My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 888: Subjugated princess

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"Oh? It sounds like this Princess Carbin, or a third party here?"

When Xiao Feng heard this, he couldn't help but become interested in this subjugated princess.

The opposite Granger nodded: "Yes, this woman has great ambitions, but the strength she currently has is really no better than the two princes of the Moon Dance Kingdom. But she is indeed a very capable person. woman."

Granger described the profile of the Princess Carbin to Xiao Feng. It turned out that after the Toulon Empire was destroyed, she took the remaining royal family and hundreds of thousands of citizens, and the soldiers sailed all the way south to her. The mother's home country Leizhou country.

Her mother used to be the princess of Leizhou State, but after she arrived in Leizhou State, the news she brought back did not get the attention of Leizhou State.

There are even many people who are unruly towards her because of her beauty.

From that time on, she would only be the navy of the Toulon Empire, and she continued southward and entered the territory of the Moon Dance Kingdom, but this time she did not land.

Instead, he directly commanded the soldiers and forcibly occupied Luan Island, the largest overseas of the Moon Dance Kingdom, and placed the citizens and soldiers of the Toulon Empire on the island.

At that time, the army of half-orcs hadn't come over, and Moon Dance Kingdom didn't pay much attention to these overseas islands.

Although the area of ​​Liu'an Island is large, there were not many people living on the island at that time, that is, a few small fishing villages and hundreds of fishermen.

This Princess Karbin, in the name of the ship stranded, forcibly occupied the island, and also gave the Moon Dance country a step.

Of course, every year, she gave the Moon Dance Nation no gold and silver treasures, and drove the power officials who purchased the Moon Dance Country. The main power of the Moon Dance Nation at that time was still on the mainland, so she didn't take her seriously.

Later, Chuanwu Kingdom and Leizhou Kingdom were defeated by half-orcs and destroyed the country one after another. She sent out a fleet of ships and went ashore to collect the population. In addition, within the territory of Moon Dance Kingdom, she also constantly fled overseas and arrived on her island. People.

In just one year, the population she ruled exceeded one million, and she took root on this island of Liu'an.

After hearing Granger's introduction, Xiao Feng couldn't help but sigh that this Princess Carbin is really a strange woman.

Sure enough, his wrists are powerful enough, and he is indeed an incredible figure to earn himself such a family business in troubled times.

"...When Leizhou State and Chuanwu State were destroyed one after another, Shadingzhou of Moon Dance State began to pay attention to these overseas islands and began to emigrate the domestic people to the islands. Only then did he discover that, This Karbin has become a tyrant in Moondance Nation. However, there are half-orcs invaded outside, and there is a chaotic and collapsed social order inside, so he has no intention of managing Karbin. As long as Karbin still obeys his command, Just give it up."

Xiao Feng nodded, not to mention that this Sha Dingzhou is lustful, but there is still some ability.

But his two **** sons didn't seem to be so arrogant anymore. Before the father died, the two were already preparing to fight for the throne.

Even the women they dare not to provoke, the two of them actually dreamed that they wanted to marry someone into the house and integrate resources. I really don't know what these brothers thought.

"The current situation is like this. If Sha Dingzhou dies, I am afraid that before the Orcs come over, the Canal Front will collapse. Shagheri and Sharjah will definitely start an internal fight. At that time, the Wuzhizhou Peninsula will definitely not be defended. Live, retreat to the island, you can guarantee safety for a while, but after a long time, who knows if the orcs who integrate human resources will develop a tyrannical navy?"

Definitely, half-orcs are not fools. Xiao Feng has learned their war wisdom.

Maybe they did not make much progress in development and construction, but in terms of war and conquest, these guys are natural military experts.

If not, they would not force all humans to be like this.

"How many people live on these islands in Moon Dance Country?"

Xiao Feng asked casually.

"Almost five million, right?"


Hearing this data, Xiao Feng was shocked at the time. To know that his Great Qin Kingdom has a population of more than one million now.

And there are more than five million people living here?

"If you add some hidden natives on the island, there should be more than six million!"

Granger gave an affirmative reply at last, and Xiao Feng immediately became calm.

Originally, the purpose of his trip was to come here to have a look, and if appropriate, to take a group of people back.

As for the war between humans and half-orcs here, he depends on the situation to decide whether to intervene.

But now when he thought that there were more than six million people living on these islands, he made up his mind. He was settled on this war.

There is no need for the Moon Dance Country, but these populations must be preserved.

Even for the long-term stability of his Great Qin Kingdom in the future, this Moon Dance Kingdom really doesn't need to exist anymore.

And if you want to get rid of Moondance Country, that Princess Karbin, it is necessary to meet her.

"Grangell, please contact Princess Carbin. I want to meet her."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, this bag is on me. I'm on Ru'an Island and I have some friends."

Three days later, Xiao Feng came to Liu'an Island. In fact, he had already arrived on the outskirts of Liu'an Island three days ago, but he was not in a hurry to land on the island.

Instead, let Victory circle the island, he wanted to see how big the island really is.

But the real situation surprised him. The area of ​​this island is definitely larger than the area of ​​the treasure island he knows. If it is really compared, it is estimated to be a little smaller than the Sumatra Island on earth.

Moreover, the island has a typical tropical island climate, with dense jungles and a lot of rain. In the past few days they have circled the island, there have been three heavy rains on the island and the nearby sea.

It seems that if this island is developed, it will not be a problem to feed tens of millions of people.

This day he finally got news from Granger, Princess Carbin, and agreed.

Xiao Feng simply let Ying Kuo take the Victory into the only port on the island, Port Kelan!

This port used to be the seat of a small fishing village. Later, after Princess Carbin arrived with the remnants of the Toulon Empire, she landed here on the island.

Because the port conditions here are not to mention, the water is deep and surrounded by mountains, blocking the ocean currents and storms from the ocean, so they built this Port of Kiran here.

The navy of the Toulon Empire was also stationed here.

The Imperial Fleet currently has a total of 24 warships, all of which are three-story warships. Even when compared with the navy of the Moon Dance Kingdom, their strength is not much better.

But when the 4,000-ton Victory sailed into Kieran Port, the harbour was immediately messed up.

Standing on the platform outside the palace on the ridge behind the harbour, Princess Karbin, who overlooks the Port of Kieran, also opened her mouth wide in surprise by this giant ship!

"This is the navy of the Great Qin Empire?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is the battleship Victory on which our Majesty is riding!"

Granger, who was standing behind the princess, had an expression of Rongyan at this time. Indeed, when he saw the Victory parked in the harbor after dawn, he was also stunned.

Can the people of Qin build such a big battleship?

How did they do it?

He thought about this question for several days and didn't understand it. Later, he simply didn't think about it. Anyway, he will be a citizen of the Great Qin Kingdom.

At this time, seeing the surprised look on Princess Carbin's face, he was naturally very happy.

You must know that two days ago, he convinced Princess Carbin, and when he met Xiao Feng, the princess was still very proud.

She even believed that she was a liar and cut her head because she had never heard of the Great Qin Empire.

If it weren't for his clever tongue, plus he still has a few friends who are important ministers of Princess Carbin, these people helped persuade him, he might not have seen the Victory enter Hong Kong today!

And today, your Majesty’s Victory has a face!

The blond and tall Princess Carbin stood on the large platform outside the palace, watching the huge ship in the distance put down a small boat, and soon a group of people landed ashore.

Then this group of people, accompanied by the imperial city guard, soon came to his palace.

"Have seen your Royal Highness!"

"Have seen your Majesty!"

Looking at Xiao Feng, who was wearing a bright armor, Karbin suddenly felt his heart jump wildly. The Lord of the Great Qin Kingdom seemed to be very young!

And it looks so handsome!

At this time, Xiao Feng took out a letter from his arms and asked him to pass it to Princess Carbin.

And this letter is Kayla. Du Kaidi wrote to the princess.

Duchess Dukaidi was also a prominent family in the Toulon Empire. She had studied under the same academician as Princess Carbin, and even had some blood relatives from afar.

The two are also considered to know each other, but the relationship is not too close.

However, before Xiao Feng's departure this time, Kayla still wrote a letter to Karbin.

In the letter, on the one hand, he introduced his current situation, and on the other hand, he also introduced the situation of the Great Qin State.

And Princess Carbin, after reading this letter, she really relaxed a lot.

Because the master of the Great Qin Kingdom, but Kayla's husband, he and himself are relatives.

And she has repeatedly confirmed that the letter must be Kayla's handwritten letter. The letterhead is sealed with wax seal, and there is Du Kaidi's badge on it. This must not be faked.

So Kayla absolutely did not deceive her, the Death God of Running City, and his Great Qin Empire, are both real.

Thinking of the far north, there is still a human empire, and Princess Carbin, for some reason, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, your Majesty, why are you looking for me this time?"

"Alliance, I hope we can form an alliance to block the army of half-orcs north of the Grand Canal..."

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