In the early morning, the battlefield that had been fighting for the night finally calmed down, and the flames on the battlefield had gradually been extinguished.

There are still many wailing sounds on the battlefield, but soon there will be human soldiers walking by and killing the half-orcs who are not dead and clean.

Karbin, who hadn't slept all night, didn't feel tired, and even had a very, very good spirit.

At this time, she had come from the Victory to the camp of the people of Moon Dance.

The old king Sha Dingzhou just died, and the two princes Shagheri and Sharjah also fell last night.

There were not many choices left to the people of the Moon Dance Country, and a few of the more deadly nobles of the Moon Dance Country soon had their heads hung on the flagpole outside.

The rest of the people also understood the purpose of Carbin’s trip, and behind her, there was the unpredictable state of Qin who supported her. Soon the nobles of the Moon Dance Nation expressed their interest in The princess of the Lun Empire surrendered.

In fact, the remaining upper-class nobles of the Moon Dance Kingdom knew that the war had been fought.

If they want to continue to fight against the orcs, they must choose a leader.

But the line of the old king had already lost his blood, and he wanted to choose an heir from the other relatives who were related to the king. It seemed that time was too late.

And those relatives of the Sha family seem to have no outstanding talents?

In case if a mediocrity is selected, then at such a critical juncture, let the idiot lead everyone, wouldn't everyone be finished?

And your Sha family’s relatives are not few, but currently there is no one who is outstanding and can convince the crowd!

If you choose this one, you will definitely be dissatisfied with the other one. If you really choose one, it might lead to a civil war.

Even if the civil war does not break out, it will definitely fall into a long-term internal friction, and the current Moon Dance Country can't afford it at all!

Instead of that, it's better to elect the princess of the Toulon Empire as the top.

What's more, the female princess of the Toulon Empire, and the hero of the Great Qin Kingdom, last night turned the mansion in full swing!

Without them, everyone would not have the chance to sit here all-tailed today.

What the Lord of the Great Qin Kingdom meant was that everyone supported Karbin's supremacy.

And the nobles of the Moon Dance Nation, after thinking about it again and again, felt that this proposal was not bad.

It seems that Princess Carbin is indeed a very suitable choice.

First of all, she is a nobleman with noble blood, and the Toulon Empire from which she was born was a first-class hero on the road of Methodos!

Secondly, this is Princess Carbin, but he fought with the Orcs all the way, although the Toulon Empire was destroyed. ,

However, people can take tens of thousands of soldiers and soldiers all the way to the Moondance Country in the south by boat, and take the opportunity to grab an island, which shows their ability.

It's better than the less clever nephews of the Sha family.

So the morning meeting lasted less than an hour, and Princess Carbin was elected by the only remaining nobles and generals of Moondance Country as the new king of Moondance Country.

And she did not disappoint. After completing the king's enthronement ceremony hastily, she immediately issued a series of orders.

First send someone to count the number of people, renovate the camp, and count the losses.

At the same time, the cavalry in Dazhai was sent out to chase the orcs hiding in the surrounding bushes, and at the same time, they were sent out to the battlefield.

The canal waterway was cut off by the Victory and the Toulon Empire's navy, and the half-orcs on the opposite bank had been completely defeated by the Victory.

So there is no need to worry that they will cross the river and land, and those half-orcs who landed yesterday.

Before the big camp, after being broken by Xiao Feng, he escaped everywhere in the mountains and plains.

Although part of it was surrendered by the soldiers who landed later, Carbin estimated that there were still thousands of people hiding in the wilderness around the camp.

After the remnants of the orcs are cleared, they will retake the islands where the orcs leapfrogged under the cover of the Toulon Empire and the Victory.

In fact, there are not many orcs on the island, because they don’t have many boats.

The follow-up battle lasted for another two or three days. With the help of Xiao Feng and the Victory, Karbin completely controlled the Moon Dance Nation and stabilized the frontline battlefield.

The orcs on the other side of the canal, because of the existence of the Victory and Xiao Feng, retreated 30 kilometers all the way back, which gave them a huge buffer zone.

When she saw that the King of the Great Qin Kingdom had such great power in the hearts of the Orcs, Princess Carbin couldn't help but look at Xiao Feng even more.

On this day, after helping Karbin control the last offshore island on the left side of the canal, blocking the possibility of another leapfrog attack by the orcs in the future.

Xiao Feng finally bid farewell to Princess Carbin.

And Karbin's attitude towards Xiao Feng's imminent departure was also a bit vague.

In fact, her attitude towards Xiao Feng and Da Qin was very contradictory, especially after seeing Xiao Feng's abilities and the combat power of Victory.

Such a huge ship **** off the half-orcs, plus Xiao Feng, a magical mage with powerful mana.

If they take root here, it is estimated that in one or two years, her Princess Carbin will become a polished commander.

After all, in such troubled times, people naturally like to rely on stronger ethnic groups as their backers.

Therefore, for Carbin, who has always wanted to restore his past, Xiao Feng's existence is a threat.

So when he heard Xiao Feng was leaving, Carbin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will definitely fulfill our promise."

"Well, after a while, I will send a boat to pick up people."

Xiao Feng also nodded, he was not afraid that Karbin would regret it.

He has seen those islands, and the current development can't keep up with them, and there is no specific anti-malaria medicine.

With the technological level of human beings in this era, if you want to develop such a tropical island, you will surely suffer heavy casualties.

And if those islands cannot be developed, with the production capacity of these people, Karbin will not be able to feed those people.

So in the end she will definitely give up those people, and once these people are transported to the Penny Vera Peninsula, it will be different.

The Great Qin Kingdom can definitely be said to be the safest place in the alien world at present. If the population of 2 million is pulled down on that peninsula, you can immediately get the sound of cultivation.

With these people, Xiao Feng can build more ports and more cities.

Princess Karbin kept her promise very much. When Xiao Feng left the next day, she actually sent a fleet to go back with Xiao Feng and the others.

When Xiao Feng saw it, he knew Princess Carbin's intentions.

This fleet was composed of the navy of the original Moon Dance Kingdom, with more than 200 large and small ships.

At this time, the boat was full of food and all kinds of people.

Xiao Feng estimated that these people must be diehards who were unwilling to surrender to Karbin.

He asked people to count them. There were 20,000 of these people.

With so many people, he didn't plan to travel back along the coastline. The speed of walking like this was really too slow.

Although it straddles the ocean between the two continents, he doesn't know how wide the ocean is, but he still wants to try it.

There is no sextant to help identify the direction and identify the location. He intends to use the most primitive method to locate it manually.

He parasitized some seabirds with a king bee, and then let these seabirds find their way in the air.

In the form of relay, the five seabirds are connected in the air to locate, and when they are tired, they retreat to rest, and new seabirds replenished them.

Seabirds have special positioning systems in their heads. This is the main reason why they can always return to land even though they often fly around in the sea.

With these seabirds, they were constantly relaying their positioning in the air. Originally, it took more than 20 days to walk along the coastline. This time they crossed the ocean in only one week.

And with the positioning of these seabirds, they also avoided several major storms smoothly on the road.

Of course, Xiao Feng's Victory also played a vital role.

These Moon Dancers are the first people on the Methodox continent to eat the sea by the sea, so their shipbuilding skills are fairly good.

The ship is very sturdy, and under the power of the sail, the speed is also acceptable.

But it is still difficult to catch up with Xiao Feng’s Victory. Xiao Feng simply asked people to connect the boats in a line, using a chain link to drag the Victory in front, because They came back with a smooth wind, coupled with the drag of Victory.

Coupled with the fact that the captain of the Moondance Kingdom is pretty good at maneuvering the ship, they can finish such a long journey in one week.

However, several ships sank due to various accidents in the middle, and more than a thousand people died in the end.

The rest of the people followed Xiao Feng to the Twin Towers City smoothly.

Keira, Bi Luodis and the ministers were very happy about Xiao Feng's return. After all, this time was different from the past. Xiao Feng went to the south by sea.

Everyone knows the unpredictable weather at sea.

So seeing him come back, everyone naturally fell to the ground with a big rock in their hearts.

And the other happiest person was naturally Frammel. This time his brother Granger took the queen of Chuanwu and followed Xiao Feng all the way back to Great Qin.

After hundreds of years, the two brothers finally met again, but they were both overjoyed.

The first thing Xiao Feng explained after he returned was to ask Friday and Kyle to immediately summon hundreds of soldiers who had previously been disabled by the war.

Then let Grangel perform surgery on them, he wants to see if this Grangell really can perform regenerative surgery of the severed limb as he said.

And this Granger didn't really disappoint Xiao Feng, this guy actually brought a special boat, and the boat was full of various surgical consumables prepared by him.

He was using these consumables, and with the cooperation of his younger brother Flammel, he completed hundreds of severed limb regeneration surgeries.

With Xiao Feng's anti-inflammatory drugs, the success rate of these operations is as high as 100%...

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