My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 889: 1 arrow double eagle

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Xiao Feng looked at the woman opposite, she was tall and graceful, her face was tough and resolute, and she looked like a typical Western beauty.

But after learning about the princess's experience from Granger, he firmly believed that this woman was not simple.

Even if she read Kayla's letter, she understood her origin.

The woman on the opposite side was also constantly calculating at this time, what the real purpose of the man on the other side was.

"and then?"

Princess Carbin pondered for a while, and finally asked her most concerned question.

Sure enough, this woman has no small ambitions!

"what do you want?"

Xiao Feng asked with a smile, the face of Princess Carbin on the opposite side was slightly unhappy.

Xiao Feng asked too directly, which made her feel very disrespectful. If Xiao Feng had spoken to him like this when the Toulon Empire was still in the past, he would have been dragged out and hanged.

Xiao Feng also noticed Princess Carbin's displeasure, but he didn't take her seriously. This woman is very ambitious and has a tough wrist, but if she wants to get things done, she can't do without her own support.

"His Royal Highness, if we want to cooperate successfully, I think we'd better be open and honest. The situation here is very delicate. Once the current king of the Moon Dance Kingdom, Sha Dingzhou, is dead, do you think his two sons can hold on to the present? Territory?"

Xiao Feng's question is very acute, and this is what Princess Carbin is most worried about.

With Sha Dingzhou, she can hide on Liu'an Island and train soldiers to accumulate strength.

But once Sha Dingzhou died, this ingenious balance would definitely be broken. She couldn't be more clear about the virtues of Sha Dingzhou's two sons.

One is greedy and lustful, and the other is brave and intrepid. No matter who they are, these two are not suitable for inheriting the position of King of Moon Dance Kingdom.

"Not only can we not guard the territory, maybe there will be a civil war between us quickly!"

Karbin has seen through those two wine pouches, the reality is so cruel.

Once Shadingzhou is dead, then Shagheri and Sharjah will definitely fight for the throne immediately, and may even join hands to deal with themselves first.

And with her current strength, she definitely couldn't stop the two brothers from jointly attacking.

"So, if you agree to my terms, then I will help you to restore the country of Toulon!"

With a sound of ‘wow’, Princess Carbin stood up abruptly, Xiao Feng’s words pointed to her heart.

Recovering the homeland and rebuilding the kingdom, but she has long-cherished wish for a long time, but she has never said these words to others, and now the king of the Great Qin Empire actually promised to help him restore the empire, how can Princess Carbin bear it? .

"Are you serious?"

"Why should I lie to you?"

"Then how are you going to help me?"

"Then I will tell you the truth. I want to regain my homeland now. I'm afraid it's not realistic. But I can help you swallow Moondance Country, which is across the sea from the mainland. Half-orcs will not build ships for a while. Come, so you can cultivate your voice and accumulate strength here. As for the future? It depends on the timing."

Xiao Feng's remarks were very simple, but it was precisely this kind of expression without bragging that moved Princess Carbin at once.

Because she is also a very realistic person, she also knows that it is very unrealistic to regain her homeland in the current situation.

In fact, her idea was to look for opportunities and swallow Moon Dance Country, but it was a pity that she had not had that strength before.

But now with the help of the King of the Great Qin Kingdom, this seems not impossible.

"So what do you want?"

"People! I think there are about four or five million people living on this island, and the living conditions are not very good? Once there is a military disaster here, many people will not be able to live, so I hope to take them away and resettle them. My country. Besides, for you, if there are too many citizens of Moondance Country, it will be a destabilizing factor. What do you think?"

Although Xiao Feng was talking with a smile, his smile looked terrible to Karbin.

As a princess who has learned the way of king and dominion, she certainly knows the importance of population to a country. If Xiao Feng moves all the population of Moon Dance Country, then what is the use of her swallowing Moon Dance Country?

But Xiao Feng's words are right. Once a military disaster occurs, how many of these people will survive?

Moreover, the number of citizens of the Moon Dance Country is so large that it is indeed an unstable factor for him.

If she was not on the front line against the orcs, and if she was given a longer time, she would be able to digest the population slowly.

But the problem is that she doesn't have time, and the current environment does not allow her to make any mistakes.

"Well, three million for you."

"No, four million!"

Xiao Feng said with a smile, with Carbin's ability and the production capacity of the population on the big islands where they are located, it would be enough to feed two million people.

No matter how many people are left to her, they will end up starving to death, but if these people are transported back to the stable rear of the Pennivera Peninsula, it will cause the strength of his Great Qin Kingdom to explode exponentially.

"Okay! Just four million."

Karbin thought for a while. There were many women, children, old and weak on the island. These people were a drag in the war years, and they would die if they stayed on the island.

It's no problem to give all these people to Xiao Feng, so the transaction between the two parties was concluded.


Three days later, Sha Dingzhou, the old king of the Moon Dance Kingdom, took his last breath in the camp on the front line of the canal.

However, his two sons kept secret, instead they gave Karbin, who was hiding on Liu'an Island, an order.

The front line was tight, so Karbin immediately led 30,000 horses to the canal front line to support.

If it were in the past, Karbin would definitely not agree, but this time she ordered her soldiers and horses together and boarded the warship and went straight to the front of the canal.

After sailing for two days and two nights, they finally reached the Grand Canal of Wuzhizhou Peninsula, but the sky was full of gunpowder smoke.

The orcs have chosen to cross the river at this time!

The canal defense line is a canal that Sha Dingzhou commanded soldiers to excavate in Wuzhizhou Peninsula, the narrowest place connected with the mainland.

The entire canal is fifteen kilometers long and three kilometers wide. Soldiers from the Moon Dance Kingdom are guarding on the south bank of the canal.

The half-orcs had tried several times before forcibly crossing, but they were all unsuccessful, so the two sides have been confronting each other along the river.

The camp of the Moon Dance Kingdom is located on the south bank of the canal.

Standing on the bow of the Victory, holding the binoculars Xiao Feng assigned to her, Princess Carbin was observing the battlefield in front. The expression on his face is overcast and sunny.

"Your Majesty, you'd better ensure the success of this plan. If not, the Wuzhizhou Peninsula will not be able to be defended. We humans will lose the last fulcrum on the mainland. If the orcs occupy here, catch The craftsmen who live in the peninsula shipyard can force them to build big ships to attack our island."

It turned out that this battle was naturally caused by Xiao Feng.

On the day when Sha Dingzhou, the king of the Moon Dance Kingdom, died, he chose to disclose the news to the Orcs through some special channels.

He even deliberately asked Karbin's men to throw a few boats over to the orcs.

And the Orcs did not live up to his expectations, and very cleverly adopted the leapfrog tactic.

It turned out that there are dozens of islands, large and small, in the sea on both sides of the canal, close to the mainland.

As for the people of Moondance Country, the most closely guarded place was originally the Grand Canal.

And the half-orcs with the boat chose to send an elite team to bypass the canal defense line and take the sea route to attack the islands, and then use the leapfrog tactics from the island to jump onto the Wuzhizhou Peninsula and bypass the canal. Line of defense.

This is the battle on the shore!

Looking at the situation in the telescope, the half-orcs had the absolute upper hand at this time, and the camp of the Moon Dance Kingdom was in chaos.

Obviously, the orcs suddenly appeared behind the big camp, completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Originally, the fighting power was not as good as the half-orcs, and at this time, it was even more hurriedly beaten by the half-orcs.

On one side were the elite half-orcs killed from behind the camp, and on the other side, the half-orcs also began to release simple wooden rafts from the front of the defense line and began to forcefully cross the river.

At this time, the defense line of Moon Dance Kingdom is completely messed The warships in the canal defense line, some people want to land to support the camp, and some people want to use boats to stop those half. Orc's wooden sign.

As a result, there was confusion in his thoughts, and he immediately made a mess. The big camp behind, under the fierce attack of the elite half-orcs team, had begun to show signs of collapse, and some people had even begun to flee.

Seeing such a situation, Princess Carbin really didn't know if it was the right choice to follow Xiao Feng's plan.

Looking at Xiao Feng next to him, this guy didn't seem to be in a hurry.

"Don't worry, wait, wait for the half-orcs to help you get rid of the two sons of the Sha family, and we are intervening. With them, you don't need to carry infamy, which can reduce your resistance to conquer people. , After we sweep over the Orcs, it will also help you build up an image of bravery. Believe me, this strategy of two birds with one stone can't be wrong."

Carbin still felt a guilty conscience as he watched the men next to him talk freely.

"You seem very confident?"

Xiao Feng put down his binoculars, turned his head and glanced at her: "If I don't have such confidence, how can I create a huge empire with my bare hands?"

Karbin was not talking, so he could only hide his embarrassment by raising the telescope.

She didn't understand Xiao Feng's strength, but he was right. Without that strength, he would never be able to master an empire with his bare hands.

"Shagheri appeared!"

Karbin screamed, with a hint of excitement in his voice, and after waiting for a long time he finally saw the Lord.

And the elite team of half-orcs obviously also found the target of their trip, and the elephant warrior who led the team even screamed and rushed towards the target with a whistling.

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