With such a hard consumption, he worried that his team would be wiped out by the opponent. When he thought of this, Li Yun was a little shaken...


   But when he was hesitating whether to retreat, he suddenly saw the teddy bear on the opposite side rushing out.


   Under the cover of the marksman, two bears climbed onto two dump trucks and controlled two heavy machine guns.


   then turned their guns, and started firing frantically at their team.


   The assassins who had been hiding on both sides of the road, the beaten ghosts and howling wolves, and the few guys who didn't pay attention to hiding, were beaten to pieces on the spot.


  In an instant, his assassin group collapsed, and countless assassins were like ants, thinking that the rain forest behind began to retreat frantically.


   The bears on the opposite side became more and more excited, operating this heavy machine gun and slamming at the assassins who fled.


   Countless assassins who fled were swept to the ground. Seeing such a situation, Li Yun couldn't help but sigh.


   The rabble is the rabble, even if they train for a long time.


   Although these guys are all dead men raised by the Li family since childhood, their fighting will quality is really bad.


   has not been tempered by a regular army, even if they have trained these people by military means, it is still useless.


   This group of guys may have some effect when they face other bandits of the flour gang, and they are even more unstoppable when they fight SF.


   But once they meet the crazy warriors like Teddy Bear, they are finished.


   The hard bones didn't gnaw off, instead they collapsed and filled with teeth!


   "Boss, what should I do? Do I have to go on top?"


   Not only did Li Yun look stupid, but his deputy Galgado also looked stupid. When they were in Colombia, they also fought against the government forces that encircled them.


   But even government forces supported by the US military are not so fierce?


   There are only eight people in the other party, but they kicked their heads with more than one hundred people. This scene is simply unforgettable for him.


   "Fart, tell them to retreat!"


   Li Yun said to Galgado with a sullen face, and turned his head first and left.


   Galgado picked up the walkie-talkie: "Retreat, retreat..."


   The battle was over in less than half an hour, and the intensity of the battle was not low. Even in the Middle East, there were few encounters like this.


   If it wasn't for Brian and the three sharpshooters to come to support later, Ambrov guessed that these five people would definitely be here to explain it.


  Speaking of this, he glanced at the poker face next to him. Where did the boss get these guys?


   This combat power is too strong, right?


   Ambrov is not an ignorant person. When he served in the Russian army before, he was also an elite with many battles.


   Although he failed to enter the FSB, he is also a member of the elite signal flags of the FSB and has experience in dealing with them.


   He knows how good those guys are.


   is the American seal that blows everything from the sky to the ground, and it is not necessarily a bargain in front of the signal flag.


   Looking at the performance of these poker faces, Bryan and the others, he felt that even if the elite of the signal flag came over, in front of these poker faces, that was his younger brother.


   These assassins on the opposite side are not ordinary assassins.


   Compared to the gangsters he had fought against in Venezuela before, or the spies lurking in the United States, he was no more convincing, and even better than them.


   But they still can't dodge the bullets of Brian and the others, these guys are like killing machines with no emotions.


   He watched Brian next to him with his own eyes, then squatted on the ground and shot at the gangsters on the opposite side.


   You must know that the guys in the hands of the gangsters are not rolling pins, submachine guns, assault rifles, or even light machine guns.


   The firepower was fierce. Even if he had always been brave enough, he didn't dare to squat on the ground and shoot at the opponent without cover.


   But Brian would dare. What's even more terrifying is that this guy is not only brave enough, but his marksmanship is amazing.


   Not only did the bullets fired by the opponent fail to interfere with him, but the bullets he fired also bit meat.


   Almost every burst can kill a valuable target, either the gunner or the commander.


   The reason why the gangsters collapsed so quickly is directly related to Brian's shots.


  Because they came up, they knocked down the other's command. At the same time, there were a few brave guys who were also knocked out in the first place.


   In this way, the gangsters quickly fell into a situation where there was no leader. Later, Brian also asked Kasimov to grab the machine gun. It was this operation that became the straw that finally crushed the killer group.


   Thinking of this, Ambrov suddenly didn’t rush back to Venezuela and Russia. It seemed that it would be a good choice to be able to fight alongside a warrior like Brian.


   At this time, Xiao Feng also pushed the door and got out of the car. The tunnel was full of strong smell of gunpowder smoke.


   It really made him tolerate a meal just now. As an interstellar warrior, seeing this kind of battle scene, but seeing him boiled with enthusiasm.


   If it weren't for Jesse in the car, he would have gotten out of the car to join the battle.


But because of the pregnant Jessie, he didn't get out of the car. After all, Jesse at this time is very special and fragile. If he is not around and something happens to her, he will regret it. .


   Fortunately, no accident happened to Jesse, just a little nervous.


   He got out of the car and came to the front of the battlefield. At this time, Brian and the others had pulled over several assassins who were slightly injured and could not run away.


   "Who sent you here?"


   Ambrov stepped on the guy's wound and asked loudly.


  They are mercenaries, people who are not protected by the Geneva Treaty, and these killers are the same.


  The killer wailed loudly in pain for a long time, and then said as if he poured beans from a bamboo tube.


   got the verification from the killer's mouth, Xiao Feng was relieved, he was indeed from the Li family.


   I have been waiting for them for a long time...


   He picked up the phone, found a number and dialed out...


   Li Yun took Gal Gadot and walked on the streets of San Diego. The failure the day before yesterday was like a nightmare. He hadn't closed his eyes for more than twenty hours.


   More than one hundred elites are gone. He doesn't dare to return to Colombia now. If he let Li Fei know that his action was defeated and he lost so many manpower, Li Fei must kill him.


   Li Yun shuddered at the thought of Li Fei's methods.


   He must get things done before the news goes back to Colombia, otherwise Li Fei will not let him and his family go.


   So after retreating from the scene that day, he did not rush to take people back to Colombia.


   Instead, he arranged for them to hide, and he took Galgado to San Diego with him.


  He came here to find someone, that is Li Zhen.


   This guy used to be the number one horse under Li Fei's brother Li Kai, and was also a celebrity next to the boss.


   But since Li Kai died, this guy lost his power. The boss didn't send anyone to kill him, he was already very kind.


  Although he was assigned a Li family, in the name of the captain of the Copper Country, no one had no guns, and no money. His position was more like a polished commander.


   To tell the truth, if it weren't for being forced to helplessly, Li Yun would not come to him.


   But now he really has no other way. He can only contact this guy to see if he can get some help from him.


   After all, this guy has been lurking in Copper Country for more than half a year after that incident. How could he collect some useful information?


   If he can get his intelligence support, he plans to fight again to see if he can gain anything.


   The place he and Li Zhen met was a cafe behind Victory Square. Li Yun walked very carefully along the way.


   The first time he played against him, he could be regarded as seeing the talents of the Chinese boss. He was surrounded by capable people. For the past few days, he has been wondering where those people came from.


   He was sure that Mao Xiong's mercenaries certainly did not have that kind of fighting quality. Finally, after thinking about it, he came to the conclusion that they should be the most mysterious Chinese special forces.


   Only they can have that kind of ability.


   The opponent is not only covering the sky in Ithaca, but also in San Diego. Their Li family is now the bereaved dog of the Copper Country, so he can't be careful.


Cautiously arrived at the door of the cafe, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but did not rush in. Instead, he took Galgado to sit in front of the cafe for half an hour, and then went around the cafe again. Three laps.


   Then he took Galgado into the cafe, but his face changed as soon as he entered.


  Because beside the table in the middle of the cafe, not only is Li Yun sitting, but also the Chinese tycoon!




   Li Yun and Galgado only had time to scold ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then they were put their heads in the back with guns.


   "Welcome, please sit down, Mr. Li Yun."


   Hua Guo tycoon raised the coffee cup and gestured to Li Yun with a smile.


   Li Yun reluctantly bite the bullet and came to the table to sit down, while Li Zhen, who was opposite him, smiled and said to him: "This must be known to you too, that is the goal of your trip to recognize the boss..."


   "Li Zhen, don't be proud, you betrayed the clan, the patriarch knows that he will punish you."


   Li Yun hadn't spoken yet, Galgado beside him couldn't help it.


   And Li Zhen smiled slightly, and then suddenly raised his hand and shot Galgado to the head.


   "If you don't tell me, no one will know?"


   Then he smiled and turned his head towards Li Yun: "You said that? Brother Yun?"


   There was a smile on Li Yun's face that was more ugly than crying: "That's right, Brother Zhen!"


"Is this what it looks like to know the current affairs? Now, here is a map. If you show me where Li Fei is hiding, I won't be embarrassed. If you are willing to do it with me, I promise you. Prosperity and wealth for half a lifetime!"


   Does Li Yun have another choice? Obviously, he didn't!



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