My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 830: Hot discussion in Europe and America

"It's unbelievable. He has such a serious brain injury, but now he is recovering so well? My father had his head injured in a car accident before, and he is still lying in the ward. He is a vegetative person. He is also very thin. , I really want him to try the rejuvenation capsule."

"That's right! The photos of him when he was injured before can still be found online now. Wow, a piece of his skull was lost, and his brain came out. This can be saved, and it can be recovered so well. Not to mention, money means hanging, and money can live longer and longer!"

   "Nonsense, do you know how much his family spent to save his life? It is already no less than 200 million pounds!"

   "I'll go, 200 million pounds? Give me, it will be enough for me to spend a few lifetimes!"

"For the car king, this is nothing. Forbes estimates that he has a net worth of at least 1 billion. In the early years, he had an annual salary of 35 million US dollars a year, plus all kinds of messy advertising expenses. At that time, he He can earn 70 to 80 million yuan a year. And even after he retires, he is also Ferrari's ambassador, and there are many advertising endorsements..."

"What are you talking about? I only care about whether the rejuvenating capsule is really that amazing. I checked before, this... uh, how do you say it? It is not a medicine, but a medicine. Health care products. Everyone knows that health care products are indeed good for the body if taken for a long time. But who would have thought that this kind of health care products can actually be effective for patients with severe brain injuries? By the way, are there any from China? Friends, can you explain to everyone, is the effect of this rejuvenation capsule really that amazing?"

"Haha! What else to ask? As long as you see that the manufacturer of this rejuvenation capsule is the Ninth Laboratory, you should not doubt him. The ninth product must be a boutique. As long as you remember this sentence, then There must be nothing wrong."

   "The Ninth Laboratory? I just remember that they are manufacturers of cosmetics? I really don't know if they can produce health products!"

   "This rejuvenating capsule made them the first health care product! Previously it was only sold in China, and it was not launched in Europe or the United States!"

   "It's not fair, why, we can sell them any good things. And what good things they have, but don't sell them to us?"

   "That's right? We don't need money. We should let the Ninth Laboratory get the rejuvenating capsules to our American market for sale."

"Haha, I'm a Chinese. Okay, let me answer the question upstairs. To be honest, I have never heard of this rejuvenation capsule before. Until this time, I was recommended by the King of Chess. I quietly launched such a product. When I was chatting with my family before, I also asked them if they knew. They told me that my grandparents, and my parents are all eating this health care product. This This type of health care product is a high-end nutritional product. Long-term use can effectively slow down the aging of the human body and even restore youth. Well, this is just an introduction to the product description I saw when they took pictures. The effect, I’m not sure, but listening to my parents and them, it’s really effective."

   "I rely on, can people really regain their youth? Isn't that terrible?"

"Okay! I'll give an affirmative answer, it does have a certain effect. I am a teacher who teaches English in China. I am 55 years old this year. Before coming to China, my heart and right hand There are always problems with ligaments. It is the kind of problem that makes you uncomfortable, but it is not fatal. But it requires long-term medication. Last year, in my third year of teaching in China, once I went to buy the Ninth Laboratory Cosmetics, the shopping guide lady, recommended this health product to me, and I bought it and tried it. I insisted on it for three weeks, and I want to say that the effect is great, and I am almost healed."

"Yes, just like Albert's answer above. I also tried this health care product in China. I want to say that it has an extraordinary effect. Not only does it have a very obvious effect on the improvement of human immunity. Some drugs are difficult to cure. For chronic diseases, the immunity can be enhanced by taking this health product. Then the body’s own cell tissue repair can be used to achieve the purpose of recovery."

   "Wow, after listening to you, I can't help but become more curious about this health product. Is it really that effective? But why hasn't it been sold in the European and American markets?"

   "Oh my god! In that case, please take my wallet. For the products of the ninth laboratory, I don't think we need to test at all."

   "I want to know whether they have taken an expert to the car king's medical insurance team, and is there any way to restore the car king to health?"

   "Someone has been sent over. I heard that yesterday, their pharmacological experts had already arrived in France and joined Che Wang's medical team."

   "Oh my god, if they can make a breakthrough in the recovery of the car king. Then there will be hope for the rest of us, especially those who have hemiplegia due to a stroke or accident."

   "Yes! If they can help the car king resume walking upright, then I think they should win the Nobel Prize."

   "Wait, I think it will be sooner or later that they won the prize."

   "If it can be proved that their rejuvenating capsules can really restore nerve cells. Boom! The new era of human medicine is about to come."

   "Wait, it's just a matter of time. The Chinese will bring this product to us sooner or later."

   "I heard that they have extended more than a dozen products recently, enriching the product line, and are currently preparing for a large-scale listing in China!

   "I heard that their products were sent to the U.S. for approval before, but they were stuck with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. I heard that Senator Perosibe was very resistant to Chinese products."

   "Made, those councillors, you only deserve to eat shit."

   "Yes, they only deserve to eat shit!"


   "Huh! How can you believe that the Chinese people will make good things? This rejuvenation capsule must have been stolen from the American laboratory."

   "Yes, what creativity can Chinese people have, what they are best at is having children."

   "Come on, don't be ashamed of the people upstairs, shut up!"

   "That is, I think you should go to a doctor to see your brain."

   "The Ninth Lab steals the American formula? God, are you kidding me? If you Americans really have this technology, why don't you produce it yourself and wait for them to steal it?"

   "Haha, don't pay attention to those sprayers, they have problems in their brains."

   Xiao Feng was lying on the bed. Then, on this tablet computer, looking at major foreign social networking sites, there are all kinds of rainbow farts about Huichun capsules everywhere.

   His heart is really comfortable and anxious.

   These foreign devils seem to be full of curiosity about their rejuvenation products!

   And looking at the opinions of these people, the number of people who have good intentions toward their Ninth Laboratory has increased significantly.

   This was not common before. Xiao Feng knew the attitude of these foreign devils, especially the North American guys.

  Because there are frogmen who understand mainland China and Xiangjiang people who are hostile to the mainland, many European and American forums are full of hostility on issues about China.

   is often a good thing, but it changes its flavor in their mouths.

   said in the end, it is often full of hostility, which makes people look very awkward.

   But this time is different. Almost everyone has the same caliber, and almost all of them are hoping that the rejuvenation series of health care products can quickly enter the European and American markets.

   It seems that these **** are also very afraid of death, and they also know what good things are?

   Especially on the websites of Hongdi and Heyangzhihu, these two websites have always been hostile to China in the past.

  Almost any brand in China that appears on these two forums will be sprayed to death by the saliva of Internet sprayers. As long as the brand in the United States, these people will kneel and lick it.

   But this time the situation has completely reversed. On these two websites with very serious right-leaning, it is rare to see the spray of the Ninth Laboratory.

  Even if one or two came out, they would soon be drowned by the saliva of other people. The attitudes of the two websites towards the Ninth Laboratory actually appeared in a rare unity and harmony.

   Seeing this argument, Xiao Feng knew that the time for the rejuvenation series of health care products to enter the European and American markets is ripe.

   But he does not intend to enter these two markets in a Anyway, money can be made sooner or later. If you rush in at this time, you may get stuck deliberately by their review agency.

   It is better to cultivate the hunger of the market. When consumers hear more and more about the magic of this rejuvenation series, they will take the initiative to put pressure on the local auditing agency.

   By that time, when it landed on the European and American markets, everything would be a matter of course.

   And by then, it is estimated that the acquisition proposal with Voegelin is about to be discussed.

   Once Voegelin starts, the Rejuvenation series products can be placed directly on Voegelin's shelves.

   As for now!

   Then it’s good to sell through online channels. It just so happens that you can help a certain treasure and expand its business territory, and pull relations with Amazon.

   can also spread the rejuvenation series of products to Europe and the United States through the way of purchasing human flesh, which will also allow the common people to get some benefits.

  Think about these years, only our Chinese people have purchased items from Europe and the United States. This time we will also let our Chinese people buy some things from Europe and the United States.

   He put down the tablet, sat up straight, and the beauty beside him was still asleep.

   And he wondered, it's time to go to Russia, not only to go to Peter's side, but also to buy something from Liu Jin.


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