The most important thing for an Internet platform to grow bigger and stronger quickly is to find the pain points of consumers, and then start to solve the pain points.

   This is the so-called business innovation model!

  , for example, a certain treasure, originally solved the pain point of price opacity between manufacturers and customers.

   Their appearance has directly opened up the channels between manufacturers and customers, and eliminated the middlemen, so they can quickly become bigger and stronger.

  Well, if Mr. Wan wants to build this medical platform, he is very accurate in choosing the pain points.

   One of them is the price problem of imported special effects. It is not difficult for him to hit the price down and find other related parties to offer **** to solve the domestic resistance.

   is nothing more than an exchange of benefits.

   And this still cannot be confronted, it comes from the competition of the peers.

   He can do this, as well as Moubao and Mouduoduo. If people think he is a threat, then they can gradually build such a platform at any time.

   So he chose the second pain point, that is, to solve the problem of unreasonable allocation of domestic medical resources and increasing contradictions between doctors and patients.

   At present, the main contradiction between doctors and patients in China is still due to the unreasonable allocation of medical resources.

  Why are so many patients willing to go to the tertiary hospitals because of their minor problems?

   It is clearly a disease that can be treated by some local tertiary hospitals, but you have to go to Beijing or Puhai to see industry experts there?

   This is mainly related to the issue of mutual trust between doctors and patients.

   For example, patients also know that they clearly have some colds, or are not very serious diseases, such as cholecystitis, tenosynovitis and other diseases that are one level higher than colds.

   I've been to some third-class hospitals or second-class hospitals before.

  But some of the doctors in these hospitals are inadequate. They can't understand just such a minor illness, or because the number of patients in this hospital is insufficient and the income generated by the department is not enough for the hospital's requirements, they have over-treated the patients.

   It was obviously a minor illness, but the patient had to undergo repeated tests, injections, and toss the patient to death. In the end, the money was spent and the illness was not cured.

   This has caused more and more people to go to the top three hospitals once they are sick, and they still don’t trust doctors.

   In hospitals like Third B and Second A, because there are not enough patients, the income of the hospital is insufficient, and the upper level funding is not enough, and the doctors can only be paid at 50%.

   In order to generate income, the doctors finally had to over-medicate the patients repeatedly, and finally formed a vicious circle.

   Third B, the harder the doctors in the second-class hospitals are, the fewer the patients will be.

  The more the patients were concentrated in the top three hospitals, the more the doctors in the top three hospitals became more exhausted to deal with them. In the end, they had to deal with many patients with milder illnesses.

   This will often happen. Patients are in the top three hospitals, queuing for registration for a few hours, and doctors can be seen, but in the last ten minutes they are sent out.

   In this way, the patient will feel resentment towards the doctor over time.

   If the treatment effect is not satisfactory, there will often be malignant incidents of wounding or even killing doctors.

   This is the main pain point of the current doctor-patient contradiction.

  Wan Gongzi’s platform chose this pain point as the entry point, which is very good in Xiao Feng's view.

The    platform has signed all the top experts and elites in various medical fields who are concentrated in the capital and Puhai.

   Let them set up online video consultations on their online platform in their spare time every month, and at the same time allow contracted general doctors to observe and learn.

   In this way, a virtuous circle is formed that complements each other. Experts get more students, preach, and gain reputation.

   Ordinary doctors have the opportunity to learn the skills of experts to improve themselves.

   Also on the platform, patients who will be consulted in the future will be graded.

   Ordinary patients are assigned to ordinary doctors, and the more serious the disease, the higher the level of experts.

  In addition, a strict scoring system will be developed to allow patients to rate their doctors.

   Doctors with high scores can get more platform resources, such as the opportunity to pursue further studies with the industry, get more patient recommendations, and get more share.

The    platform will also develop supporting diagnosis and treatment assistants to remind doctors and patients to make a return visit at an appointment time to confirm the diagnosis and treatment effect.

   In terms of customer development, the platform is mainly aimed at small white-collar workers in fast-paced, high-intensity living conditions in big cities.

   These white-collar workers generally do not have a long time after entering the society, and their net worth is not very thick.

   It is very busy and tiring to go to work. Under the circumstances that everyone in the capital advocates 996, high-intensity work has made all kinds of chronic diseases younger.

   And these little white-collar workers don't know, they should see a doctor.

  The company they work for, sick leave is hard to get.

   And most of them don't like the scene of people queuing up for registration in the hospital.

   The emergence of this kind of medical platform has greatly solved their problems.

   Just download an APP, simply enter your symptoms in the consultation area, and then you will be assigned to a junior doctor.

   During the video consultation, the doctor will diagnose and treat according to the symptoms, and try to simplify the process of going to the hospital, drawing blood, and taking X-rays.

   In fact, many patients complain about this link the most. It is obviously a small cold, but once you go to the hospital, the doctor will let you draw blood, perform tests, and take pictures, which is basically equivalent to a whole physical examination process.

   To do this, it can be said that you have to queue up for everything. The registration line is already a headache, but you have to line up for blood draws, laboratory tests, and filming. You still have to line up.

   It takes a long time to get the results after a lap, and the results will be in the afternoon, or tomorrow, before I can see the doctor and diagnose the symptoms.

   The final result is still hanging water, which makes many young white-collar workers who are hard to get sick leave can't help but scold their mothers.

   It is a very simple question, but they have to make it complicated.

Isn't    just to make everyone spend more money?

  Patients think so, but hospitals also have their own difficulties. Why don't they know that these patients can be cured by prescribing two pills or putting water on them?

   But why do they have to ask them to take a blood test and make a film?

   On the one hand, it is to improve the diagnosis of the condition, on the other hand, it is because many hospitals are frightened by doctors.

   In fact, twenty years ago, when you went to see a doctor in a domestic hospital, some doctors of minor illnesses could really make a diagnosis based on their experience.

   But later there were some medical troubles, which was to exploit the loopholes in this area, after the doctor gave a diagnosis.

   They just stayed in the hospital repeatedly and didn't leave the hospital. They said that you could not be cured, and they repeatedly caused some symptoms for themselves, which was just a waste of money.

   In the end, the hospital was also scared, so I finally had to add such an inspection process before the diagnosis.

   In the top three hospitals, because there are too many patients, there is indeed a process of queuing for everything.

  This is indeed the main reason why many people are dissatisfied with this process.

   And this pharmaceutical platform invested by Wan Gongzi is to greatly shorten this process.

  Patients can rate doctors, but at the same time doctors and platforms will also rate patients.

  You want to come here to blackmail the doctor, blackmail the platform? Haha, this platform is not a hospital.

   The hospital is afraid of medical troubles. That's because the hospital is public. The leaders of the hospital are politically in charge. They are afraid of discrediting their official career, so they don't want to make troubles.

   But the platform is purely commercial operation, the least afraid of these guys.

  If you dare to blackmail, then you can fight the lawsuit to the end. Anyway, the legal department that the company spends a lot of money to raise every year is not for nothing.

   It is precisely because of this structural design that the form of online consultation has become possible.

   And once this model of online consultation can be made, it will greatly save patients' time.

   allows those who are struggling in the metropolis to arrange their time more flexibly and receive effective medical protection.

   And without face-to-face contact, it also reduces the possibility of a doctor-patient conflict.

   After listening to Wan Gongzi’s introduction to the detailed organizational structure of this platform, Xiao Feng expressed his appreciation very much.

   "Indeed, if you can solve these two pain points, you really don't worry, this platform can't develop!"

   "Haha, that's a must. The only headache now is that there are some technical problems."

   "Oh? What kind of technical problem?"

"Actually, when I was building this network platform, I had a preliminary idea, that is, preliminary blood tests, tests, etc. are still needed. After all, this kind of blood test can still be greatly improved. The doctor’s judgment on your condition."

"Well, this is also true. Sometimes doctors can see a lot of problems with a blood index. But to be honest, X-rays, and CT films, these things, many ordinary third-B and second-A hospital doctors can't understand."

   Xiao Feng This is not to look down on the doctors, but to tell the truth.

   In fact, I still need a level of skill to see a doctor.

  Don't talk about the doctors in the third-class and second-class hospitals. In fact, many doctors in the third-class hospitals are not very good at watching movies.

   Xiao Feng has personally experienced this.

   Young Master Wan nodded.

"When this medical platform was set up, I planned to set up a physical examination station in every major city. In this way, I can ask patients and take time to get a blood sample at the physical examination station for an individual examination. Then I will get the diagnosis myself. At the same time as the results, his diagnosis results will also be distributed to the designated doctors. This can greatly improve the accuracy of the doctor's diagnosis."

   "Huh? Isn't your idea very good? Is there any technical difficulty?"

   "The difficulty lies in the technical equipment. If you want to get results quickly, you must use the equipment well. This way, the investment will be large! I can't afford it at the moment."

   Young Master Wan is straightforward enough. Xiao Feng laughed when he heard it. It is true that such a medical examination center has a lot of investment.

   really do it, it's not as simple as chain pharmacies.



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