My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 883: Recent developments in southern countries

Remember in one second【】

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These half-orcs should be garrison troops left behind by the elite of half-orcs, so the fighting will is not strong.

In addition, Xiao Feng sat down on this flagship, and the power was amazing, so when he saw the few guys who took the lead, they were beaten up by the stone bullets fired from the boat on the spot, and the rest of the guys immediately disappeared. .

Xiao Feng put down his binoculars and came to the side of the boat, waiting for the rope ladder to get off the boat. There was already a rubber boat waiting below.

When he arrived on the boat, the pilot who had been trained for a long time started the motor, and the rubber boat rushed toward the shore with a galloping speed.

The purpose of their trip was to grab the tongues of a few half-orcs and ask about the situation here. Xiao Feng was not relieved just to let the sailors pass.

So I personally boarded the boat and came to protect the law. Soon the small boat rushed to the shore, and then under the command of Xiao Feng, it rushed directly onto a soft beach.

A few people were left to protect the rubber dinghy, and Xiao Feng waited for a dozen people to rush to the nearest village on the shore.

I ran into several orcs along the way, but before they could react, they were thrown to the ground by the shotgun in Xiao Feng's hand.

Browning's No. 12 bullet, the brown bears burped as soon as it was fired. What's more, these half-orcs, no matter how thick and skinny they were, couldn't stop the power of the trench sweeper.

Soon after he rushed to the village, Xiao Feng commanded everyone to rush towards the biggest house in the village.

When we arrived at the door of the house, the door of the house was closed tightly, and it was obvious that the orcs inside were guarded.

However, Xiao Feng didn't let anyone violently attack. Instead, he sent his guards directly, and the Venomous Bee General Pan Deli set out with several Venomous Bees.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, these poisonous bee men were appointed by Xiao Feng as their own guards. They didn't have to fight on the battlefield, but these people were indeed his most loyal subordinates.

Because of the natural bloodline suppression, Xiao Feng is most relieved with these people guarding him. When he is away, he will arrange these poisonous bee men to guard Kaila and Bi Luodis, as well as the safety of the children.

Although these venomous bee people have not evolved completely, they have a simple and loyal nature that humans don't have. Although their combat effectiveness is average, they can't hold up a large number of people and have powerful stings.

It is a very qualified security and assassination expert, and its characteristics are somewhat similar to the ninjas of the foot basin country on earth.

This time, the half-orcs in this house were clearly prepared, and a strong offensive would surely bring casualties. Xiao Feng didn't let his crew rush and dispatched these poisonous bees.

Sure enough, the bee-man opened the door from inside.

Xiao Feng led the team and rushed in, only to see half-orcs shot by the stings of poisonous bees everywhere on the ground, including pig heads, tauren, and some werewolves.

Xiao Feng asked people to tie up a centaur and a tauren who were obviously the lead, and tied a few soldiers, and at the same time, someone took a few human slaves from the house.

Xiao Feng asked his subordinates to take all these people out and walk to the boat on the shore.

At this time, the half-orcs in a fort in the distance also learned of the situation here, the door of the wall was opened wide, and more than a hundred centaur and werewolf cavalry came out.

Xiao Feng looked at it and sneered. It's been a long time since he was soothed. He also had the addiction to shooting today.

The m2 Browning heavy machine gun was taken out from the space, and one was placed on the ground. The soldiers next to him immediately began to load the machine gun.

Once the bullet was loaded, a huge ‘dong dong dong’ sound resounded across the coast in a moment.

The sound of this Browning heavy machine gun is very ‘mellow’, and every sound is like beating a drum.

And the characteristics of this gunshot are obviously very easy to remember. The centaur and the werewolves who had charged with a fierce momentum seemed to have heard something at once.

The Centaur rushing in the front braked forcibly, but the momentum of the charge was too strong, and the Centaur behind was very close, and immediately rammed him into the paddy field beside the road.

Unexpectedly, this happened to save his life, he fell into the paddy field, and the bullet on the opposite side arrived.

The carrot-thick flames flashed over his head, and the companion who had just smashed him into the paddy field was bad luck, and he was beaten in two on the spot.

The centaur and werewolf behind were not much better, as if the autumn wind swept the fallen leaves, sifting the chaff to the ground one after another.

Where the two-eyed bullet chain swept across the mainland, there were stumps and broken arms and **** fog everywhere, and then the screams of undead half-orcs, ghosts and wolfs.

The few werewolves and centaur at the back, they simply turned back with their tails between them, and ran away frantically.

While running away, he shouted loudly: "The Death God of Running City is here! The Death God of Running City is coming!"

Seeing that the chasing soldiers dispersed, Xiao Feng stopped shooting, let people put away the machine gun, and took a few sailors back to the rubber boat on the shore.

It may be that the cry of Death God in Runliu City was heard by those half-orcs, and no half-orcs dared to emerge along the way.

After all, after many battles before, Xiao Feng's horrific reputation has spread to the tribe of half-orcs, and now half-orcs know that after encountering the Death God of Running City, the best way is to turn around and run.

Because they have no chance of winning in front of the Death God of Running City.

Returning to the boat with a few tongues, Xiao Feng asked people to wake up these half-orcs, and in front of a few half-orcs, he knew

^0^Remember in one second【】

In front of them, when the famous Death God of Running City, all of them were scared and sifted.

They knew all the questions Xiao Feng asked, and none of them dared to hide it.

It turned out that their current location was the original territory of the Jiangnan Leizhou State, but they have now been captured by the Orcs.

According to the explanations of these half-orcs, the three human kingdoms south of Ara'aba Forest are basically destroyed.

The entire territory of Leizhou Kingdom fell, and there were only a few princes, with the remnants, resisting in the territory of the Moon Dance Kingdom in the southernmost part of the mainland.

The same was true of Chuanwu State to the west of Leizhou State. All the borders fell, and only some princes and ministers were in the territory of Yuewu State with the remnants.

And now the only country that has not been wiped out is the Moon Dance Country, but now it is left to linger on the Wuzhizhou Peninsula, the southernmost part of the mainland.

Other humans were either captured or annihilated, or were hiding on several large islands in the South China Sea.

On the Methodox continent, the days when the southern human kingdoms finally perish are just around the corner.

Xiao Feng asked people to take these half-orc captives down, and then brought a few human captives up there. After some inquiries, he also got confirmation from these people.

The half-orcs didn't lie just now, the current human situation is in a precarious state, and it's really not far from annihilation of the country and the race.

After hearing this, Xiao Feng immediately made people speed up and headed south with all his strength.

After driving along the coastline for an afternoon, when the sky was getting dark, Xiao Feng was in the telescope and saw the outline of an island in front of him.

This island is located just outside the estuary of a big river, about a dozen nautical miles away. The area of ​​the island looks so large that it can't even be seen at a glance.

Even far away, Xiao Feng saw people constantly flashing in the woods on the island.

Obviously the humans on the island also found them, and Xiao Feng made the boat drive closer.

But at this moment, a few small boats drove out of the island and drove towards them.

This ship has two floors up and down. If it weren't for their Victory, the ships on the opposite side would have been huge ships in this era.

But in front of the Victory, these ships can only be regarded as small sampans.

Far away, the other party slowed down the boat and waved the signal light in his hand: "Who is the one coming?"

The captain of the Victory is Ying Kuo, Ying Ran's own son. This time, Ying Ran arranged to be with Xiao Feng, naturally to win the favor of the king.

And Xiao Feng also liked this stimulating young man very much, and he also had the intention to cultivate him, so this kind of scene was naturally left to Ying Kuo to deal with.

"I am waiting for the ship of the Great Qin State, who are you waiting for?"

"Great Qin Kingdom?"

At this time, the ships of both sides approached, and Xiao Feng also saw a white-haired little official standing on the opposite side. He was also taken aback when he heard Ying Kuo's words. Obviously, he hadn't heard of the Great Qin State.

However, Ying Kuo quickly asked him to lower the rope ladder and let this person board the boat.

Then the two sides communicated on the bow deck, and soon Ying Kuo figured out the situation.

The former island was called Shapingzhou, and the opposite inland river was called Baisha River. Now the island is stationed by a group of people and horses from the Chuanwu Kingdom.

As soon as Xiao Feng heard this, he was overjoyed and immediately asked Ying Kuo to drive the boat closer to the island.

This island is obviously not long after the new development, the island area is very large, and facing the south direction, there are several good places for deep-water ports, but there is no suitable port, let alone the wharf.

As he sailed all the way, Ying Kuo also asked the little official about the situation of Sha Ping Chau.

It turned out that this place used to be a deserted island with several fishing villages. Until the Chuanwu Kingdom was destroyed and the defeated troops entered the territory of Yuewu Kingdom, the monarch of Yuewu Kingdom arranged to live on Shaping Island.

It can be said that the situation on Shaping Island is very After the people from Chuanwu country came, they also suffered from bird air.

When they landed on the island, there were more than 50,000 people, but now there are more than 30,000 people left on the island. The remaining people either died in hunger and cold, or fled back to the main road and went to the moon dance country. went.

"The situation is already so bad now, but the monarch of the Moon Dance Kingdom is still thinking about fighting for power. Hey, it's no wonder they can't become a powerful weapon!"

This little official walked all the way, shaking his head and sighing, his words were full of resentment, thinking that he had been angry with the people of Yuewu before coming here.

"Who has the final say on this island now?"

"It's your Majesty the Queen, and the national teacher! Hey..."

This little official said with a sigh, as if he couldn't explain it in a word.

Ying Kuo just wanted to ask again, but suddenly he stopped because he was suddenly stunned by the situation in front of him...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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