In addition to these enfeoffment nobles, religion is also inevitable in this country.

Xiao Feng has been thinking about the introduction of religion, but what kind of religion should be introduced in order to achieve a balance between the church, the nobility, and the royal family?

In fact, as an atheist, Xiao Feng is very disgusted with religion. But in this era, if you don't introduce religion, you can't.

Because no matter what means he set up to restrict the development of the nobles, according to historical experience, it is inevitable that these nobles will develop into large-scale celebrities in the end.

He can think of the eldest son's succession, and the royal family's acknowledgment method, to set a card for the succession rights of the nobles' heirs.

It is inevitable that those with bad luck will survive, and such a guy with bad luck, once he inherits the title, he will do his best to govern and grow the family.

Then generations of people worked hard to rule it down, and this family would grow into a clan that directly threatened the emperor's power. Such things have not rarely happened in history.

The most frightening thing is that these people will also control the country by monopolizing state affairs.

Because of this era, in order to consolidate the imperial power, the marriage between the royal family and the nobles, or the marriage between the nobles is inevitable.

In this way, the nobility will quickly become powerful, and even monopolize the affairs of the court.

Once these noble cliques are formed, the most terrible consequence is that the class will be completely solidified, and these people will completely block the ascent of the civilians.

In this way, even if the folks have some talents with outstanding ability and want to climb up, they will either invest in these sects, or they will marry these sects.

And talents are attracted by these sects, which will make the slogans develop and grow rapidly.

Moreover, the nobles will also marry each other, so it is impossible for Xiao Feng to completely control the birth of the clan.

So if you want to check and balance these nobles, you can only bring in the church to counter them.

But what kind of church should be introduced?

Religions such as Christianity, Taoism, and Buddhism are all nonsense in Xiao Feng's view.

Buddhism only allows people to pursue the afterlife, and Taoism emphasizes quietness and inaction. This kind of religion is too negative in Xiao Feng's view.

As for Christianity, hehe, this church has some pioneering spirit, but once the church gets bigger, it will also participate in the struggle for power.

Looking at the history of Europe, since the collapse of the Roman Empire, Europe has been ruled by the church, and that period was the most terrifying dark period.

The church in every country controls a large amount of land and the country's economy, and even the appointment and removal of the king must be recognized by the church.

Moreover, the church is also doing the dirty work of poisoning people's minds and prohibiting the spread of science.

Therefore, Xiao Feng would never introduce this kind of religion to the Pennivera Peninsula.

After thinking about it, he felt that the most suitable religion to be introduced into the Great Qin Kingdom should actually be the Mohist school!

The Mohist school can be said to be an important school in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, especially the later Mohist school, which focused on logic and actively moved closer to the field of scientific research.

It can be said that in the late Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, the important weapons of many countries and the improvement of people's livelihood equipment were inseparable from the shadow of the Mo family.

These Mo family members, in modern terms, are both a group of technocrats.

Moreover, unlike domestic officials who are pursuing rights, they are more like the various technical committees and national science laboratories in the United States.

The world thinks that the strength of the United States depends on their tyrannical army and financial hegemony.

But they don’t know that the strong foundation of the United States is actually at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, at Los Alamos National Laboratory, at Brookhaven National Laboratory, It is at MIT, and top scientific research institutions like NASA.

It is these top scientific research institutions and the continuous outflow of scientific research discoveries that have led the U.S. economy to lead the world for generations.

And their scientific research results will formulate development standards for all walks of life, pointing out the correct development direction for future scientific research and economic development.

This is the only reason why the United States has become the foundation of world hegemony!

Therefore, in Xiao Feng's view, the Great Qin Kingdom also needs such an organization, and this should be the religion that the people of Da Qin believe in.

Legalists can be used to govern the country, but if you want the country to maintain long-term stability and stay on top of the world, you must regard the Mohist school as your standard.

And in his opinion, Charles Mann’s bachelor’s degree, a medical expert like Flamel, an agronomist like the dark wizard Majes, and even Groyin, a dwarf who is good at smelting, are the most suitable red clothes. archbishop.

In the future, he will select some capable people from all ethnic groups to serve as the cardinal bishop.

The number of cardinal bishops must be seven, and these seven must belong to different factions: mathematics, medical, law, economics, metal smelting, equipment manufacturing, agronomy, and miscellaneous schools (including Physics, Chemistry, Architecture, etc.).

These seven people can vote on the affairs of the Holy See with a show of hands, so as to achieve a balance within the Holy See and avoid the phenomenon of a dominance.

In addition, the grassroots bureaucrats who rule the country will all choose from church schools.

Of course, these people also have to pass the public examination, and each different department can select professional talents.

In addition, even those who have not passed the exam can also do other jobs, such as applying for a job at the company.

And the students of the church will mainly come to the public, which opens up an upward channel for the public and avoids the solidification of the class.

In terms of government affairs, Xiao Feng intends to directly copy the Qing Dynasty's ruling model.

Many people in modern times look down on the Qing Dynasty and think that the Qing Dynasty was a dynasty established by foreigners, and in the last year, a large number of unequal treaties were signed, the land was lost, the power was humiliated, and it was a decadent and incompetent dynasty.

But in fact, looking at the history of China, as long as you look at it from an objective perspective and compare it horizontally with all dynasties, you will find that the Qing Dynasty is actually a relatively outstanding dynasty in Chinese history.

The problems of Mongolia, Tubo, Western Regions, etc., which have always caused headaches for successive dynasties, have been solved in this dynasty, and the territory alone has expanded countless.

It can be said that the land area of ​​New China has left the right of legal inheritance in compliance with the legal system! (Don’t say more, if you say more, you will be harmonized.)

Moreover, this court is still the most stable internal structure in history. It can even be said that if there is no later British invasion, this dynasty will not be a problem for hundreds of years.

Because of this, Xiao Feng intends to directly copy the organizational structure of the imperial court.

First set up six departments, officials, households, rituals, soldiers, criminals, and workers!

On top of the six ministries, three provinces, the Military Aircraft Department, the Cabinet, and the Inspectorate will be established!

The Military Aircraft Department is equivalent to the United States’ Joint Council of Staff, which surpasses the Ministry of Defense (Ministry of Defense). Needless to say, the Cabinet helps the emperor handle the day-to-day administration of the country’s affairs, and the Inspectorate is equivalent to ICAC, which is directly accountable to the emperor.

These three departments are directly responsible to the emperor, so that the emperor can be freed from the complicated and complicated work of the day and day. At the same time, they are also a kind of power and a check and balance of the emperor's power.

In addition, the establishment of the Lifan Yuan is equivalent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it has nowhere to set up internally to take care of the royal purse.

Of course, units such as the East Factory and Jinyiwei are still indispensable. The East Factory is equivalent to the US FBI, which is responsible for major domestic cases and counterintelligence infiltration.

Jin Yiwei is equivalent to the CIA, specifically targeting the enfeoffment princes and infiltrating other countries to complete investigations, collect intelligence and other tasks.

With such a set up, even if the entire Great Qin Kingdom's system is completed.

And then, naturally, it is necessary to recruit personnel and compile the code!

This law is mainly divided into civil law and criminal law. The normal operation of the country in the future will be strictly enforced in accordance with the law.

Even if a nobleman commits a crime, he must be punished in accordance with the law.

Of course, it is necessary to leave some room. After all, the prince breaks the law and the common people commit the same crime. Such things only exist in the slogan.

The rest is on the royal family's side. As the first king, he already has two sons, and there may be more heirs in the future.

While the royal family selects future heirs, he does not intend to formulate rules in accordance with the method of eldest son inheritance, which can only be the last choice when the king does not choose an heir.

In order to ensure the healthy development of the country in the future, the selection of the crown prince is absolutely based on the selection and appointment of talents.

In Xiao Feng's opinion, the eldest son inheritance system is absolutely undesirable. You can see this by looking at the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

And regarding the education of the princes, he did not intend to cultivate the princes into the kind of waste who grew up in the deep palace and had never been out of the imperial city in his entire life.

Such a prince would simply not be able to govern the country well.

He intends to refer to the way the Spartans and the British train the crown prince. First, he must withstand the tempering, then he must enter the church school to learn knowledge, and then he must have experience in the army.

If you can, it is best to have the experience of walking among the people and understanding the national economy, people's livelihood and people's hardships.

And his ideas are widely accepted by everyone, because after listening to his ideas, everyone thinks that his ideas are very advanced, and there is no need to object, and there is no need to object.

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