My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 822: If you have money, everyone makes money, so don't eat alone!

   "If you do this, it will not only be a matter of a medical platform, but will change the entire medical system!"

   Xiao Feng was surprised at Wan Gongzi's ambition, but Wan Gongzi laughed like a chicken thief.

   "That's not enough, my main purpose is to sell medicine."

   I believe you a ghost, Xiao Feng secretly smiled.

"Indeed, you have a very good idea. Now those top three hospitals are all overcrowded, and you have to line up for everything. Even if you see a small cold, you will be tested for a circle. But when you walk down this circle, the whole morning is the least. In the morning. Go to see a doctor, see the doctor in the afternoon, and get a diagnosis. And the idea of ​​your testing station can solve this problem very well!"

"That is, and ha, my monitoring station, I plan to open for 24 hours, mainly in self-service mode, of course, there will be a small number of doctors. For example, the blood sampling and urine test will be simplified as much as possible. The only headache is X Optical films, as well as CT machines. It is also necessary for the diagnosis of some diseases, but if it is equipped with each test station, the cost will be too expensive."

  The idea of ​​​​the son of Wan is really quite right. In the future when everything is more convenient and efficient, this kind of self-service testing station is really promising.

   It’s much more convenient to go to the hospital to queue up for registration, and the patient can get a report from here and go online to make an appointment for a doctor.

   This also greatly saves the patient's time and provides the greatest convenience to both the patient and the doctor.

   Thinking of this, he immediately remembered the medical cabin he had used in another world.

   That thing was too advanced. He was besieged by dinosaurs and was seriously injured, but he was lying in the medical cabin, and he didn't know what kind of rays had been swept back and forth several times.

   The machine checked out the internal injuries he had suffered. To be honest, this level is higher than that of doctors in many hospitals today.

   He even clearly remembered that when he was working in Beijing, he caught a cold and caused pneumonia, and he went to the hospital to take an X-ray.

   When he took the X-ray film to see the doctor, the rookie doctor did not understand what disease he was having after watching for a long time.

   In the end, he just took off for most of the day. He really couldn't understand, so he asked the superior director to show it.

   It was such a long delay at that time, it really exploded Xiao Feng's breath.

   If the technology to scan and diagnose diseases can be brought out, then this self-service medical examination station will not be completed?

   Xiao Feng suddenly had an idea in his heart, so he turned his head and said to Lord Wan.

   "Brother Wan, this self-service medical examination station..."

   "Why do you have an idea?"

   "Well, there is an idea. If I do one, how about cooperating with your e-commerce platform?"

   "It's okay, what's wrong? You join in too, that's great."

   Hearing Xiao Feng actively wanted to join, this made Wan Gongzi very happy.

   He had been thinking about how to get Xiao Feng onto his thief ship before, but now that Xiao Feng took the initiative to come up, he was naturally happy.

   Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and decided to have a showdown with Xiao Feng.

"My brother, I don’t want to hide it from you. I have a few friends who have been coveting your ninth laboratory. They organized an investigation team and have been investigating your ninth laboratory. I know this is you. The company’s company has also persuaded them several times. At the moment, they have dispelled many plans to work on the Ninth Laboratory..."

   Xiao Feng was also taken aback when he heard this. Lord Wan said this, what does this mean? Do you invite credit to yourself?

   Young Master Wan saw Xiao Feng at this moment, but his reaction was not very big, and then he immediately connected the stubborn words, and then he had to round up the words.

"However, I heard from them that they have also inquired a lot of news. I heard that your ninth laboratory has recently developed a new medicine for the treatment of heart disease? The effect is very good? There is also an advanced nutritional medicine. Will it come out too?"

   "Huh? This..."

   Xiao Feng sat up abruptly, and even inquired about this? It seems that these guys are very concerned about their ninth laboratory?

   But thinking about the friends Wan Gongzi talked about, he thinks this is normal.

   Do some business in China, as long as you do it prosperously, it will definitely arouse the covetousness of some people.

   And those friends of Lord Wan, who are either rich or expensive, are jealous of the property in their hands. That is also very normal.

   You have to say that they can't afford to be greedy, then there are ghosts!

   They can inquire about these news, it seems they are really concerned about the business of the ninth laboratory!

"But don’t worry, my brother, I’m sure I won’t let them succeed. Now that we have started in-depth cooperation, I will leave it to me to take care of it. But if you can put these medicines on my medical platform If it comes up to sell, then I can also talk to them, after all, this pharmaceutical platform also has their shares!"

   This is half true and half false by Mr. Wan.

   Those of his friends are really very concerned about the Ninth Laboratory. He also heard that some of them have indeed organized their own investigation teams to investigate the background of the Ninth Laboratory.

   But these news about the new drug were found out by his own investigation team.

   At this time, he told Xiao Feng about the half-true news, hoping to bring some pressure to Xiao Feng, forcing him to agree to sell his unique new medicine on his medical platform.

   You must know that if his platform can monopolize more pharmaceutical operations, then he will be able to carry out differentiated operations and widen the gap with other e-commerce platforms.

   In fact, this was a small trick he had planned for a long time, but he hadn't figured out how to talk to Xiao Feng.

   At this time, he thought it was just right to talk to Xiao Feng so half-truth.

   When Xiao Feng heard this, he didn't disagree.

   As long as He Fangzhou and Jiang Gaofeng are leading the team, they are doing clinical trials for new drugs in the Indian laboratory.

   Recently, there has indeed been a lot of good news. The effect of the drug is very good, which has greatly increased their development speed.

   After completing the experiment report, it will be launched to the market soon, but it is only necessary to review this piece in the country... After all, this is the environment in China.

   If these drugs are sold on this pharmaceutical platform, those who have benefited must definitely stand up and help.

   The approval of new drugs will definitely be passed very quickly.

   And with the help of those people, this medicine may soon enter the pharmacies of major hospitals. Once it enters the hospital, the market for this medicine will be completely opened.

   So Xiao Feng just thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

   "This is okay. When the two new drugs in the Ninth Laboratory are finalized, we can put them on this pharmaceutical platform for exclusive sales. But they have been reviewed in China..."

   "Haha, you don't have to worry about this one. Let me handle it, don't worry, I can get you the batch number in one month."

   Young Master Wan was also excited at this time, a unique heart medicine!

   The market prospects are great. If you can make more than 10 billion U.S. dollars a year, that doesn't matter.

   It’s not an exaggeration to say that, just like the current Xiu Mei Le, this is a magical medicine that can make billions or even tens of billions of dollars a year.

  Because he is not only effective for ankylosing spondylitis, but also for rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, silver skew disease and so on.

   Up to now, it has been the sales champion of the international pharmaceutical industry for seven consecutive years. In 2018 alone, it has sold 20 billion US dollars worldwide!

   The new type of heart disease drug launched by the Ninth Laboratory can not only treat blood clots, but also have effects on cardiovascular stenosis, arrhythmia, and lack of blood supply to the heart.

   From the point of view of characteristics, it has a very high degree of similarity with Xiu Mei Le.

  Moreover, the group of disease patients targeted is a more extensive cluster of heart disease patients.

   So if this drug is successfully marketed, it will earn tens of billions in a year in the country, it will be easy.

   I can get a slice of it from this then, huh! ~

   And what Xiao Feng thought was that this medicine would give the rich and powerful people a share of it through this form, so that they would probably not bother with the Ninth Laboratory anymore.

  If not, if they just eat alone, if those guys are aggressive and come to the Ninth Laboratory every day, who can stand it?

   The previous cosmetics, I ate alone, it is estimated that those people are already jealous enough.

  If you are doing it this it is estimated that those people will explode.

  Think about it, even the two horse bosses dare not eat alone. Most of the company’s shares are handed over...

   Compared with them, my foundation is much weaker.

   In this way, it is a good way to divide the profit without hurting one's control of the Ninth Laboratory.

   This time, he and Wan Gongzi were actually fooling around.

   But there is one thing they have reached a consensus, that is, if you have money, everyone makes money, and you should not eat alone!

"Brother Wan, your idea of ​​building a platform is indeed good, but you told me before that you want to bring down the price of imported foreign medicines. In the country, your friends will help you level those bright guns and dark arrows. But internationally? How do you communicate with those big pharmaceutical companies? Those guys have always been very strong!"

  The reason for the high prices of special items is not only the credit of the compradors, but also the overseas pharmaceutical companies.

   Young Master Wan wants to buy cheap drugs, and these foreign companies are naturally a hurdle he has to pass.

   And when Young Master Wan heard Xiao Feng's question, he smiled.

   "My brother, since we have already cooperated deeply, then I won’t keep you from it. I’m talking about an acquisition overseas recently, don’t know if you’re interested? If you’re interested, I can add you."

   "Oh? Tell me what?"

   Seeing that Mr. Wan was so naive, Xiao Feng was also aroused. This guy's performance today can be regarded as completely subverting Xiao Feng's impression of him.


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