My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 887: 0 island country

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"Oh? Why?"

After listening to Granger’s description, Xiao Feng felt that the operation was very simple?

"How can it be that simple? The first problem is to correct the coral's body shape. Make sure that it is the same length and thickness as the injured person's other hand and foot. This is very difficult. The shortest one requires one month of careful polishing. And one is improperly operated. , All previous efforts will be abandoned, and the entire material will be scrapped."

When Granger said this, Xiao Feng understood that if you want to undergo regeneration surgery for a severed limb, you must first make sure that this bone is the same shape as the bones of another hand and foot.

This is a difficult problem, because in this era, there is no modern machine tool processing, it can only be made by hand after observation by the human eye.

If one is not good, there will indeed be the end of all previous efforts.

If you don't polish it well, just connect it to someone. It is very likely that there will be problems with long and short feet, or thick and thin legs.

Even if it is connected, it is possible that he is a **** and still has a disability.

Even in the field of modern medicine, this kind of surgery is a problem in orthopedics.

For example, in orthopedics, it is often necessary for doctors to bring in scary guys such as electric saws and electric drills, because the materials need to be corrected.

Those titanium alloy substitutes can be very hard, so the orthopedic surgeon must not only have a lot of strength, but also be very good at orthopedics.

Otherwise, if the replacement product is implanted in the patient, even if the corners and corners are not repaired, it will often cause inflammation and cause pain and other problems to the patient.

And if the bone substitute made of this coral is used, it is much easier to polish, and even X-rays can be used to determine the length of the other bone before the operation.

Then, based on this, the coral substitute is polished on the machine tool to keep it consistent with the bone data of the other leg or arm.

Xiao Feng figured out this joint and felt relieved. This problem was a problem for Granger, but it was not difficult for him to solve.

"There is also the problem of postoperative recovery. Although we have tissues that can replace muscles, blood vessels, nerves, and even bones, we have not found suitable skin substitutes. Therefore, after the operation is completed, we have to face the hurdle of sepsis. If the patient can survive, then the operation will be successful, if not, then..."

When Granger said this, Xiao Feng understood that the wound infection problem was also faced here.

Let me just say, the operation will be as simple as that.

But this is also not a problem for Xiao Feng. If he goes to his Sunshine Burn Hospital, the artificial skin problem has already been resolved.

Skin regeneration is now the signature technology of their Sunshine Burn Hospital. The technology is the only one in the country, and it can even be said that the world is the leader.

He nodded, then asked again.

"Then those corals, jellyfish, and other laurel trees you mentioned can only grow in the waters of Chuanwu Country?"

Granger looked at Xiao Feng in a daze for a long time. No wonder Junior Brother said that this mage was a shrewd guy, and he could ask every word about it!

He gritted his teeth: "Of course not. I have been studying these kinds of products for so long in the country of Sichuan and Wu, and what kind of environment they are suitable for. Now I have successfully mastered the method of artificially breeding them."


Xiao Feng slapped his slap happily. Such a Granger is a mage worthy to him.

If he leaves Chuanwu country, he will not be able to complete the amputated limb regeneration operation, and he will have no existential value.

"You are welcome to join Grangell, of course you'd better not lie to me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

A big rock in Granger's heart finally landed. With Xiao Feng's words, it meant that the Great Qin Congress provided him with asylum.

Even if Le Yan's relatives disagree, the matter between them, or other princes and nobles, are still dissatisfied with their affairs, but they can do nothing.

He had heard about the power of the Great Qin Kingdom. He had a few head-on regrets with half-orcs. Not only did he not suffer, but he also beat the half-orcs to their feet. What kind of ability is this?

And here, Leizhou Kingdom and Chuanwu Kingdom were all destroyed by half-orcs, and even Moon Dance Kingdom was beaten up with heavy losses.

"Okay, let's not talk about it yet. First, tell me what is going on here? What is the strength of Moon Dance Country, how long can they support it?"

"Okay Your Majesty! In fact, it has been five years since the Orcs came out of the Alabama Forest and invaded the southern border. The Chuanwu Kingdom, which was facing the enemy at first, was caught off guard, and only persisted for more than a year before being wiped out. Then there was the Leizhou State. Because of the warnings of the Chuanwu State and the integration of the defeated army of the Chuanwu State, Leizhou State lasted a little longer, almost two years. However, it was eventually destroyed by the half-orcs. After that, the Orcs renovated for a while..."

When Xiao Feng heard this, he knew that it was the half-orcs who had been attacked by him from the back, and then the whole army marched north, taking advantage of the time he was not in the counterattack.

That time, they were pushed back to the city of Runliu. Fortunately, I came back in time to repel them, but this also gave the Moon Dance Country to the south a buffer time.

"...Through this period of time, the Moon Dance Kingdom heightened and strengthened the castle, used the rivers in the country to deploy multiple defense lines, and at the same time rectified the defeated forces of the Chuanwu Kingdom and Leizhou Kingdom, and also trained more of its own country The troops. It was these preparations that allowed them to resist until today..."

"Did they suffer serious losses?"

Xiao Feng asked again, and Granger pondered for a moment.

"It is serious because they have lost a lot of land, but it is not serious because they have maintained a large domestic population."

"Oh? How did they do it?"

Hearing what Granger said, Xiao Feng couldn't help but become interested in this Moon Dance Country.

"In fact, the main reason is that before the half-orcs launched their offensive, they had transferred most of the population of the country to the island. In fact, the land area of ​​the Moon Dance Country on the road is not large, and his land is mainly dependent on There are many islands on the sea. This country, within its borders, is densely covered with islands. It used to be nicknamed the country of a thousand islands.

Hearing what Granger said, Xiao Feng couldn't help being more interested in this country of a thousand islands.

"Oh? Do you have a map of this country here? Show it to me!"

"There are some, but it's just some simple maps."

Granger asked his attendants to take out a simple map of the southern border of the Methodox Continent from the back, hung it on the front wall, and then pointed out the location of the Moon Dance Kingdom to Xiao Feng.

To tell the truth, in Xiao Feng's eyes, the level of drawing this map is the level of elementary school students.

But under Grangell's explanation, the general situation can be seen clearly.

From the shape of the southern border of the Mesodis continent, it looks very similar to the topography of South Asia on the earth.

And this Moon Dance Kingdom is located at the southernmost tip of the mainland. Judging from the map, the area of ​​their land on the mainland is really small.

But not far from the mainland, there are three big islands that belong to them. From the map, you can see that these islands are not small in size and have different shapes.

Outside of these three big islands, around the big island and the coastline, there are also thousands of large and small islands scattered around, all of which are the territory of the Moon Dance Kingdom.

The Shaping Chau where they are now is one of them, but it is a very barren kind.

"There are mainly three large islands, one is Delta Island, the other is Anji Island, and the other is Liu'an Island. These three large islands are very large in area. They are large enough to accommodate their citizens, so in the Orcs Before the invasion, they transferred most of the people in the country to these three islands."

"Yeah! So where is the last line of defense of Moon Dance Country now?"

"It's here, Wuzhizhou Peninsula."

Granger pointed to the southernmost peninsula on the map, extending from the mainland to the sea. When he looked at this peninsula, Xiao Feng thought of the Leizhou Peninsula in China.

The shapes are very similar, narrow and long.

The line of defense of the Moondance Kingdom is at the widest part of the peninsula and the mainland, and the army of the Moondance Kingdom can hold this line of defense.

The main thing is that they dug a canal in front of the position according to the topography. This canal completely cut the Wuzhizhou Peninsula and the mainland into two sections.

"At present, the defenders of the Moon Dance Kingdom and the army of the Orcs are facing each other on both sides of the canal. There has been no war for more than half a month, but I guess this should be the Orcs brewing a fierce attack."

Granger gave a briefing on the situation, and Xiao Feng nodded.

Not to mention, that Sha Dingzhou, the king of the Moon Dance Kingdom, in addition to being a bit lustful, he did have some talent in commanding.

At the very least, he can stand for two years under the strong attack of half-orcs, and can transfer all the people to the island, which is considered to be a great contribution to mankind.

"But the moon dance country is not so good here."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"A few days ago, I heard that Sha Dingzhou, the king of the Moon Dance Kingdom, suddenly got a strange disease. Now he is vomiting and diarrhea every day, and there is no sign of getting better. Maybe he may belch, and if he does If he dies, the Moon Dance Country will be over. Because his two sons don't accept anyone. They all want to be kings!"


When Xiao Feng heard this, he couldn't help sighing. It's about time. He didn't forget to fight for power. It really is a human characteristic.

Granger on the other side also shook his head, and then continued to explain to Xiao Feng.

"His eldest son, Shagheri, wants to force the princess of the Toulon Empire. Karbin marries him, and then integrates the Toulon Empire and the remnants of the Leizhou Kingdom. And the second son, Sharjah, seems to have the same idea. Although it has not been clarified yet, the contradiction between the two parties is no longer reconcilable."

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