My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 886: I underestimated the heroes of the world!

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When Granger said this, Xiao Feng basically understood it.

It should be this Granger and the queen hooked up, then Wuer Kaitai and Shawuer knew about it a long time ago, and have been dissatisfied with them for a long time.

After they fled to the Moon Dance Kingdom, Sha Dingchuan, the king of the Moon Dance Kingdom, coveted the queen's beauty again, and wanted to accept the queen.

Reminiscent of the situation introduced by the little official who took them ashore before, the king of the Moonwu Kingdom allocated tens of thousands of people in their Chuanwu Kingdom to such a small output, even the birds did not come to shit. On the desert island, it was obvious that they were wearing small shoes.

It is estimated that he wanted to force the queen to agree to his terms, and Granger and the queen were naturally unwilling.

But Wuer Kaitai and Shawuer are in various thoughts, and they want to dedicate their emperor's wife to Sha Dingchuan in exchange for prosperity.

And today's sudden appearance here is actually just an introduction to their rebellion.

Even if Granger's introduction was not detailed, Xiao Feng basically made up for the situation here.

"Then what do you plan to do in the future?"

Xiao Feng smiled and glanced at the veiled queen beside him, then turned his head and looked at Granger and asked.

Grangueil and the queen looked at each other first, then Grangueil gritted his teeth.

"This Chuanwu Kingdom is also dead. Since entering the Chuanwu Kingdom, there has been no such person as Queen Leyan, the King of Chuanwu. We are willing to transfer the remaining 30,000 people from Chuanwu Kingdom to the Great Qin Kingdom and become a commoner. ."

In this era, to be a queen, there must be a big family behind the Le Yan clan.

Even if the Chuanwu Kingdom died, it would take a lot of courage to ask her to abandon her family and follow Granger to the Great Qin Kingdom thousands of miles away.

But if the two want to be together, they can only choose to defect to the Great Qin Kingdom, because if their story goes out, it must be crusted by other human nobles.

After all, compared to their entanglement, the nobles are even more unacceptable that they have broken the class order, which means subversion of the class.

In this year, nobles have been nobles for their entire lives, and their descendants are nobles. Even if Granger is a powerful wizard with magical skills, he can't break the class barrier. What's more, he is the wife of the royal family?

If you let him spread it out alive, wouldn't this tell everyone in the world that they can learn something?

So if Xiao Feng and Da Qin were not there, it would be difficult for them even if they wanted to remain anonymous.

"By the way, I heard from your junior brother, you are very good at regeneration from severed limbs?"

Since you want to take refuge in my great Qin country, you must have value. Our country is not a garbage recycling station. Xiao Feng's meaning is very clear.

In the process of communicating with his junior and younger brother, Granger also learned about the Death God of Running City and was very interested in his ‘medicine skills’.

And the guy who can be a national teacher naturally has a Qiqiao and exquisite heart. Hearing Xiao Feng's question, Granger naturally understood what Xiao Feng meant.

"Yes, your Majesty, I do have some specialties in this respect."

This is not the time to be humble, so Granger gave a positive answer if he did his part.


Xiao Feng raised his eyebrows, and Granger immediately shouted at the door, and then a guard walked in.

Granger motioned the guard to come to Xiao Feng and the others, and then asked him to lift the trouser legs of the two trousers.

Xiao Feng took a closer look. The man's left and right legs were obviously in two colors, and the upper edge of the right leg was obviously connected. This right leg looked like a prosthetic leg.

"This is the reborn new leg?"

If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, Xiao Feng could hardly imagine that in this backward and ignorant era, there are actually doctors here who can perform regenerative surgery on humans.

"That's right, without them, how can I have the connections to compete with Wuer Kaitai and Shawur? The guards who accompanied me in the raid today are all patients I have treated. They are all of the Chuanwu country. A veteran who has experienced many battles was wounded on the battlefield, and eventually became disabled, and then I was treated."

Speaking of these, a look of pride naturally appeared on Grangell's face, because the one that Xiao Feng asked about was indeed his best field, so it was inevitable that he was a little bit arrogant.

"Can you tell me how you did it?"

Xiao Feng asked again, and this Granger pondered a little, then said with a smile.

"In fact, it’s okay. The reason why I stayed in Chuanwu is also because there is a magical inland sea in the Chuanwu State. There are many magical creatures in this sea area, such as magical creatures under the water Corals, and a magical jellyfish..."

This Granger told Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng finally understood it conceptually.

It turned out that Grangell used this coral to make human bones, and then used the nerves of the magic jellyfish to make tentacles. After that, he used a kind of magic material that he had never heard of to make a human body. Muscles and skin were finally connected to a broken limb.

After Xiao Feng listened to his description, he felt as if he was stunned.

Originally, he thought that this guy used some kind of technology in the future to cut his limbs and grow out of his own accord.

It turned out that it was not. He used all the magical materials on this planet to make substitutes for broken limbs of humans and installed them on humans.

The most important thing is that these substitutes have no rejection reaction after contact with the human body, and the connection is still very successful.

In fact, scientists on Earth have been searching for such materials, but they have not been very successful.

For example, although 3D technology is very advanced, many laboratories say that they have successfully used 3D technology to create artificial bones, but not many of them are used on the human body.

At present, in orthopedic surgery, doctors use the most substitutes for titanium alloys, such as hip joints and ankle joints.

Because artificial bones are still more or less inadequate, some are not hard enough, some will have rejection reactions after implantation for a period of time, and some will be corroded by body fluids.

Therefore, the first choice for orthopedic surgery is to choose titanium alloy substitutes, but they can only replace hip joints and ankle joints.

For patients with severe disability, titanium alloy bones cannot be used to replace leg bone implants or arm bone implants.

Because titanium alloy is not bone after all, even if it is made into the shape of bones, there are no small seams like bones in the bones. The bone marrow cannot circulate into these bones, and these bones lose their hematopoietic function.

Without hematopoietic function, connective tissues such as fascia attached to bones, blood vessels, muscles, and nerve tissues cannot get enough nutrients to survive.

Therefore, such titanium alloy artificial bones are not suitable for regenerative surgery of severed limbs.

It is said that scientists on the earth have been looking for the most suitable substitutes for human bones, and for now, a certain type of coral is the most suitable.

Coral is made up of the corpses of coral polyps, but in fact the main component is calcium, and there are very fine gaps in the middle, which is very suitable for the survival and circulation of bone marrow.

The most important thing is that the bones polished out of coral will not produce rejection reactions after being implanted in the human body.

Therefore, in the medical laboratory of the University of Cincinnati in the United States, there has been an attempt to use coral to make substitutes for human bones and perform regeneration surgery for severed limbs.

And I have already made many capsules, and the postoperative results are good.

Of course, the surgery they performed is mainly for the kind of comminuted fractures, the bones are broken, but the muscles, blood vessels and nerves can still be repaired.

Replace the bones with coral polished substitutes, while muscles, blood vessels and nerves, continue to be used after repair, this can only be said to be a bone replacement surgery, not a severed limb regeneration but a severed limb regeneration surgery The most troublesome problem for doctors is, even if you find a suitable bone substitute, what about the nerves?

This is the most troublesome problem!

Blood vessels can currently be manufactured by 3D printing, but nerve tissue can be manufactured. At present, people cannot manufacture artificial neurons.

Without neurons, even if bones and muscle tissue are attached to you, there is no way for you to control the severed limbs connected?

And this Granger gave a magical answer. He found a kind of magical jellyfish in an inland sea of ​​Chuanwu country.

As we all know, a jellyfish is actually a bunch of simple neuronal cell tissues, especially his tentacles, which are actually a string of exposed neuronal cells.

And this Granger was actually very genius to use these jellyfish cells instead of human neurons.

According to him, after he connected the tentacles of these jellyfish to the human nerves, it took only a day for both sides to grow into one body, and there was no rejection at all, and no side effects.

It is exactly the same as the regeneration of human nerves, and with the nerve thread, the subsequent amputation operation is more than half successful.

After finding a suitable laurel tree, take the flesh of the laurel tree and make it according to the shape of the muscles of the human body, and then use the diameter tube inside the laurel tree to make blood vessels, which are connected to the muscle tissues and blood vessels of the human body.

The most important thing is to bury the nerves in the replacement muscle tissues, and then a wonderful reaction occurred, and finally the two sides merged.

The final composite is a new limb that is completely replaced.

After hearing this, Xiao Feng couldn't help sighing about the magic of the Creator. There are so many creatures on this planet that there will be no rejection reaction when connected to the human body. I have to say that the Creator really loves this planet so much.

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