My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 891: Is this too simple?

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Princess Carbin, standing at the bow of the ship, was completely shocked by the efficiency of the Victory's slaughter.

She can go all the way south, escape to the territory of Moondance, and occupy Liu'an Island, relying on the navy of Toulon.

She knew the fighting power of the navy of Toulon very well.

As far as she knew, the navy of the Moon Dance Kingdom could compete with the navy under her.

But now it seems that the navy that she has always been proud of is completely a scum in front of the Victory of the Great Qin State.

The Victory swept along the river from the other side of the canal.

Just like sweeping a hole in a plowing court, the army of half-orcs that looked invincible before, is not even a toy in front of this giant ship.

It was just a little bit without resistance. Several desperate hippos even rushed to the front of the giant ship, smashing the meteor hammer in their hands.

It is a pity that apart from leaving a white spot on the giant ship's body, their weapons never left any traces.

Then the hippo men and crocodile men who are usually rampant and armed like iron cans are like butter that has been cut by a knife.

Being crushed and squashed by the huge ship, it sank to the bottom of the river before even wailing.

What's more terrifying is the ballistas fired from several decks of the giant ship. The kerosene shells fired by these ballistas pierced the night sky and smashed into the camp of the orcs.

Wherever the kerosene bomb went, it would immediately turn into a sea of ​​flames, and the half-orcs waiting to cross the river on the bank were the ghosts crying and howling wolves burned by the fierce blow.

With this huge ship taking the lead, the navy of Toulon following behind, felt for the first time that fighting with half-orcs could be so easy.

Even this completely turned into a one-sided massacre. They could slaughter the half-orcs on the shore and in the water without any damage.

The battle progressed here, it can be said that everything is going very smoothly, and the situation is developing in the direction they expected.

The half-orcs north of the canal set out their positions, and at this time they had completely messed up their positions.

The kerosene bombs fired by the Victory made it a mess.

The half-orc soldiers, who were completely messed up, ran all over the mountains, and the starting position had collapsed.

Not to mention the half-orcs in the river, the wooden sign they were riding on was knocked over by the huge ship, and they didn't even use the archers to shoot them to death.

The heavy equipment on them can make them sink in the canal.

The only trouble is the orc soldiers who have rushed to the south bank of the canal.

At this time they also noticed the fleet that appeared behind them, and found that the starting position had been cut off by the fleet.

The fire oil bombs launched on the Victory can also attack them indiscriminately.

When these half-orcs found that their back road was broken, they had no reinforcements, and there was a giant ship behind after they continued to fire oil bombs at them.

These half-orcs were also crazy, and they rushed to the human camp in front of them madly.

Because they all understand that the faster they rush forward, the faster they can get out of the range of the ballista on that huge ship.

The most important thing is that as long as they take the lead in destroying the human camp in front, then the human soldiers on the fleet will not land again.

Because they no longer have the strategic significance of landing, and no goal worth saving.

Karbin on the Victory also discovered the tendency of these half-orcs to go mad, at this time in the camp of the Moon Dancer.

The elite commando team led by the Elephant Man is still on a rampage, slashing and killing.

When the tens of thousands of violent half-orcs rushed up outside the camp, Karbin felt his heart cold.

Seeing this, it seems that this big camp can't be held anymore.

Although Shagheri and Sharjah are dead, if this camp is destroyed by orcs, then the human side will lose the last support point on the Wuzhizhou Peninsula.

Then Wuzhizhou Island, but there is no more danger to defend, that is, its strategic significance.

The thought of this made Karbin anxious.

"Your Majesty, what about your second plan?"

She thought of Xiao Feng telling her before she set off that he would arrange a second attack plan after the canal was blocked.

But what exactly was the attack plan at the time, he didn't tell himself.

Now the big camp of the Moon Dance Kingdom was in danger and was facing collapse at any time. She looked at Xiao Feng and waited for him to take action.

Xiao Feng looked at Carbin and smiled: "Well, it's also time."

Then he got off the boat, boarded a small boat, and swiftly headed to the shore under the stunned eyes of Carbin.

The small boat plunged into the darkness in the distance, and returned after a while, but Xiao Feng on the boat was gone.

Just when she just wanted to ask those soldiers where Xiao Feng had gone.

Suddenly, there was a huge roar on the shore, and then a huge black figure soared into the sky, whizzing towards the sky above the camp of the people of Yuewu.

There were a lot of flaming oil bombs fired by the Victory on the shore, smashing on the ground, and blazing fires from the lit bushes.

There is no lack of lighting conditions on the battlefield, so Karbin can see the dark shadows flying across the sky clearly.

She also couldn't tell what it was, but the black body and the iron pipe protruding from the front made the dragonfly-like monster look particularly hideous.

As soon as the monster flew above the big camp, a long chain of fire was ejected from the iron pipe in front.

The golden eagle men who were raging and dropping bombs in the sky above the human camp even fell from the air amidst a wailing.

Karbin saw clearly that there were two unlucky ones. One was broken into two stages by the chain of fire, and the other was even worse. It was shot directly by the volley, and the hit was disintegrated in the air.

What kind of guy is that?

Karbin felt like a layer of goose bumps all over his body, and by her side, groups of soldiers from the Great Qin Kingdom were already cheering.

"Your Majesty!"

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"


Obviously the monster flying in the air was controlled by the King of the Great Qin Kingdom.

This reminded her of some rumors. Someone seemed to have said that the king of the Great Qin Kingdom was originally a mage...

Those golden eagles who were originally the most annoying, but helpless, were shot down one by one by the black shadow in the air.

In just such a short period of time, Karbin saw that at least more than twenty were shot down.

Seeing the golden eagles falling from the sky screaming, Carbin couldn't help but his eyes began to blur.

These demons were the nightmare of the soldiers of the Toulon Empire in the decisive battle in front of the Toulon Empire eight years ago.

The heavy armored cavalry of the royal court only started to charge, but the commander was caught in the air by these golden eagle men and threw it down to death.

Then the huge stones that these golden eagles dropped from the air even smashed the cavalry of the Toulon Empire.

The last 30,000 elites, even in front of the royal city, were all jade pieces, and did not cause any harm to the orcs at all.

Until now, the scene of the fierce battle, still dreaming back at midnight from time to time, would appear in her dreams.

And these golden eagles, in her dreams, are the kind of unrivaled existence.

But now these golden eagle men, in front of the King of the Great Qin Kingdom, are completely a group of chickens and dogs, let him slaughter wantonly, and there is no ability to resist at all.

Soon the Golden Eagles disappeared, and the sky above the Moon Dance Country Camp became the world of that monster.

He first whizzed and flew to a team that was slashing and killing in the middle of the camp, and the elephant commando hovered over it.

Then a series of rockets sprang out from under the monster's wings.

Suddenly, under the foot of the invincible half-orc commando team that the team had just attacked was a flame, explosions, screams, and smoke and dust from the explosion.

The human soldiers besieging the Orc commando were all standing on the spot.

Before they could react, the monster had already flew to the other side.

When they came back to their senses, they looked forward again.

The half-orcs who had just slashed in front of them had disappeared, leaving only a large hole on the ground.

There are also stumps and broken arms everywhere, and it is certain that those stumps and broken arms belong to those half-orcs.

Because of the sturdy arms and thighs, it looks like the elephant man and the lion man so quickly, these half-orc commandos were slaughtered?

Everyone feels that their brains are not enough, and Princess Carbin on the deck of Victory in the distance is even more blank.

Killed all those half-orcs in that simple way? Is this too simple?

At this time, the aerial monster had hovered the other way, killing the head of the Orc Commando in Sharjah Bar.

As before, it was another series of rocket attacks.

After the explosion, there was a big pit on the ground, and nothing was left besides the remains of the orcs.

The morale of the human soldiers who had been on the verge of collapse was even stronger at this time.

Although Sharjah, and Shagheri are dead, there are other generals.

Everyone knew the consequences if Wuzhizhou could not be held, so after someone first greeted them, these soldiers immediately rushed to the wall.

The more than 10,000 orcs who had just crossed the river had already begun to attack the wall.

The wall of this camp is made of wood, using towering trees tens of meters high.

The wall of the village is almost ten meters high, and sandbags are filled behind the wooden wall.

At the highest point of the wall, a five-meter-wide city wall was formed.

At this time, there were still many defenders standing on the wall, shooting arrows frantically at the orcs rushing forward.

Because they all knew that if these half-orcs rushed into the camp, they would all be dead.

But although these people are very tenacious in combat, the offensive of the orcs is crazy, and there is no unified command.

The defenders on the wall can only fight individually, and the group of defenders rushing to support at this time also boosted the morale of the soldiers who were in danger.

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