My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 837: 1 arrow double eagle

     "Well, this is our project budget."

   Bella smiled and handed over a ledger, which included not only the detailed construction expenditure records of Ithaca City, and various budgets, but even the budget of Karapag.

   Xiao Feng secretly laughed that Bella was really shrewd, and he actually included the Karapago Islands part in the ledger. This ledger was clearly meant to be shown to herself.

   But this is good, after all, the two parties are in a cooperative relationship, and many accounts are clear, which is good for both parties.

   He probably looked at the ledger built on the Karapag Islands, Meihua Island as the main island, plus the construction of the other five sub-islands, it would cost about 5 billion U.S. dollars.

   This is not a small amount of money in South America, especially in an area like Karapag.

   Half of the money was paid by the Chen family and half by Xiao Feng. Considering that the Li family’s old knowledge was copied before, that part of the funds alone would be enough to cover the construction costs.

   The construction cost of Ithaca may be higher. After all, it involves compensation for the renovation of the old city, as well as expansion and so on.

   The total budget of this project is about 8 billion U.S. dollars.

   But Xiao Feng estimated that these budgets will definitely exceed the standard when the project is finished.

   "Is eight billion enough?"

   He tentatively asked Bella, Bella smiled and said to Xiao Feng.

"In fact, it's like this. Many people in the construction team have very low salaries. And we have calculated that even if we buy cement, steel bars, and even construction machinery from China, the cost is lower than the cost of purchasing locally. So the project budget is enough."

   Xiao Feng nodded. Regarding building materials, it is indeed cheaper to purchase domestic materials than from copper countries.

  This is mainly because of the accumulated foundation of domestic large-scale infrastructure projects for many years, and consumables such as cement and steel bars have been overcapacity.

   For example, the country's main promotion of the Belt and Road construction, most of the building materials used in the project are purchased from domestic sources.

   Even if the reinforced cement is shipped to Africa, it is cheaper than purchasing from Africa.

  Naturally in South America, don’t look at the poor economy of the copper countries, but they are ‘developed countries’ assessed by the United Nations, and their labor level can be high.

   So if they hire their local workers and purchase building materials locally to start this project, the cost will at least quadruple.

   And the construction period has to be more than doubled for you!

   "By the way, why are workers' wages so low? Those people are all from China, and they don't make money from far away. Isn't your one bad?"

   Xiao Feng thought of this again, and asked Bella, Bella smiled again.

   "In fact, most of the workers have already signed a skilled migration contract with us. They only need to work on this construction site for three years according to the current wage standards, and they can obtain our status in the Ithaca area."

   Li Zhiyang couldn't help but suddenly realized, then smiled and said to Bella: "Your plan to kill two birds with one stone is good?"

   This operation can not only save a lot of cost for the project, but also get a lot of human resources by the way.

   These workers may be dispensable ordinary workers in China, but they can definitely be called high-skilled workers in the copper country.

   The most important thing is that even if Bella's salary is not high, the salary level is almost the same as that of working in China.

   And the prices here are still extremely cheap. For example, food and housing are cheaper than domestic ones.

   What's more, on the construction site, food and accommodation are included, so they usually only have a little daily expenses and need their own size.

   So even if the salary is similar to that in China, they can save money.

   "Are the workers willing to immigrate to our Ithaca area?"

   Some of the homeland is hard to leave, but most of them are willing. After all, they are in their twenties and thirties, and the pressure to survive in China is still quite high.

   Bella has also been to China many times, and she knows the living environment of ordinary people in China very well.

   Nowadays, ordinary male Chinese, especially those who have no advanced diplomas and can only rely on skills and hard work, are really hard to get ahead in China.

   Moreover, the domestic cost of living is so high. Buying a house and starting a family are simply not something ordinary workers can afford.

  Because these workers have done a lot of China Railway projects with the foreman in the past, they have done projects in Africa and the Middle East, so they also understand the situation overseas.

  The reason why I did not stay in Africa is that Africa is too poor and the country's political situation is too unstable, and on the other hand, it is because African women do not look good in line with the aesthetics of Chinese people.

   That's why there are not a lot of them staying in Africa, but even so, there are still many African wives.

   When it comes to the copper country, the attractiveness of immigrants is much greater than that of Africa.

   First of all, Ithaca is a predominantly Chinese area. Although there are differences in language environment and living habits, they can still adapt.

   The political environment here is relatively stable and friendly to the Chinese. Moreover, the women here look more in line with the aesthetics of the Chinese people, so naturally a lot of workers are willing to immigrate to Ithaca.

   After all, the natural environment here is much stronger than many places in China. The most important thing is that the pressure for survival here is not that great.

  Because of this, after a lot of construction teams arrived, Bella arranged for people to discuss immigration options with the workers when they were negotiating the contract.

   Not to mention the result, many people readily agreed.

   Although these workers may not have a high level of education, they are all aware that if one day they are old and unable to do anything, if they return to China at that time, they will be quickly eliminated by the domestic high-intensity living environment.

   But if you stay in Copper Country, it will be much easier. After all, the living environment here is much less stressful.

  Because of this, the project greatly saved part of the personnel to start and saved the construction cost.

   "Where is the immigration office?"

   Although the Chen family is now in the political circle of Tongguo, Xiao Feng is still worried that it will arouse some people's suspicion.

"Ha, don’t worry about that side. First of all, our Ithaca is an autonomous region, and we have autonomy in immigration options. In addition, there are our people on the immigration office. On the political side, we hope we can emigrate more. The talents are good. Nowadays, many young people go abroad every year in the copper country. The government is eager for more people to immigrate in and create GDP. As long as we pay taxes on time every year, those people can’t say much. ."

   Seeing that Bella was so confident, Xiao Feng stopped saying much.

   is also good, this just solves the problem of local population composition that he is worried about.

   "Well, that's good. Now that the immigration has already begun, we can't just immigrate these skilled workers, but also introduce some high-level intellectuals."

   Xiao Feng said to Bella again, and Bella nodded with a smile.

"Hey, that is, now we have contacted a lot of immigration agencies in the mainland, and asked them to help contact more skilled immigrants. For example, various electronic engineers, as well as teachers from primary and secondary schools and even universities, we want Reshape our education system in the Ithaca area. There are also doctors, and we will also bring in a group..."

   Xiao Feng nodded: "These people must be brought in. What kind of development our Ithaca area will become in the future depends mainly on them. Our future goal is to target a high-end Chinese area like Jiapo."

   Bella's eyes lit up. She really didn't expect Xiao Feng to set the tone of the Karapag area so high.

   It seems that he is not the kind of person who intends to come and leave!

   But what Xiao Feng wondered was that so many black technologies he had brought from other worlds were to be incubated here.

   If you don’t have the talent to support you, you’ve set up a castle in the air. You must be suspicious.

  Only when more Chinese university students and scientists are introduced, and more black technologies will be released from him in the future, it will become more reasonable.

   After talking about the introduction of talents, Xiao Feng shifted the topic to funding.

   "Is there enough money?"

   "In the current phase, from Citi, and Southern Cross Bank, a total of two billion US dollars in loans. We mortgaged several high-quality farms near Ithaca and the only remaining salt lake mine..."

   "Wait? We still have a salt lake mine here?"

   Xiao Feng sounded a little baffled. In the past, the Ithaca area was indeed a well-known mining area, but saltpeter was mainly produced.

   is the raw material for the manufacture of fertilizers and explosives. The copper country and Peru and Bolivia had wars in order to seize this mining area.

   Later, after the copper country won, this mine was assigned to the Chinese who had made military exploits in the war to live there. In fact, it was not at ease.

  Because the mining area was on the verge of exhaustion at that time, the Chinese were arranged here, and they could also be guarded. Once there is movement in Peru and Bolivia, this is a war zone.

   After the mining area was exhausted, it was converted into an agricultural area.

   Xiao Feng really didn't study the mineral resource reserves in this area very well. He really didn't know that there was a salt lake nearby.

"Ha, let's go further east in the Ithaca area. At the foot of the Tbilisi Mountains, it turned out to be a large area of ​​undeveloped algae. But in recent decades, because of the gradual decrease in rainfall, a place has been formed. Salt Lake. Later, someone found a lithium mine there, but no one has developed it..."

   I'm going to grow up, there really are lithium reserves?

   "Why hasn't it been developed before?"

"Um! Mr. Xiao, you have to know that when our Ithaca was controlled by the four major families, it was always faster to do other businesses than to get money from mining. Besides, even if you don’t do those businesses, it’s better to buy some fish every year. Mining is easy..."

  Grass, it's a violent thing, Xiao Feng is also speechless.

   But when I think about other people’s old business, selling flour is really easy, and money comes quickly, so who would be willing to go to mine?

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