My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 866: Snipe and clam fight

Remember in one second【】

Shah Rukh. Pashal’s family is regarded as an elite family in the upper class in Sunan. Of course, the early start-up process was not very glorious.

Although they are indeed Brahmins in India, they are senior castes, but they are not farts after they have left India.

Their family was actually the agent of the Portuguese in Goa in the early years. To put it bluntly, it was a rapist, but in fact, as early as when the Portuguese colonized Goa, India did not even have a complete national concept.

It can even be said to be a large-scale tribal alliance. The reason why it became the current India is actually a modern country formed after the British conquered all the Indian tribal alliances.

And Shah Rukh. Pashal’s family never thought that they were gangsters. After all, they were high-ranking nobles in the Goa region at that time, but after the Portuguese came, they had been trading with the Portuguese.

But the Indians did not think so, especially after the Goa War, the Indians drove away the Portuguese and uprooted all the Indian families who had entered with the Portuguese.

Among them was the Pashal family. Fortunately, their family was not only a Portuguese comprador, but also had nothing to do with the Dutch. So the Pashal family fled Goa and came to the Dutch colony just before the purge. Sunan.

Relying on the family foundation saved by the family in the early years, their family has taken root here. Of course, the dirty dark history is indispensable in this process.

It's not an exaggeration to describe their home by deceiving and dominating the market and doing no evil.

Even though they have been washed away and become the upper class in Sunan, they are actually involved in many ugly businesses.

For example, gold smuggling, or flour smuggling, India has always been their big market.

Therefore, the Pashal family is not as clean as it seems. Since the business is not clean, the enemy is indispensable.

So Shah Rukh always took a few bodyguards with him wherever he went in and out, and the car he was riding in was also a special bullet-proof sedan.

But this time, he had to thank his wise decision, it was this bulletproof car that saved his life.

Because he really did not expect that the other party would actually do something in the downtown area. Although the public security situation in Sunan has not been very good, it is also the capital.

The car he was in had just turned onto Kingston Street, and a motorcycle came up behind it.

Shah Rukh didn't take it seriously at first, but when the motorcycle caught up, from the front of the alley, a garbage truck suddenly got out of them and blocked their way.

This made Shah Rukh's three bodyguards nervous at once, and after the motorcycle behind caught up, a black man sitting in the back seat took out a submachine gun from his arms.

It was a series of bursts of fire at the tiger's head that Shah Rukh was riding in. The bullets of 5 throbbed the car like a storm.

Shah Rukh and Ge Ge's bodyguard, almost instinctively got down.

Fortunately, although this Tiger Head Ben is a relatively old one, it is a classic model that has been bullet-proof and modified. Although the opponent's submachine gun has fierce firepower, it still cannot penetrate the protective layer of the car.

Although the windows of the car were cracked and the doors were full of bullet holes, the people sitting in the car were unscathed.

The opponent quickly shot out a shuttle of bullets, and one of Shah Rukh's bodyguards vainly came out from the other side of the car door and launched a counterattack.

But when he pushed the car door, he was shot headshot by a sniper who didn't know where he was in ambush.

Shah Rukh was so frightened that he kicked the bodyguard's body out of the car, then drew the door, shouting loudly for the driver in front to drive.

The driver also stepped on the accelerator frantically, and forcibly knocked over the garbage truck in front of the road and rushed out of the encirclement.

Seeing that the motorcycle behind did not continue to catch up, Shahrukh breathed a sigh of relief.

"Albala, you bastard, you wait for me"

Although he has many enemies, the first person he thinks of at this time is only Albala.

Because other people don't have the guts, their Pashal family has been operating in Paramaribo for so many years, going to the parliament and going down to the police station, so it can be said that they have their agents.

Most people in this place don’t dare to do anything to him, and he can think of the only guy who doesn’t care about the rules, and that’s the **** Albala.

This **** **** doesn't understand the rules at all.

Having been in Paramaribo for so many years, he has always been doing ugly business, smuggling, selling flour, and smuggling people. This guy is a wicked villain.

The face of the Indians was so embarrassing that he completely forgot that his family was also from India.

The car quickly drove into a large mansion near the city center. As soon as Shah Rukh entered the house, he immediately blew the whistle.

He wants to let the **** Albala know that there is a reason why these nobles have always been nobles.

The nobles are not only noble in blood, but also hard in their fists.

Since the afternoon, many blocks of Paramaribo have been blasted by gunshots. War broke out in Indian blocks. Many shops have been robbed and burnt down, and even blatant assassinations have taken place on the streets.

It can be said that Paramaribo is in a mess, but the Chinese neighborhood is okay, because this time it was mainly Indians who caused civil unrest, and those Chinese shops were not affected much.

It’s not because the local police have taken care of the Chinese, it’s just because the neighborhood where the Chinese are located is far from the Indian neighborhood, and the war did not spread to them for a while.

^0^Remember in one second【】

Come here.

As for the turmoil in the Indian neighborhoods, hehe, the police have long been used to it, and no one cares about it, and no one wants to care about it.

Anyway, the country in Sunan is a small country and the people are poor. Such things usually happen. As long as there are no big figures to intervene, the police will let them continue.

Is it just the club shuffle?

Just let them quarrel. In the end, the winner will be settled, or both sides will be exhausted. Only then will the police intervene to make peace between the two parties.

As for quelling the situation and solving the case and arresting people, I’m sorry, the police’s life is also a life, and they receive several thousand yuan in a month’s wages, and they lose all their lives for that little money.

Anyway, in South America, the public security of all countries is almost the same. It's better outside of Brazil, Argentina, and the big cities of the copper country. Small places are basically this virtue.

Li Xingkai and Xiao Feng are sitting in the building of Maribo National Bank. To tell the truth, the night view of the city is really nothing good.

This capital, with only two hundred thousand people, already encompasses nearly half of the country's population. The whole city looks more like a big rural area, and it looks like a city outside the center of the city.

A slightly remote block without even paved roads.

Their Maribo National Bank is only seven stories high, and it is already the number one high-rise building here. One can imagine the level of urban construction in this city.

In Xiao Feng's view, even the small county towns in the western part of the country can't match the level of the domestic 18th-tier towns.

But the only advantage is that the natural environment here is very good. In the evening, the chef Li Xingkai brought bought a lot of fish and fresh water from the fishmongers on the edge of the Sunanli River.

The two started a sumptuous dinner while listening to the gunshots from time to time in the distant block while drinking red wine.

"I didn't expect these two guys to fight so quickly."

Li Xingkai took a sip of red wine and said to Xiao Feng with a smile, Xiao Feng's method, this time he had taken it.

It's just a simple provocation, these two Ah Sans got their heads out of their heads. They knew that things were so simple, and he didn't have to worry about shares for so long.

"Don't worry, in a few days, Albara will come to the door. Then, we will"

Xiao Feng shook his fist vigorously, and Li Xingkai understood what he meant.

It seems that the Pashal family is going to be unlucky. It is estimated that it will be uprooted this time. The snipe and the clam are fighting for the fisherman's profit.

After this incident, it seems that President Xiao’s task must be paid more attention to, and he must not betray his trust, or else

Li Xingkai shuddered at the thought of irritating Xiao Feng's end.

The next day, Li Xingkai took Xiao Feng out to go shopping. Of course, he said it was shopping, but in fact, he mainly strolled in the area of ​​Chinese settlements.

In fact, it is mainly a street like Guangyitang, an archway of the boss, inside is a street, even this country’s Chinatown.

There are shops on both sides of the street, which is similar to a small commodity street in a domestic scenic spot.

However, most of them are restaurants and gold shops.

Almost all Chinese in Sunan focus on these trades, such as opening supermarkets, restaurants, gold shops, or trading companies.

Li Xingkai brought Xiao Feng here for the purpose of inspecting several gold houses here.

Soon I entered the first The sign of the big Lin's gold shop on the plaque. The owner is an old woman in her 50s, and she was accompanied by a young woman with a few children.

"Their family did a good business in the past. There are many Brazilians in the forest area. After those Brazilians have picked gold, they also like to come to his house to exchange money. Unfortunately, the year before last, her husband and son went out to pick up the goods. Was kidnapped, and finally the other party charged a ransom and burned her husband and son to death. Because of this, she didn’t want to do it, but wanted to sell the shop and bring her daughter-in-law and grandson back to China.”

Li Xingkai whispered to Xiao Feng about the store owner, and Xiao Feng nodded.

He couldn't help but regret that he didn't bring Pablo with him this time. It would be more appropriate for him to handle such matters.

But when I think about Pablo, he is still busy planning the establishment of an asset management company in Colombia, as well as taking over the assets of the Li family and those flour dealers. In a month, he must be unable to get away.

As for letting other people take over this kind of business, he is not at ease, after all, most of them are elusive businesses.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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