Finally, after a period of adaptation, these people will leave or stay, I believe they will naturally make a wise choice.

   As long as the company's structure is set up, the reward and punishment rules, and the financial distribution rules are all adjusted to a reasonable level.

   If a talent training mechanism is established, there will naturally be soil for scientific research to yield results.

   Next, as long as you plant seeds and follow the rules, you will naturally gain.

   To put it bluntly, the soil is there, and then as long as you make persistent long-term investment, results will naturally come out.

   Almost all of the world’s technological powerhouses have come here step by step in a solid manner.

   Once a virtuous circle is formed, no one is willing to isolate themselves from this system as long as they are not fools.

   Antar, and Yunduo, are very happy that Xiao Feng can equip them with a team of more than fifty people so quickly.

   Recently, their tasks have been relatively arduous. They have to get Xiao Feng to go through these plantations, farms, and pastures.

  The soil conditions of these farms, the nearby weather and climate, and the water environment, they will formulate a plan suitable for the future development of this farm based on these.

   It’s a bit hard to rely on just a few of their experts in cloning agronomy and animal husbandry, but with these fifty ‘apprentices’ their tasks will be much easier.

   Anyway, they are now on Nantai Island. Their comprehensive agricultural research institute is currently under construction. Even if the construction is completed later, it will take a while to purchase equipment.

   During this period, they can just go out and learn more about the natural environment and local crops of the South American continent. Only after they return can they design a reasonable future scientific research direction.

   Try to produce crops that are more suitable for this planet, and improve agricultural output and quality without causing excessive attention from others.

   Helmer and Wesley are much simpler. Xiao Feng has already built a R&D center for them on Li's Island.

  In fact, it was remodeled with a few villas left by the Li family infrequently. I have to say that the Li family was really luxurious before.

   Although he did not live regularly, those villas were built to be very luxurious. Xiao Feng did not live regularly, and it would be a waste to put them there. So he let someone remodel it there and then changed it into a scientific research institute.

   is also just enough for the pharmacology R&D team brought by Helmer, Wesley, and He Xiaojun.

   Moreover, He Xiaojun's trip also brought a lot of scientific research equipment, just so that they can start work smoothly.

   Of course, behind Lijiadao, Xiao Feng also set about arranging people and building a larger scientific research center at the foot of the mountain.

  Helmer and Wesley have already led the team to work quickly. The first task of Helmer is to develop insulin suitable for oral administration.

   And Wesley’s first job is to correct myopia eye drops.

   The answer from the two to Xiao Feng is that if it is fast in one month, if it is slow in half a year, they will be able to achieve results, which makes Xiao Feng very happy.

  The things in Colombia are almost busy. Xiao Feng returned to Copper Country, but this time his purpose in Copper Country is to accompany Jesse to give birth.

   Jesse has reached the final stage of giving birth, and Xiao Feng is also looking forward to the arrival of his first child in this world.

   Finally in the early morning of a certain day, his first son in this world was born.

The new life gives Xiao Feng a more sense of mission and a clearer vision of his future goals. This is his inheritance, and what he wants to ensure is that this child can grow up healthy and continue his career. Go down.

   opened up a new world for the Chinese.

   Fortunately, Jessie is from the U.S., this meat-eating physical fitness is really not good, and it is not a little bit stronger than that of eating grass. People have no concept of confinement at all.

   lay in the hospital for three days, and then was discharged with her baby.

   Jesse was also very excited about the arrival of the new life, but this time she didn't have too many distracting thoughts, but sincerely happy that her blood had been continued.

   After Xiao Feng stayed with the mother for a week, he finally set off again to another world.

   The last time we came to another world, humans were being besieged by orcs, and even the Gourd Gorge they had defeated before had been lost, and they could only defend themselves in the last line of defense, Runliu City.

   And Xiao Feng's timely return, completely shattered the half-orcs' counterattack, not only recovered the lost ground, but also went to Dragon City.

   learned the truth about the origin of life on this planet.

   After that, Xiao Feng also had the idea of ​​founding a nation. Now the population in his territory is more than one million.

   There are dozens of large and small cities, of course, most of them are in the Hulu Gorge, and there are only two on the Penny Vera Peninsula.

  Before the last time he returned, he had asked several managements in the territory to think about the establishment of the country.

   I must come back this time, they have almost thought about it.

   This time Xiao Feng returned, the first place he went was Napal Mountain City, which guarded the mouth of the Hulu Gorge.

   The last time he came back, the place had been broken by orcs and burned down.

   And after he destroyed the orcs' counterattack, the human army hurriedly regained not only the Gourd Gap, but also the Napal Mountain City.

   Considering the current human strength, it is still impossible to regain more land, so Xiao Feng stopped the offensive in Napal Mountain City and asked Charles Mann to lead people to build a big city here.

And this time when he came to another world, when he came to this mountain city of Napal, he couldn't help being stunned. A magnificent mountain city not weaker than the city of Runliu stood upright with the Napal Prairie, the high platform on the east side. On flat ground.

   It was not just this mountain city that surprised Xiao Feng, but the opposite side of the mountain city, on the Napal Prairie.

   The half-orcs actually built three large-scale fortresses in front of Napal Mountain City, ten miles away.

  Looking at the half-orcs' posture, these three fortresses are meant to block the way humans drilled out of Napal Mountain City, and prevent humans from rushing into the prairie!

   It seems that the Orcs were really scared last time, and now the situation on the battlefield has been reversed.

   It used to be that they wanted to prevent the orcs from coming over at any time, but now the initiative in the war is already on their side, and it is the orcs who want to prevent them from hitting at any time.

   "How long have their fortresses been built?"

   Xiao Feng returned, and all the generals who received the news were naturally there. Bloom had been stationed in Napal Mountain City, while Kyle had been stationed in Qukai City behind Napal Mountain City.

   It was Xiao Feng's butler staying in Benliu City on Friday, while Charles Mann was building a new city between Benliu City and Twin Towers City.

   After I heard that Xiao Feng returned, these people all rushed to Napal Mountain City.

   At this time of Xiao Feng culture, Bloom naturally stood up and answered the question first.

   "My lord, when we were building the mountain city, they also started to build a fortress on the opposite side."

   "Oh? Then when we built the mountain city, didn't they come to harass?"

   "Haha, they have been scared of you by your lord, let's not attack them, they are lucky, how come they attack us?"

"Ah, very good."

   Xiao Feng glanced again, the opposite half-orc fortress, and the opposite half-orc apparently also noticed Xiao Feng's appearance.

   The famous Death God of Running City suddenly appeared on the wall of Napal Mountain City, which made the orcs on the opposite side look like a big enemy. The three fortresses continuously sent people to send out alarms and ask for help.

   The half-orc was in a hurry, Xiao Feng laughed, and then he took the people back to the city.

   The entire Napal Mountain City was designed and built completely in accordance with the model of the running city.

   However, because the terrain is not as superior as Runliu City, the city wall is shorter, but it is more than 30 meters high. There are currently 60,000 defenders stationed in the city, and all kinds of food equipment are well stocked.

   Xiao Feng inspected the construction situation in the city, and then brought a group of senior leaders of the tribe to the core office area of ​​the castle to hold a work meeting.

   It was just a few springs and autumns when he left. Now the land has undergone earth-shaking changes. He needs to understand the situation here.

"At present, in the entire territory, there are a total of 1.58 million people, of which 1.28 million live on the Pennivera Peninsula. There are 600,000 people living in the city of Rushing, and 300,000 people in the city of Twin Towers. The other 380,000 people settled mainly along the banks of the Rushing River. At present, Charles Mann University is building a new city in Tahe Bay in the middle section of the Rushing River..."

  As the chief steward left by Xiao Feng on, I know the realm situation well.

   And because of Xiao Feng's habit, Friday also prefers to speak with data. In Xiao Feng's view, Friday, the housekeeper, did a very qualified job.

   can be his prime minister in the future!

   "The newly-built city has not yet been named. Please give it to you."

   offered flattery on Friday, which made Xiao Feng very comfortable.

   The place where Tahe Bay was there was a big bend on a hilly ground with a relatively large drop after the rushing river entered the Panevilla Plain, where it was still an important river bifurcation.

  Running River is there, divided into several rivers, spreading out like a large plain in the distance, irrigating the entire fertile plain.

   Above the bifurcation, there is also a huge boulder. Charles Mann built the new city on the north side of the Great Lake.

  According to previous assumptions, this place will be an important starting point for the future development of the Penny Vera Plain, the heart of the Penny Vera Peninsula, and even in Xiao Feng’s view, this is the most suitable place to become a royal city.

   Therefore, he attaches great importance to the construction of this place. The urban area is required to be 300,000 people at the beginning. According to Friday, the place is now taking shape.

   "Let's call it Chang'an City! May the world prosper and prosper and have long-term stability!"

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