My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 859: 1 direct copy home 1 straightforward

  The power of the Hernandez family was swept away in Jurado Port. It was all the credit of the Li family. The Rodriguez brothers were too embarrassed to share the profits over there.

   Furthermore, Jurado Port, in their opinion, is a place where birds don’t shit. Wherever there are fishermen, there is nothing, and there is nothing worthy of points.

   And the Hernandez family itself is not a big family, and there are no small families to which it belongs, and there is no oil and water, and the Rodriguez brothers simply don't like it.

   The Rico family, in their opinion, is the big fat sheep. Now that the fat sheep has been divided up, the rest is naturally to enjoy the wine.

   After the spoils are divided, the Medellin area will change from the original three-legged state to a two-part world.

   The Rodriguez family will become the largest local flour merchant, occupying 60% of the local flour market share, while the Li family will be the No. 2 market giant, occupying the remaining 40% market share.

  Everyone is also very satisfied with the current state, and after some binge drinking, it can be regarded as the guests and the host having a great time.

   When the Rodriguez brothers left with them, Li Yun and Li Zhen immediately disappeared from their previous drunkenness.

   After being planted by Xiao Feng, these two brothers not only became Xiao Feng's diehards, but the King Bee Egg also brought them unimaginable benefits.

  For example, it promotes the secretion of various hormones, which greatly improves the physical fitness of the two people.

   So this little wine can't drink both of them at all.

  As soon as the Rodriguez family members left, they came to the living room upstairs, where Xiao Feng was smoking a cigarette leisurely, looking at the account book copied from Rico's house!

   After a battle, it can be said to be quite rewarding.

   Just copy the flour from the Rico’s and Hernandez’s homes without time, there are 70 tons, worth four billion U.S. dollars.

   All these naturally fell into Xiao Feng's pocket, and then in the underground warehouse of the Rico's family, he found more than four billion in cash, as well as a lot of gold and silver treasures.

   The money was naturally divided equally with the Rodriguez family, but more importantly, they found several accountants from the Rico family.

   These people were secretly controlled by them, and Rodriguez did not know.

   In the past two days, according to their account, they have found several dens where Brother Rico and brothers hid money.

   The two brothers, like their old predecessor Escobar, like to dig pits and bury their money in the ground.

   So in the past few days, the money they dug out secretly from the underground has already amounted to several tons, and the total amount can be more than two billion.

   In addition, they also found the two brothers through these accountants, who were hiding in the secret account of Andres Bank.

   Andrés is also a money laundering mecca in the Caribbean, but it is different from the Virgin Islands that belong to the same side and the Cayman Islands.

   The Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands mostly launder money for those large multinational companies.

   Andrés is a place for flour traders and corrupt officials in South America to hide money.

   So Andrés is not very famous globally, but here is the most favorite money laundering place for dealers.

  The secret account opened by the Rico family here still hides about 1.5 billion U.S. dollars in assets, but most of them are hidden in the form of various company stocks and national bonds.

   In the end, these funds, of course, all went into Xiao Feng's pocket.

   "And, really, the Ke family here is stronger than the Li family, and has been in the area for longer than the Li family. Why does the family feel worse than the Li family?"

   Xiao Feng flipped through the ledger and muttered a few words. Li Yun and Li Zhen, who were sitting across from him, looked at each other, and then smiled and answered him.

"On the one hand, because there are so many members in the Ke family, there are more people who share the money. And their family raises a lot of people, so the labor cost is also high. On the other hand, their family has always liked the extravagant life and enjoys , So I often spend money lavishly. This is no secret in Medellin."

   "Oh! That's how it is! Don't you guys get their ills?"

   Xiao Feng nodded and said with a smile at Li Yun and Li Zhen.

   "Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, we definitely won't."

   Putting down the Rico’s account book, Xiao Feng picked up the account book copied from the Hernandez family.

   Compared with the big families like Rico and the Li family, the Hernandez family has small arms and legs, and the family members are only a few hundred million in total.

   There are no real estate or anything, but there are a few smuggling ships, which in Xiao Feng's eyes are all tattered.

   But what he values ​​is not the assets of the Hernandez family, what he values ​​is the Port Jurado controlled by the Hernandez family.

   This port is located on the border between Colombia and Panama. It is the narrowest part of the Isthmus of Panama in Colombia.

   Facing the Pacific Ocean to the east, with the back of the Isthmus of Panama to the west, it traverses the isthmus for about 150 kilometers, and the terrain is flat during the period.

About an hour’s drive, you can drive to Urawa Bay on the Caribbean coast, where the Hernandez family also controls an unobtrusive small port, Apaltado, with a population of two. A small town of about one hundred thousand.

   Now these two cities are under the control of Xiao Feng, he wondered, these two ports can still make some articles...

   Put down the Hernandez’s account book, Xiao Feng pinched the bridge of his nose, and then told Li Yun and Li Zhen to say.

   "The two hundred million cash copied from Rico's house, we divided it in half. You draw up a charter and distribute it to the brothers below, so you can take more."

   Xiao Feng took all the other money, but he not only took away this part of the cash.

   Although he controlled Li Yun and Li Zhen, he didn't control all the soldiers under Li's family. These people have families to raise.

   I won the battle this time, so naturally I have to give people money. If I don’t get the benefits, who will go with you?

   Two hundred million are all given out to his subordinates. With just over three hundred people, Xiao Feng can definitely be said to be the biggest boss, because each of these people can get nearly one hundred thousand dollars.

   You know these years, in Colombia, if you give one hundred dollars, there are people who are willing to work for you, and Xiao Feng will cost two hundred million!

   As for the future organization and operation, Xiao Feng did not leave too much money for Li Yun and Li Zhen.

I copied the old nest of the Rico family, but not only the cash, but also the unsold goods. The Rodriguez people didn’t want these goods. If the flour is disposed of, it would be four billion dollars. This is enough for Li Yun and Li Zhen to continue to maintain the operation of the Li family.

  The future Li family can no longer be just a criminal family like before.

   The purpose of Xiao Feng's continued existence is to maintain a Chinese armed force in South America.

   is a private soldier raised by Xiao Feng. As for the source of military expenditure, it is natural to adapt to local conditions and rely on the mountains to eat the mountains...

   As for the ransacks these times, the cash, jewellery, and other assets were copied from the Li family, the Rico family, and the Hernandez family.

These assets will eventually be allocated to the Pan American Asset Management Company established by Xiao Feng and Pablo through various channels, and then the cash will be transferred to Southern Cross Bank, other farms, ranches, and commercial real estate. , Is left to this company to take care of.

  The farm must grow high-value crops such as coffee, or plant various fruits according to local conditions.

   By that time, their output will all be the raw materials for biological extraction in the Ninth Laboratory, and the remaining part will be squeezed into juice and become a supplier of fast food made by famous chefs.

   Xiao Feng also plans to look at the output of the orchard and coffee plantation here, and then set up a beverage company.

   Starbucks can sell dozens of coffees for a cup of coffee these days, and Moxing Coffee can be sold in the U.S. just by drumming and spreading flowers.

  I control the upstream supply of raw materials, why can't I set up a beverage company by myself? It's done, it's all money!

   As for the money copied from these two families, although they are all placed in Southern Cross Bank, a special fund management department will be established.

  In the end, all of this money will be spent on the future construction of Ithaca and the Karapag Islands.

Although they have contacted the Chinese engineering team, and the other party is willing to provide them with infrastructure construction for free, but there are still many places where money will be spent in the later such as those engaged in breeding islands, at least Some of the most basic facilities must be constructed, such as road paving, cowboy’s dormitory, recommended cowshed for shelter from wind and rain, and network power facilities. These all cost money.

   This time, with the billions of dollars in cash copied from the Li family and the Rico family, Xiao Feng intends to use one billion dollars to support the hardware construction in the Ithaca area and the Karapag Islands.

  In addition to several billions, he intends to invest in software, mainly in personnel recruitment.

  The cloning experts are already in place, and the next thing is to recruit crazy scientific and technical personnel from China?

   To equip these experts with scientific researchers from Europe and the United States, Xiao Feng is not at ease, he is relieved that he is still recruiting scientific researchers of Chinese descent.

   Especially with the recent tightening of U.S. policies, many laboratories and universities are engaged in anti-Chinese campaigns. Many scientific and technological personnel in the U.S. have lost their jobs because of their Chinese background.

   Xiao Feng intends to find these people, but if you want to recruit these people, you don't provide enough money and a good scientific research environment. That's not enough.

   And this requires a lot of financial resources to support. Although Xiao Feng currently has a lot of industries, he still has a big deal to do in the future, and that is to go to the United States to buy the first chain pharmacy.

   Therefore, it is difficult for him to withdraw funds at will from the industries under his own name. Even recently, he has asked all enterprises to concentrate all the funds and reserve them at any time.

   In this way, recruiting people from the United States will be short of money. This time, it is fine. The cash of the Li family and the Rico family helped him solve the problem of cash shortage...



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