My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 874: Long live my king

"Good name!"

"My lord is wise!"

The flattery was offered on Friday, and the others followed immediately.

At this time, Charles Mann also offered a map and a sand table. Looking at this city in the middle of the Pennivera Peninsula, Xiao Feng's heart was unavoidable.

On the planet in the Middle Ages, it was such an achievement to create a country and a large city with a population of one million.

This feeling is comparable to playing computer games, and the sense of accomplishment of the Empire era is stronger and more real.

He got up and came to the sand table. To tell the truth, he passed by the location of Chang'an City a few times before, but because it was only a wilderness, he was not too impressed with it.

At this time, seeing the site selection of this city, and seeing the prototype and planning of the city, he couldn't help sighing that he had really underestimated the wisdom of the indigenous people in this world before.

Just by looking at the sand table, you can see that their location is very mysterious.

As the main person in charge of this project, Charles Mann saw that Xiao Feng seemed to be very interested in the city, so he smiled and took the initiative to introduce it.

"Look, my lord, this Chang'an city is located in the south of Benliu City, about a thousand kilometers away from Benliu City. This location is just on the Beiyuan platform. To the northeast is the recklessness spreading from Lianhua Mountain. The jungle is surrounded by the rushing river to the northwest, and the main tributaries such as the Biliu River and Heihe River, which stretch out. Because the terrain of this platform is about 30 to 50 meters higher than the surrounding area, there will be no The crisis of flooding..."

I originally thought that this place was just a plain river, with a little bumpy hill to the death, and it was an unsafe area, but at this time, I heard Charles Mann said that this terrain is actually very good?

Although there is no mountain partition, there are vast jungles and vertical and horizontal waterways partitioned. The most important thing is that the terrain here is relatively high. As long as the castle is well built, this is a good place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Moreover, the waterways are vertical and horizontal, and the transportation is developed. From here, it is very convenient to take the waterway in which direction the five rounds go to the peninsula.

Xiao Feng looked at Charles Mann with satisfaction and motioned him to continue, and when Charles Man saw that Xiao Feng was very satisfied with his plan, he was excited.

"To the south of the city is Pearl Lake, and to the east is a large area of ​​wasteland. But as long as it is developed, it will be a fertile field, and it will extend to the east for fifty miles, and it will be Tahe Bay. This wasteland is the floodplain of the rushing river. The fertility..."

After reading Charles Mann's introduction, Xiao Feng couldn't help being more satisfied with the location of this city. He even thought of the reserve of fertile land. When the time comes, he will mainly govern along the river, so he can be self-sufficient here.

"To the south of Pearl Lake is the Great Rift Valley. Where there is Feilu Waterfall, Lugu Lake is underneath. It flows from the Catastrophic River along Tahe Bay and finally into Pearl Lake, from Feilu Waterfall to Lugu Lake, and then again. From there it rushed south, and stretched out countless new rivers..."

Charles Mann introduced the situation in the south of the city before the sand table. Xiao Feng couldn't help being more satisfied when he heard this.

Further south is the Great Rift Valley with a topography drop of hundreds of meters. This location is the boundary between the Northern Plains and the Nanye Great Plains.

From here to the north is a small plain, combined with hills, and to the south is the large plain of Yimapingchuan.

The location of this Chang'an City is really amazing, it just happens to be located at a raised location near the end of the Beiyuan platform.

Although it is surrounded by many rivers, because of the high terrain of the city, there is no need to worry about flooding.

And because of the terrain, it naturally has an oppressive geographical advantage to the surrounding area. Surrounded by many large rivers, it is physically isolated from attacks from the north. As for the threat from the south, it is not necessary to think about it.

A large rift valley has a land difference of more than 100 meters between the south and here, so although it is not surrounded by mountains like the ancient Chang'an in China, it has a more superior geographical advantage than the ancient Chang'an.

The reason why Huangtu hegemony was achieved in the ancient Han and Tang Dynasties was because it occupied the land of Guanzhong, and Guanzhong was really important to ancient China.

There is the Loess Plateau to the north, the Qinling Mountains to the south and west, and the Yellow River to the east. It is an absolute place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is no wonder that Qin was able to take this as a foundation and swept the world.

In ancient times where transportation is inconvenient, here is a natural geomantic treasure.

But why did the Guanzhong land fall after the Song Dynasty?

Because it is surrounded by mountains, although it is to ensure the geographical safety, but from the negative side, the traffic is too inconvenient.

In the era of peace, from the perspective of economic development, there are great limitations.

In the middle and late Han and Tang Dynasties, a strange phenomenon appeared, that is, because the country has been in peace for a long time, the population of Guanzhong area is multiplied and the land is merged seriously.

In the end, there was not enough food to eat, and food could be transported into Chang'an from the outside world, so that later in the Eastern Han Dynasty and the late Tang Dynasty, there were emperors who often set up their capital outside Luoyang outside Guanzhong.

Because the traffic there is much more convenient than Chang'an, the emperor's governance of the country and the exchange of information with the locality are also much more convenient.

The location of Chang'an City in this world is much superior compared to ancient Chang'an in China.

First of all, from the geographical point of view, it is almost exactly in the center of the Pennivera Peninsula.

Secondly, although there is a slope, the **** rises very slowly, and the construction is not difficult. Although it is not surrounded by mountains, it is surrounded by many rivers, and the safety is no problem.

There are also fields and lakes around, which can ensure the safety of people living in the city. The most important thing is that the waterways extend in all directions and the transportation is very convenient.

In the future, it will not only be the transportation hub of Xiao Feng Kingdom, but it will also become the center of economy and politics.

Xiao Feng looked at the city map again, and was very satisfied with the city of Chang'an.

"In the places where several rivers in the north of the city are downloaded, several satellite cities can be built as communication docks, as well as fortresses to protect the safety of Chang'an City, and along the river, within 12 kilometers, a castle can be built and garrisoned for defense..."

Xiao Feng had already planned this Chang'an city from his heart as the future royal city, so the security aspect must naturally be paid attention to.

After all, this is his basic disk, and this different world does not know how long it will go through the cold weapon era, so these city constructions are still very necessary.

On the one hand, it contributes to the safety of Chang'an City, and on the other hand, it is also the farmers who open up wasteland in the fields.

With the level of traffic in this era, you can't expect farmers to live in the city, and then ride out of the city every morning and walk fifty miles to plow the fields.

With these castles along the river, it is also more convenient for the development of this wasteland in the Tawan River Circle.

"Oh, what the lord said is exactly what I want to arrange for construction in the next step. Moreover, these cities can also be used as waterway stations. In the future, most of our material transportation will be carried out by waterways. However, the ships that take the waterway will always be dark or dark. When the weather is bad, there is always a place to stay... Therefore, I have already selected seven addresses along the river to prepare the castle for the next step."

Charles Mann quickly introduced Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng nodded.

"In addition, the planning of this city is too small. I think it will be four times larger than the current scale. It will be prepared according to the scale of one million people. From now on, I intend to be a king city!"

"The King!"


"Is it finally going to build a nation?"

Xiao Feng just said this, and there was already a splash in the room.

Charles Man’s hands started fighting, Bloom, Kyle, Friday and other executives, plus the dwarf Groin, Dean, and the dark elf Majes, who has been promoted to the Minister of Agriculture, At this time, I couldn't help being excited.

Finally waited until the adults spoke!

When everyone followed Xiao Feng, there were only a few thousand people in the domain of Later, it grew to tens of thousands, and now there are more than one million people.

With such a large population and occupying such a large territory, it is absolutely possible to establish a country in this era.

Everyone has been following Xiao Feng for so long, to be honest, who doesn't have that kind of thought?

Like the ancient China, they all have the heart of Conglong.

After all, even if they don't think about themselves, they still have to think about their children and grandchildren.

Among these people, Charles Sman has dedicated his life to science. Are the others not a group of wives and concubines?

When I first followed Xiao Feng, I was still a native slave on Friday, but now he has a dozen wives, and his sons and daughters have a basket.

Even the elf Bloom has two or three wives!

The adults didn't say it before, and everyone was worried. What if the adults are gone someday?

But no one dared to think too much about it, and now everyone is relieved when they hear the news that the country is about to be established in person.

With a country, everyone has roots!

At this time, seeing the adults set the King's City in Chang'an City, everyone stood up with excitement.

Then from Friday, he came to Xiao Feng first and knelt on his knees to show allegiance.

"Long live my king, long live my country, I am the servant you will ultimately be, Friday!"

With Friday taking the lead, the others also knelt down to express their views.

And these people's attitudes towards Xiao Feng are all respect from the heart.

How everyone survived the lewd might of the half-orcs was due to Xiao Feng's credit. Without him, everyone might be in the half-orcs' slave camp today, trying to grab a piece of wheat cake and fight to death.

"Long live my king, long live my country..."

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