"It is said that the Li family's action team was wiped out in an operation in Copper Country."

   When Karepa said these words, he suddenly felt relieved.

   On the other side, Gonzalo's expression at this moment heard this, and it seemed as if he had drained the stool that had been held for a few days at once.

   "That's great, Karepa, the news alone is worth a few drinks!"

   "Haha, yes, this news is worth celebrating. Cazzo, bring us the bottle of red wine."

  Ha, South Americans are so unrestrained. They don’t need food at all to drink. As long as they hear the good news, they are worth a few drinks.

   What's more, this news is simply enough to make them enjoy a drink.

"To be honest, Carrepa, what kind of person did the Li family offend this time? Will they be expelled from the copper country? I heard that their family is also a century-old family over there, and it is deeply rooted. Kind of it."

   After a few glasses of wine, Gonzalo couldn't help but ask more questions.

   and Karepa shook the glass in his hand: "It's the Chen family!"

"The Chen family? The Chen family hasn't mixed the flour circle very much in the past ten years? I heard that it seems to be out of power, huh! The flour is sold well, so I want to learn from other people to follow the right way. What is the right way? Easy to go?"

  Gonzalo drank the remaining half glass of red wine in one sip, and couldn't help but sneered.

  The flour circle is a river and lake, and many people in this circle have been doing this for generations.

  Want to quit? How easy is it? It is true that many people intend to quit, but few can really quit.

   How did the leaders of the Kali Group look like that? Didn't they also develop a detailed exit plan?

   But what's the end? Haven't the two brothers been put in prison by the Americans?

   There are also those domestic politicians who open their eyes to them when they ask for money, but when their American masters tighten the chain, they will vent their anger on the flour dealers.

   It’s a real mother, so in Gonzalo’s view, it is to do a line of love, strive to be bigger and stronger in this line, and to achieve the same achievements as the Escobar predecessors is considered a success.

   As for quitting, huh!

   He didn't even think about it.

   It's just that he didn't want to understand how the Chen family came to a comeback by relying on the strength of the Li family.

   "I heard that the Chen family introduced a tycoon from China as a strong aid, and overturned the Li family and drove the Li family out of the copper country."

   "Chinese? Huh? The Chen family are really courageous enough to collude with Chinese in South America?"

   Gonzalo, who has dealt with Americans all the time, obviously doesn't look down on the Chinese, but Carepa next to him doesn't think so.

   "Shut up, Gonzalo, are you drinking too much."

   Karepa became angry, and Gonzalo closed his mouth quickly.

   But I was cursing secretly in my heart. I don't know what these Chinese people are afraid of. They are really bastards.

   But he didn't know that he, Uncle Carrepa, was very jealous of Chinese people.

   Previously, his buddies kidnapped two Chinese engineers who helped build communication base stations in Bolivia.

   I originally thought that this time I tied a big ticket to blackmail the Chinese people. How could I think that I stabbed a hornet's nest this time?

  The Chinese don’t know how to talk to the government, the government actually sent troops directly into the mountain and threw his brothers who were hiding in the old forest deep in the mountains.

   In his anger, his brother simply chopped off an engineer's hand and mailed it back, threatening him not to chase him anymore, and quickly get the money.

   How can I think that this group of people would be annoying. Every two days, his brothers hid their parents in their hometown, together with the second and third rooms in the city, all of them were kidnapped by a group of masked men.

   Then they chopped off the hand of his most cherished bastard, and mailed it to him, with a sentence, and quickly let him go.

   His brother played a whole life travel and did a whole life kidnapping. It was the first time he encountered such a thing.

   After that time, he knew who could not provoke him, so he quickly put the person back, and in the end his youngest son was detained by the other party.

   The other party left a sentence, this time it was just a warning, and the next time his family will be destroyed.

   Even his dog will not let go, this is really to punish the ten people!

   After that, the guerrillas in the mountains of Bolivia and Peru were honest, and no one dared to attack the Chinese easily.

   Even here in Colombia, if you talk about robbery or something, people will just open their eyes and close them, but if you kidnap, they will never end with you.

   Therefore, Karepa is very jealous of the Chinese tycoon whom the Chen family is fond of. What he is most worried about is, what if the Chen family is back in this circle with the support of that tycoon?

   You must know that the Chen family was named after the Li family in the circle, and it was even more ruthless than the Li family, and they had two accomplices, the Weng family and the Mai family.

   Only when they saw the downfall of Medellin Group and Cali Group, they were also discouraged by this circle, and they withdrew from this business.

   If they come back from a new team, with their strength and prestige, whether it is the Rico family or the Rodriguez family, they really can't stop it.

   The Rodriguez family finally sent back news the next day. The night was when the Li family was going to die and when their defense was weakest, they planned to do it together at this time.

   At noon, Karepa gathered his own hands, and together with Gonzalo's hands, he had a huge luncheon in his manor.

   Let the boys play desperately, this Zhuang Xing wine before leaving is naturally for others to drink.

   These years, the subordinates are basically the post-90s and post-00s. This group of young people is really hard to manage!

  I don’t care about anything. The most important thing is face, money, and feelings about them are nonsense.

   If you give enough money, people will sell your life. If you owe money to someone, he will dare to shoot you if he raises his hand, regardless of whether you are the head of the family.

   Therefore, Karepa not only prepared a large amount of good wine and meat, but also a bundle of US dollar bills. Anyway, these flour vendors are the most indispensable.

   "Ten thousand per person, you can grab the Li family's money at will. After the action is over, each person will send another ten thousand!"

   Yes, there is not much money, but this money is enough for the short mules to go desperately.

   After all, most people living here earn tens of dollars a month.

   Ten thousand U.S. dollars is already a huge fortune here.

   The low mules under the stage yelled.

   There are a few sensible men, and they also raised plastic cups in their hands, where cheap rum was spilled everywhere.

   "Long live the boss."

   "Long live the boss..."

   The little brothers yelled out one by one, and Carrepa was even more proud at this time. He seemed to see the day when he took over the Medellin area.

   By then I will be Escobar II...

   Before the dream was finished, there was a bang from the gate, and the heavy wooden door of the manor was hit by a black steel monster.

Karepa rubbed his eyes and realized that it turned out to be an armored car of the U.S. military standard. After this armored car rushed into the compound, the heavy machine gun on the roof of the car started spraying at those who hadn't reacted yet. There was a violent metal tongue.

   "What the **** is this special?"

   Gonzalo rushed over from the side and grabbed Karepa by the collar. At this moment, the veins on his head were about to burst out.

   Karepa shook his head: "I don't know either."

  Countless people in black climbed up to the wall of the compound, but they didn't jump into the courtyard. They used the wall as a cover, **** the guy, and started shooting at those far away.

   Unsuspecting gangsters, they were beaten by the opponent's AK and howling, and hundreds of people were knocked to the ground without even having a chance to find a cover.

   There were some exciting ones, and they overturned the long table and barbecue grill, hiding behind them, and shooting at the gunmen on the wall.

   But their resistance only lasted for less than half a minute, and they were crushed by the armored vehicles rushing in from the gate.

   At this time, Karepa also saw the killers rushing into the yard from behind the armored vehicles.

   "The people who stepped on the horse were members of the Rodriguez family, as well as the Li family's action team, bastards, we were betrayed by them."

At this time, Gonzalo was hiding behind the stone pillars in the porch, and seeing Li Yun hiding behind the armored vehicle, and bringing the action team in, he felt like he was almost peeing~www.ltnovel.com~ He hated Li Yun. , But he was also afraid of him.

  Because he can't forget the corpse of his brother who was blown to pieces by Li Yun a few years ago.

   After that, Li Yun led people to attack their last stronghold in Medellin, killing his father.

   You must know that they made a trap in their own manor, but they did not expect to be perfectly avoided by this guy.

   The failure of their sneak attack that time also caused the death of his father.

   So every time he dreamed back at midnight, this Li Yun was the object of hatred and fear.

   Seeing this guy rushing in with the team this time, his legs became weak.

   "Retreat, retreat..."

   Gonzalo greeted his family members loudly, and quickly withdrew.

   The situation is obvious now. They originally thought they were hunters, but they didn't expect that they were just their prey.

   At this time, his only thought was to leave the green mountains without fear of no firewood. Now there is no point in regretting it.

   What he didn't expect was that this time the Li family came with Xiao Feng's instructions to kill Liwei.

  Whoever thinks that their Li family is over, and they dare to stretch their paws to Li family, they chopped off these guys' limbs, so that other colleagues will have a longer memory.

   And the Hernandez family, and the Rico family, are the best objects of prestige!

   Kill these two families, and the others will be honest. To these barbarians, it is useless to be reasonable. The most effective way to make them obedient is to fist!



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