My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 879: News from the south

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In this way, a few days later, in Chang'an City, Xiao Feng held an enthronement ceremony at the request of many old and new fathers.

It is equivalent to holding a founding ceremony. As a miscellaneous scholar, Charles Mann formulated a corresponding etiquette model in accordance with the previous traditions of the mainland kingdom.

Everyone went through a cutscene, and then began the ceremony of entrustment.

The Penny Vera Peninsula south of Benliu City is Xiao Feng's private land. This is the foundation of his imperial hegemony, so he only keeps it for himself.

Everyone naturally has no opinion.

And to the north of Benliu City, to the south of Hulu Gorge, to the east are high mountains and rivers, and to the west are the mountains and mountains. There is such a basin in the middle that Xiao Feng named it the inter-river valley.

Dozens of castles will be built here, and Charisman, Kyle, Bloom, Friday, Dean, Groin, Majes, Ying Ran, and Flamel will all get here. Enfeoffment territory.

Each piece is not big, but no one will have a castle.

The reason why Xiao Feng didn't entrust them with more soil is because of consideration that if they make meritorious services in the future, they can continue to entrust them.

Moreover, he plans to leave the future Hulu Gorge land to these people and young people who will come out with meritorious service in the future.

Anyway, if he is meritorious, he will definitely be awarded, and this also makes him very popular.

After all, everyone is holding their heads and messing with him. What is the picture?

At first, it might be just to survive, but now, naturally, there are other pursuits.

As for domestic affairs, these people are currently the main force of the ruling class.

With the system built by Xiao Feng, these people have more clearly defined their responsibilities.

At the same time, after Xiao Feng's instructions, various schools began to be established in full swing in the country.

Especially after everyone learns that the officials of the country will be selected from the church schools in the future, everyone is not a fool. Whoever has many disciples may endure forever.

Xiao Feng allocated a certain amount of money from the treasury to prepare for the establishment of universities and some elementary schools.

It is pure nonsense to talk about compulsory education in this era. After all, many talents are in the stage of just filling their stomachs, and compulsory education is forcibly carried out. The country does not have this ability.

After all, national power is limited, and this is not yet an era of a big productivity explosion.

Although the Penny Vera Peninsula is extremely rich in material, due to the limited production conditions, many people are just filling their stomachs now.

Children and the elderly are all laborers, and they are far from extravagant enough. Children can eat and have nothing to do.

So he prophet established a university, and at the same time established a school of medicine in it. The person in charge is Flammel, the person in charge of the equipment manufacturing school is Ying Ran, the smelting school is naturally Groin, the agricultural school is naturally Majes, as for The School of Law and the School of Economics are several other bachelors that Charles Mann found.

As soon as Kyle and Bloom saw the situation, they came to Xiao Feng to lobby, and Xiao Feng asked the treasury to allocate funds to establish a military academy.

It is divided into subjects such as army, cavalry, logistics supply, engineering department, and navy.

Since the establishment of the country, Xiao Feng hasn't spent a whole day idle. He has been spinning around every day, working continuously for more than a month, finally pushing the country on the right track.

Everyone also performed their duties and understood the responsibilities and obligations of their respective duties.

It was precisely because the country began to operate normally, Xiao Feng was also freed from the heavy work.

At the same time, he also gave instructions that when he was away, Ducati Ducati would take his place.

Kaila is the daughter of a nobleman and has experience in helping her family manage the territory. It is easy to deal with these daily affairs, especially when Xiao Feng has set up the system.

As long as she listens to the opinions of the ministers, and in accordance with some of the guidelines and strategies for governing the country left to her by Xiao Feng, she can govern the country well.

The whole country was already on track, and Xiao Feng began to cruise around the territory.

I've seen Benliu City and lived in Chang'an City for more than a month. He went directly to the Twin Towers City.

This city, which is located at the southernmost tip of the mainland, has developed into a prosperous port.

If we say that this city was still a half-sea and half-agricultural way of life, after Ying Ran and Yingzhou people developed a large soft sail sailboat, it has become a harbour with head and tail. city.

In the direction of the ocean, the city has been greatly expanded.

Before the Twin Towers City faced the ocean, it was just a small harbour surrounded by mountains on both sides of the strait, but now, the people living here have already spread beyond the mountains.

Even outside the harbour, several small fishermen’s wharves have been spontaneously built. Although the wind and wave resistance is slightly worse, many fishermen live in clusters near the harbour.

This city now has a population of more than 600,000, of which 500,000 depend on the sea for their livelihoods.

The sea outside the harbor is so rich in feedback that the fishermen will not return empty-handed as long as they go out to sea once a day.

Throughout the year, there will be fishing seasons corresponding to different seasons, and all kinds of fish can be caught.

In addition, the shellfish near the sea also provide a wealth of food for the people here.

There is also the seaweed here. Since the people of Yingzhou began to cultivate seaweed in the coastal waters, the people here have also received a rich supply of non-staple food.

After Xiao Feng came to Shuangta City, he also tasted the seaweed cultivated by the people of Yingzhou. I have to say that these seaweeds are really different from the seaweeds on the earth.

Both in terms of taste and nutrition.

The seaweed here is more tender and smooth. The most important thing is that it has no fishy taste. It tastes better than the wakame that Xiao Feng has tasted in Japan and South Korea.

And these seaweeds are extremely rich in nutrients, rich in various minerals and trace elements, especially calcium content is very high.

This can be seen from the height of the people in Twin Towers, who are generally about half a head taller than people in other parts of the Penny Vera Peninsula.

This is due to the fact that they eat a lot of sea fish and can get enough protein supplements, and the other is because they use a lot of kelp and sea vegetables to supplement a lot of calcium.

This is actually the same in the modern world.

For example, the Southern Koreans, although many people are unwilling to recognize them, international public data show that the Southern Koreans are the country with the highest ethnicity in Northeast Asia.

Why are they taller than China?

On the one hand, it is because they have enough protein supplement, on the other hand, it is because they eat a lot of kelp and sea vegetables.

In fact, many people in the country have common-sense misunderstandings, such as thinking that the calcium content in shrimp skin is high, and even thinking that the big bone soup is also high in calcium.

In fact, this is a very wrong perception. Common food contains the highest milk content, and the calcium content in kelp is even higher than the calcium content of milk.

So if you want your child to grow taller, and the child has lactose intolerance and other problems, you might as well let your child eat more kelp.

The calcium content of every 100 grams of milk is only 120 mg, and the calcium content of every 100 grams of kelp is as high as 1177 mg, so if you want to grow up, eat more kelp and sea vegetables.

Xiao Feng is also very happy to see the development of Twin Towers City.

What made him even more happy this day was that Ying Ran brought him good news, and the exploratory team he sent out finally came back.

Originally, after the battle on the land stabilized, the Great Qin Kingdom built Napal Mountain City, and the Orcs built several fortresses on the opposite grassland, and the two sides fell into a standoff~www.mtlnovel .com~ And recently, the humans, elves, and dwarves hiding in the mountains have almost come out to talk to each other and belong to the Great Qin Kingdom.

As these people surrendered, they obtained less and less information from the outside world. They only knew less and less about the conditions of Methodox and Saint Sodexo.

Because of this, after Ying Ran led the people of Yingzhou to build a soft sailing boat adapted to the high sea environment, Friday and Kyle issued an order to send an exploratory team from the sea to explore the conditions of the two continents.

Although the soft sailboat built by Ying Ran is suitable for ocean navigation, in fact, the so-called ocean navigation in this era means sailing close to the coastline.

He sent four fleets to two continents, each with two ships, and this time, after half a year, he finally returned one.

According to the captain, they first went north along the east coast of the Pennivera peninsula. They were also surveying topographical maps of the mainland coastline along the way. They were also recording the water ripples and the wind direction here at different times.

In an era without sextants, it is very dangerous to sail away from the coastline.

It was very smooth at the beginning. After a month of walking, I finally finished the route on the east coast of the peninsula.

Then enter the turning point, where is there along the coastline of the Methodox continent all the way south, that area was originally a seaport city with many humans.

The Toulon Empire, the largest on the road, has become a piece of loess. Under the leadership of Princess Carbin, the remaining forces of the empire are facing the half-orcs at the southernmost tip of the mainland.

But that was the news half a year ago. It is said that there were still several city-states at the southernmost part of the mainland at that time, but I don't know if those city-states were still there at this time.

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