My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 865: How old are you

Remember in one second【】

Shah Rukh. When Pachar got out of the car, he happened to see a Mercedes Benz coming from the other side of the parking lot.

The car drove very violently, and it flicked beautifully near his car and stopped beside him.

Then the co-pilot got up and down a bodyguard, went to the back and opened the door, Albara. Shamir got out of the car.

"Hello, man, long time no see..."

Albala was very enthusiastic and walked over to give Shah Rukh a hug, but before he got close, he was pushed away by Shah Rukh's bodyguard.

Shah Rukh glanced at Albara contemptuously. What is it?

Lao Tzu is a Brahmin, and you a lowly Sudra is also worthy of calling me a brother?

Don't think that when you go abroad, you can change your face, and you can get into our class. Rubbish is **** everywhere!

Shah Rukh didn't even look at Albara, turned around and entered the elevator, and at the same time greeted the bodyguard behind him loudly.

"Come in quickly, don't let that inferior person come in."

Shah Rukh's four bodyguards immediately squeezed into the elevator, and then tightly guarded the elevator door, without the intention of letting Albala in.

Looking at the elevator door closed in the distance, Albara's face here was already distorted with anger. He took out a pistol and was about to shoot at the elevator, but he was hugged by the bodyguard beside him.

"Boss, calm, calm, we are here to negotiate, not to make trouble."

"This **** dog thing, I will chop him up sooner or later and feed it to the dog."

Albala snarled at the elevator.

Yes, he is one of the lowest-ranked Sudras in India, and because of his blood, he has suffered all the oppression.

Even when he was a teenager, his mother was killed in a caste conflict. From then on, he started wandering on the street until he later became a society b.

Later, when he was in his twenties, he personally killed the enemy who killed his mother, and then went into exile overseas.

After coming to Sunanli, relying on fierce fighting, he became the boss of the Indian gang here. Over the years, he has made no little money, and has even begun to wash ashore. How can I expect to encounter another self-proclaimed nobleman this time? The bastard!

He really had enough!

On the other hand, Xiao Feng and Li Xingkai upstairs watched the monitoring of the underground garage and the conflict between Albara and Shah Rukh. They had a panoramic view.

At this time, Li Xingkai had to turn his head and look at Xiao Feng with admiration. This gangster is really amazing.

He had never thought before that he could provoke the contradiction between two Indians in this way, and he never thought it would be so simple to operate.

It turns out that the Indians are not as united as they seem on the surface, haha, once their fight is provoked, then the next thing is much simpler.

Soon Li Xingkai's secretary entered the room and said to Li Xingkai, "Boss, the two of them are here."

Li Xingkai got up and nodded at Xiao Feng, turned around and went out.

They are now in the capital of Sunan, Paramaribo, a small city with a population of only 260,000.

The meeting place was on the top floor of the Maribo National Bank.

Li Xingkai opened the door and entered the meeting room. Shah Rukh and Albara had already arrived. They were sitting on both sides of the long meeting table, both with expressionless faces.

The atmosphere in the conference room is very stiff. It is estimated that if it were not for the occasion, Albala might have drawn his gun long ago.

Li Xingkai smiled: "Mr. Shah Rukh, Mr. Albala, you are all major shareholders of Maribo Country. This time I called you here mainly to tell you about the business plan of Maribo National Bank in the coming year. ."

"Wait, what do you mean? Although you are a major shareholder of the bank, you still don't seem to be an absolute controlling shareholder? Don't we discuss the bank's future business plan?"

Shah Rukh raised his hand with a gloomy expression to stop Li Xingkai, while Li Xingkai smiled.

"Sorry Pashal, some time ago I bought 4% of the shares of Maribo National Bank from Sharjah International Company. Now my total shares of Maribo National Bank are 50%. 3. Therefore, I am the absolute controlling shareholder of this bank. I have the right to make a decision regarding the bank’s future development."

Li Xingkai's voice was getting colder and colder, and in the end he was even a little violent.

Now he is the big boss of Maribo National Bank, and here is what he said. Shah Rukh only holds 20% of the shares, and has no right to speak in the company.

He would have been polite to Shah Rukh before, but now it is no longer necessary, think about what this guy has done to him before.

Oh, it's time for you to come back.

And Shah Rukh sitting across from him at this moment. Pashal finally changed his face. He did not expect that Li Xingkai actually took another 4% of the shares.

Some time ago, the reason why he had no fear of Li Xingkai was that he knew that this guy did not have absolute controlling rights, and as far as he knew, the other shareholders had no plans to sell their shares.

And this guy actually got another 4% equity, which is troublesome now.

Unlike his sullen face, Albala, who was opposite, was now smiling.

The happier Shah Rukh was, the happier Albala was. His grievances with Shah Rukh had not been a day or two, and it finally broke out today.

^0^Remember in one second【】

"Ha, okay, Mr. Chairman, please tell me about the future business plan of the Maribo National Bank."

Li Xingkai smiled and glanced at Albara and said: "Well, in the next five years, Maribo National Bank does not plan to distribute dividends. There are several plans to increase capital and shares, and there are several investment projects that also require shareholder capital injection. ..."

The more he said, the more gloomy Shah Rukh's face was on the other side.

What is Nima's future business plan? This is clearly to kill all of their minority shareholders.

If you don’t pay dividends, you have to invest in other projects. This is to drain the bank’s money and increase capital and shares. Isn’t this to dilute everyone’s shares?

This Li Xingkai is really vicious enough. If this goes on, the Maribo National Bank will not only make him a penny, but will also become a wound that keeps him bleeding.

If he had the final say, he would not agree to any of these plans.

Sadly, he just didn't count these things.

Who has let the family control more than 51% of the shares, but that is not what he can do as he pleases.

He turned his head and glanced at Albara on the other side. This guy also controls 20% of the bank's shares. Together, they have 40% of the shares.

Once they join forces and their shares exceed 30%, they can apply for a general meeting of shareholders.

And if a general meeting of shareholders is convened, then a show of hands is necessary to vote on major business matters of the company.

Once that step is reached, then Shah Rukh has a chance.

Hmph, if you really want the company to become your own words, then you have to hold more than two-thirds of the shares, but you are not doing enough now!

Shah Rukh turned his head and looked at Albala: "Albala, what do you think of the chairman's business plan? I think this is very unreasonable. I think we should hold a general meeting of shareholders to vote on this plan by a show of hands."

At this time, Albala looked at Shah Rukh in a very playful look. When this **** encountered difficulties, he thought of Lao Tzu.

What do you think of Lao Tzu? Chamber pot?

When I use it, I think about it. When I don’t use it, I just kick Lao Tzu aside. I'll go to your grandma.

So Albala gave Shah Rukh a perfect smile.

"No, I think Mr. Chairman's plan makes sense."

"Asshole, Albala, don't make fun of your money!"

Shah Rukh never expected that Albala would strike him back at such a critical moment.

Opposite Albala smiled even more happily when he saw Shahrukh's frustrated look.

"No, Shah Rukh, I'm not kidding. I think Mr. Chairman's plan is really reasonable. In order for the bank to have a better development, I agree with the chairman's business plan."

"That's a few million dollars? Albara, don't be arrogant."

Shah Rukh stood up and shouted at Albara that they bought 20% of the bank's shares, but they all spent millions of dollars in real money.

If Li Xingkai is allowed to continue to toss like this, their investment will really be in vain.

At this moment, Albala stood up abruptly, shouting at Shah Rukh with a grim face: "Yes, isn't it a few million dollars? I can afford to lose, if it can make you unhappy, I think this It’s worth spending millions of dollars, and it makes me very happy."

It's no longer a day or two for Albala to be dissatisfied with these self-proclaimed noble Brahmins, these **** bastards.

Isn’t it just a little fairer? Isn't it the descendant of the Macedonians brought by Alexander?

Is it not enough for them to dominate the heads of Indians for thousands of years?

It's already such a civilized age These **** still cling to the caste system. I can't help you in India, but here is Sunan.

How old are you?

"Asshole, you wait for me."

Shah Rukh pointed at Albara, scolded angrily, then turned and walked out of the room with a grimace.

He won't just stop like that, their Indians are not easy to provoke in Sunan, this **** Li Xingkai, and Albala, the bastard, they have to pay the price.

Shahrukh got into the car angrily, but his car got stuck in the road when he drove out of the underground parking lot.

"Turn, take Kingston Road."

Shah Rukh greeted, and the bodyguard immediately turned the car into a side alley, but only after driving out, a motorcycle chased him up...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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