"Uh? This? It seems that China Petroleum has been in contact with them all the time, right?"

   "Well, there is contact, but the oil imported from there has not been much. Now we have a large amount of goods in our hands. This is the salary they give us, and it is difficult for us to do..."

   When Liu Jin said this, Xiao Feng understood that the sentimental committee is now repaying the debt with material.

   Previously, this country was also quite cunning, saying that if you owe China 50 billion U.S. dollars, don't ask for it. I will repay one of our islands to you.

  Don't look at it either, where is that island?

   It's just under the eyelids of the United States, and I want China to pick up chestnuts for them. It's really not very authentic.

   Now Teddy Bear is involved. In order to help President Ma maintain stability, many contractors have been sent there, but the problem is Teddy Bear’s support, which is not unlimited.

The contractors sent by    also eat meat, and it is impossible for Teddy Bear to pay for it out of his own pocket.

   President Koma could not have the money to raise such a group of uncles, but it is impossible to raise them, so he finally figured out how to use oil to pay his wages.

   If it were a few years ago, this would definitely be a good idea. It was approaching that time when oil prices were soaring.

   But now the U.S. has become an oil exporting country, and global oil prices have not been high. President Ma has used it to repay the debt, which makes Mao Xiong a little overwhelmed.

   And the oil quality in Venezuela is not very good. When oil prices were high before, some poor countries didn't care too much. As long as the price is cheap and you can drive, you can buy it.

   But now that the price of oil is so cheap, who would buy your poor quality oil?

   Even a country that is short of oil, China can't look down on Venezuela's oil.

   After entering the copper country, especially after taking the Ithaca area and fixing the Karapag Islands, Xiao Feng also pondered to do an oil business.

   After all, here is very close to Venezuela, and Venezuela is one of the few oil-rich countries on the South American continent with very large reserves, so he wondered.

   It should be very interesting to engage in oil business here.

   How can I think that after studying the oil situation in Venezuela, he stopped this idea.

   Speaking of oil fields in Venezuela, they have been exploited for nearly a hundred years.

   The mining started as early as the beginning of the last century. At that time, the U.S. oil giants turned their attention to the Gulf of Mexico after dividing up the domestic oil production areas.

   I first went to Mexico to build a lot of oil fields, and then I took a fancy to the South American countries along the Caribbean Sea, and finally found oil fields with abundant reserves in Venezuela.

   Then the oil giants divided these oil fields by various means.

   Until then, Venezuela sent out a strongman, Zha Mou, who drove all the foreign oil companies away, nationalized all the oil fields, and put them under the name of Venezuela Petroleum Company PDVSA.

   At that time, the reputation of Cha Mou was in full swing, and the international oil price was high at that time, and Venezuela's oil was not worried about exports at all.

   So during that time, the people of Venezuela lived very happy and prosperous.

   And Zha's use of such a tough tactic is to let Venezuelan people live a good life, but it offends the oil giants in Europe and the United States.

   They have been squatting on the oilfields of Venezuela in comfort and sucking blood for nearly a hundred years. How can they be happy if you chase them away at this time?

   Therefore, since then, European and American countries have adopted a hostile attitude towards Venezuela, and even imposed sanctions on Venezuela at one time.

   But because of the strong support of China at that time, the life of the country has never been bad.

   The situation didn't start to deteriorate until President Cha died of illness and President Ma took over.

   It is also the poor luck of this President Ma. When he came to power, he also wanted to continue to investigate the president's line.

   How can I think that at this time the United States has made a huge breakthrough in shale gas technology.

   It used to be the world’s largest oil importer, and it became an oil exporter.

   All oil exporting countries in the world have not only lost a huge oil market, but also have a strong competitor.

   In addition, they still control Iraq, and under the manipulation of petrodollars, oil prices soon fell to their lowest point in two decades.

   In this way, life in the country will be difficult.

  The oil from Venezuela has always been very cheap because the quality of their oil is too poor.

   When Venezuela first discovered oil fields in the last century, the oil they produced was of extremely high quality, which could be exploited by many European and American oil companies for decades. Their high-quality oil resources have long been exploited.

   The remaining oilfield reserves are not so much oil, it can be said that it is highly viscous bitumen.

   Compared with the light crude oil that Saudi Arabia has drilled, the oil is spewed out by itself, which is almost a thousand miles away.

   The cost of refining such heavy oil into light crude oil is very high, and a large amount of waste gas is generated in the process.

   Even if it is a warship that can eat coarse grains, it is helpless when encountering such heavy oil. At present, the "Varyag" ship is still using this type of heavy oil in China.

   But before use, it is necessary to disperse the oil by a high-pressure pump, and inject it into the oil-fired boiler to burn, otherwise it will not burn at all...

   This kind of oil, which one you like to use?

  Is the light fuel oil imported from Saudi Arabia that can be directly burned bad?

   Now that Liu Jin got rid of it, Xiao Feng helped him get this deal done, Xiao Feng also had a headache!

   "Liu Jin, was not ROSNEFT the sole agent of Venezuelan oil before?"

   "Huh? Do you still know this company?"

   Liu Jin glanced at Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng smiled.

   What's the joke? He wanted to do Venezuela's oil business. He did not only study Venezuela's oil fields and oil quality issues, but also several major players.

   Before Venezuela was sanctioned by the United States, Venezuela’s oil was basically sold to Sinopec, Chevron of the United States, Reliance India, and Aini of Italy.

  Because Venezuela does not have its own heavy oil processing technology, it is given to these companies at low prices.

   Chevron and Aini basically refine the heavy oil and resell it to other South American countries. Anyway, the price is cheap and South American countries like it.

   Reliance and Huaguo Petroleum pull these oils back for their own use.

   But later because of the decline in international oil prices, Venezuela’s economy collapsed, and President Ma’s position was unstable. The United States wanted to take the opportunity to overthrow him, but in the end things were messed up by Russia.

   So the United States imposed the most serious economic sanctions on Venezuela.

   Chevron, Aini, and Reliance did not dare to play with Venezuela's PDVSA. Venezuela's oil was not sold, and they were even more in trouble.

   As for China, because it can purchase high-quality fuels from Persia and Saudi Arabia, so I don’t care much about the oil here.

   It’s just a small number of purchases every year, but this is simply not enough.

   So they entrusted the work of oil sales to Mao Xiongguo's ROSNEFT as an agent. After all, the world is not afraid of sanctions by the United States, and only companies from Mao Xiongguo and China are the only companies in the world.

   But now ROSNEFT is also having a headache for Venezuela's oil sales, because Venezuela's oil quality is really bad.

  Besides, China and India are too far away from the main oil consumption markets. The cost of transportation is a lot. In addition, the cost of refining in the later period will increase by one piece.

   In this way, who is willing to buy heavy oil from Venezuela?

   It is because they have always had arms trading relations with South Vietnam and India. These two countries can still sell them a little bit of face and buy some heavy oil from Venezuela.

   Most of the heavy oil that can be saved, they simply can't sell it.

   Can't even sell the oil in ROSNEFT's hands, let alone Liu Jin's side?

   This oil is really hard to sell, but as soon as Xiao Feng rolled his eyes, he immediately had an idea.

   China doesn’t need it, but he needs a lot on the Karapag Islands!

   Not only oil, but also bitumen, are needed in large quantities.

  Because there are more than one hundred islands on the Karapag Islands, he is now engaged in large-scale island farming on the islands. In this way, he has to do a lot of infrastructure work on the islands.

   Building a house and paving a road requires a lot of construction machinery, but these construction machinery need to burn oil.

   And the oil for these machines does not need to be of high quality.

  Because the Karapag Islands are located in the center of the ocean, there are six to eight months of rainy season each year, and the annual rainfall is also quite amazing.

   Therefore, both roads and houses need a lot of rain-proof infrastructure, so a lot of asphalt is needed.

  Thinking about it this way, if some Venezuelan oil goes back, it just happens to meet the demand.

  Besides, before those wind power and solar power plants were fully constructed, the power supply in their area mainly relied on thermal power.

   And there is no natural gas to burn in their vicinity. If the heavy oil is cheap, you might as well burn it directly.

  In his design ~www.ltnovel.com~ the future Karapag Islands area, but three million people will live, and these people also need a lot of petroleum energy.

   There is also the Ithaca area, which is also a big market now.

   Thinking of this, Xiao Feng smiled and said to Liu Jin: "In this way, you can get a batch first, and I'll try to see if there is any market in other places."

   Liu Jin, whose hair was about to fall out because of the oil, was overjoyed when he heard that Xiao Feng really had a solution.

   "Really? That's great. Don't worry, as long as you can solve it, we have the technology for refining heavy oil."


   This time it is Xiao Feng’s turn to be happy. This heavy oil is diluted to refine light fuel, but it has been a problem that has plagued many world oil companies.

   There are several domestic factories that can do the refining, but the cost has been high.

   Xiao Feng has forgotten that Mao Xiong is also a petrochemical power. If they can provide a solution, it would be better.

   "Don't worry, I heard those technical projects talk about this, and they have a way to solve it. Now we have two oil tankers in Venezuela. Tell me, where will the oil be transported?"

   "Ithaca Port in Copper Country, please send it there first. But I can say yes, we are not responsible for the freight."


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