My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 876: Country name Daqin

875 The Foundation of Scientific Development

The chapter name is wrong, don’t blame everyone!

The land outside Chang'an City can indeed be called a fertile land for thousands of miles, but Xiao Feng does not intend to let people over-exploit it.

Throughout the history of China, there will be a period of time for the country to prosper and strengthen the people after the first dynasties. During this time, the country’s kings worked hard to develop and restore the country.

Therefore, the early stages of the dynasties developed well, but in the middle and later dynasties, because of the long-lasting peace, the emperor also lost the heart to enter and began to only care about pleasure.

In order to cater to the king’s preferences, a number of treacherous officials came to the stage at this time, formed parties for private interests, and corrupted the law. Later, the dynasty would often have internal strife due to power struggles.

At the end, there will be natural disasters or hidden dangers in frontiers, and finally the dynasty will fall into the collapse stage.

Throughout the ancient history of China, almost all of them perished in this way except for the last Qing Dynasty.

In fact, there is an important reason for the occurrence of such a thing, that is, the level of productivity is not enough, and what is produced simply cannot keep up with the rate of population growth, which will result in a shortage of resources.

The feudal dynasties in the West and the East faced such problems, and the two sides dealt with it in different ways.

The Western method is to launch foreign wars, invade and plunder other countries, and later develop into a colonial world.

In China, peasant uprisings, civil strife, and population decline, then the old dynasty collapsed, the new dynasty was established, and then it went round and round.

Two completely different modes, which one is superior, can be seen at a glance.

However, the reason why the Qing Dynasty did not fall into this vicious circle was completely because of the new foreign species, corn and sweet potato, two high-yielding crops, which resolved the food crisis and prevented the dynasty from falling into the vicious circle of reincarnation of the past dynasties.

In Xiao Feng's view, the Penny Vera Peninsula he currently owns basically does not need to consider this issue for decades or even hundreds of years.

First of all, the area of ​​the peninsula is too large, and the geographical environment is too superior.

On the left is the mainland of Methodox, on the right is the mainland of St. Sodexo, and the Penniveira Peninsula is just below the land bridge that connects the two continents, facing the two continents across the sea.

The Pennivera Peninsula is inserted into the sea in an inverted triangle, and along the coastline on both sides, there are exactly two mountains stretching from the land bridge, separating the land and the sea.

These mountains also happened to form a natural barrier to the surrounding continent.

The effect is the same as the Rocky Mountains on the east coast of the United States and the Alabache Mountains on the west coast of the United States, which surround the entire Great Plains of the United States.

So this time, Xiao Feng also planned to name the mountains surrounding the Penny Vera Peninsula, one named Qinling, and the other named Taihang.

In the middle of the two mountains, there are about two to three million square kilometers in the north, which is a slightly undulating hilly platform, while the south is more than six million square kilometers, a plain of Mapingchuan.

Moreover, between this plain, there are fertile land, rivers, and many moorings. According to Xiao Feng's idea, it is no problem for these land to feed more than one billion people.

Therefore, within a few hundred years on this land, there will be no problems of not having enough food or being hungry.

But even so, industry still has to get started.

Because there are half-orcs waiting for them outside, if they don't develop, they will be dumbfounded when the half-orcs come over.

Between them and the orcs, a desperate battle is indispensable.

In his opinion, the Great Rift Valley area to the south of Chang'an City could not be used to develop industry.

Once the country is stabilized in the future, to develop people's livelihood, land will always be limited. It is impossible for all the people in the city to plant land, so something has to be done.

The factory is the most suitable place to accommodate the population. What is more suitable for industry in this generation than the Great Rift Valley?

The Pearl Lake stretches forward for more than a dozen miles and is where the big waterfall is located.

The rushing river that overflowed from Pearl Lake continued all the way to the rift valley that was more than 100 meters high, forming a large waterfall hundreds of meters wide.

The magnificence of this waterfall, in Xiao Feng's eyes, is not at all inferior to the Nicaragua waterfall, which is claimed to be the largest on earth, and is even more magnificent than that waterfall.

A huge amount of river water rushed down from the cliffs, hitting countless moors on the southern plains, and these moors along the terrain, divided into several large rivers to irrigate the southern plains.

This is just a geographical posture, but for Xiao Feng, this is a wonderful place to engage in industry.

Because of the river flow brought about by this huge topographical drop, if you make good use of it, it can evolve into endless power.

He did not intend to engage in hydroelectric power generation, but he could build giant waterwheels, and use the huge impact of the water to drive the waterwheels, so that they could bring endless power to the industry.

Going bigger can bring earth-shaking changes to the metallurgical industry, such as smelting steel, stamping and forging, and even drilling iron pipes and polishing the inner wall.

With steel pipes, the endless weapons and engineering equipment can evolve.

To be smaller, you can grind rice and flour, make agricultural machinery, vehicles and appliances.

Moreover, there is a huge swamp in the southeast below the cliff, which is also the main reason why Xiao Feng values ​​this industrial base in Xiao Feng.

Because the wastewater produced by industry can be directly discharged into this algae land.

On the modern earth, the algae land is nature's best place to treat waste water and discharge waste. The microbial environment here will decompose these wastes naturally and harmlessly.

Once a series of industrial cities are built under this waterfall, his dynasty will be completely stabilized, and Chang'an City will be completely stabilized.

With population and industry, then with guns, the safety of the city is naturally not a problem.

The most important thing is that with this industrial zone, Wangcheng can continuously provide impetus for the development of all parts of the country, and other parts of the country will depend on the Wangcheng Industrial Zone, thus forming another economic security model.

All regions rely on this industrial zone for blood transfusion, which also strengthened the royal city's rule over Penny Vera.

After Xiao Feng told Charles Man about his idea of ​​building an industrial zone, the old man was even more excited and tearful.

This idea is really great. These industrial cities are simply set up for people who engage in scientific research.

He is also familiar with the history of the mainland. There are so many dynasties in the history, and no dynasty has paid so much attention to these freaks of them.

And Groin, the dwarf, and Dean were very excited about the idea of ​​this industrial area.

It stands to reason that because they really want to talk about industry, these dwarves can definitely be regarded as the earliest handicraftsmen on this planet.

And now the king wants to vigorously develop industry, this is definitely an affirmation of their dwarf race!

Both of them have a feeling of being prosperous, Xiao Feng, the great king, is really worth it.

In Xiao Feng's view, with this industrial zone, he has laid the foundation for scientific development in this country.

This will also allow this country to avoid as much as possible the big pit that China has never gone out of in the history of the country in its future development.

Why has the state of China’s feudal history for two thousand years failed to evolve to the stage of capitalism?

Why did the Huaxia Nation once lead other opponents in the era of great voyages, but in the end they didn’t get any of the dividends of the era of great voyages?

It is because we have restricted ourselves, we have gone wrong on the path of thought evolution.

Because I believe in Confucianism too much, and Confucian doctrines have always underestimated the development of industry and science and technology, thinking that those who engage in industry are all crazy skills, which greatly hinders the development of science and technology.

Without the development of technology, how can you increase productivity?

If you can't increase productivity, how can you transform into the bud of capitalism? How to enter the era of big industry?

Why the first industrial revolution occurred in the UK is because they did not believe in Confucianism.

They do not believe in the hypocrisy of governing the country by virtue, and their managers have only real benefits in the eyes of their managers.

Seeing that spinning and spinning wool make money, the farmer drove a large number of tenants into the factory, and then in order to increase productivity, they continued to develop and innovate production machinery and technology.

After repeated uninterrupted attempts and various bold innovations, the industrial revolution was finally brought about by accumulation.

Many people say that at the end of the Ming Dynasty of Hua Guo, if it were not interrupted by the Qing Dynasty, it is very likely that capitalism would sprout in the Jiangnan area and enter the industrial age.

So it was the Qing Dynasty that delayed China's development. Is it really like this? That's it!

In Xiao Feng's view, even if there was no Qing invasion, those people would not even think about sprouting capitalism and entering the industrial age. ,


Take a look at how the first batch of capitalists in the UK did it back then? Most of them were originally landlords, but they were told to make money by weaving.

They drove all the tenant farmers in the territory into the factory, spinning wool and weaving, and after making money, they continued to invest in buying machinery, increasing manpower, and then in a cyclical process of improving machinery in order to increase productivity.

And what about the rich man in Jiangnan of China?

After making money by raising silkworms and spinning cloth, I went to the countryside to buy more land, and the gold and silver I earned were cast into silver winter melon, and gold cakes were buried in the cellar.

As for the factory? Haha, that's impossible. The cloth is all peasant women who spun them at home, and then they are buying them and then selling them?

In this way, even if he is no longer in this country in the future, this country will not grow crooked and will continue to develop along the correct path according to his ideas.

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