Speaking of design routines, Ma Wanli is even more of a genius. Even now, many of the routines for cutting leeks in the Xiangjiang Stock Market were pioneered by him.

   For example, buying a few travel agencies, launching a few preferential groups, and using very favorable prices to attract people to sign up for travel.

   Then, during the travel process, the group members were preached and brainwashed. The method is actually similar to the domestic MLM.

  Why buy stocks and get red wine, mobile phones, and a seven-day tour of Northern Europe, stocks for ten dollars, I will sell you for five dollars, anyway, when it comes to brainwashing, the dealers in the Xiangjiang financial market are definitely the ancestors of mainland crooks.

   Even the most exaggerated, they even shouted the slogan of guaranteed repurchase.

   Anyway, the ultimate goal is to flick out the banknotes of leeks and buy their junk stocks.

   As soon as the money arrives, hehe, the stock price will plummet every minute. As for any repurchase agreement, hehe, you can find them and you are considered to be great...

   Relying on these endless methods, he cut stubble after cutting leeks in Ma Wanli, and accumulated a net worth of one billion in just a few years.

   Of course, this is only part of his business. In the process of cutting leeks, he also set up several underground banks to help people launder money.

   At that time, the domestic financial control was not very strict, so he made a lot of money, and later he saw that the domestic economic situation was very good.

   He simply went ashore and returned to China to become a capital player. Relying on the accumulation of those years in Xiangjiang, he also created a big family business.

   Had it not been for offending Xiao Feng and his celebrity chef group this time, coupled with his disapproval of the domestic future economic situation, he would really be reluctant to transfer these assets.

   The current situation is that the round has been set.

   The stock price of Tianhuan Technology has been so high. Based on the current circulating shares of Tianhuan Technology, this plate is enough to hold the more than 10 billion domestic shares.

   not only can be installed in full, but there is even a part left.

   He intends to sell the remaining shares of Tianhuan Technology to those financial institutions that are thirsty for votes in the market, or powerful retail investors.

  According to his prediction, he can harvest a wave from these people, and make about two billion.

   Anyway, the news of the merger of Shengfeng Energy and Tianhuan Technology was released. Tianhuan Technology’s share price must be rockets. If he does not cut leeks, he is simply sorry to his ancestors.

   As for whether Shengfeng Energy can apply for a new patent in the future, whether it will cooperate with Liangtian in the future, it is no longer important.

   Tianhuan Technology and Shengfeng Energy, these two shells are definitely scrapped. Although it is a pity, they have completed their mission.

  The final winner is Ma Wanli!

   As for those institutions, will they bother him? Hehe, he didn't worry about this at all.

   As long as the money is available, others will leave Hong Kong and stay away from the limelight for a few years. How easy is it to find him?


   Before the market closed in the afternoon, the investment institutions and investors who watched the theater finally waited for the news that Shengfeng Energy had raised the offer price to 50 yuan. Everyone was crazy now.

   Originally thought that Tianhuan Technology’s fierce quotation would scare Shengfeng Energy back, but they finally persisted.

   Now it’s Tianhuan Technology’s turn to be difficult. After all, many people have calculated that once the offer price exceeds fifty yuan, Tianhuan Technology will already be unbearable.

  Sure enough, before the market was closed, a company began to release goods, and the price of fifty yuan was transferred to Shengfeng Energy.

   Tianhuan Technology's stock, which has always been a rare commodity on the market, was directly sold several million shares, accounting for 5% of their total valuation.

   This is the rhythm of the crash, and many people expect that Tianhuan Technology will not be able to withstand it tomorrow.

   If they do not increase the offer price, more and more shares will fall into the hands of Shengfeng Energy.

   The stock market only opened in the morning of the next day. People hadn't waited for someone to sell Tianhuan Technology's stock, but a large number of Tianhuan Technology's empty orders suddenly appeared in the futures market!

   This thing is weird!

   Now all the big guys expect Tianhuan’s stock price to go up, but your old man is better, and you just put a short order at this time, and you are going to do something! Sniper Tianhuan!

   As soon as these empty orders were thrown out, they were quickly wiped out.

   There must be many organizations and individuals who are willing to bet against such fools. After all, the current situation on the market is very clear.

   Ma Wanli was shocked when he saw so many empty orders suddenly appear, but when he saw that the empty orders were swept away, he let go of worry.

   But just when he was going to let Shengfeng people add more strength.

   Suddenly a large number of empty orders fell in the futures market.

   This is an empty order worth hundreds of millions!

   Investors and institutions who were very optimistic about the mergers and acquisitions of Tianhuan and Shengfeng also had to calm down at this time.

   Someone smashed the empty order like this, which shows that there must be some tricks behind this transaction!

  Everyone is an old world, and soon I noticed something was wrong with the whole thing, and started to change the tone.

   But there are still some organizations that are willing to bet against, and they have cleared all these empty orders.

  At this time, Ma Wanli was already sweating profusely, and Shengfeng called on whether he wanted to raise the price, but he didn't dare to answer.

  As an old river and lake, Ma Wanli understood at a glance that his deal this time must have been targeted, and he was sniped.

   Otherwise, no one would dare to smash the empty order so generously!

   If it was a day ago, he would still not worry about someone shorting, because even if someone shorted, they would not have a bargaining chip in their hands.

   All the stocks of Tianhuan Technology are all in the hands of Tianhuan Technology and his other vest companies.

   The other party is short, if he fights with the other party, as long as he pushes up the valuation, the other party can only admit defeat and leave the market, because they do not have Tianhuan Technology stocks in their hands to pay for the invitation in the gambling agreement.

   But it is different now, because several institutions have approached him before and told him to pledge the stock to them, and then they would finance Tianhuan Technology.

   At that time, considering supplementing cash flow, he agreed to those institutions.

   But now it seems that this is definitely a failure, because those institutions are likely to lend these stocks to the unidentified forces who are now attacking him.

   In this way, the opponent has enough chips to hedge against himself. When he thinks of this, Ma Wanli is depressed to death, which is completely equivalent to sending bullets to his enemy himself.

   But now is not the time to regret, he must quickly come up with countermeasures and find a solution to the problem.

   Several vest companies kept calling him, asking him if he was going to fight, and pulling up the stock price.

   Because of the other party's continuous short-selling, the stock price of Tianhuan Technology has declined, and investors in the market have been shaken.

   At this time, no matter how high their stock price is, it will be useless. If Shengfeng Energy forces a high position at this time, then the tricks in it will definitely be seen through.

   Maybe the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will directly freeze transactions, then he will sit on the wax, let alone cutting leeks, even the more than 10 billion yuan in the country will not be transferred.

   So after thinking about it, he didn't immediately ask several companies to increase their stock prices, but took out the phone, found a number and dialed it out.

"...Yes, check it out for me, who is behind the scenes and what is their purpose? Hurry, it must be fast. I have already paid 50 million to your account. I will give it to you when the matter is done. One hundred million!"

  As a stock market crocodile, Ma Wanli knows how to deal with situations like yours.

   The first thing to do at this time is to stay calm, find the opponent, and then see if there is a possibility of reconciliation, the big deal is to cut a large piece of meat to the opponent, and let the opponent stop.

  If the other party disagrees, you might as well use some extraordinary methods...

   Finally, after the market was closed at noon, Ma Wanli finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   In the whole morning, the other party placed a dozen empty orders in a row, almost every one of which was worth more than 100 million.

   So that in the future, no other organization was willing to come forward and bet against each other. At this time, Tianhuan Technology and several other vest companies had to come forward and fight each other hard.

  Because if there is no fight, the stock price will fall, so that people will see through. He Tianhuan Technology and Shengfeng Energy are playing a game of left and right.

   Once it is broken down, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Securities Regulatory Commission will definitely intervene. The transaction freezes and his purpose of transferring assets will fail. This is something he cannot bear.

   Once this transaction is checked with a magnifying glass~www.ltnovel.com~, he will definitely be found on Ma Wanli. By that time, there will be tens of billions, so don’t even want to run out.

   And he himself, don't even think about going back to the mainland in the future.

  The big family business is all over.

   Therefore, Ma Wanli had to bite the bullet and start a battle with the short side. He would eat as much as the other side placed as many short orders. Anyway, the stock price must be stabilized, and a sharp drop is absolutely not allowed.

   All morning, he throws in a few hundred million in deposits for various positions. If the stock price plummets, all the money will be the opponent's spoils.

   What he worries most at this time is whether the other party will throw any stone hammer against him, because the acquisition transaction between Tianhuan Technology and Shengfeng Energy cannot stand scrutiny at all.

   If the opponent has material in his hands, it can cause an avalanche every minute.

   Fortunately, during the lunch break, the other party did not release any information. In the afternoon, the other party continued to smash the stock price of Tianhuan Technology and kept releasing empty orders.

On the other hand, Ma Wanli could only grit his teeth. Not only did he smash in the billions of billions that he had previously financed from financial institutions, he even paid in with his own funds of several hundred million, and subsidized them. .

   Finally, the other party's empty orders were eaten up, and the stock price of Tianhuan Technology remained at a price of 40 yuan.

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