My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 838: development plan

     "How about the reserve resources of this mine?"

"It's mainly salt lake brine lithium mines. The proven reserves are about 800,000 tons. They were discovered more than 20 years ago, but they have not been mined much. At that time, lithium batteries did not develop. Second, There are many more important mineral resources in the copper country."

   Bella made an understatement, but Xiao Feng had to be convinced. God is indeed too generous to these people.

   It is true that more than 20 years ago, lithium batteries were not mainstream batteries, but now it is the era of global electrification. Can you still sit and live?

   If such a mine was discovered in China, those mining companies would have been fighting for development rights a long time ago.

   It is the proven lithium mine with more than 800,000 tons of reserves, but it is not the most important here, and no one even wants to mine it.

  Special grandma's, or the copper country has too many copper mines, and the money to open copper mines is too good to make money.

   Even if people don’t open copper mines, if they go back to planting and fishing, it’s probably easier than mining.

   But it’s okay, it’s not developed, and I will keep it for myself in the future. When I have cashed out all the black technologies in the alien world, this lithium mine will definitely be usable.

   And even if you mortgage it, you don’t have to worry, anyway, those banks won’t use it for development.

   Having figured this out, Xiao Feng no longer worried.

   "By the way, what are your plans for the reconstruction plan of this city?"

"This is what we think. The first thing we need to do is to expand and improve the waterworks, power supply stations, and facilities that maintain basic people’s livelihood. Then we will first develop this commercial area in the city center. We plan to build two large-scale Shopping mall. The foundation has now been completed, and it is estimated that it will be completed in six months. I have to say that the construction speed of the Chinese construction team is fast."

   Bella took the binoculars and pointed to Xiao Feng the area in the city center. Xiao Feng looked over there.

  Sure enough, two new shopping malls have been built next to the original Municipal Plaza.

   At the same time, he also laughed at Bella secretly. The speed of the Chinese construction team is beyond doubt, but the reason why it is so fast this time is mainly because the requirements of their mall are so simple.

   Unlike the domestic shopping malls, which are often several-storey buildings, foreign shopping malls are generally a large flat floor, and the area is quite large, but there are few two-story buildings.

   This is mainly related to their small population. More than one million people are already big cities, so there is no need for such a multi-storey shopping mall.

  A large flat floor can already meet the needs of shopping, shopping, watching movies, entertainment, etc., so what are you doing when you build a tall building?

   Moreover, the geological environment in the copper country is not too stable. There will be earthquakes and tsunamis from time to time, so it is not safe to build too many high-rise buildings.

   This can be seen from the residential area planned by Lao Liang, although it also adopts the model of Chinese buildings.

   The area of ​​this community is much larger than that in China, and the distance between buildings is much larger. The most important thing is the height of the floor.

   is different from the domestic high-rise buildings with 30 or 40 floors. The highest design of residential buildings here is 15 floors, usually with 8 to 10 floors.

   "After the mall is completed, businesses will move in immediately, and the market will prosper quickly. After all, there used to be no decent shopping malls in the Ithaca area. In the past, everyone went to the wholesale market."

   Xiao Feng agreed with Bella's statement.

   When he came to Ithaca before, he did not see any decent shopping plaza in the city.

   Because the urban area was constructed relatively early and there was no formal planning, the layout of the city seemed chaotic.

  The commercial core area of ​​the city is a wholesale market and a vegetable market formed spontaneously by several residents.

   Looking at it from a distance, it feels messy.

   And this time they will build a new commercial center, so naturally they will be welcomed by the general public.

   After all, the people in the Ithaca area are not bad money.

"Now that the building hasn't been completed yet, the renting of the shops has basically been completed. Haha, many shops have broken their heads in order to get a place in the mall. Just the deposit received has already covered all the construction costs. Up."

   Bella said to Xiao Feng happily, Xiao Feng was also surprised when he heard it.

   But think again, the e-commerce here is not very developed, so physical shops are very popular, you can understand.

"When the shopping mall opens and the money circulates, the city government will receive the tax and will be able to repay the bank loan on time. When the city is built and the environment is good, there will naturally be more foreign investors coming over. investment……"

  Bella’s statement Xiao Feng agrees very much. If the environment is better, more investors will naturally be attracted.

   Especially those Chinese capital...

   "By the way, where are the terminals and the airport?"

   These two are the highlights of the future development of the Ithaca area, especially the airport.

   Once the Ithaca area is completed, it will definitely be a popular destination for domestic tourism. Overseas Chinese are territories, with both exotic and familiar Chinese environment.

A place like    is not only the first choice for Chinese tourists, but it will even become a popular destination for Chinese immigrants.

   Therefore, the airport is naturally the top priority of construction. In the past, there was only a small airport in the Ithaca area.

   But it is still dedicated to the rich people who have been established. Usually only their private jets will take off and land there.

   And if ordinary people want to travel by plane, they have to go to the capital Santiago by plane.

   But it is not used now, Bella and the others are building an airport with an annual handling capacity of 2 million people on the south side of the old city.

   Although it is incomparable with the large domestic airports with a throughput of more than 10 million, it is enough for the Ithaca area.

   Moreover, sufficient storage space has been set aside on the periphery. If the airport is not enough in the future, it can be expanded at any time.

   The dock is even more different. The dock in Ithaca used to be a messy area.

   is not so much a wharf as it is a settlement of fishermen.

   When the fishing season comes, the fishermen drive small boats to make two nets at sea.

   The harvest from a trip to the sea is enough for a family to eat for several months. There is no way that the fishing grounds here are so rich.

   But it is different now, because large-scale development is required, so the terminal must be expanded.

  At this time, the wharf area was very dry and hot. Not only was it digging the seabed nearby, but also building a lot of warehouses and factories nearby.

  In the future, it will be an industrial zone for aquatic products processing.

  A part of the fish caught in the fishing season will be processed on the Karapag Islands side, and part of it will be processed here.

  Part of the products are exported to China, and part of them are sold in copper countries.

   So here, but it is the job of the Ithaca people in the future, Bella also attaches great importance to the construction of the port.

   Xiao Feng Kenra looked at the port area, and then said to Bella: "Send me an industrial area to the north of the port."

   The current Ithaca area is the private domain of the Chen family and Xiao Feng. He wants to paint an industrial area without spending money at all.

   Bella didn’t take it seriously, and asked casually: "How big are you going to do? By the way, what do you plan to do in this industrial zone?"

   "I plan to build a chemical plant where it will refine oil for use in the Ithaca area."

"Really? That's really great. Do you know what the most costly expenditure we have from building the old city? It is all kinds of diesel and gasoline! Now the daily cost of these fuels is as high as 500,000 US dollars. When we enter the peak period of engineering construction in the future, we expect the cost of oil to double."

   Bella was so happy when she heard that Xiao Feng could get oil.

   The Ithaca area does not produce oil, not to mention the Ithaca area, even the copper country does not produce oil.

  The oil they usually use is mainly imported from the United States.

   are all oil produced by Chevron. When oil prices are low, oil produced in the United States is used. The quality of gasoline produced in Texas and Gulf of Mexico oil fields is still good.

   When the price of oil is high, the oil from Venezuela is used. Anyway, it is made by Chevron, and the price is not expensive, but the oil is a little worse, so it doesn’t burn much.

   Now Xiao Feng says that he can solve the oil problem, which makes Bella overjoyed. If he can build a petroleum refinery and provide them with cheap diesel, it may save them a lot of costs.

   Xiao Feng nodded after hearing this: "The oil is the Petroleum Petroleum from my trustee, and the quality is not very good, so refining and chemical may need to work a little bit."

"It's okay, UU reading I know a lot of people in the United States. Their factories are specialized in producing petroleum refining equipment. What equipment do you need? Tell me, I will help you purchase it. In addition, I can also help you recruit what kind of chemical personnel are needed. In fact, there are many chemical personnel in San Diego."

  The foundation of the copper nation is the mining industry and the resource industry.

   Therefore, there is no shortage of chemical talents in various fields, even if they do not have oil fields in their own countries.

   But the best national universities in copper country also have chemical engineering majors, and it is said that the quality of students is not bad.

   "Well, I'll talk about it after a while. I'm still looking for some experts to make a feasible plan. However, there will be a few ships coming recently, and they will bring some oil."

"That's really great. Even if we can't refining, we can sell these oils to Chevron or Copper National Petroleum Corporation, and cooperate with them in exchange for some cheap diesel, which can also reduce our costs. ."

   Xiao Feng didn't expect to be able to do this again, and at this time he couldn't help but glanced at Bella. This woman is a talent!

   Seeing Xiao Feng's admiring eyes, Bella couldn't help but stand tall.

   Xiao Feng is a big water hose with bottomless strength. Such a big boss must be seized. If it succeeds, then not only will it be good for her, but the Chen family will become more deeply entrenched in Ithaca in the future.

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