My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 856: Villain alliance

  Gonzalo has been closely following the development of the Li family recently.

   And the reason why he is like this is also because the Li family has always been the sufferer of their family.

   Gonzalo. Hernandez, born in the Hernandez family, was a small landlord in Medellin before.

   was first dependent on planting potatoes and raising cattle for a living.

   Later, Escobar rose up, and he brought a brand new crop to the small landlords in Medellin, wheat!

   So the Hernandez family also participated in the vigorous wheat cultivation movement of that era, and joined the Medellin Group.

   But because the family territory is too small and there are few people, the status in the group is not high. It can only be regarded as a short mule running errands.

   Later, everyone who had read books of him was photographed by Escobar and became Escobar's accountant, specially helping Escobar to hide money.

   Putting money into oil drums and containers, and burying them underground was the idea that his brother came up with back then.

Later, Escobar was killed and the Medellin Group fell. Their family dug up a lot of money hidden by Escobar back then. With this money, their family quickly grew and became a member of the Medellin area. Xiaoba.

   How can I think that there is still the Li family who has grown and grown as much as their family!

The Li family back then was nothing more than a small family around Escobar specializing in helping money laundering, but it was precisely by swallowing a large amount of Escobar’s legacy that it became a post-Escobar era. A tyrant in the forest area.

   Because you have money, you can hire enough desperadoes, and you can grab enough sites and plantations.

   In the years since Escobar's death, the Medellin area has been under constant fighting.

   In the end, there were three families, and Escobar’s legacy was divided.

  The Li family gained the most, followed by the Rico family, and the Rodriguez family.

   As for the Hernandez family, at the beginning of this feast, they still took a little advantage, but they were later driven out by the powerful Li family.

   was even driven out of the Medellin area, and could only hide in Port Jurado in panic.

   Puerto Jurado is a port city located more than 300 kilometers northwest of Medellin, below Panama and adjacent to the Pacific Ocean.

   Although it is a seaport city, its economy is not developed because it is very unlucky and it is close to Panama.

   Basically all the ships going through the Panama Canal, so there are basically no calls at Port Jurado.

   There are only a few fishermen and trading companies, and there are only 100,000 people in the small town.

   is a place where no oil and water can be squeezed out. Because it is adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, where rainfall is extremely abundant, and floods occur every year, so the planting industry is not very developed.

   The only main reason the Hernandez family can take root in this port city is because of their relationship with the Rico family.

  Gonzalo’s wife is the youngest daughter of the Rico family, and his son’s wife is also the niece of the Rico family. The two families have always been related by marriage.

   And the flour that the Rico family planted in Medellin usually departs through their port and goes all the way north.

   has been sent to Tijuana, Mexico, and then shipped into the United States from where.

   And the Tijuana family, but another big flour group in Mexico that has not dealt with the Sinaloa Group.

   However, their strength is relatively weaker than the Sinaloa Group.

   So they gave Colombian raw material suppliers more reasonable prices. It was the import and export business of this port that allowed the Hernandez family to survive in Jurado over the years.

   And a few years ago, they just infiltrated Apaltado, a small city on the Atlantic side of Colombia and on the Caribbean coast.

   is also Colombia’s largest port below Panama, and it is also the closest large port city to Jurado Port in a straight line.

   is said to be large, but in fact it only has a population of two to three million.

  Who is unlucky for Colombia, too close to Panama?

  The benefits of shipping are almost all taken up by Panama, but the Colombians can't get any benefits. They can only watch the Panamanians charge a large amount of money to cross the river every day.

  Whenever I think of this, all Colombians hate the Americans. If they hadn't fooled Panama to separate from Colombia, the Panama Canal now belongs to Colombia.

   So in fact, in Colombia, many people secretly support the big bosses smuggling flour into the United States.

  Because if the United States hadn't messed up the political situation of Colombia's economy, the people of Colombia would not have had such a miserable life.

  Of course, the international political situation is not what Gonzalo is most concerned about now. What he is most concerned about is the development of the Li family.

   He has heard a lot of news about the outbreak of civil unrest in the Li family, which makes him eager to move.

   On the one hand, he wanted to repay the Li family’s revenge for driving them out of the Hernandez family in Medellin. On the other hand, he also greeted the Li family’s three large plantations in Medellin.

   There are many tropical rain forests in Colombia, but it is not so easy to open up such a suitable plantation in the rain forest.

  The most important thing is that these plantations are not so easy to be discovered. This is the most important thing.

   Although the main energy of the Americans is now on fighting with the big groups in Mexico, their satellites still fly over Colombia from time to time.

  The eyes of those satellites are sharper than the eyes of monkeys. If you don't hide well, they will find your planting field.

   They will notify the government at that time. Although there are many senior executives in the government who have contact with them, they have to send someone over to burn their wheat fields for the sake of face.

   So regardless of Colombia's many tropical rain forests and the appropriate climate environment, it is not so easy to find so few, stable, high-yielding, and safe plantations.

   And the Li family now has three pieces, located in the deep mountain and old forest northwest of Medellin.

   One of the most famous ones is Kacosia, which is a plantation field that countless flour traders have coveted. It is said that there can be dozens of tons of annual output, and the annual output value is more than seven billion US dollars.

   Now that the Li family is in trouble, countless people are eyeing them, thinking they want to take this plantation.

  Gonzalo studied in Jurado for more than a month, and finally couldn't help but quietly returned to Medellin and directly lived in the manor of his pro-family family.

The    Rico family controls the other three plantations in Medellin and is also a big local household. Although its strength is slightly inferior to that of the Li family, it is also considered deeply rooted.

   Since the leaders of the Medellin Group and the Cali Group were arrested, the owners of these small estates have been fighting each other.

   Everyone unites from time to time and sometimes splits up. Although they don’t have the momentum to order the world back then, they actually live a happy life.

   The above are also unhappy that they will maintain this state of division. After all, do the Americans want face?

   Anyway, the big boss is knocked out. As for the amount of goods sold by the following men, will there be more goods? Sorry, that is not what the Americans are concerned about.

  Gonzalo soon met his wife’s brother, Carrepa, who is now one of the Big Three in the Rico family.

   Karepa, who has the classic South American mustache, was sitting on the porch of the mansion and drinking coffee. When he saw him entering the yard, he smiled and waved at him.

  Gonzalo sat down, and Karepa smiled and asked him: "How many people have you brought here this time?"

   "I have brought all the elite of the family, more than 200 people in total!"

   "Very good!"

   Karepa smiled and stroked his moustache.

   "How many people have you prepared?"

   "Almost two hundred people, right? And we have already contacted Pacho. Rodriguez, they will send troops with us at that time."

  Before he came, Gonzalo had already received the news that this time the Rico family, and the Rodriguez family, planned to join forces to end the Li family together.

  In this way, one-fourth of the supply share of the Colombian market will be surrendered, and most importantly, they can divide up several plantations of the Li family.

   And Gonzalo can be assigned to at least one of the Li family plantations!

   This is also the main reason why he rushed back to help out.

   An anti-Li family alliance was formed under the drive of will it start? "

"Probably tomorrow night. Pacho and others are staring at the movements of the Li family, planning to find the right time. Tomorrow is said to be the day when the Li family is preparing for the funeral. It seems that the Li family's struggle is settled. This time it is estimated to be a grand funeral."

   Karepa smiled and touched the mustache under his nose. These Chinese people just like infighting.

   Hey, thanks to their bad habit, otherwise they haven't had a chance yet.

   "Ha, that Li Fei is usually so arrogant. He deserves it. I'm afraid he didn't expect that he would die in the hands of his loyal dog. By the way, how is the Li family's current combat power?"

  Gonzalo couldn't help but ask again. He was very afraid of the Li family's action team, the action team led by Li Yun, among their flour dealers in Colombia, but a famous group of lunatics.

   His brother was killed by this action team.

   Their family was driven out of the Medellin area that year, and it had a lot to do with the Li family's action team. The retaliatory actions they blocked several times were ultimately broken in the hands of this action team.

   The fierce revenge organized by the Li Family Action Team has caused fatal damage to their family almost every time.

   And those memories are almost all nightmares that make him unforgettable!

   Not only is Gonzalo very afraid of the Li's action team, Carrepa also feels a headache when he hears the name.

  Because of the Li family's action team, not only did Gonzalo leave an indelible meeting, their Rico family also suffered from the action team.


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