finally came to the end of the afternoon and the market was closed, and Ma Wanli was also relieved.

  Where did this special come from? This bullet is too abundant, right?

In one day's work, the other party hit an empty order of more than two billion yuan. At the beginning, there were other organizations playing with them, but after 10 o'clock in the morning, only Tianhuan Technology and a few vests were left. The company and the other party fought hard.

   The opponent's hand was really too cruel, and I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Anyway, this one hit him seven inches.

   If you ask the other party to knock down the stock price of Tianhuan Technology, then according to common sense, Shengfeng Energy is the happiest, because Shengfeng Energy can purchase Tianhuan Technology at a very low price.

But in fact, the most unhappy person is Shengfeng Energy, because he is not sincere at all to acquire Tianhuan Technology. The significance of Shengfeng Energy's existence is to wait for Tianhuan Technology’s share price to reach a certain level. Mergers and acquisitions.

   In this way, the more than 10 billion yuan in the country can be transferred out.

   But it seems that it is not so easy to stabilize the valuation!

  Ma Wanli knows that tonight is the key. The consulting company he commissioned during the day is a magical company. I believe they should be able to quickly find out the real culprit behind Tianhuan’s suppression of Tianhuan Technology.

   As long as he finds out his opponent, he can make targeted preparations, whether he bows his head to admit the wrong meat, or uses extraordinary methods.

   It depends on who the opponent is. If it is a financial institution that took advantage of the fire, then cut the meat to the other party.

  If it's Xiao Feng's side... Ma Wanli's face shrank at the thought of this, the big deal is that the fish is dead and the net is broken.

   That night, he stayed in the living room of the villa, did not go back to his room all night, and waited for a call from the consulting company.

   But when it was more than eight o'clock in the evening, suddenly some unidentified sources appeared on the Internet.

   "Tianneng Technology's Scam", Tianneng Technology's discovery of lithium mineral resources in the salt lake in Piskana region of copper country is fake!

  According to the investigators of the headquarter, they went to Copper Country to investigate and found out that Tianneng Technology did not acquire Piskanah mining area in Copper Country...

   Director Sanchez of the Copper Land and Resources Administration responded to this case. They had never received an offer from the mainland Tianneng Technology Company regarding the Piscana mining area.

   And in the last three years, they have not received any quotations from mainland companies regarding the Piskaner mining area...

   This network broke the news, and an interview video was also attached. The subject of the interview in the video was Sanchez, the official director of the National Land and Resources Administration of Copper.

   And as soon as this revelation came out, it caused an uproar.

  What's the matter with this special mother?

   Tianneng Technology’s acquisition of copper country’s lithium mine turned out to be false? What about the merger between them and Yinghuan Technology?

   just to increase the stock price of Yinghuan Technology?

   More than half an hour later, another 89-page due diligence report was thrown out on the Internet. As soon as this due diligence report came out, it could be said that it was a blockbuster.

   directly exploded Ma Wanli's heart to pieces!

   "The truth about the farce of Tianhuan Technology and Shengfeng Energy's acquisition! 》

   This Nima is completely a routine of the Turbid Water Company!

   A report clarified the twists and turns between the two companies.

   The general ins and outs of the matter are like this. The behind-the-scenes boss of Shengfeng Energy wants to transfer an asset to a foreign country, but the official state card is very strict, so he wants to rely on the high-buying method of the Hong Kong stock market to transfer assets.

   So artificially hyped up the stock price of Yinghuan Technology. Tianneng Technology was also the shell company in his hands. First, Tianneng Technology acquired Yinghuan Technology, which boosted the stock price of Yinghuan Technology.

   Then it will say that Shengfeng Energy will acquire Tianhuan Technology, and it will be rising. When the price rises to a certain level, they will complete the merger.

  In this way, the capital boss can transfer domestic assets to overseas through the path of Shengfeng Energy M&A...

The    routine can be said to have been analyzed clearly, and what is even more frightening is that the other party has enumerated a lot of stone hammer evidence!

   For example, Tianneng Technology is not acquiring any lithium mining areas at all, and they do not have any lithium mining reserves at all.

  Moreover, they are also facing the problem of resource exhaustion in several domestic mining areas. It can be said that this company is a garbage company that is about to go bankrupt.

   Next is Shengfeng Energy. This company has a certain share in the lithium battery market, but they do not have any so-called advanced technology.

   The new type of lithium battery compression technology previously promoted is simply nonsense. They also submitted a patent application in China, but they are doomed to fail.

   As for the US, they also filed a patent application, but the possibility of being rejected is very high because they have no advanced technology at all.

   The reason for such a hype is actually to help Tianhuan Technology to increase its stock price.

   In the report, after this discussion, there are many prestigious chat records of the staff of Shengfeng Energy's internal R&D department.

   and their experimental data, etc., what’s even more frightening is that they still don’t know where to get the financial report of Shengfeng Energy in the past few years.

   highlighted the R&D investment in the financial report.

  The financial report of Shengfeng Energy in the first five years shows that their annual profit in those years has indeed increased, but it has only increased from the initial 3 million to the current 50 million.

  Although their annual investment in research and development has increased, it has increased from more than one million to more than three million.

   This kind of financial report can be understood by a knowledgeable person at a glance. Only more than three million yuan is invested in research and development a year. Can you expect them to develop world-leading technologies?

  What an international joke, this little money is not enough to pay R&D staff!

   At the bottom of the report, the staffing of the company’s laboratory is listed. Except for two non-working directors, the others also lost ten quality inspectors.

   And instead of believing that these people can do research and development, it is better to say that these people can only do the usual tests between products.

   also posted a photo of the Shengfeng Energy Laboratory. The laboratory, known as the Advanced R&D Center, has only three offices, and the equipment inside is even more rudimentary.

   Except for the simplest test paper beaker and a few microscopes, there is nothing else.

At this time, people who watched the video and photos, even if they are not data experts, even ordinary people can see that it is impossible to rely on such a simple and shabby laboratory and the dozens of quality inspectors alone. What are the results of the research.

   This directly proves that the so-called patent of Shengfeng Energy is nothing but a scam.

   And in the next report, the due diligence staff even contacted the external department of Liangtian and inquired about whether they are currently contacting Shengfeng Energy and cooperating with them.

   But the answers I got from Ryota were categorical denials.

   They have not contacted Shengfeng Energy at all, have never heard of this company, and have no plans to cooperate with this company.

   In this way, it is basically clear that the so-called technological breakthrough of Shengfeng Energy is basically a scam.

   And the reason why they created this scam is also very simple, is to provide an excuse for the price increase of Tianhuan Technology's stock.

   Shengfeng Energy has made technological breakthroughs and the prospects are promising, so the stock price of the shell he wants to acquire will naturally rise.

   What’s even more frightening is that this report also lists the shareholding ratio of Tianhuan Technology and several other institutions that hold Tianhuan Technology’s stock price.

   Several vest companies have all been smashed, and the upstream holding companies of the vest companies have all been exposed.

   But the key thing is that the relationship between the last few companies was clearly not mentioned, and in the end, even Ma Wanli's name was exposed.

   This is the most terrible!

  Those capital players in the country are almost always very taboo to expose them to the public, because to be honest, few of these people have clean butts.

   As long as someone who cares carefully checks it, they can find a pile of **** from under their buttocks.

   As for Ma Wanli, let alone, he was an economic criminal who fled overseas in his early years. Although he settled the matter later, his reputation is still unpleasant.

   And over the years, his stubbles of cutting leeks in the capital market have also been exposed. This is terrible.

   Originally a financial tycoon, he was not invited to be seen, and his past experience was also very disgraceful.

   was exposed at this time, which further enhanced the credibility of this report.

   In the end, anyone who has read this report will come to a conclusion that the merger between Tianhuan Technology and Shengfeng Energy is a mess in itself.

   Their ultimate goal is to transfer assets and cut a stubble of leeks by the way!

   At twelve o'clock at midnight, Ma Wanli read the report in the villa, and he was even more refreshing in his heart. This time was completely finished.

   Suddenly he heard a roar of motors coming from the yard. What's the situation? Is anyone coming to the villa so late?

   He dashed to the window, only to see a few cars filed out of the yard, and in the cars were all the traders he had found for this operation.

   It's over, obviously these people have also read the report.

   They also understood that the operation was not saved, he was over, so he ran away ahead of schedule.

   At the thought of this, Ma Wanli felt cold all over, and this time was completely finished.

   Although the Hong Kong stock market has not opened yet, he knows that the whole plan is over, and the other party's punch is so fierce and accurate that he has no way of refuting it.

  It can be imagined that once the stock market opens tomorrow, waiting for Tianhuan Technology will be an avalanche.

   Maybe, as soon as Tianhuan Technology opens the door in the morning, someone from the stock exchange will come to the door...

   Forget it, don't think about that, just wonder how to run!

   Now I am not safe in the country. Maybe the police will come to my door anytime.


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