Xiao Feng sat in Li Fei's bedroom, playing with the emeralds in his hands.


   I'm afraid Li Fei never thought that he had treasured the treasure for a lifetime, and he would eventually become Xiao Feng's plaything.


  Of course, this guy has a lot of treasures. These billions of dollars worth of emeralds have been found out from his vault. There are a lot of rubies and sapphires.


   Although these gems are not top-notch, if they were sold, they would probably be worth seven or eight billion U.S. dollars.


   In addition, just below the underground wine cellar of this manor, they also found a huge underground vault, the wall is thicker than the bank.


   There are billions of dollars in cash hidden inside, and there are billions of dollars worth of gold bricks.


   With these properties, they are already richer than some small banks, which makes Xiao Feng speechless.


   In the next few days, Li Fei’s accounting in Columbia was picked up by Li Yun and Li Zhen one after another.


According to these accounts, Li Fei has hundreds of real estates in Santa Fe, Bogota, Medellin, Arauca, Barranquilla and other big cities, ranging from skyscrapers to prosperous shops. Or a villa with a beautiful environment, everything is available.


   In other provinces of Colombia, there are dozens of large and small plantations, mainly planting coffee and other cash crops.


  Of course, the most profitable business is the wheat plantation hidden in the deep mountains and old forests.


   It took more than a week to count the assets of Li Fei alone. After the final liquidation, an amazing number was reached.


   If all these assets are converted into U.S. dollars, they are worth tens of billions of dollars.


   But it’s normal to think about it. When Escobar was the most beautiful year, he could rank in the top ten of the world’s richest list, earning tens of billions of dollars a year.


  The current Colombian flour merchants, although they do not have the glory of the era when the Escobar and Cali Group duo compete for hegemony, they also have the benefits of low-key wealth.


   As long as it is not arrogant, billions of dollars a year can still be earned.


   The Li family has been doing this business for decades, and it was natural to save so much in the first place.


   took over Li Fei's property, Xiao Feng naturally asked Pablo, the financial expert on clones left by Jesse, to send it over.


   The cash and gold here will be transported to the vault of Southern Cross Bank through him, and the real estate and plantations will be handled by Pablo.


   The opinion given by Pablo is that gradually a holding company will bring all these plantations under its name and manage them in a unified way.


   Colombia is also a bi-ocean country, with fertile soil and abundant rainfall. It is a country very suitable for the development of agriculture.


   Of these plantations, Xiao Feng intends to use part of them to raise cattle and sheep, part to grow coffee, and the other part to grow various cash crops as a base for supplying extracts of raw materials for health care products in his ninth laboratory.


   As for the properties in the big cities, those buildings with good geographical locations, high appreciation space, easy to rent, and shops in good locations will naturally be left.


   Pablo will form a property company to manage these properties in a unified way.


   As for those villas that cannot be lived in, he plans to auction them all, and part of the recovered funds will be handed over to Southern Cross Bank.


   The other part is left to Li Zhen and Li Yun, and bonuses are given to them, and it is also used as financial support for the continued operation of the Li family.


   Although Li Fei was killed, the Li family still needs to exist.


   After all, this family can control the channels and markets of billions of flour business every year. The most important thing is that people like the Li family must be raised.


   Otherwise, if these people lose their jobs and fall into the market, it will definitely cause serious damage to social order.


   If someone has a grudge against the Chen family and him, let them sneak back to Ithaca and the Karapag Islands, and destroy them every day, they can't handle it.


   So it is better to raise these people, and these people can help him from time to time to thank the dirty work.


   There is another important reason for leaving these people, and that is that he wants to leave an ambush in South America.


   What if the Chen family's ambitions swell, or the next generation of the Chen family will suddenly have a brainstorm someday, and they don't plan to continue cooperating with him.


   He has to leave someone who can replace them, and the Li family is just right.


   Li Zhen and Li Yun have been completely controlled by him, this kind of puppet is just right.


   And leaving such an ambush soldier has another meaning, that is, the political situation in South American countries is always not so stable.


   Whenever there is an economic crisis, there are always one or two political forces that will indulge the people to oppress the Chinese and smash Chinese shops.


   This kind of thing is not once or twice, and it is not convenient for Hua Guo to come forward at this time.


   If he hadn't been to South America before, Xiao Feng wouldn't care too much, but now his power has penetrated into South America.


   In case one day in the future, which brain will draw politicians to connivate those mobs for his own votes, and endanger his interests.


   Then he has to respond, and sometimes the most powerful way is the simplest and rude counterattack, because for these South Americans with insufficient brain capacity, fist is always more effective than legal and moral persuasion.


   Don't think this is an exaggeration. In fact, the way South Americans do such things is far beyond everyone's imagination.


   From 1976 to 1983, during the Galtieri military government ruled in Argentina, in order to combat the left-wing opposition leaders, they hired a special team to help them deal with those competitors.


   Over the past seven years alone, more than 30,000 people have disappeared in Argentina, including adult men and women, and even children.


   And the way many of these people are dealt with is even more unbelievable. There are many secret police, because the killing has caused psychological problems.


   On the one hand, they are afraid that they will have a nervous breakdown if they do too much, but on the other hand, they cannot refuse the order to go up the peak, and the huge benefits that follow.


   So many people simply choose the objects to be killed and grab them, tie them to the plane, and then drive the plane to the Atlantic Ocean and kick those people directly off the plane.


   The kind that doesn't give parachutes... Then while kicking people down, the executioners will stand at the door of the cabin, praying for those kicked down.


   Pray that they will have good luck and be blessed by God and be reborn...


   It sounds ridiculous, but this is a real incident!


  South Americans are so romantic even to kill their opponents, and they are full of wild imagination, and even when they end up in the end, they will pray for each other...


   Therefore, Xiao Feng felt that when facing such a person, the law and morality are useless. Only fists and blood can make them remember!


  The economic environment in South America is such a virtue. The gang of **** take turns to behave, and there will be turmoil every ten years.


   Every time before, the people who paid the bill were Chinese who would not resist, but this time after Xiao Feng came, he decided to change this situation.


   We must let those politicians know that in the future it will not be an era when we can ask the Chinese to pay.


   If that **** is indulging the mob to rob Chinese shops, hey, I'm sorry, Xiao Feng intends to let him taste the disappearance of his family.


   But at this time, it is inconvenient for him to come forward, so it would be most appropriate to have such an ambush soldier to help out.


   So he decided to keep Li Zhen and Li Yun and take over the personnel left by Li Fei.


   As for Li Fei’s immediate family members and those who walked closer, let Li Fei and Li Yun take care of them. Anyway, he will not be bloody.


   I believe that Li Fei and Li Yun naturally know what to do with those people.


   After spending more than a week in Li Fei’s manor on the outskirts of Bogotá, Xiao Feng finally realized the pleasure of Jiaqing Emperor Chao He Shen Lao Wo.


   This Nima, don’t be too cool!


   There are surprises every day. Someone reported to you today that they found another manor where Li Fei was hiding. Tomorrow someone will tell you that they found a mansion left by the Li family.


   If it weren't for killing Li Fei, who would have thought that a flour dealer could have saved such a rich family background?


   Of course, during this period, there are naturally some other people who have heard the wind of changes in the Li family, and are also wondering if they want to share a piece of the pie.


   These flour dealers are not very politically sensitive, but they are very greedy and have a good appetite.


   Li Jiake controls a quarter of the current export share of Colombian flour market, especially they control a few fertile fields hidden in Medellin~www.ltnovel.com~, which has always been coveted.


  The Medellin area is a mountain city, the origin area of ​​the Andes, and it is surrounded by mountains.


  The air currents from the Pacific and Atlantic converge in the mountains, causing frequent rains in the area.


   The hot and humid environment happens to be the favorite natural environment for wheat, so the ravines around the area have always been the main producing areas of Colombian wheat.


   is also the most popular area for flour tycoons in the past. The Li family controls three plantations over there, which can create huge profits for their family every year.


   Now that there is news of civil unrest in the Li family, how can those people sit still? Can't help but feel eager for Li's plantation.


   Another reason Li Zhiyang didn’t rush away was to stay behind and help Li Yun and Li Zhen settle down!


   Li Zhen was only a side branch of the Li family before, and Li Yun was even the adopted child of the Li family. Xiao Feng was afraid that if he left too early, these two people would not be able to survive the Li family's remaining line.


   And he stayed, helped Li Zhen and Li Yun and the others, fought a few beautiful battles, stabilized the decline of the Li family, not only can scare away the enemies outside.


   can also help Li Zhen and Li Yun to quickly gain a foothold.


   Then he can free his hands to deal with Li Xingkai, the other leading figure in the Li family!



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