Looking at Jesse, it has been nine months, and she will give birth in one month, but she is still walking fast and busy, Xiao Feng really has a strange emotion in his heart.

   The presence of this woman suddenly made him feel like home in this house. He even wondered whether or not to transfer her back to the country and stay with him after Jesse gave birth.

   But thinking about it again, who is here to sit here? With the ability of the people around him, no matter who is transferred, he is not at ease!

   It seems that a few cloning economy experts and management experts have to be trained, so that after Jesse is transferred, I can rest assured.

   And these clones will not betray themselves, let alone mess around with themselves.

   He only returned to the Ithaca area from Lijiadao this afternoon. Jesse knew that after he came back, he didn't arrange work this afternoon and stayed with him at home.

   is helping herself to wash clothes, and she is busy cooking. These living servants can do it, but she has to insist on doing it herself.

  Although Xiao Feng also knew that there was a show-making element in it, but somehow others can do it in front of him, and do what makes him feel extremely comfortable. Just having this intention is enough.

   "I will go to Resco Island in two days. Would you like to go around with me?"

   Xiao Feng took Jesse who came with the fruit plate into his arms, and asked her with a smile.

   "Alright, it’s been a long time since I had a holiday. And the doctor also advised me to do more outdoor exercises before giving birth to help the birth."

   Jessie will naturally not miss the opportunity to accompany Xiao Feng. She knows that this tycoon has never lacked women.

   Although I want to give birth to his first child for him, it is always good to have more opportunities to strengthen the relationship with him.

Xiao Feng smiled and nodded: "Then let's go the day after tomorrow. I know you are tired of staying here in Ithaca. Let's have a holiday in the fifth grade together. After a while, you will have a baby before going out to travel. But it’s not that easy."


   Jesse smiled and buried his head in Xiao Feng's arms.

   Although this city of Ithaca is the headquarters of their Southern Cross Bank, there has been a large-scale urban construction recently. There are construction sites everywhere, and the roads are dug with potholes.

   This makes her very uncomfortable. She has long wanted to return to San Diego where conditions are better.

   There is also a reason why Xiao Feng has to stay for one day. He has just collected so much gold and billions of dollars from Nantai Island.

   is also a waste in his space. It is far better to put the money in the vault of Southern Cross Bank.

  With these assets, the professionals of Southern Cross Bank will soon be able to double the size of the bank several times.

   The next day, Xiao Feng, accompanied by Jesse, went to the bank headquarters, which was the tallest skyscraper in Ithaca.

  He went to the vault, where he left a portion of gold and two billion dollars.

At the same time, there was a clone financial expert who came over with him. He will stay to assist Jesse. When Jesse is not in the Ithaca area, this financial expert named Pablo will be the highest official here. .

   At the same time, there are two security supervisors who will replace the original security supervisors.

   After all, so much money is put here, and Xiao Feng is not at ease just relying on the Russians and the locally hired security guards.

   The two security supervisors, Lorenzo and Sosa, were left. Xiao Feng was more assured, and the two men would regroup and train the locally hired security guards.

   In this security group, some new immigrants from the mainland will be hired in the future.

   Xiao Feng has already contacted Guan Haibo and asked him to contact his unsatisfactory comrades in the country, and issue them visas for them to come to Ithaca to work.

   Compared with the lazy locals, Xiao Feng believes in the hardworking Chinese.

   I hope these people can grow up quickly under the training of Lorenzo and Sosa, these two clone security experts.

   The other is the Bluebonnet Security Company, which will also undergo a major exchange of blood this time.

   Ten security experts he cloned will be inserted into the company. It turns out that the head of the security company is the Russian Ambrov, but to be honest, he is not very satisfied with the work ability of this guy.

   It's not that this guy is not loyal enough, but that he is more suitable for fighting on the battlefield, sitting behind his desk and strategizing, this job is a bit too difficult for him.

   And Ambrov was very happy that Xiao Feng sent someone over to replace him this time.

   Mao Xiong, these guys, are not like the Chinese people who have the problem of official fans. They are all straight.

  As long as the boss has the money in place and he is happy, there is no problem, and he will do whatever he wants, and he will never be crooked.

   And Xiao Feng happened to be such a boss, so when Xiao Feng said that he had sent Fiore to replace Ambrov, Ambrov readily agreed.

   As for his companions, those who are willing to stay can stay, and those who are unwilling to stay can also go with Ambrov.

   So there were ten people who chose to go with Ambrov. They planned to go to San Diego first, and then wait for Liukin's instructions from there to see if they were to go to Venezuela or the Middle East.

   The remaining twenty-odd people will continue to stay in the security company as security guards.

   Now that the city of Ithaca is booming, the security pressure in the city is still quite large.

   The cloning experts that Xiao Feng brought this time are all the Chinese mixed-race faces. They look like the natives of Ithaca, and they are not much different from the Tongguo people.

   A cloning expert like this is not easy to arouse the resentment of the locals.

   is also easier to accept the hearts of those local clones. When Guan Haibo's comrades in the country are in place one after another, this security company will continue to expand.

   When the scale reaches a certain level, Xiao Feng will have the capital to protect himself.

   It took a day to complete a series of assets and handover of work.

   The next morning, Xiao Feng took Jesse and set off on the road. Their first stop was San Diego, where Xiao Feng had to put something in the vault of Southern Cross Bank.

   Then I boarded the yacht from there and went all the way south to inspect all the islands they had bought before.

   There is Yunduo, an expert in animal husbandry, and Antar wants to stay on the side of the Karabage archipelago and continue to investigate those islands.

   Yunduo will follow Xiao Feng to inspect all the other islands he has acquired this time, and then design a reasonable island breeding plan.

   There are two other experts in marine aquaculture, one named Andre, and the other named Stevenson, clones of Nordic appearance.

   The purpose of their entourage this time is to go to the southernmost tip of Copper Country with Xiao Feng to investigate the sea area and choose a suitable salmon farming area.

   And wait for the fishery to be in place, help with the installation together, and stay to supervise the work of the offshore fishery, and give a more reasonable improvement design plan.

   Ambrov and the others also planned to set off with Xiao Feng and others. Taking into account the safety issue, Xiao Feng also deliberately brought a ten-person security team, all composed of clone security experts.

   But it is not Chris who leads the team. Chris stays in the Karapag Islands to protect his industry there.

   This time, the leader of the team is a clone security expert named Brian, who is also very skilled in military technology.

   In fact, Xiao Feng himself is an interstellar warrior, but considering that the Li family has been planning revenge recently, and Jesse is still pregnant, he can't help but pay special attention.

   A group of people boarded six Chevrolet Sabbobens all the way south from Ithaca City to San Diego.

   I have to say that although this Chevrolet full-size SUV is very expensive to drive, it has a large interior space and is really comfortable.

  Especially the car Xiao Feng and Jessie rode is still a fully bulletproof model, which is much cheaper than a Mercedes-Benz of the same level.

   The convoy departed from Ithaca at nine o'clock in the morning. At ten thirty in the morning, the car entered the mountains.

   The whole mountain road is more than 100 kilometers, and there are seven or eight tunnels in the middle. There are not many cars on the road.

   After walking for seven or eight kilometers, he finally entered the first tunnel. This tunnel was one kilometer long, but he had entered the tunnel for some reason. Xiao Feng felt something was wrong.

   He took out the earphones and put them on Jesse, and then motioned to her to lay down, and Jesse knew what was going on and acted obediently.

   Xiao Feng picked up the walkie-talkie and opened the general channel: "Be careful, you may have an ambush."

   As soon as the voice fell, I heard a bang in front of me, and the leading car that had just walked to the exit of the tunnel was directly blown up.

   The huge air wave drove the car several meters high, hit the top of the tunnel hard and fell off, and the people in the car couldn't save their eyes.

Scrapped vehicles crossed the road ~www.ltnovel.com~ and blocked the road in half. At the same time, a series of explosions were heard from the tunnel mouth. Rocks on the mountain were constantly rolling down, and the tunnel entrance was immediately blocked. More than half.

A row of cars behind    suddenly stopped suddenly.

   Ambrov in the second car jumped out of the car with the team first.

   In several cars, some team members jumped out of the car one after another. Only the car Xiao Feng in the middle and the car behind the expert group did not open the door.

   At this moment, there was a roar of motors behind, and several dump trucks rushed up with the rumbling.

   And looking at this posture, there was no intention to stop at all, and he ran into their convoy directly.

   If the general security saw this situation, I would have been crazy, but Ambrov, who had been behind the dots, calmly opened the trunk and took out an RPG from it.

   aimed at the rushing dump truck, the rocket shot over.


   With a loud noise, the huge dump truck was blown to pieces on the spot. This time it was the turn of the dump truck to panic.

what's the situation? The other party is even equipped with a rocket launcher? Is this an ordinary security guard?

   The speed of the three dump trucks behind, immediately slowed down...


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