My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 831: Changes in Vladivostok

     When Xiao Feng came to Vladivostok again, Peter had already changed shotguns.

   Previously, he drove a tiger-headed run that didn’t know the number of hands. Now not only he, but also his first, all of them have been replaced by Mercedes-Benz BMW.

   And his office has also changed from the second floor of a previous nightclub to a building near the pier.

The    building is a sixteen-story white building, which looks very Greek and square, and the decoration inside is also the Nordic minimalist style.

   It made people feel extra comfortable as soon as he entered. Peter picked Xiao Feng from the airport and took him directly to visit his new company.

   After reading it, she took him to his president's office upstairs, and said triumphantly to Xiao Feng: "How?"

   Of course, Xiao Feng can't dampen his enthusiasm. He just said haha: "It's not bad!"

   "Hahaha, that is, I bought this building from Peter Janvka."

   "Oh? Who is that guy?"

   "That guy is our last local enemy!"

   Peter smiled and squeezed his eyes at Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng also understood, get rid of that guy, Peter can be said to be the only one in this city at this time.

   "Now I have established a Far East trading company, mainly engaged in aquatic products, transportation, and import and export. This is my company headquarters."

   Peter introduced to Xiao Feng with a smile.

   Although he was a local tyrant before, but his identity was not visible most of the time, but now it is different.

   With this company, he can go ashore.

   Xiao Feng came to the office window. The place Peter chose was very good, not just a building.

   is backed by a hill, in front of it is a flat land, there are several low buildings nearby, all of which are affiliated warehouses of his company, and there is a private wharf ahead.

   The floor area is really not small, of course, this place is not a big place in Russia, which is rich in land and resources.

   "By the way, what did you do with the fishing grounds on the sea?"

   "Haha, wait in the afternoon, I will take you to see."

   At noon, Peter asked him to set a boat to catch two king crabs with large basins from the sea.

   Just boiled it in clean water without putting anything, it is rare for Xiao Feng to enjoy a pure king crab meal.

   Not to mention, the original king crab tastes really delicious, the crab meat is sweet and firm, and it is no worse than the king crab he has eaten in another world.

   It is a pity that this treasure does not belong to us!

   In the afternoon, Peter got a helicopter and took Xiao Feng on the plane.

   After flying all the way for about two hours, I finally saw their sea fishing ground at the northwest corner of the Okhotsk fishing ground, about 80 kilometers away from the coastline.

   When he arrived at the fishing ground, Xiao Feng took a look, and the work inside was in order.

   However, there were more than 80 people at the fishery that originally only needed a dozen people to look after.

   And most of them are non-working guys. Those who work are Buryat Mongolians and Kazakhs.

   And those brawny Russian men with big waists are soaking in the coffee area every day, playing games in front of the TV, or in the gym.

   Xiao Feng felt very strange seeing these people, and Peter naturally noticed the look in Xiao Feng's eyes.

He immediately laughed and slapped, "Xiao, these are my brothers, you know. They don't have any skills except for fighting and killing... They are here to avoid the limelight and train their skills. Wait a while. , There will be fishing boats coming over and picking them up. They are going to go fishing..."

   When Peter said this, Xiao Feng understood.

   Feelings These are Peter's thugs who committed the crime, and came here to avoid the limelight.

   That's right, hiding here, the police will never want to catch them for the rest of their lives.

   After a while, I would go to sea to fish in rotation. Although the days are a bit boring, it is better than going to prison for food.

   "Then what will they do in the future?"

   "It depends on the severity of things and their own choices."

   Peter completely regarded Xiao Feng as his family, so he didn't hide it from him.

"If the back is light, you are still willing to stay. Then I will stay away from the limelight for a while, and wait for the limelight to pass, and then go back. If the back is more serious, I will arrange for them to go to the United States or Europe after a while. Of course, if you don’t want to be in this business, we will also help him get a fake identity and let him choose to go overseas."

   Xiao Feng nodded after listening.

   "Help me pay attention. Those who don't want to continue mixing in Europe and the United States, select some people, and after a while, I will arrange for them to go to South America."

   Peter passed through Katya, knowing that some Xiao Feng also had business in South America, so he nodded.

   "That's okay, my brothers have one more place to go."

   Xiao Feng is actually making preparations. As his business in Copper Country is getting bigger and bigger, there is a shortage of people everywhere in Ithaca, Karapag Islands and other places.

   Those local people are mostly interested in those local families, and he doesn't believe it.

   So it’s better to recruit some people from outside, especially in terms of security.

   Previously, he bought a mercenary team from Liu Jin, and now he has them set up a security company in the Ithaca area.

   is responsible for the Southern Cross Bank and the security of his business in the Karapag Islands, but now it seems that the dozen people are obviously understaffed.

   Although he also hired some locals, Xiao Feng was still not at ease.

   I still have to hire some manpower from here. These bears are very wild, and quite a few people have very high professional qualities.

   is very suitable for dirty and tiring work, and Xiao Feng can rest assured with them.

  Of course, these people are equally good and bad. There are many black sheep hidden in them, but they don't care much about Xiao Feng.

  If the harm is too great, then get rid of it. Anyway, these guys, in his eyes, are tool people.

   In the evening under Peter’s reception, I stayed there for one night. The next morning I sat in the car arranged by Peter and went to Liu Jin’s house.

   Liu Jin didn't know that he was holding that thigh recently, and his life was obviously much better than before.

   The area of ​​his ‘pasture’ has doubled the size of the previous one. A large area of ​​flat land between the two mountains has all been bought by him.

   Far away, you can hear the roar of the motor coming from his ranch, and there will be bursts of gunfire from time to time.

   When he arrived in the yard, Xiao Feng was even more shocked. This is so special. Did he enter the barracks?

   There are several rows of barracks in the compound, and even a few more hospitals.

  The newly paved suet road is full of guys in military uniforms.

   If it weren't for Liu Jin who was still living in the big house in the middle of the manor, he really wondered if he had gone in the wrong place.

   "Your ranch has been requisitioned by the military?"

  As soon as he saw Liu Jin, Xiao Feng couldn't help but ask him.

   And this guy laughed loudly after listening.

   "How could it happen? It's just that my company has now expanded in size and has introduced many new shareholders."

   This guy said, and winked at Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng understood.

   The newly-introduced shareholders must have many powerful people.

   "This is just a base of our company. We have two bases in the Caspian Sea and the Baltic Sea. In Africa, we also have a base. Hey, man, the business is too hot now. We have taken a lot of work and we are too busy."

   Liu Jin's words, Xiao Feng naturally understood.

   Recently, Mao Xiong has been acting frequently, of course, you may not see these news in China.

   But overseas, hehe, especially in the Middle East.

   In Syria, Teddy Bear helped the Syrian nation, smashing the **** of the IS supported by the U.S. guys, and it was going to be wiped out.

   In the end, the Miguo couldn't sit still, and went into battle in person, which eased the situation on the other side.

   Then the Americans provoked the Persian country some time ago, killing a general of the country, and almost a war broke out between the two countries.

   Although there was no fight in the end, the situation was a bit tense, and in this area, small-scale frictions and conflicts occurred from time to time.

   And when some living Persians are inconvenient to do, they will think of these bear mercenaries.

   Anyway, the mercenaries of Teddy Bear are very popular in the Middle East. There are almost 10,000 mercenaries from various companies active in the Middle East.

   Liujin's company naturally got a big share of it, so it can develop so fast.

   "Xiao, do you have a channel for state-owned oil sales in China?"

   Liu Jin suddenly asked Xiao Feng, which shocked Xiao Feng.

   "Huh? Why are you asking this?"

   Petroleum, how do you say it? There is always a shortage in But this business is not easy to do, and it will offend people if you are not careful.

"Hey! Aren’t we those people in Venezuela? Venezuela’s economy is in a difficult situation now, and oil exports are not convenient. So not only did we contract a large oil field, we also entrusted us to find channels, but you know that we are the least This thing is missing..."

   Liu Jin was a little embarrassed when he said this, but Xiao Feng understood it when he thought about it.

   It must be those people sent by Mao Xiong to Venezuela before to help President Ma stabilize the domestic situation.

   The U.S.-backed opposition has lost power, but the problem is that even if that person loses power, if you, President Ma, want to secure your current position, you have to come up with results?

  Because of his poor grades, he was booed about and almost got off the stage.

   Now that the country is like this, it is natural to make some achievements to stop the mouths of the people in the country. Otherwise, no matter how much support the Mao Xiong gives, it will be a matter of time before he will step down.

   And what is the most abundant thing in this country? Of course it is oil!

   Now the country with the largest oil consumption in the world is China, so Liu Jin thinks that it is normal for him.

   But there seems to be someone in contact with China over there, right? And Venezuela’s biggest creditor seems to be Hua Guo, and now they owe Hua Guo more than 50 billion U.S. dollars.


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