All the investors and institutions in the market have gone crazy. Huan Technology has become a penny stock today. If anyone has their stock in their hands, they should naturally hold it steadily.

   Because of the current situation, no one knows where the upper limit of this company’s stock will be!

   It's a fool if you have money but don't make money!

   In the afternoon, the offer price for Tianhuan Technology on the market has risen to 30, but it is still hard to find a ticket on the market.

   At this time, everyone is waiting for the two companies to issue a communiqué. As long as the two companies are discussing mergers and acquisitions, the price of this stock will definitely rise again.

   Finally that evening, Tianhuan Technology released the news that the company is currently facing an M&A adjustment!

   And the object of this negotiation is Shengfeng Energy, which everyone speculated before.

   The moment the news came out, many investment institutions and investors exploded. Now everyone is right.

   Considering that the first wave of sweeping goods should be the people of Shengfeng Energy, everyone can't sit still now.

   It seems that Shengfeng Energy is going to be a barbarian knocking on the door this time, and Tianhuan Technology is obviously not willing to be acquired.

   After all, the development trend of science and technology in recent years has shown that lithium batteries are the king of future development, and the lithium mines in the copper country controlled by their company will definitely have higher value in the future.

   So they are naturally unwilling to be acquired by Shengfeng Energy at this time.

   So this is destined to be a sniper and counter-sniper battle. All players are ready to join their respective camps.

   But everyone has only one ultimate goal, which is to increase the price of Tianhuan Technology.

   Many institutions cannot receive Tianhuan Technology's stock on the market, so they simply found Tianhuan Technology's door and pledged the stock to us.

   We lent you funds. Anyway, we want to fight against Shengfeng Energy that is knocking on the door. You always need money, don’t you?

   For such investment institutions, Tianhuan Technology is naturally always willing to come. Anyway, most of the chips in the market are in their hands.

   A part of the pledge can be supplemented with a part of the cash flow, which is normal.

   Of course, there must be a lot of acting, but since it is acting, it must be professional!

   What's more, it is a good thing that Tianhuan Technology can find some funds to get a part of the funds. The big deal is when the domestic money is transferred out, and the holes are filled back!

   If the money cannot be transferred, hehe, then the money will naturally come and go.

  Everyone is gearing up, waiting for the start of this battle.

  The announcement that Shengfeng Energy finally appeared on the market officially invited to acquire Tianhuan Technology!

  The battle has started. At this time, many institutions and investors are waiting in line to watch the excitement, and at the same time, they are ready to enter the venue at any time to take a bite.

   What they don’t know is that this is actually the game made by Tianhuan Technology and Shengfeng Energy. They are actually playing the game of fighting each other.

   And the purpose is to raise the valuation!

   Shengfeng Energy directly raised the offer price to thirty-five as soon as it launched, but Tianhuan Technology hasn’t moved. On the surface, Tianhuan’s family only holds 40% of the company’s shares.

   The other 60% are in the hands of other companies.

   But in fact, 50% of the shares belong to the vest company arranged by Ma Wanli, and they all belong to the same group.

   At this time, no matter how high the offer price of Shengfeng Energy is, those companies will not make a deal at this time. They have to wait until the offer price of Shengfeng Energy is higher.

   At this time, Tianhuan Technology, in order to pretend to be a reverse takeover, in order to increase the shares to 51%, naturally began to release the offer price in the market.

   The price is directly increased to thirty-six!

   Both sides started this game of grabbing chips. At first glance, it seemed very real, but they were actually acting.

   But outsiders don’t know that these tricks of theirs are just like the excitement, and they are surrounded by opinions and praise.

   Before the market closed that night, the two parties finally raised the invitation price to 40 yuan. At this time, with Tianhuan Technology's plate, about 8 billion funds can be accommodated.

   Ma Wanli took a look. When the market closes tomorrow, the price will be raised to 50 yuan, and then the water can be released here.

   A little loss will be deducted at that time, and more than 10 billion will be transferred out, which is not a problem.

   It's just a pity that Shengfeng Energy, the chess piece he laid out many years ago, is actually a high-quality company.

  If the business is managed in a long-term, this company may really grow up.

   But he is the one who plays finance to make quick money, so how can he have that kind of patience.

   He started raising pigs from piglets. He couldn't afford to wait for that process, and he couldn't stand the pain of raising pigs.

   It's better to buy a pig to kill it. Anyway, the end result is meat, it's all the same!

   That night, someone broke the news on the Internet that Shengfeng Energy is currently applying for a new patent, which is a new type of lithium battery tablet design.

   It is said that this new structure can not only greatly reduce the weight of the lithium battery, but also greatly increase the capacity of the lithium battery. The charge and discharge efficiency of the new lithium battery can be increased by 70% compared with the previous one.

   is currently applying for a patent at the same time as the United States. If this patent application is successful, then this company will become a domestic and even international first-class lithium battery supplier.

   It is said that there are people from Shuangtian Company in Japan who are negotiating with them. Once the patent application is filed, they will sign a contract to start cooperation.

   digging a groove, this news is quite explosive!

   For those who play finance, this is a gimmick!

   It is a pity that this Shengfeng Energy company has not been listed. If it is not, just such a news can make their share price have a daily limit for a month.

  If there is no daily limit in a market like Xiangjiang, then this news can directly quadruple their share price.

   Of course, even if they are not listed, it does not matter. If they are not listed, then the Tianhuan Technology they want to acquire is listed!

   So as soon as the stock market opened the next day, Tianhuan Technology’s share price ushered in another surge. Tianhuan Technology itself once again raised the offer price to 48 yuan.

   The price increase was so high, but everyone was terrified. The market was silent and everyone was silent, waiting for Shengfeng Energy to respond.

   But in the Ma Wanli side of Greentown, I was happy. The performance this time was really good. Fight each other and turn the sand sculptures around!

   Now he has to pretend to be timid, and in the afternoon he will ask Shengfeng to raise the offer price to fifty yuan.

   In this way, the play is done enough and will not attract the attention of the Hong Kong Banking Regulatory Commission.

   After the price has stabilized for one day, it can be shipped directly tomorrow. First, let several vest companies transfer the goods to Shengfeng Energy.

   Then let Tianhuan Technology mention the price, and finally the price rose to fifty-five, which made Tianhuan Technology unable to pretend to be able to hold it.

   Hey, all the stocks in your hands will be transferred to Shengfeng Energy, and the money on Shengfeng’s account can be transferred out.

   How did the tens of billions on Shengfeng’s account come from?

   Hey, most of them are various financial companies under their own name, and they ‘finance’ them!

   As long as the money is transferred out, this operation will be more than half completed.

  As a financial expert, Ma Wanli has always had a big appetite. This time, in order to transfer domestic assets, he spent three shell companies.

   Xiangjiang’s Yinghuan Technology was bought in the early years and it cost tens of millions. As for the domestic Tianneng Technology, it took more than one billion to buy it.

   The most unfortunate thing is Shengfeng Energy. If this company operates for a long time, it will still be a hen who will always lay golden eggs.

   But for this action, these three companies will all have to sacrifice. The cost of these shell companies alone, and the estimated cost in the future, will have to lose more than one billion yuan.

  In addition to the labor losses in the transfer process, tax costs, bank interest, etc., it will cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

   Therefore, in order to transfer the domestically more than 10 billion yuan, the cost alone will have to spend nearly 2 billion.

   Although the money is not all from him or someone alone, he can transfer the cost to other people who ask him for help.

   But this can only flatten the cost, but there is no profit. This is not in line with his usual style.

   Is just transferring money out that can satisfy Ma Wanli's appetite?

   When he first made the plan, he really wanted to transfer all the money out of the country, but as the plan progressed, especially when the plan went smoothly, his ambition also grew.

The stock price of Tianhuan Technology has risen so In terms of the current market circulation and the degree of hunger for Tianhuan Technology stock by major financial institutions, he can completely cut it off. A bunch of leeks.

   Speaking of this job, Ma Wanli could not be said to be more familiar, because he started his business by cutting leeks.

   In his early years, he ran abroad and later moved to Xiangjiang. It can be said that the capital accumulation for his fortune was accomplished by cutting leeks.

  Think about the years, it was really a wonderful time!

   There are several stocks on the Xiangjiang stock market every year, with 80% or even 90% plummeting, and these stocks are the special accounts of the dealers for cutting leeks.

   Ma Wanli was such a master at the time, but the operation is actually very simple.

   Take money to buy several companies, then reorganize assets, make the statements beautiful, and start telling stories.

   They fought each other to raise the offer price. Anyway, it was just a quotation. The original market value of a stock was a few cents. In the end, they were able to call out an offer price of ten yuan.

   Anyway, all the stocks on the market are in their hands, and there is no circulation and trading volume at all. I am afraid of being a hairy!

  Don't say ten yuan per share, it is 20 yuan per share, they dare to shout, anyway, the ultimate goal is to build momentum!

   makes the inflated price look particularly attractive, and then it is the routine of cutting leeks...


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