My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 892: Tiger into the flock

Xiao Feng extinguished the two orc commandos that bloomed in the center of the camp. After extinguishing the two groups of people, the army's mind in the human camp became much more stable.

Although both Sharjah Bar and Shagheri were dead, the soldiers did not immediately collapse.

The experience of fighting against half-orcs many times told them that if they ran away at this time, they would only die faster.

What's more, this Wuzhizhou Peninsula is so big, where can they go?

And once they got out of the city wall and entered the wild, they couldn't escape the chasing mode of half-orcs at all.

And in the wild, once they get into a field battle with the Orcs, without the support of the city wall, they have only a dead end.

Therefore, more people, at this time, under the call of the officer, took up their weapons, rushed directly to the wall, and began to fight the orcs that hit the city wall.

The half-orcs that rushed ashore were also very fierce offensive. According to the plan, they first wanted to establish a landing field on the south bank of the canal.

After waiting for the follow-up reinforcements to land ashore, they used this landing site as a starting base to attack the human camp.

But because of the emergence of the Victory, the canal bank has become a sea of ​​flames, and it is not a safe place within two kilometers.

The orc commander who landed also found that the back path was broken, and the reinforcements must have been unable to keep up.

Taking into account the supplies they carried with them when they set off, if they continue to wait on the shore, as long as the reinforcements cannot break through the blockade, there will be no food to eat.

Once the food is cut off, the appetite of their half-orcs will not last a few days.

Therefore, the commander bit his teeth, and the soldiers would start to charge hard.

In this human camp, they have also reconnaissance, and there are probably 100,000 human soldiers stationed there.

These human soldiers are different from the human soldiers at the beginning of the war. The human soldiers were defeated by them at the beginning of the war.

Coupled with successive failures, the morale of the human army is low. As long as they charge, the human race will disperse.

But now this situation won't happen again, because humans have been forced to the last step, and humans at this time are the last and most ferocious trapped beasts.

Behind them is the vast ocean, and on the island behind them are their family members. They have no retreat.

Human soldiers who dare to work hard are still very terrifying, so half-orcs have always been afraid of the humans in this camp before.

But at this time, they can't take care of it anymore, even if they pay more casualties, they will have to take this camp.

Soon, the two sides collided on the city wall.

The orcs are tall and strong, and occupy an absolute advantage on the battlefield of the cold weapon era.

But the human soldiers were also forced to retreat, and they greeted them with the same fearlessness. One was chopped off, and the second rushed forward.

After several consecutive rushes, these half-orcs also lost their positions, and soon someone was thrown down and then hacked to death by human soldiers.

At this time, the black shark piloted by Xiao Feng just adjusted its course and returned to the top of the city wall. Seeing these human soldiers who had never retreated half a step back, they couldn't help but feel admiration.

These soldiers are much better than the group of human soldiers he first met. Although their tactics are stupid, at least they are not afraid of death.

As soon as he pressed the joystick, the black shark rushed down with howling.

But only halfway down, his heart slammed, and suddenly pulled the joystick, the black shark rushed into the sky as soon as he raised his head.

It happened to pass by the stone bullets and the giant arrows whizzing from behind.

Xiao Feng circled the battlefield for a while, only then saw that it was in a bush a little farther in front of the wall.

There are dozens of python longbowmen, and brown bear grenadiers, who are **** the guy in their hands, aiming and shooting at him.

At this time, the black shark had already left the scope of their attack.

Those longbowmen and grenadiers could only yell at the sky while looking at the ground.

Xiao Feng turned the nose fiercely, then set the orc's launch position into the launching sight, and pressed the launch button fiercely.

The thirty-six-round rocket nest was shot out in an instant, and the sniper position of the half-orcs was smashed on the spot.

Xiao Feng fished the boat heading, turned around and rushed towards the wall.

At this time, the orcs had already set up a ladder in front of the wall, and kobolds and werewolves were constantly climbing up the ladder.

There are teams of pig heads and tauren behind, lined up in the army, ready to charge.

Xiao Feng drove the black shark and whizzed past these half-orcs, launching bullets and rockets into the half-orcs camp without interruption.

The dozen or so ladders on the city wall were interrupted on the spot, and hundreds of orcs screamed and fell to the ground from the air.

The half-orc heavy-armored infantry standing behind the ladder has become a living target. When a rocket nest is emptied, hundreds of heavy-armored infantry can be killed.

Xiao Feng swept back and forth in front of the city wall twice, and soon the orcs in front of the wall were swept away by him.

The morale of the defenders on the city wall was boosted, and people kept waving their weapons and cheering at the black shark.

The black shark had shot out all the ammunition, and Xiao Feng directly drove the black shark to a distant hill to stop.

After putting away the black shark, he released the T90, and then drove the T90, rushing all the way from the top of the mountain.

Princess Carbin on the Victory in the distance, now with her mouth widened and looking at the battlefield.

In previous letters to her, Kaila once described Xiao Feng's bravery and a series of miracles he created.

But she didn't believe it very much, because she felt that although the mages did have some strength, they were not so powerful that they could stand alone against half-orcs.

But now she believed it, Xiao Feng, the great mage, was different from any mage she had ever seen before!

It can even be said that it is much fiercer than those mages.

One person operating that magical machine ruled the sky on the battlefield and brought huge damage to the orcs.

The big camp that helped Moon Dance Nation quickly stabilized its position and interrupted the ferocious offensive momentum of the orcs.

But what made her puzzled was that the momentum was just right, but why did Xiao Feng's helicopter suddenly disappear?

Until she saw the helicopter disappeared behind the small mountain bag, suddenly rushed down a steel monster.

The half-beasts in front of the city wall were already very depressed, and they were only one step away from the collapse.

But the sudden disappearance of Xiao Feng and the helicopter caused their morale to rise again quickly.

Under the command of the Orc officer, they regrouped.

Although the ladder was blown off, for the half-orcs who are good at climbing, the wooden wall with wooden thorns everywhere is simply their playground.

Countless apes were tied with ropes, and they began to climb up the wall quickly, then tied the ropes to the wood on the wall, and then threw the ropes down, allowing more orcs to climb up.

The heavy-armored infantry also rushed to the door of the Zhaimen, and began to crash into the Zhaimen frantically.

The battlefield situation that had just stabilized was immediately plunged into a crisis.

But at this moment, from the right side of the battlefield, a steel monster suddenly rushed down.

After rushing to a place about 800 meters away from the battlefield, the black monster stopped.

Carbin on the Victory is full of question marks in his mind at this time. What is this?

She tightly held the telescope in her hand, and through the telescope she saw that it was a strange iron box.

On the top of the iron box is an inverted round basin, and a long iron pipe protrudes from the front of the round basin.

At this time the round basin was rotating, and the iron pipe was constantly adjusting its direction up and down.

Suddenly a flame of more than one meter long spouted from the front of the iron pipe, and under the city wall afterwards, there was a huge explosion sound at the camp of the orc heavy armored infantry who was violently hitting the city gate.

The fire was everywhere, and the twenty-odd orcs that could be seen in the camera just now, as well as their driving cars, all disappeared in an instant.

As if the consequences of being bombarded by the legendary sky thunder were exactly the same, those half-orcs were all killed.

Even after a while, Karbin still saw a few pig-headed arms and tauren thighs falling from mid-air through the telescope.

She couldn't help but shudder, what is that iron box?

Can it launch the magic weapon of the sky thunder?

And the sailors of the Great Qin Kingdom around her, at this time, looked like they were accustomed to.

Even when the iron box didn't fire a shot, they would burst into cheers.

It seems that they have long been accustomed to such situations.

Xiao Feng operated and kept aiming, but unfortunately he didn't bring Friday and other drivers over this time, so he could only operate the tank by himself.

So he drove the tank very close to the battlefield, stopped, then got into the turret and started firing.

Fortunately, there is an autoloader next to him, so he only needs to aim and launch.

With more than twenty shots fired in one breath, the front position of the Orcs finally couldn't be stretched.

These half-orcs have only heard of the name and legend of the Death God in Running City, but many of them have not had a hard time with the Death God in Running City.

But today they finally had the opportunity to taste the treatment their compatriots in the north had been treated. Coupled with the legendary legend that they had heard before, the front line of the orcs finally collapsed.

The uninterrupted ‘sky thunder bombing’ is simply torture for them.

Although they also found the tank in the distance, when they thought that the ferocious sky thunder was drawn by this iron box, none of them dared to rush towards this side.

After another group of heavy-armored infantry was destroyed by the T90 heavy artillery regiment, it was finally unknown who led the way, and these half-orcs began to collapse.

Seeing such a situation, Xiao Fengyou drilled from the turret and returned to the front cockpit. With a kick of the accelerator, T90 roared towards the orcs.

It's like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, no matter where he rushes, the orcs just disappear in a rush, no one dares to turn around and make the slightest resistance...

Seeing this situation, Princess Carbin on the Victory only felt a moment of dryness in her mouth. She turned and rushed to the messenger behind her and shouted: "Tell our people, get ready to land!"

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