is very high, and the deviation is very small.

   Why is it so difficult to fight an aircraft carrier?

   In the eyes of ordinary people, an aircraft carrier fleet has at least a dozen ships, and such a large fleet should be easy to spot.

   But this is actually not the case. You must know the sky above the oceans on the earth, but there are clouds anytime and anywhere.

   If those fleets are smart enough to hide under the clouds, it will be difficult for your satellites to spot people.

   And even if they are not many under the clouds, they are walking violently on the ocean, it is not easy for you to find them.

   After all, there are more than a dozen warships, looking at the sea, it is really spectacular.

   But if you look in space, UU reading is just a few sesame seeds, even more inconspicuous than sesame seeds.

   Unless you can get accurate information, conduct an accurate search for something that is still needed.

   Otherwise, it is very difficult for you to find the other person.

   So after hearing Singer’s request, the Duke of Hamilton finally thought about it, but he could only pinch his eyebrows.

   Then tell the other person, in this case, let's wait.

   He doesn't believe it anyway, the other party won't come back.

   There are obviously a lot of copper resources under this water area, so he didn't believe the other party just gave up.

   Although they don't know how many copper ore is hidden under this sea area, look at how the people of Long Country are rich and wealthy now.

   In their factory, there are at least enough reserves for 30 days.

   As for how much copper ore is facing in the warehouse at the dock, they don't know this.

   This is the limit intelligence they can collect...

   And this has also brought losses of at least tens of billions of dollars to these European and American mining giants.

   Now the copper mines in the copper country have to start to reduce production...


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