Although the tunnel entrance in front was half blocked, the sniper who was ambushing on the opposite hill could still shoot through the half of the tunnel and shoot into the cave.

   It's just that his shooting method is not very good. He fired two shots in a row, but he couldn't knock down a single target.

   But he quickly attracted the attention of the snipers in the convoy. The cloned security experts that Xiao Feng brought with him all had the qualities of interstellar infantry.

   Dealing with these wild road killers in the future is simply a piece of cake.

   Especially the captain Brian, who led the team this time, is also a master of sniper.

   When the first shot came from the opposite mountain, he noticed that there was a sniper on the opposite side, and immediately shouted to his teammates to hide. It was this kind of action that made the sniper's second shot without success.

   He had only fired two shots on the opposite side, and he had already discovered the sniper wearing auspicious clothes and hiding on the hillside opposite the tunnel.

   He pulled out the AN-94 casually, facing the opposite hillside, and pulled the trigger three times in a row.

   The sniper on the opposite side also saw the reckless security guard in the scope.

   When he saw this guy rushing out from behind the car door, he couldn't help but joke that this guy was a lucky mess, that he could find himself for the first time.

   Especially when he looked at him holding a rifle that didn't even have a scope and fired at his side, he even laughed secretly that this guy is a sand sculpture.

   But when he thought of the opponent's first two consecutive shots, he hit the dust in front of him and interfered with his next aiming action.

   The second two consecutive shots directly knocked out the observer around him. After the third two consecutive shots, the sniper had no idea, because his head was directly exploded.

   He didn't even want to understand until he died, why did the opponent's gun shoot so accurately?

   Of course he can’t understand it. Although these security guards have gunshot wounds without a scope, their modified eyes are actually automatic scopes, with infrared imaging and night vision functions.

  Ambrov arranged two security team members to touch the front hole to check the situation outside the hole, although the sniper was knocked out.

   But he must have other ambushes outside the cave. In order to avoid being flanked by both sides, the ambushes at the entrance of the cave have to be dealt with.

   Two cloned security experts, with a machine gun, are enough.

   Their main purpose is not to kill the killer there, but to suppress them. When they solve the killer behind, the front will naturally disappear.

   Two clone security experts rushed to the front hole and began to suppress firepower.

   Brian immediately arranged five other people to protect Xiao Feng and the technical experts in the next car, and then took three people to join Ambrov's camp behind.

   Ambrov was now leading five team members, fighting **** battles with the killers rushing from behind.

   In the front car were five of his men, who were sent to the sky by these killer bombs. At this time, the remaining four members of Ambrov were extremely angry.

   They were carrying AN-94, and they were fighting a PPK-16 against the assassin coming from behind.

   Mao Xiong's combat power is very strong, and the guns in his hand are also very sophisticated. Although there are only five people, he can suppress the killers behind him and cannot move.

   However, there are so many killers. Although they were suppressed for a while, they did not give in.

   There were a few other guys who climbed onto the roofs of those dump trucks, set up machine guns on the roofs, and started shooting at them.

  Ambrov took out the RPG again, but this time because of the opponent's machine gun suppression, his rockets lost the aim and only destroyed one dump truck, and the other two dump trucks were unharmed.

  The killers looked at Ambrov's side, they were not launching rockets, they couldn't help calling out happily, they had no rockets anymore.

  Then the dump truck started its engine and drove towards them rumblingly.

  These modified dump trucks have steel plates added to the front. The AK and light machine guns in their hands hit the steel plates, and there was a clanging sound, which could not harm the members inside.

   The two dump trucks rolled over like tanks, which brought a very strong mental pressure to Ambrov and his team members.

   At this time, Brian brought two other installation experts to support him. He barely looked at them. The three of them raised their guns at the two dump trucks and shot them.

   Two steel plates were welded in front of the windows of the cockpit of the dump truck, and only a long observation hole was left in the eye of the driver.

   But Brian and their bullets were shot through the downloaded observation hole...

   The speed of the dump truck stopped immediately, and then came to a halt slowly.

   The door of one of the cars was opened, and then a corpse was pushed down from the driver's seat.

After   , the car moved again quickly, but it was less than one meter ahead, and the driver was shot to death by Brian and his marksman again, and the dump truck came to a standstill again.

   The addition of these three sharpshooters greatly reduced the pressure on Ambrov and his team members, but at this time they had already rushed to the dump truck which was only a few tens of meters away, which still brought them heavy pressure.

In the rear part of the dump truck, huge steel plates on both sides are welded, and behind the steel plate is a machine gun. Such a dump truck becomes a firepower assault vehicle.

   This kind of operation is very common in the Middle East and South America, but generally, the machine gun and armor are welded to the pickup truck.

   And this time it was obviously for a surprise operation. The killers welded this equipment to the dump truck, and because the dump truck has a larger rear bucket.

   They welded two machine guns in the rear compartment of each dump truck.

   At this time, although the earth tank could not be moved, the four heavy machine guns on the car were still shooting bullets at them.

   A distance of several tens of meters quickly suppressed Ambrouf and the others immobile, and even the Chevrolet SUV they were riding in was smashed into a sieve.

   At this time, Brian and the three cloned security experts were not afraid of the rain of bullets from the opposite side.

   Brian squatted down beside the car door in a very standard manner, and fired at the machine gun positions with his gun.

   AN-94 has two consecutive shots with superb characteristics, which he has brought to the fullest.

   Although there is no scope, the distance of tens of meters is as simple as playing a game for him.

   Even if the machine gunner is hiding behind the armor, there is only a five-centimeter wide shooting observation hole in front of him. This is not too difficult for him.

   The bullets he fired almost went headshot. The machine gunners hiding behind the armor had no time to finish the bullet chain, so he blew their heads.

   The same goes for the other machine gunners. Even if they escaped Brian's attack, they couldn't escape the attack of the other two sharpshooters.

   After a while, the Kung Fu machine gun went out of flames. Without the suppression of firepower, Ambrov and the others were morale boosted, and when they picked up their guns, they continued to pour out firepower at the killers.

   These killers, although they have also received some military training from Li Yun, they talk about fighting quality.

   It may be enough to deal with the killer who is doing flour with his colleagues, but it is not enough for Ambrov and the guys who are rolling on the battlefield.

   After a short time, I was knocked down seven or eight.

   In this scene, Li Yun, who has been supervising the battle behind him, gritted his teeth.

   "What the **** are Angels in front of them? Haven't rushed into the hole at this time and copied their back path?"

   "Boss, Angel and the others buried too much explosives, and the falling rocks blocked half of the tunnel entrance. Even if they wanted to rush inside, it didn't go so smoothly."

   Galgado, who had been following Li Yun, explained to Li Yun aloud that Li Yun slapped his thigh fiercely.

   "What a waste!"

After speaking, he snatched the walkie-talkie in Galgado's hand: "Garcia, Garcia, charge me inside, and immediately arrange for someone to take over the machine guns and regain the superiority in firepower suppression. In addition, let Maicon prepare. Bombs are really not good, so don’t let them live, and kill them directly.”

   Seeing that the men in front were knocked down one by one, Li Yun's eyes were also red. It was time to desperately.

   As soon as he put down the walkie-talkie here, he saw a shaggy head directing the attack in front of him, waving his hand behind him, and constantly yelling for the players to go to the dump trucks to take over the machine guns.

   But he only yelled a few words, and a blood mist burst from his head, and then the whole person fell down like noodles.

   But the other killers did not His deputy quickly stood up and continued to command people to climb up the car, but took over the machine gun.

   But the guys who climbed into the car, before they could touch the machine gun, were blown to the head by the bullet from the hole.

   This series of operations stunned Li Yun at the back. The sniper in this hole is too powerful, right?

   Guns and guns headshot, it's so amazing!

   When he was serving in the special forces, the marksmen in their team were not so accurate!

   The opponent's gun is still biting the flesh, and there is a rhythmic burst of fire in the hole, and every time it rings, a killer will fall down on his side.

   The elite assassination camp he brought with him this time has been reimbursed on the 20th and 30th in just a while.

   In this scene, he has a broken heart. He is a killer camp, but he is one of the elite of the Li family.

   The command is himself, and the other backbone captains are all officers who have served in the army like him.

   The other killers are also orphans who have been adopted and cultivated since childhood. After their training, their fighting qualities are all extraordinary.

   The big flour dealers in Colombia and Mexico have suffered under their hands. It can be said that they are on the South American continent, second only to the presence of elite troops in those countries.

   Even so, he was beaten up by the bear mercenaries in the cave. Li Yun was dumbfounded by this scene.

   Is it possible that there is such a big gap between them and these elite mercenaries?

   How to fight this battle, the opponent is just a few people, but they have more than one hundred numbers, just can't gnaw.



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