My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 858: Spoils Division Conference

   The coalition forces of the Li family and the Rodriguez family attacked very suddenly, and the offensive was also extremely fierce and swift.

   At first, the Hernandez family and the Rico family were beaten up, but soon they also reacted, after all, they were large in number.

  Moreover, this is still the manor of the Rico family, so the counterattack force is still organized.

   But soon, it was destroyed by the armored vehicle sent by the coalition. After all, for those gangsters who usually only shoot street black guns.

   This kind of high-end military attack mode with coordinated footwork is not something they can stop.

   The Li family only sent half of them this time, but these people are the rest of Li Yun's elite. In addition, Xiao Feng also placed the backbone of clones in the middle of the team, and the combat effectiveness of these people immediately increased.

   These people had been trained by Li Yun for a long time using pure militarization methods, but they hadn't been tempered much, and there was still a gap between them and the real army.

   But now that these interstellar infantry-level backbones have joined, the Li family's action team immediately has a completely reborn change. ,

   These security experts all appeared on the battlefield in the form of small captains, each led by thirty people.

   There are a total of five teams, but the combat power they have demonstrated is astounding.

   With these captains, the members of these action teams, even if the battlefield situation is chaotic, can keep their heads calm and know where their mission goals are.

   This is a world of difference from those gangsters who can only rush and fight, their eyes are red after a while, and they only know that they will burn, kill, and looting.

   Two brothers, Gago and Rosario of the Rodriguez family who followed the total team, saw the performance of the Li family action team, and then took a breath.

   Fortunately, when the Li family came to ask for cooperation before, they did not refuse, otherwise the thought of encountering such a powerful and elite militarized force on the battlefield would cause them both to have a headache.

   The Rodríguez family used to be big landlords in Medellin and later became war mongers in the area.

   In the 1960s and 1970s, the former Soviet Union wanted to export revolutions in Central and South America. Coupled with the success of Cuba’s independence, many leftists in the region saw hope.

   So these people picked up their guns one after another, got into the deep mountains and old forests, and began to fight guerrillas.

  As for the armies of these countries in South America, they are obviously unable to deal with these guerrillas.

   Later, many countries vigorously encouraged non-governmental organizations to run militias. The Rodriguez family actively responded to the call of the country and established the largest militia organization in the area.

  Because they were fighting with the guerrillas, they were appreciated by the Americans. Not only did they send instructors, they also asked for money and guns.

   So these people quickly swelled up, and later they all became local tyrants.

   Even after the fall of Escobar in the late 1990s, these people took over Escobar’s territory one after another and became the new local overlord.

   The Rodriguez family is one of the best, and when they saw the combat effectiveness of the Li Family Action Team, they couldn't help but stun themselves secretly.

  Because of the combat power displayed by the Li Family Action Team, they immediately compared the combat power of their subordinates. Even the elites of their family are still not enough in front of others.

   So at this time, they were very fortunate that they had not been enemies with Li Yun before.

   Because of the super performance of the Li Family Action Team, the battle soon came to an end.

   Karepa and Gonzalo were trapped in a tower at the north corner of the manor, and they looked desperately at the distant city.

   It’s impossible for the police in Medellin not to hear the ping-pong-pong playing here for so long, but they have no intention of coming to support them. Obviously they have been bought by the two.

   At this time, the other party did not mean to attack. Instead, they made people downstairs and began to pile up piles of firewood. As soon as they saw this situation, the two brothers collapsed on the spot...

   Soon the blazing fire in the Rico Manor meant that the Medellin family, which had ruled the Medellin region for a time, was completely over...


   Two days later, the bearded Rodriguez brothers personally appeared at the Li's manor to participate in this celebration ceremony.

   They shook hands with Li Zhen and Li Yun one after another.

   There are countless other small families that belong to the two big families in this area.

   In fact, the structure of these gangs in Colombia is also very interesting. It is basically the embryonic form of the European feudal dynasty in the past.

   For example, the Rodriguez family, the big bosses are Gago and Rosario. Rodriguez brothers, their family used to be big landlords in the area.

   Other small families attached to their homes are other small landlords or middle-class families engaged in other industries.

  The relationship between them is like the kings of ancient Europe and the lords who loyal to them below.

   Even the gangs in the entire Columbia region and most other South American regions have such a structure.

   This time the Rodriguez brothers brought their little bosses, who are almost seven or eight in number, and the reason why they came so many people also expressed their recognition of Li Yun and Li Zhen.

  Although it is very unethical for them to kill the old Patriarch of the Li family, the presence of these people at today's dinner indicates that they have accepted their status.

   In addition, the dinner tonight is not only a simple expression of recognition of the two newcomers to the Li family, but also a very important point, which is to carve up the inheritance of Hernandez and the Rico family.

   So this is not just a celebration ceremony, but also a gathering of the spoils.

  The Rico family has been operating in Medellin for many years. Before that, it was a big family that shared the world with the Rodriguez family.

   It can be said that the flour produced in Medellin, the two of them evenly split 70% of the output, and the remaining 30% is the share of the Li family.

   And now the Rico’s family is down, naturally these people are going to come over to fight the autumn wind.

   In the courtyard of the manor, the leaders of the small family are drinking wine, dancing, eating barbecue, and chatting.

   In the hall at the back of the manor, the Li family brothers and Rodriguez brothers were setting out their carts and horses, vying for profit.

   "Let’s talk about La Isla first? Where is the planting field? I think it belongs to us."

   Gago. What Rodriguez values ​​most is the wheat farming fields controlled by the Rico family.

   As the surveillance by U.S. nationals has become more and more strictly prohibited these years, it is more difficult to find suitable cultivation fields.

The   Rico family owns several very good wheat fields, and the best one is the one near La Isla.

   Surrounded by the North Lela Mountains, there is Lake Tadia next to it, and the dense rainforest nearby provides them with very good protection and there is no shortage of water.

   So where does the flour produced not only have good quality, but also a high yield.

   The Rodriguez family, coveting that piece of land, is no longer a day or two.

   Now that the Rico family is destroyed by the regiment, they naturally hope to take over this field. If they would definitely not seek the advice of the Li family before, they would force their troops to occupy it.

   But after seeing the performance of Action Li Yun that day, they decided to be polite to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

   "Alright, that wheat field will be given to you, but the other wheat fields are ours."

   Li Zhen smiled and nodded in agreement. He promised so happy, which made Gago feel a little uncomfortable. Why did this guy promise so happy?

Is there a ghost in   ?

   You have to know that although the Rico family has two other wheat fields, adding those two wheat fields together, the output will be equal to the output of the La Isla wheat field.

   And the quality is still quite poor. The most important thing is that the management and operating costs of those two days are not low.

   But the Li family actually agreed without much thought?

   "The Julio family, the Joaquin family, and the Lorenzo family are all ours?"

   Rosario tentatively made a second suggestion.

   These three families are the three most powerful families under the Rico family. Now that the Rico family is destroyed, they have become fish on the chopping board.

   The Rodriguez family wants to swallow them in one bite, and that strength must be greatly increased.

Originally Rosario estimated that Li Yun would argue with them on this point. What was unexpected is After Li Yun and Li Zhen actually looked at each other, they smiled and nodded in agreement. Up.

   The Rodriguez brothers had the hardest time to reach two points, but they all reached an agreement smoothly, which was really beyond their expectation.

   Although they don't know what medicine the Li brothers bought in the gourd, they are so happy in dividing the interests, which still makes the Rodriguez brothers very happy.

   Then when they divided the properties of other Rico families, they were also rarer and more generous.

   Many commercial properties of the Rico family in Colombia, as well as many ranches, farms, and ordinary plantations in Colombia, they were very generous and did not compete with the Li family brothers.

  Because of these things, they are not valued at all.

   I asked for more than a dozen symbolically, and distributed them to the little brothers who followed to deal with them. The remaining more than 20 farms and pastures with good quality were all distributed to the Li family brothers.

  These farms and ranches will eventually pass the auction, and then they will fall into the hands of the newly established Pan American Asset Management Company, which was established by the cloning financial expert Pablo, for management and operation.

   As for the Hernandez family’s property in Puerto Jurado, no one mentioned it in this meeting.

   Because of Port Jurado, Li Zhen led the team to shoot down.

   It turned out that Li Yun led the action team to participate in the offense when attacking Rico’s Manor that day.

And Li Zhen took the other more than 100 numbers in the family, and the mercenary brigade formed by Ambrov, which Xiao Feng supported him, directly copied Hernandez’s home in Jurado. .


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