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Under the guidance of the small boat in front, the Victory entered a harbor surrounded by sea on three sides, and there was no decent pier in the harbor.

But on the shore of the bay, it was crowded with dense crowds.

These people were ragged, unkempt, and skinny. Some of them squeezed to the left in twos and threes, while others lay on the ground with blank eyes.

Looking at them, Xiao Feng's first thought was the penguins nestling together to keep warm in Antarctica.

It's just that their condition looks much worse than the penguins.

The little official saw Xiao Feng and Ying Kuo look at the surprised eyes of the people on the shore, smiled embarrassedly and said.

"The wind in this harbor is relatively small, and they all hide here to keep warm. And there are more shallows here, which makes it easier for them to find something to eat."

Xiao Feng and Ying Kuo understood both Xiao Feng and Ying Kuo's introduction.

While they were looking at the situation on the shore, the small officials around them were also secretly looking at them.

The reason why this little official was so obedient to brief them was because he saw their situation clearly.

These people said that they came from the Great Qin State, but he had never heard of such a No. 1 country on the road before, and they all spoke with a northern accent, presumably they came from the north.

Each of these people is tall and tall, and their size alone is much stronger than the humans in the Southern Kingdom, and they must eat very well in normal times.

The hair is neatly combed, and the slick is shiny, and the clothes he wears are made of materials that he has never seen before. Looking at the alignment of the clothes, you know that they are very delicately made.

Looking at the spirit of each of these people, it is even more incomparable to the Chuanwu people who were hungry everywhere.

Looking at the leather boots on these people's feet and the long knives hanging around their waists, Yao Chuanjiang was a little shaken.

What kind of country was this Great Qin Empire? Their navy can actually be so powerful.

His Yao family was also a prominent family in Sichuan and Wu, and his family has controlled the Chuanwu navy for generations. But even when the Chuanwu navy was the strongest, it was compared with the great Qin navy. When I get up, it seems that my feet are inferior.

There is no need to say more about the dress and equipment of these sailors, just say that this huge ship at his feet, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and climbed up in person, he would never believe that there would be such a big battleship in this world.

What made him even more puzzled was that the sails on the boat were not set, and no one was rowing a boat. So how did the boat drive it?

He wanted to break his brain, but he couldn't understand it, but later he simply didn't want to, and began to concentrate on introducing Yingkuo to their current situation.

And I don't know why, since he boarded the ship and had a conversation with the captain, the frustration that had haunted him before suddenly disappeared.

It seems that the prospects of mankind are not necessarily as dark as one had imagined. Of course, the premise is that the Great Qin State can intervene in this war.

Just when Yao Chuanjiang was still thinking wildly, he was suddenly awakened by a ‘boom’.

It turned out that Yingkuo made the anchor drop. Since there is no wharf, the big ship will naturally not be able to dock.

So I could only get on the barge, but Ying Kuo was not at ease with the people of Sichuan and Wu, so he let people put all the three lifeboats on board down.

Although it was a small lifeboat, it was much larger than Yao Chuanjiang's boat. Each boat was loaded with more than 100 people, for a total of 500 people, they were first sent to the shore to set up a landing field.

Considering that Xiao Feng's imperial commander personally conquered this time, Ying Ran sent all his most elite sailors. These sailors were not only good at sea, but also good at land.

The movement on the Victory side naturally attracted the attention of the hungry people on the shore. Seeing a boat coming, these people hurried over and rushed over.

But after the guard came ashore, he was not polite to these people, and kept using the scabbard in his hand to drive away the victims who approached.

But the effect did not seem to be ideal, so a few centurions simply hacked to death some of the most violent leaders.

As a result, the gang of victims immediately became honest, hula la and scattered a large area.

After the landing field was opened up, Xiao Feng and Ying Kuo boarded another small boat and began to land under the leadership of Yao Chuanjiang.

The chief officer, Archie, a Toulon fighter selected by Xiao Feng, stayed on the ship with five hundred sailors, protecting the ship while also watching the movement on the shore.

As soon as Xiao Feng and the others landed, they saw a group of cavalrymen coming from a distance. This pair of cavalrymen seemed to be in good condition. Yao Chuanjiang was also relieved to see those people.

When the cavalry team approached, Yao Chuanjiang hurriedly greeted him and talked a few words with the cavalry leading the team.

Then turned around and came to Ying Kuo's side and said: "Your Majesty the Queen wants to see you."

Ying Kuo glanced at Xiao Feng, and when he saw Xiao Feng nodded, he agreed to Yao Chuanjiang's request, leaving a hundred people to look at the ship, and with the other four hundred people, he followed the cavalry team to the depths of the island. .

The island is very big. They walked for more than an hour before they saw a dark shadow of a mountain in the distance, and there were dots of lights at the foot of the mountain.

But when I got closer, I found out that it wasn't a deep house compound, but a small village.

"The guests of the Great Qin Kingdom laughed. We had just landed on the island not long ago, and coupled with the lack of supplies on the island, there was no time to repair the residence, so we had to temporarily requisition a village."

Yao Chuanjiang explained to Ying Kuo that Ying Kuo was leading the way, and Xiao Feng pretended to be a guard by his side, so he always thought that Ying Kuo was the leader.

Ying Kuo nodded: "This is the only situation now."

Soon they entered the village and were taken to the gate of the largest courtyard in the middle of the village.

From the moment I entered the village, I could feel that there was heavily guarded here. There were groups of soldiers patrolling the periphery of the village, and the village was also a few steps away from an outpost.

When they arrived at the gate of the mansion, someone even stopped the guard behind Yingkuo.

Xiao Feng gave a look, and Ying Kuo ordered the guards to wait here first, and then he and Xiao Feng, plus five other guards, entered the compound together.

After walking a few steps, I entered a slightly larger main house. Inside the main house was brightly lit, and on the Kang couch facing the door was sitting a woman with a tulle face.

On both sides were sitting a lot of guys of different shapes, it seems that they should be the queen's important ministers.

"I have seen your Majesty the Queen."

Yao Chuanjiang bowed and greeted him, but Ying Kuo and Xiao Feng just bowed.

Ying Kuo these are absolute arrogant soldiers. In this world, they only swear allegiance to Xiao Feng's royal family. They don't recognize any other kings or queens.

What's more, for such a group of subjugators, the queen hasn't said anything, but the ministers under her are cold.


There was even a red-faced guy who had an attack on the spot, but the queen waved her hand.

"Forget it, after all, it is a distinguished guest from the Great Qin Kingdom from afar."

The queen was still good-tempered, so she was asked to bring them a chair, and after a few polite words, she started to communicate.

These people are mainly asking what kind of country the Great Qin Kingdom is, after all, they have not heard of it before.

Ying Kuo didn't hide it from them, so he talked about the Great Qin Kingdom, which was a newly established country on the Penny Vera Peninsula, and the king was the famous Death God of Running City.

They and the half-orcs for more than ten years, repeatedly defeated the half-orcs, and finally gathered together to form a country ~www.ltnovel.com~, and the queens and ministers of the Chuanwu Kingdom on the opposite side were stunned. For a moment.

Why was the Great Qin State originally established like this?

The Death God of Rushing City, this name, they seem to have heard of, it is said that it is a mage active in the Northland, leading the humans to keep watching the half-orcs.

However, in their impression, those people are just a group of guerrillas, but now it is heard that they have not only defeated the Orcs many times, but also established a country.

If it were not for Ying Kuo to sit in front of everyone and talk, everyone would almost feel as if they were listening to the fantasy.

"What you said is true?"

After hearing Ying Kuo's description of the situation in the Great Qin State, many ministers couldn't sit still.

"Huh! I think this guy is lying? What **** Great Qin Kingdom? What Death God of Running City? It must be made up. To me, these people are a group of pirates, and they should all be thrown into prison."

"That is, with their boat, we can leave this **** Shaping Chau."

Before the queen made a sound, suddenly there were two discordant voices.

Upon hearing this, Ying Kuo couldn't help but furious, stood up abruptly, and drew his waist knife with a scream.

Pointing to the red-faced man on the opposite side, and another black-faced brawny man shouted loudly: "Dog stuff, it's really deceiving, you're going to die today!"

"Huh! What about bullying you?"

The red-faced guy smiled yinly, then waved his hand, hula-la, immediately a group of golden armored guards armed with spears poured into the main room.

What makes him even more happy is that he just heard a name from this black-faced guy's mouth, Grangell!

Isn't this the name of that fellow Flammel who has repeatedly confessed to himself, his brother?

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