My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 885: The Past of the South

Remember in one second【】

I have opened a new book "I Have a Treasure Map". I kindly ask book friends who like black technology and double-wear texts to collect, recommend, and leave a message! The ants kowtow!


The red-faced man and the black-faced man were obviously in the same group. On the surface, they were going to deal with outsiders like Xiao Feng, but the actual target was indeed the veiled woman sitting in the main hall.

And it was estimated that packing up Xiao Feng was just a matter of taking their hands. Xiao Feng thought that 80% of them had fallen in love with their boat.

Seeing the dozens of lancers and the guards carrying steel knives who rushed in, Ying Kuo was not afraid of them.

They know Xiao Feng's ability, no matter how strong these people are, there are still half-orcs?

If they really have the abilities of half-orcs, they won't be beaten by the half-orcs.

However, Ying Kuo and the other guards didn't rush up to desperately. Instead, they pulled out a riot shield from behind and stood in front of them.

At the same time, the four guards kept moving backwards, tightly enclosing Xiao Feng in the middle, with shields in front of them, forming a small circular formation.

Previously, it was estimated that it was to paralyze them, so when they were released into the lobby, the guards of Sichuan and Uzbekistan did not pay their ice blades.

I thought that if I could do it later, it would be possible to grow a lot of people and kill them all, but now that the other party is not afraid of it, a few people have formed a small square, and their expressions can't help but change.

Xiao Feng, whose body has been transformed, is now an interstellar warrior. The guards on the opposite side seemed to him to be nothing but a group of chickens.

At this time, he has pulled out a smg-9 submachine gun from the space, this gun is a derivative of the North Industries imitation mp-5, because the stability and accuracy are better than the mp-5, so a large number of them are sold back to Europe.

Prior to this, Xiao Feng had also purchased a lot from Liu Jin as a weapon to defend himself against close combat.

As soon as he got the gun, Xiao Feng was ready to kill.

But at the moment he was about to do it, he suddenly heard bursts of ‘swish’ from outside the room.

He is also a long-standing veteran in the alien world, his face changed a lot when he heard this voice, it was the sound of an arrow flying through the air.

"Squat down, squat down!"

Xiao Feng yelled at the people around him, and several guards often cooperated together. Hearing Xiao Feng's call, he immediately squatted down and bowed his head.

These guards, Xiao Feng, were among the elite, wearing plate armor and flying saucer helmets on their heads. The reason why they were equipped with such flying saucer helmets was to guard against arrows falling from the air.

Several people had explosion-proof shields in front of them with round helmets on their heads. For a time, they were like a small steel fortress. Xiao Feng firmly believed that even if the opponent's arrows were violent, they would not be hurt.

But the next scene that surprised him happened. Those arrows didn't come at them at all.

Pieces of arrows whizzed past their small square head and both sides, and went straight to the rebels behind them.

'Puff puff'

Throughout the hall, the sound of arrows penetrating the human body was endless. Many rebels behind them were killed on the spot before they even screamed.

And Wuer Kaitai, the black-faced man who led the rebellion, hid under a short table, yelling.

"Shield player, shield player. Shawur, grab that fuck."

It’s a pity that his call didn’t work. The shield player did not appear in the main room. The red-faced Shawuer just got out of the hiding chair and was shot through his thigh by two sharp arrows and nailed to the ground. .

In a moment, most of the spearmen and swordsmen were wiped out by arrows, and most of those who hadn't died were seriously injured and fell to the ground, screaming and wailing.

At this time, a handsome guy with black hair and a black gown appeared at the gate of the yard, followed by dozens of swordsmen carrying long knives behind him.

When the swordsmen entered the yard, they dragged the rebels who hadn't died to death one by one to the gate of the yard. They cut melons and vegetables one by one, and sent them to the west.

"Grangell, you **** monk? Damn, didn't you go to the hospital?"

"Yes, I'm going to the hospital, if I don't go, how can you have a chance to rebel?"

The old handsome man smiled and said to the black-faced Wuer Kaitai, who suddenly stood up in furious anger.

And that Granger raised his hand and it was a white light, and then everyone saw Ur Kaitai on the opposite side hitting an arrow immediately in the chest.

This arrow was so powerful that it not only pierced the guy's armor, but also shot through the chest.

Xiao Feng couldn't help but look sideways. This Granger and his junior, Flammel, didn't seem to be the same people at all!

When his junior brother Flamel was a black mage, although he would manipulate some undead spirits, he was only for self-defense and did not have such a strong desire to kill.

And this Grangele seemed to be a cruel, cruel and decisive person at the moment.

Shawuer lying on the ground, seeing that his brother Wuer Kaitai was dead, couldn't help but sorrow from it and shouted to Granger.

"You adulterers are not going to die, the king will not let you go."

And Granger smiled coldly: "The king was a tyrant when he was alive. He has already gone to **** first, and Chuanwu country is gone. You, the Kaiburi family, also followed the king. Go to hell! Starting today, there will be no more Chuanwu country!"

Say it with a wave

^0^Remember in one second【】

Hand, a few guards came out behind him, and a chaotic knife stepped forward, chopping the Shawuer into mashed flesh.

I originally thought it would be a big battle, but in the end, I saw a farce, and finally ended in this way.

Xiao Feng understood that the crisis had been resolved, but Ying Kuo and the others still guarded him tightly.

Na Grangel waved his hand, and immediately rushed in a group of people, taking all the corpses on the ground and the arrows on the wall, and some people even hit a few basins of water to dry the blood on the ground.

Then someone brought a brazier and incense. The smell of blood in the whole room quickly dissipated, and the room was warm again, completely invisible. Half an hour ago, this place was still a **** killing battlefield.

"Meet His Majesty King Daqin, Lord Death in Running City!"

After the servants cleaned the room, Granger waved back the servants, and the servants got out of the room. This guy knelt down in front of Xiao Feng and his small phalanx.

Several people in Yingkuo were stunned. Xiao Feng pushed away the guards and looked at Granger who was kneeling in front of him with a smile.

"How do you know that I am the Death God of Running City?"

Compared to the King of the Great Qin Kingdom, Xiao Feng prefers the title of Death God in Running City, because this title is more shocking in this era.

"Enlightenment, Lord Grim Reaper, in fact, in the past few years, I have been in correspondence with my junior brother. The last time I received a letter from my junior brother, we learned that His Majesty the King has taken people to the south to rescue us. As soon as I heard today that a ship from the Great Qin Kingdom arrived at our Shapingzhou, I knew it was you."

"Oh? Since you have been in correspondence with your junior brother, why do your junior brothers keep inviting you to my Great Qin country, but you never go?"

"Hi, isn't it for her yet?"

This Grangueil pointed. The queen who was kneeling on the kang bed at this moment saw Grangueil kneeling to herself. This woman was also very knowledgeable about current affairs, so she actually lay on the kang bed. Xiao Feng bowed down.

Xiao Feng glanced at the woman, once at this Granger, remembering his junior brother Flammel's evaluation of him, it seems that he was right, this guy is really a love.

Flammel could have told himself that this guy went out for women in his early years, and he also had scandals with many noble ladies in the Toulon Empire, and was even the target of many nobles who were fighting for assassination.

Later, it was precisely to avoid those nobles chasing and killing them, and then went south and disappeared.

It turned out to be a dog hiding in the Chuanwu country, but this time it was even more powerful. Not only did it become a national teacher, but it also turned the king green. It was bold enough to dare to do such a thing these days.

And this old guy, according to Flammel, has to be two or three hundred years old, but he looks like this, saying that he is believed by people in his twenties.

This guy is really good at keeping his face!

It seems that this guy is really a guy with some means, Xiao Feng secretly figured it out.

At this time, the standing was a little tired, he simply came to the Kang bed in the main hall, and then sat down.

"Well, let's talk about it, what the **** is going on today."

Since this Granger had obviously had the heart to surrender, then Xiao Feng was not polite with him.

When he asked about the situation here, Granger had nothing to hide.

It turned out that in his early years, in order to avoid the pursuit of the nobles of the Toulon Empire, he crossed the green river of the country, passed through the forest of Alabama, and came to the southern border of the Methodox continent.

Here he first traveled to Leizhou Country, Chuanwu Country and Moon Dance Country and finally settled in Chuanwu Country.

At the beginning, he was still a disciple for the nobles, but later I didn’t know how to speak in the royal court. A few years ago, she got into the royal court, became a national teacher, and even hooked up with the queen.

I had a pretty good life at the beginning, but I didn't think that he was invaded by a half-orc. The king of Chuanwu Kingdom of this generation was a tyrannical person, and he was unpopular in the country.

At this time, a powerful enemy invaded again. After the elites of Chuan-Ukraine were defeated on the front line, Chuan-Ukraine's domestic collapse immediately.

The king died on the front line, and he took the queen, some ministers, and part of the royal family fled all the way south.

In the process of fleeing, they learned that Leizhou State was also over, and now only Yuewu State was still organizing resistance by relying on its geographical advantages.

"However, the king of Yuewu Country is not authentic. He is a well-known lecher. When he saw Le Yan's true face, he became malicious and wanted Le Yan to marry him. How can I agree? The two royal families of the Chuanwu Kingdom, Wuer Kaitai and Shawuer, have been inspiring Leyan to camp, and that Sha Dingchuan’s request has resulted in today’s scourge of swordsmen..."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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