My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 890: Killing machine

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Xiao Feng has fought with half-orcs countless times, and he has a deep understanding of these half-orcs.

These guys may not have made any achievements in construction, but on the battlefield, they are natural soldiers.

Maybe their brains are not very bright at ordinary times, but they have this unique and extraordinary war wisdom in the war.

This can be clearly felt from the half-orc generals who have fought with him. Every time he fights with those guys, every time a frontal battle encounters an unfavorable situation, the half-orc commander can always think Come up with some ways to deal with it.

Therefore, Xiao Feng had long anticipated that they would choose the combat method of the elite coming over and attacking.

And the performance of the orcs on the battlefield was exactly the same as he had guessed.

Sure enough, elite fighters were dispatched. There were three elephant warriors in front of them, followed by lion warriors, tiger elites, and a few python archers at the end.

Such half-orcs formed an elite assault team, which is simply rampant in the human camp, and people resist killing.

And the soldiers of the Moon Dance Kingdom, although they have fought the Orcs for many years, they still have no rules in the way they deal with the Orcs.

When they rushed, they swarmed, and they didn't even know how to maintain the formation, let alone form a large square formation like the infantry of the Great Qin Empire.

And their way of dealing with half-orcs is undoubtedly the most stupid one. It is clear that their size, strength, and fighting skills are not dominant, but they still choose to head-to-head.

Those who take the lead are undoubtedly brave, but even in bravery, in front of the elephant warriors, they will end up hitting rocks with pebbles.

The human soldier who took the lead was probably a warrior-level warrior. He was two meters tall, but in front of an elephant warrior who was more than five meters tall, he looked like a child.

Without a chance to get close, he was split in half, and the team of soldiers who rushed up with these warriors were quickly killed by the lion warrior and the tiger-head warrior who rushed up from behind the elephant man. .

The Elephant Warrior is like an invincible heavy tank on the battlefield. It takes the lead in front, and there is no semi-combined general in front of him.

The lion warriors and tiger-head warriors who guarded him are also people blocking and killing people. Just a dozen elite teams are rushing from left to right on the battlefield, looking at each other.

Soon he rushed to a place only thirty meters away from that Shagheri. When Shagheri saw that the momentum was not good, he immediately greeted the guards around him and turned around and was about to flee.

But how quickly did he pass, the bow and arrow in the hands of the python longbowman flashed a white light, and the guy was nailed to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Carbin standing at the bow of the ship couldn't help but sigh, and the most difficult Shagary actually died like this.

"Look, isn't that over there, Sharjah?"

Xiao Feng reminded him again that Karbin quickly turned the telescope and looked at the other side of the camp.

I saw a guy wearing bright silver armor, riding a horse, rushing towards the west gate of the camp under the guard of a team of attendants.

But when I arrived at the door, I heard a bang from the door, and then the door collapsed, and all the people waiting were smashed under the door by the door.

The elephant man rushing over from behind the gate stepped on the wooden gate...

Far away, when Karbin saw such a scene, he felt his bones hurt. This scene was terrifying.

Those who were under the door must have been trampled on by two elephant men into mud.

"Yes, it should be Sharjah."

"Well, since they have already died, it should be our debut. Yingkuo, the warship speeds up!"

Xiao Feng ignored Karbin's reaction and greeted Ying Kuo behind him.

"Speed ​​up, speed up..."

The shouts from the ship were endless, and Karbin felt his body shook suddenly, and then he felt the battleship under his feet jump out ahead of him like a wild horse.

To be honest, she hasn't figured it out very much. The boat has no sails and no oars, but how does it drive?

The Victory rushed in the direction of the entrance of the canal, and the sailing ships of Toulon lined up in a line behind and followed all the way.

The canal was actually widened based on the original river, so the river is three kilometers wide, and in order to prevent half-orcs from crossing the river, the depth is more than ten meters deep.

In this era, this is definitely a big project, and because of this, Xiao Feng dared to drive the Victory directly into the canal.

Of course, there is another reason because his boat is equipped with a combination of diesel engine and propeller power. If it is pure sail power, he would not dare to let people drive the boat into the canal.

The appearance of the Victory at the mouth of the canal quickly attracted the attention of everyone on the battlefield.

A battleship full of nearly 7,000 tons is definitely a well-deserved giant in this era.

At this time, many half-orcs had passed through the canal and boarded the opposite bank on the raft, but there were more rafts, just halfway through, just in the center of the canal.

And this giant ship, sailing into the heart of the river, directly knocked over the wooden platoons and broke them. The wooden platoons carried werewolves and light infantry such as kobolds.

But these light infantry are also wearing armor.

These armored soldiers fell into the river, and there was only one end, and that was drowning, even if they were good at water.

The hippo and crocodile men who are already good at water are like toys in front of this huge ship.

Even though they are huge on the land, they rarely meet rivals, but in the water, in front of the 7,000-ton giant ship, they are just little dolls.

The collision angle in front of the giant ship can separate their heads with a light touch, and even if they dodge the collision angle in front, the propellers behind cannot escape.

Xiao Feng did not purchase the copper propellers. To deal with these guys, it would be like chopping melons and vegetables.

Of course, Xiao Feng was also distressed about the propellers, for fear that these guys would damage the propellers, so he quickly ordered the helmsman to avoid these amphibious fighters as much as possible.

Of course, the archers on the deck can also take care of these guys. The orc warriors who are crossing the river have no resistance to the archers on the ship.

In a moment, hundreds of people were shot dead and wounded. In such a river, once shot and wounded, it is no different from being shot to death.

"Open the launch hole, prepare, aim, release..."

The firing holes on the upper, middle and lower decks of the battleship were all opened, and one ballista was pushed down on the gun position, fixed, and loaded. Then, in the whistle of the gunner, the gunners ordered the string and placed the incendiary bombs. Then the gunner aimed, and finally fired the shells amidst the slogans.

One by one kerosene bomb pierced the night sky, carrying a perfect parabola, and smashed into the camp of the orcs.

On the front line of the canal on this side of the mainland, rows of orc warriors lined up in a neat phalanx, preparing to board the wooden row and cross the river to fight.

These people have become the best living targets for kerosene bombs, and kerosene bombs roaring into their camp.

The explosions of ‘boom boom boom’ are endless, and the most terrifying thing is not the explosion, but the spattering sparks after the flaming oil bomb exploded.

Those viscous liquids carry flames, and once they fly to the body, no matter how you tap them, they will not go out.

Many half-orcs jumped into the water in a panic, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies, but the flames were extinguished, but they couldn't get on the shore.

The heavy armor on their bodies became their shackles, leading them to the bottom of the canal.

Others who were smarter saw such a scene and lay down on the ground, and then let people bury themselves in soil, but the flames were finally extinguished, but the formation was completely messed up.

What's more, the huge ship is still throwing kerosene bombs over?

So the orcs battle formation by the land canal finally collapsed, because everyone saw it, standing here is waiting for death.

I didn't know which leader was the one, and started to run backwards, so more and more people followed and retreated to the inland areas.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Karbin looked completely stunned. She couldn't think of the warship at her actually having such a powerful force.

This is simply a perfect killing machine, invincible on the water!

He didn't fight melee with the orcs at all, so he rushed the wolves that the orcs had beaten.

Although she had known that the battleship at her feet was so powerful, she had never expected it to be so powerful. The might of this battleship had completely surpassed her imagination.

The horrible power of the Victory not only frightened Carbin, but even the Toulon Empire fleet that followed the Victory was also frightened by the power of the Victory.

The navy of the Toulon Empire was well versed in the level of combat power of the navy in this era. In the past, their ships had a certain advantage against the upper half orcs, but they were far less powerful than the Victory.

This Victory hit the half-orcs, just like an adult hanging and beating a child, and their role along the way was just to follow the Victory to play support and pick up people's heads.

This kind of feeling is not too cool. The water is full of hippo warriors and crocodile men who were rushed by the Victory. In the past, they were the most troublesome when confronting such amphibious orc warriors.

Because these guys are very fierce, they often hide in the bottom of the water, then suddenly rush up and attack, and they often even climb onto the boat.

But now these guys were either killed by the Victory or stunned, or they were struggling desperately in the water to avoid the Victory.

This gave them plenty of time to operate the giant crossbow on the ship and shoot these guys one by one with precision.

Having fought with half-orcs for more than ten years, these naval forces of the Toulon Empire have never been so relaxed.

Soon Victory had already crossed the canal, and then on the other side of the canal, it made a U-turn and began to turn the bow...

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